How will they rule ??!

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If you need a recap of the left for the past month, here’s some CliffsNotes off the top of my head
- Defended James Gunn’s pedophilia tweets
- Defended Sarah Jeong’s racist tweets
- Bullied Newseum to take down a “Fake News” shirt.
- Pushed to ban conservative voices online while also talking about “free press.”
- Want giant tech companies to control info
- Side with Antifa
- Tried to bury Keith Ellison accusations
- Would not properly cover the Muslim New Mexico compound training school shooters
- Tried to dox jurors in the Manafort trial before a verdict
- Went nuts over two corrupt losers not having security clearance anymore in Peter Strzok and John Brennan and then created Go Fund Me pages for them.
- And though it’s a distant version of the other examples above, a leftist is once again going after a Christian baker and trying to get him to make a trans cane and a pic of Satan performing sex acts.
- Cuomo saying America was never great.
- Hillary celebrating kneeling for the anthem. Lol

These are just some of the highlights of how crazy they are.
Is Harvey Weinstein in jail? Asking for local teens who want to go to Hollywood.
Exactly. The media spent months telling everyone that Papadopoulos was snitching on Trump, even wore a wire. He was the one guaranteed to bring Trump down. Problem is, the indictment was made public yesterday and it's now clear that it was all a lie.

Now this story gives them another snitch to fearmonger about. Screw that what they've been telling you for months was all a lie, this time, yes, this time it's true. McGahn is the snitch. He's the key and he's spilling his guts to Mueller. It's only a matter of time before Mueller closes in on Trump.

What's funny about all of this is, yes, Papadopoulos and McGahn both cooperated with Mueller, along with dozens of other witnesses and millions of documents turned over, yet here we are - Papadopoulos is facing 30 days in jail, Trump isn't a criminal target in the investigation and not a single American is accused of working with the Russians.

There comes a point in time when people are going to realize that if all of these people are cooperating with Mueller, and Mueller still has nothing on Trump or collusion/obstruction in general, then maybe there actually wasn't any collusion and/or obstruction.
After the November elections it will taper off for awhile because even the left realizes it is starting to wear thin with those on the fence.
Truth is truth no matter how inane and ridiculous you try to make it look.

They only like facts that fit the agenda. I could point out that most serial killers and pedophiles are middle aged white men and there won’t be an issue with that statement of fact.

Then you point out the disproportionate crime rate in the black community or the fact that an illegal is breaking the law by entering the country the, well illegal way, and suddenly they’re foaming at the mouth and you’re a racist.
yea, the judge having fun putting on a show was the important part. not the dozens of emails of Manafort knowingly and willfully committing numerous crimes. ....

Could you imagine if a white conservative talked to a black liberal that way. Haha

‘Get Out!’ I like how he does the ‘get out’ hand motion as well as he yells it. Phil Mudd looks/sounds completely unhinged
Mudd was saying the word "shithole" on live TV a few months ago. He is definitely a nutjob. Trump should take his security clearance away assuming he has it.
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So the average loss of seats in a midterm election for the President’s party, modern history, is around 25 seats. Obama lost 63 in his first midterm. So if the Rs lose 25 or 30, you think the prevailing media narrative will be “no big deal, just an average result”? Heh......
Check out @PeterSweden7’s Tweet:
Where you guys freaking out for 50 years when South Africa had apartheid and Whites stole all the valuable land and brutally murdered 100's of thousands? Payback is a bitch. Maybe one day people in power will learn to respect the people under them because eventually they lose that power and the tides turn against them.
So the average loss of seats in a midterm election for the President’s party, modern history, is around 25 seats. Obama lost 63 in his first midterm. So if the Rs lose 25 or 30, you think the prevailing media narrative will be “no big deal, just an average result”? Heh......
All I can say is...everyone in this thread that is registered to vote damn well better vote this November. I hate most republicans but we just can not let the dems win. Makes me sick just thinking about Pelosi having the gavel again. This country is so beyond f****d if the abolish ICE crazies get power.
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Where you guys freaking out for 50 years when South Africa had apartheid and Whites stole all the valuable land and brutally murdered 100's of thousands? Payback is a bitch. Maybe one day people in power will learn to respect the people under them because eventually they lose that power and the tides turn against them.
What a dumbass take. I guess you'd be ok if Indians came, killed your family and stole your house for our past sins? GFY a$$hole!
Maybe one day people in power will learn to respect the people under them because eventually they lose that power and the tides turn against them.

Yet here you are every day openly rooting for a coup and bitching about Brennan losing his security clearance for his open treason. Maybe the Obama administration should have dialed back on their obscene abuses of power a bit, and your gal Hilary would be in office right now abusing that power. Too bad they overstepped.
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Where you guys freaking out for 50 years

Mostly not being alive.

Also, there was a massive disinvestment from South Africa for that very purpose. Did you honestly not know about that or did just try to ignore it because it makes your assertion that the world looked the other way during apartheid look silly?

And finally, murdering people as retribution for previous violence seems like a great idea for an African country to undertake. I wonder if there are any historical examples of this we can look at?!?! I'm sure it's always gone well and ended with higher standards of living and more equitable systems for all! Just kill whitey and South Africa will be absolutely crushing it in no time!
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Mostly not being alive.

Also, there was a massive disinvestment from South Africa for that very purpose. Did you honestly not know about that or did just try to ignore it because it makes your assertion that the world looked the other way during apartheid look silly?

And finally, murdering people as retribution for previous violence seems like a great idea for an African country to undertake. I wonder if there are any historical examples of this we can look at?!?! I'm sure it's always gone well and ended with higher standards of living and more equitable systems for all! Just kill whitey and South Africa will be absolutely crushing it in no time!
The black farmers have already been asking whitey to help them with their new farms because they had no idea how to farm.:weary: