How will they rule ??!

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dont you dimbwits look like fools now that its confirmed he worked for a republican political family. GOP got blood on their hands! always a bunch of loud mouth hypocrites
Hey moron. We know some businesses that lean Republican, probably employ illegals. Businesses are going to use the cheapest labor possible. However, it's the lib/dim Democrats that are blocking the wall. That want to abolish ICE. That support sanctuary cities. So screw you you lib/dim moron.
Who Owns the US National Debt?

Graphic for next time this argument arises.

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dont you dimbwits look like fools now that its confirmed he worked for a republican political family. GOP got blood on their hands! always a bunch of loud mouth hypocrites
Of course Reps hire them too. A certain segment loves cheap labor. I'm almost positive though that everyone here has no problem with Trump going after the people who hire them regardless of political party. Be much tougher on the businesses and illegals wont have as much incentive to come.

But don't try to twist it. Cheap labor or not majority of Reps still want the border secure. Dems are the party where the majority wants open borders and to abolish ICE. No one could hire them if Dems didn't put down a welcome mat to flood the country.
Of course Reps hire them too. A certain segment loves cheap labor. I'm almost positive though that everyone here has no problem with Trump going after the people who hire them regardless of political party. Be much tougher on the businesses and illegals wont have as much incentive to come.

But don't try to twist it. Cheap labor or not majority of Reps still want the border secure. Dems are the party where the majority wants open borders and to abolish ICE. No one could hire them if Dems didn't put down a welcome mat to flood the country.
Ya its the DEMs fault all those republican plantations hire illegals now instead of using slaves. Just like its the DEM's faults Trump only hires immigrants to staff his hotels & golf courses. Why would you pay Americans a decent wage to do work when you can pay immigrants pocket change! If you can't stick to your convictions because it will cost you money then your just full of shit.
Ya its the DEMs fault all those republican plantations hire illegals now instead of using slaves. Just like its the DEM's faults Trump only hires immigrants to staff his hotels & golf courses. Why would you pay Americans a decent wage to do work when you can pay immigrants pocket change! If you can't stick to your convictions because it will cost you money then your just full of shit.
Ya its the DEMs fault all those republican plantations hire illegals

Yeah it is. They're the majority that wants open borders. Can't blame others for taking advantage of it too. I firmly want a crackdown on people who hire them. Since your so mad about it maybe we can join together and protest both parties to build the wall, secure the border, end sanctuary cities, strict nationwide everify, boost in ICE numbers, boost in border patrol numbers and put an end to it all. The president is behind us 100%.

With that said now why don't you tell the whole story instead of the part that supports your narrative. Tell how the guy didn't know he was illegal because he ran him through everify and he checked out. Tell who was the president and which party had control of the agencies responsible for conducting the background check and making sure guys like this didn't slip through the cracks.
So Democrats want to flood the country with illegals, but get upset when productive Republican business owners hire them?

Would they prefer the illegal aliens be forced to beg for supper?

Yes. Yes they would. Because keeping people as poor, worthless, uneducated parasites means they are life long Democrats.
He was lobbying for Ukraine not Russia. This talking point that Manafort was helping or friendly to Russia is fantasy. All of his lobbying work for Ukraine was in direct conflict with what Russia wanted. He even started a program to try to get Ukraine into NATO.

Don't rain on Platinumdragqueen's parade. The stock market is down a little bit today so he and fuzz/rq are on top of the world.
Blacks will burn down a city for someone like Michael Brown but don’t bat an eye when blacks kill cops or if someone non black dies.
Then when they torch the city they wonder why people and businesses don’t invest in where they live. Cvs did and they stole the drugs before torching it. The problem with black culture is black culture
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God you idiots sound like Trump.
"It's ok Republicans break the law and hire so many illegals, the Dems made them do it!"
"It's ok Manafort is a lowlife POS, Gates made him do it!"
"IT's ok Trump was a lowlife POS, Cohen made him do it!"
"It's ok Republicans break the law and hire so many illegals, the Dems made them do it!"

Like I said if youre so pissed then try convincing those in your party to secure the border or vote rep so trump can do it because that's the only way it gets done.

You can't sit here with a straight and be pretend to be outraged by illegal immigration but then vote dem.
He didn't try to influence an election. He paid off the women to avoid embarrassment and a costly divorce. He would have done it even if he wasn't running for office. Thus no crime. I believe that Trump has a history of paying off women which predates the election. That will prove that he would have paid them off with or without an election.
When you are running for office the rules change. Gotta straighten up and fly right.
It really is unbelievable what's happening right now.

Career Bureaucrat raids the President of the United States attorney's office. Clinton's lawyer sweeps in to convince the POTUS' lawyer things will all be better if he just gives dirt on the POTUS. Concurrently, Clinton's lawyer establishes a "Truth Fund" whereby the POTUS's ex-lawyer can get his first taste of the financial gain lying about the POTUS will bring him.

