How will they rule ??!

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The fantasies Democrats come up with are so stupid. The delusion that these pieces of shit live in is out of this world. Their hits on Kavanaugh sound like they watched a Lifetime movie.

It's the same way they do all of their other hoaxes. They're drawing swastikas all the time because they think Nazis are everywhere. It's total lunacy.
I think this is the last of the accusers. If there had been any sexual stuff with a minor going on, that would have been sniffed out and put front and center.
Maybe. But that would assume some kind of order to what they are doing - like being diligent in finding and investigating claims and assessing them as valid before making them public. I think it's a fire drill. I think - I know, we've seen it - they are just flooding relevant geographic areas with pleas to come forward if you have any kind of anti-Kavanaugh dirt. They get it, and they publish it asap - doesn't matter how loony the story is, they don't care. Clearly they are banking on people assuming that they can't all be lying.

Trump is an assault on America. Kavanaugh is likely an assault on America. Roe hangs in the balance. In light of that, lying cheating and stealing are all OK to prevent all that and to end the patriarchy.

That's the motivating spirit. They are lying, and they don't care.
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Probabaly one reason why everyone is going trans these days.

I bet trans can rape anybody and nobody would dare question them because that would be transist.

I was charged with assault 4 after an altercation with my ex wife based solely on what she told the cops. Once the county attorney heard my side of the story and listened to tapes of the 911 calls that were made, the charges were dismissed with prejudice. It cost me about $5k in attorney fees and the arrest record was out there for anyone to see. I had to go to my boss and explain what happened so as to not have him find out some other way.

I'm all for protecting women but it's way too one sided.
Time to fight fire with fire: Some male peer of BK from Georgetown Prep needs to come forward and assert that Christine Blasey Ford drunkenly attempted to take advantage of him, and that he has lived in trauma since.

You would never hear about it. Or even better. Ford trolls them and admits to it, but says she was so confused and traumatized by what Kavanaugh did to her. The media would then add the guy accusing Ford to the victim list of Kavanaugh.
Why not call the destruction of 'innocent until proven guilty' what it is: a form of war upon our heritage and the law. We overthrew a king to escape that shit.

No we didn't. English common law had innocent until proven guilty.

The sixth century Digest of Justinian (22.3.2) provides, as a general rule of evidence: Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat[1]—"Proof lies on him who asserts, not on him who denies".[2] It is there attributed to the second and third century jurist Paul. It was introduced in Roman criminal law by emperor Antoninus Pius.[3]

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe fell back on feudal law. This included some Germanic customs, including presumed guilt. The accused could prove his innocence by having, for example, twelve people swear that he could not have done what he was accused of. This tended to favor the nobility over the lower classes."[9]

We are back to Charlemagne.

The Roman Empire was ahead of where we are.

Many of our Senators are ancestrily Soviet Block and have no ties to the Roman Empire. You leftist can call me anything you like. You are bringing the third world to the United States.
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I think this is the last of the accusers. If there had been any sexual stuff with a minor going on, that would have been sniffed out and put front and center. They put their best accuser forward (which is saying very little for these accusations), then tried to bootstrap other accusers to create a "where there's smoke there's fire" smokescreen, with which they have sought to (a) sink BK's nomination, or barring that (b) bog down the proceedings, or barring that (c) make the GOP look bad for the mid-terms.

From the very beginning, when Feinstein sent Ford's letter to the FBI 2 weeks ago, this has been a deliberate and orchestrated attempt by the Dems to sink or at least delay the nomination. The accusations were rolled out after BK's hearings were over to exact maximum damage to the nominee while providing minimal opportunity (a) to actually investigate/verify/corroborate the stories and look into the backgrounds of the accusers and (b) for the nominee to respond.

See through #MeToo, If she's a deceiver, don't #IBelieveHer.

Yeah nice try - new one breaking now from 1998...

This is all coordinated - every 1-2 days until they get what they want. No matter how ridiculous. No matter how there are no witnesses, corroboration, etc.
Yeah nice try - new one breaking now from 1998...

This is all coordinated - every 1-2 days until they get what they want. No matter how ridiculous. No matter how there are no witnesses, corroboration, etc.
The newest "allegations" were made a letter authored by the MOTHER of a FRIEND of the alleged victim, who the mother says her daughter says "shoved her friend up against the wall very aggressively and sexually."

So I guess anonymous hearsay upon anonymous hearsay is now acceptable evidence with which to impugn and assassinate the character and integrity of a Supreme Court nominee.

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