How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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[laughing] Levi getting his musical-political inspiration from a bunch of hosers. We sure JohnKBA hasn't stolen his catpause identity?
Have not listened to any. Musicians and entertainers in every venue know absolutely nothing about politics. They are like blws and his booty buddie Levi, heavy into partying and light on intelligence.

How Trump Could Be Like Reagan

Just as Ronald Reagan once pushed for abolishing nuclear weapons, President Trump should call for ending tariffs.
US-China trade war hits Asian stock markets again

European Economy Feels Strain From Trump’s
Trade War

In U.S., Trump's China Trade War Has Few Casualties
It’s not easy finding someone struggling because of the China trade war here at home.
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Welp, there goes my chances of fuzz taking me up on my offer to crowdfund his liberal bike evangelism across the ME.
Saying it doesn't run downtown is splitting hairs.
Ehh, it's outside the beltway of the city. If there's even a little bit of traffic it's definitely more than 5 minutes.

I like Lexington, but the streets are laid out terribly and not having an interstate downtown definitely hurts.
The Atlantic a while back fired a conservative writer it just hired for something controversial once said.

The New York Times hired and defended a liberal who hates a whole race of people.

There are examples of the double standard daily. That b-tch should go live a year wherever her ancestors were from...she wouldn’t admit it but she would be dying to get back to the country white men created.
The Atlantic a while back fired a conservative writer it just hired for something controversial once said.

The New York Times hired and defended a liberal who hates a whole race of people.

There are examples of the double standard daily. That b-tch should go live a year wherever her ancestors were from...she wouldn’t admit it but she would be dying to get back to the country white men created.

Just a few months the NYT fired a girl they just hired because of a tweet where she said she was an old friend of someone who was associated with the alt-right. Although, in her tweet she also made it very clear that she thought he was a terrible person. Didn't matter. The leftist mob was out for blood and they caved.

After Storm Over Tweets, The Times and a New Hire Part Ways

On Tuesday afternoon, The New York Times announced that it had hired Quinn Norton, a journalist and an essayist known for her work at Wired magazine, as the editorial board’s lead opinion writer on technology.

On Tuesday evening, Ms. Norton said in a Twitter post that she would no longer be joining The Times.

Between the two statements, a social media storm had erupted, with Ms. Norton at the center of it, because of her friendship with Andrew Auernheimer, who gained infamy as an internet troll going by the name “weev.”

The Twitter campaign against Ms. Norton focused on a tweet from October in which she said that “weev is a terrible person, & an old friend of mine.”

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Every other western country with universal healthcare spends less than us and gets better health outcomes. It is basically the same idea that we do now, just skipping the middleman of insurance companies. Instead of companies getting discounts on insurance by bringing lots of customers to insurance companies, the government can obtain incredible rates for healthcare service by bringing 300 million customers to the table. Ultimately it is better bargaining power for us as citizens.

this statement alone moves you up or near the top of the leaderboard for dumbest posters on the site.

I had colon cancer at 38. throughout the entire process from finally figuring out what was wrong with me, diagnosis and then surgery and treatment, I dealt with a lot of people obviously in the medical field. met several people who had once worked in Canada or had family members who currently work in medicine there. the stories they told me were downright scary. essentially giving my age and family history, it would have taken me anywhere from 6 months to a year to get approved to see a specialist in Canada under their fairy tale healthcare system. so essentially my cancer would have spread into stage 4 at that point and I would be dead had I lived in Canada. these people, some nurses and some technicians have fled there for better jobs here. the hospitals were run down, the equipment was usually old and often "hand me downs" refurbished and outdated equipment from the U.S. people sit in clinics on the floor lined up in hallways for hours and even days to get seen. you wait on the government to decide when and if you are eligible for treatment.

you sir know nothing on this matter. I just lived it. thank God for this country and our private system is beyond light years better than govt ran healthcare. I can tell you this because I am still alive, I survived cancer and I did so because I did not live in Canada.
Acosta was heckled (big f***ing deal) and has been whining for days, trying to play the victim, even going as far as to say he felt he was in danger. About that...

The imaginary violence against the news media

Imagine journalists being subjected to the BS they do to others. They cry like crazy. You think they could handle one percent of what Trump gets?

Who's safer? A conservative in a crowd of leftists? Or a leftist in a crowd of conservatives?

The only people against this are people who have bad intentions. There's zero reasonable argument to not have voter ID. ZERO! Don't try to BS me that some minorities can't be bothered to go get a voter ID because it's too expensive or too hard to get to the DMV. Have the same expectations for everyone because it's a ridiculous claim.

The idea that someone is motivated enough to go vote but not motivated enough to go get an ID is absurd.

Democrats don't want the voter rolls looked at
Democrats don't want voter ID
Democrats want open borders

No relation though. [laughing]