How will they rule ??!

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I've often wondered if the next big attack would be a plane originating from the ME with communicable diseases on board. This is probably nothing, but it wouldn't surprise me.

I wondered if the quarantine wasn’t simply cover by the authorities.
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The MSM will be all over this.

Chuck Todd first and foremost.

Such a disgusting group. They have to operate in the dark.

- They pay for protests but pretend it's grassroots.
- They operate in a shadowy government with intel agencies spying on journalists and political enemies, funding bogus dossiers and withhold documents to back up claims.
- They used the iRS to target conservatives.
- They collude with MSM to determine coverage
- They collude with tech giants to silence conservatives on social media
- They stage protests/scenes for their cameras, hand out signs
- They coach witnesses (David Hogg), give answers to a focus group for the 2016 debate.
- CNN Interviewed their own cameraman to pretend to be a protester
- They don't want the voter rolls audited
- They don't want voter ID

You could not be a bigger POS than what the left is.
Not a peep here about Woodward's book?

This is a goddamned circle jerk. Keep beating each other's dicks here, boys. Carry on.
Such a disgusting group. They have to operate in the dark.

- They pay for protests but pretend it's grassroots.
- They operate in a shadowy government with intel agencies spying on journalists and political enemies, funding bogus dossiers and withhold documents to back up claims.
- They used the iRS to target conservatives.
- They collude with MSM to determine coverage
- They collude with tech giants to silence conservatives on social media
- They stage protests/scenes for their cameras, hand out signs
- They coach witnesses (David Hogg), give answers to a focus group for the 2016 debate.
- CNN Interviewed their own cameraman to pretend to be a protester
- They don't want the voter rolls audited
- They don't want voter ID

You could not be a bigger POS than what the left is.

At this point I have no idea why anyone would watch any MSM outlet and expect not to be spoon fed exactly what said outlet thinks you want to hear. CNN is a disaster. MSNBC has been a disaster for as long as I can remember. You can get more actual news by selectively reading through this thread for 30 minutes than you can viewing 4 hours of primetime coverage on any of the big news networks.
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Not a peep here about Woodward's book?

This is a goddamned circle jerk. Keep beating each other's dicks here, boys. Carry on.

Like I said earlier, the book (and any book about a President) is worthless to me. That phone call was awesome though.

If anyone out there thinks they can't strike it rich because they aren't smart enough, listening to that should allay any fears - granted, the $10mm in seed money from his dad certainly helped, but how he built that up to a couple billion or so is pretty impressive. I can only assume it's because he has hired good people who have given him mostly sound advice.

That said, it's hard to argue with results. The country is unequivocally in better shape than it was 2 years ago. So, his verbal awkwardness and hilarity notwithstanding, he is doing some (and probably most) things right.
They are employing black players who have taken a knee and made statements just like CK every Sunday. If they are colluding against him what is their agenda? It isn't race or that he took a knee.

Kap is the face of a movement that caused trouble for the owners.
Life has taught me that race can't be ruled out.
Owners are people...some are/were offended he took a knee.
As Bill D stated above...would be a huge distraction, and coaches don';t want distractions.
Kap is the face of a movement that caused trouble for the owners.
Life has taught me that race can't be ruled out.
Owners are people...some are/were offended he took a knee.
As Bill D stated above...would be a huge distraction, and coaches don';t want distractions.

And that's their decision and also a case by case situation. Chris Johnson, stand-in owner for the New York Jets, is very liberal. Yet, he passed on Kap despite having to deal with AWFUL QBs like Hackenberg and Petty. Kap is better than both.. but was that much better that him being added to the team didn't cause distraction? Probably not.

Not sure how any of this was collusion. I'm picturing 30 owners gathered in a war room all discussing how they can't have CK on ANY team lol.

You don't need to collude if everyone feels the same way.
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Not a peep here about Woodward's book?

This is a goddamned circle jerk. Keep beating each other's dicks here, boys. Carry on.

Oh, another Fire and Fury and Omarosa book? You boys might eat that shit up as it titalates your taint. But writing a book of anonymous sources is just like an Ed Klein book.

The gift that keeps on giving...

Yesterday it was asked if people secretly thought Trump was terrible but were too invested to admit it. This right here is why Im happy I was wrong about Trump and that he won.

Now a question for the left on here. Are you really still on board with the democratic party when Hillary Clinton (not some fringe far lefty blogger) is complaining about a judge not siding with having the government pay for an abortion for an illegal alien and calling it a right?

Are there people on left on here that just believe in bigger government and a bigger social net (I disagree with that but respect that opinion) and feel like the Democratic party have left you behind with these extreme far left views and policies? Or are you too invested in your side to admit that?
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Good god, 15-21 Supreme Court Justices would be a nightmare. And once you add justices or change the makeup of the court once...the other side will try to add more when it gets in power, it would start a process of continually trying to tinker with the court or pack the court for political purposes. Our system isn’t perfect but it is about as perfect as we can make it. The problem with making changes to some very fundamental institutions is...politicians of both parties will constantly be engaged in re-writing the rules.
There's nothing sacred about 9. It started at 6 and has been as high as 10. More justices make 1 vote less important. I like that. My proposal made it clear the POTUS at the time the law was passed wouldn't nominate the increased number.
Oh, another Fire and Fury and Omarosa book? You boys might eat that shit up as it titalates your taint. But writing a book of anonymous sources is just like an Ed Klein book.

The fact that you think this is another "Fire and Fury" or Omarosa book proves all I need to know about your intelligence on the matter. This is Bob fuhking Woodward. 2 Pulitzer Prizes and took down Nixon. The most respected White House journalist, on both sides, ever. And even your own President once thought this.

And here's an interesting tweet from 2013...

Fuhking hypocrite.
The fact that you think this is another "Fire and Fury" or Omarosa book proves all I need to know about your intelligence on the matter. This is Bob fuhking Woodward. 2 Pulitzer Prizes and took down Nixon. The most respected White House journalist, on both sides, ever. And even your own President once thought this.

And here's an interesting tweet from 2013...

Fuhking hypocrite.

I’m a hypocrite because of what Trump said? Lol. Woodward and Bernstein haven’t done shit in decades. Come at me with actual evidence and not hearsay. A number of people have already denied these alleged quotes.

So many of you eat up shit as if someone’s an authority on a matter. “Oh, Woodward said it.” That would mean something in 1972. Doesn’t mean a damn thing to me on this. And you want to throw stones, cocksucker? Where are you jerk offs on Fusion/FBI/DNC BS? Where were you when our media was exposed as Democrat puppets which all of you scumbags refused to read.
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As white people we absolutely know best about issues facing other races. Let's talk about this more with all our first-hand experience in the matter.

This is uneducated and seriously lacking any thought process whatsoever.

If different races of people cannot comment on racial issues, then we move nowhere. Do you just want the entire country to sit back and listen, and give in to every demand because there's a segment of a certain racial group that wants something and only the same color can respond? Great country you're forming.

Some of you don't even realize you are creating a segregated society all over again. But hey, you're white, slow, and easily brainwashed by corporatist parties. They handed you a mantle to play savior of the other guys, which gives you a false sense of accomplishment inside of your soft bigotry. Gonna be hard to pull some of you into reality.
The fact that you think this is another "Fire and Fury" or Omarosa book proves all I need to know about your intelligence on the matter. This is Bob fuhking Woodward. 2 Pulitzer Prizes and took down Nixon. The most respected White House journalist, on both sides, ever. And even your own President once thought this.

And here's an interesting tweet from 2013...

Fuhking hypocrite.

He’s your President too.

Nixon was 45 years ago, has zero to do with today other than the author. The left has been trying to connect Trump and Nixon since the election, when he fired Yates it’s was the second Saturday night massacre and this is only a continuation.
Bernstein has said every GD thing Trump has done is an impeachable act, every chance he gets.
These two are nothing more than props being used to push that narrative at this point.

The previous admin undermined and tried to damage an incoming President, why haven’t either of these Pulitzer Prize winners reported that? Because reporting on Dem scandals don’t win Pulitzer’s or give you 50 year careers.

That is a sweet arrowhead in your pic.
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..This is Bob fuhking Woodward. 2 Pulitzer Prizes and took down Nixon. The most respected White House journalist, on both sides, ever. And even your own President once thought this.
Well. Isn't this ironic. So we're back to where liberals are lionizing Bob Woodward are we? Cause when he wrote the 4 books about the Bush White House, when it came to his reporting on the Plame affair and the Iraq War, when he started routinely appearing on Fox News, when he wrote The Price of guys had no use for him at all. It's kind of dizzying watching all this hagiography/demonization/hagiography of Bob Woodward. Not quite to the whiplash-inducing levels of Jim Comey. Same ballpark, though.

On a related note, the left are more likely to be mentally ill.

Political conservatism has been associated with dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity or uncertainty, a personal need to achieve order, desire for structure and closure, integrative complexity, and fear of threat or loss. It has also been suggested that conservatism should be associated with high levels of anxiety, a major component of the personality trait Neuroticism. Intriguingly, the empirical link between ideology and Neuroticism suggests the relationship is actually between certain facets of liberalism and Neuroticism.

On the graph below, we see the major depression breakdown for the Very Conservative (VC), Conservative (C), Liberal (L), and Very Liberal (VL) cohorts.


Below, we see the rates of bipolar depression among our political cohorts. Again, we see elevations in the Very Liberals and Liberals, especially the females. Out of the 50 Very Conservative females that responded to our survey, none reported bipolar depression.


And in another research paper,
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Tweet of the day here.

I think it's perfectly fine to acknowledge that Trump is a train wreck on social media and in interviews while at the same time admitting that his first 20 months in office couldn't really have gone much better than they have. The 2 aren't joined at the hip.
I love not having to worry about the circus on the media and coast to 4. % gdp something idiot obama said wasn’t possible but yeah trump is the crazy one haha
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