And the left sees nothing wrong with this.

This is so unbelievably blatantly corrupt it's hard to even comprehend. That piece of shit worthless cuck Jeff Sessions is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country for allowing this to continue.
When you are running for office the rules change. Gotta straighten up and fly right.

An NDA isn’t illegal, and he didn’t use campaign funds, so that part isn’t illegal either.

The prosecutors know this, every bit of Cohens plea deal hinges on him pleading to that. That’s all the prosecutors wanted.
They can’t prove it in court, because it isn’t a crime, but throw in fraud charges with years of jail time that go away if Cohen pleads to something that isn’t a crime, and bingo, you have a crisis.
It really is unbelievable what's happening right now.

Career Bureaucrat raids the President of the United States attorney's office. Clinton's lawyer sweeps in to convince the POTUS' lawyer things will all be better if he just gives dirt on the POTUS. Concurrently, Clinton's lawyer establishes a "Truth Fund" whereby the POTUS's ex-lawyer can get his first taste of the financial gain lying about the POTUS will bring him.

And the left sees nothing wrong with this.

This is so unbelievably blatantly corrupt it's hard to even comprehend. That piece of shit worthless cuck Jeff Sessions is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country for allowing this to continue.

It’s unbelievable, this is to the point of absurdity.
Feel very sorry for the Trump supporters chanting lock her up. They don't really inhabit the same reality anymore. Hopefully after his cult of personality dies down, many of his supporters will be able to stop the mental gymnastics.
Manafort is facing 80 years for bank fraud. What is the difference here?

Imran Awan Gets No Jail Time For Bank Fraud

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:08 AM PT — Tues. August 21, 2018

Embattled former Democrat IT aide Imran Awan gets no jail time in connection with federal bank fraud charges.

Instead, a D.C. judge sentenced the 38-year-old to timed served plus three-months supervised release.
Sounds like republicans went easy on him for lying on his home loan application.
Feel very sorry for the Trump supporters chanting lock her up. They don't really inhabit the same reality anymore. Hopefully after his cult of personality dies down, many of his supporters will be able to stop the mental gymnastics.
Do they work for a living? All of the Trumppets here have been ranting all morning and don't appear to be employed by those millions of new Trump jobs.
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On July 2, 2018, Michael Cohen declared his independence from Donald Trump and his commitment to tell the truth.

On August 21, Michael Cohen made the decision to take legal responsibility and to continue his commitment to tell the truth.

Michael decided to put his family and his country first. Now Michael needs your financial help -- to pay his legal fees.

The Michael Cohen Truth Fund is a transparent trust account, with all donations going to help Michael Cohen and his family as he goes forward on his journey to tell the truth about Donald Trump.

For the low, low price of $500,000 this witness will say whatever you want him to say about Donald Trump under oath. How is our Justice Department letting this happen?
On July 2, 2018, Michael Cohen declared his independence from Donald Trump and his commitment to tell the truth.

On August 21, Michael Cohen made the decision to take legal responsibility and to continue his commitment to tell the truth.

Michael decided to put his family and his country first. Now Michael needs your financial help -- to pay his legal fees.

The Michael Cohen Truth Fund is a transparent trust account, with all donations going to help Michael Cohen and his family as he goes forward on his journey to tell the truth about Donald Trump.

For the low, low price of $500,000 this witness will say whatever you want him to say about Donald Trump under oath. How is our Justice Department letting this happen?
Do you live in the SDNY?
Can one of the "moderate dems" or "former republican turned unhinged leftist lunatic" please help me with this logic:

If Putin wanted so badly for Trump to win - and Trump was colluding with Putin/Russia - then why was Russia/Putin working with Hillary and her proxies to develop a fake, damning dossier meant to derail Trump's Presidency?

Guarantee not one single dem or former republican turned unhinged lunatic can or will attempt an answer.
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On July 2, 2018, Michael Cohen declared his independence from Donald Trump and his commitment to tell the truth.

On August 21, Michael Cohen made the decision to take legal responsibility and to continue his commitment to tell the truth.

Michael decided to put his family and his country first. Now Michael needs your financial help -- to pay his legal fees.

The Michael Cohen Truth Fund is a transparent trust account, with all donations going to help Michael Cohen and his family as he goes forward on his journey to tell the truth about Donald Trump.

For the low, low price of $500,000 this witness will say whatever you want him to say about Donald Trump under oath. How is our Justice Department letting this happen?

You don’t understand Cosby, we’re doing mental gymnastics, all this is perfectly normal. SMH
When you are running for office the rules change. Gotta straighten up and fly right.

You are just plain wrong on the law. Trump paying hush money to a mistress is not a crime. He will never be convicted over this. Sorry to burst your bubble. Keep trying.

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