How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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What a dumbass take. I guess you'd be ok if Indians came, killed your family and stole your house for our past sins? GFY a$$hole!
We massacred the indians 300 years ago. apartheid was 10 years ago. It takes a lot longer than 1 decade for a population to forgive past sins of genocide and land theft. Most of the people in power now were persecuted under apartheid. If the indians had taken power 10 years after their genocide there probably wouldn't be any whiteys left in North America. You can try to paint it as past sins that should be forgiven but humans don't work like that. They hold grudges for generations and they get revenge.
We massacred the indians 300 years ago. apartheid was 10 years ago. It takes a lot longer than 1 decade for a population to forgive past sins of genocide and land theft. Most of the people in power now were persecuted under apartheid. If the indians had taken power 10 years after their genocide there probably wouldn't be any whiteys left in North America. You can try to paint it as past sins that should be forgiven but humans don't work like that. They hold grudges for generations and they get revenge.

The left has lost it. Absolute lunatics.
Generally I ignore the random tweets people post on here from the lefties advocating for a white genocide as just being random lefty lunatics. But goodness, it's a different story when posters are actually advocating for the violent confiscation of property from white people simply based on the color of their skin.
We massacred the indians 300 years ago. apartheid was 10 years ago. It takes a lot longer than 1 decade for a population to forgive past sins of genocide and land theft. Most of the people in power now were persecuted under apartheid. If the indians had taken power 10 years after their genocide there probably wouldn't be any whiteys left in North America. You can try to paint it as past sins that should be forgiven but humans don't work like that. They hold grudges for generations and they get revenge.

boo effin hoo. I don't care.
We massacred the indians 300 years ago. apartheid was 10 years ago. It takes a lot longer than 1 decade for a population to forgive past sins of genocide and land theft. Most of the people in power now were persecuted under apartheid. If the indians had taken power 10 years after their genocide there probably wouldn't be any whiteys left in North America. You can try to paint it as past sins that should be forgiven but humans don't work like that. They hold grudges for generations and they get reven
The Powhatan grabbed any tools or weapons available and killed all English settlers they found, including men, women, and children of all ages. Chief Opechancanough led a coordinated series of surprise attacks by the Powhatan Confederacy that killed 347 people, a quarter of the English population of the Virginia colony.
So you'll believe to your grave that Trump is guilty of something until he proves his innocence? Innocence of what? And how do you prove innocence when no matter what you say & show someone comes up with a another cockamamie theory of what he might/likely have done that you'll suspect is true? BTW, proving innocence has never been a USA constitutional requirement.
That was a response to that guy suggesting it proves his innocence.
From Wikipedia

As a Federal Judge:

In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case. In 1983, he was acquitted by a jury after his alleged co-conspirator, William Borders, refused to testify in court, resulting in a jail sentence for Borders.[4]

In 1988, the Democratic-controlled United States House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413–3.
You can try to paint it as past sins that should be forgiven but humans don't work like that. They hold grudges for generations and they get revenge.

Sooner or later some big city or even state is gonna accept sharia law and kill the piss out of whitey. The liberal transgender homos will be the first to go and they will be so confused that their black Muslim brothers and sisters are chopping their lil white heads off.

“But I love you my n-word! I tuck my penis and worship allah out of respect and love for my fellow n-words, knowmsaying???”
Your life must be miserable hating 70+% of people.
I'm talking about GOP politicians. Most of them do suck and suck badly. But they are still a hell of a lot better than insane democrats. Not really sure what you meant by 70%.
I'm talking about GOP politicians. Most of them do suck and suck badly. But they are still a hell of a lot better than insane democrats. Not really sure what you meant by 70%.
30% are independents. You failed to mentions "politicians".
Great read:

"The Untouchables vs. The Deplorables"

Pretty well explains it all.

"neglected voters overwhelmingly favored Donald Trump above any other candidate: “Voters who agreed with the statement ‘people like me don’t have any say about what the government does’ were 86.5 percent more likely to prefer Trump. This feeling of powerlessness and voicelessness was a much better predictor of Trump support than age, race, college attainment, [or] income"

"Trump is a one-man battering ram against a powerful political apparatus—The Untouchables—that ruefully stacks the deck against the very people it purports to understand and protect."

"After years of fluffing for Barack Obama, The Untouchables in the media now expect us to defend their biased coverage; relentless attacks on the president, his administration, his family, his voters, and basically every Republican except Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake of Arizona; and cover-up of the unraveling Spygate scandal."

"The media can’t answer legitimate criticism because they have long been in The Untouchables group, self-proclaimed warriors of the truth regardless of how untruthful they actually are. In their desire for self-efficacy, reporters have compared themselves to first responders and combat veterans. The real-life woes of The Deplorables is ignored—even mocked—as journalists preen about their moral superiority. But Trump has exposed their duplicity and their arrogance; it’s making them nuts."

"Trump’s one-man crusade against The Untouchables is working. Regular Americans see this crowd’s shameless sense of entitlement and their resentment for anyone outside their circle. Their hatred for Trump is just an extension of their hatred for those he is defending."
All Republicans - as you wrote.
Umm no. If I hated all republicans I wouldn't be posting in this thread. Sheesh lol. I usually enjoy your posts but you're acting like a lib and taking me out of context for no reason. I was clearly talking about P-O-L-I-T-I-C-I-A-N-S. There I spelled it out for you. Hope that helps.