How will they rule ??!

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It's already doubled the 2017 homicide number. It's steadily increasing largely because of Detroit.

The paper mentioned just a handful of recent shootings specifically by Detroit people, and they were pretty brazen and broad daylight at the gas station in front of everybody. Middle of the day drive by with 30 bullets. Crazy stuff for Lexington. And you can imagine how the locals feel about this stuff.

That's what burns me up about this OMG OPIOD CRISIS....which is centered around fentanyl, which the media doesn't accurately portray when they talk about it (for example, they talk as if addicts are buying fentanyly, purposely using fentanyl which is bogus). That fentanyl laced heroin is coming straight from Detroit, and it's been going on for many years. There needs to be a public outry against Detroit. Law enforcement knows it, media won't really talk about it.

All you hear about in the media is the government going after the drug companies (deep pockets) over the opiod crisis. Meanwhile as you say, most of the deaths are coming from illegal laced heroin. People are certainly abusing prescribed pills but its not the main cause of the deaths and overdoses.

One of the main reasons this is happening is the legalization of pot caused a huge revenue loss for the Mexican drug cartels. Their answer was to push a much more addictive heroin to make up for the loss. Its the fentanyl that makes it more addictive/deadly.
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Thanks Mashburned. I don’t recall seeing this on any of the Lexington news stations. This lady needs to be locked up with Hillary..

She should be questioned, especially after this. This is the lady that traveled around the state last year holding meetings with important citizens about MOVING OUR ELECTIONS ONLINE. And she has been incredibly lax with our current voting registration system, at the very least, and downright criminal with voter information if allegations are true.

Anytime she speaks it's on the local news, so why isnt' this stuff?

For crying out loud, she's having a baby and it was announced on every local media outlet! Get real...she even sent out a form statement about that crap. Why is that news? That's creepy as hell, tbh.
Two Interstate Highways cross in Lexington I-75 and I-64. No telling what is being hauled on those roads. With a liberal mayor who is a little different than most people the Lexington media will never expose the truth. Not happening. Lexington is very liberal thanks in part to the University of Kentucky.

DUDE, they just released a "new study" that says Lexington is the "third safest city in the country". LMAO.

It ain't the third safest city in 50 sq miles.
All you hear about in the media is the government going after the drug companies (deep pockets) over the opiod crisis. Meanwhile as you say, most of the deaths are coming from illegal laced heroin. People are certainly abusing prescribed pills but its not the main cause of the deaths and overdoses.

One of the main reasons this is happening is the legalization of pot caused a huge revenue loss for the Mexican drug cartels. Their answer was to push a much more addictive heroin to make up for the loss. Its the fentanyl that makes it more addictive/deadly.

Absolutely. There ain't much to gain politically or $$$$$$ from chasing down criminal gangs, especially in today's political climate.

Our damn AG sued Walgreens. Walgreens. :flushed:
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Then Twitter banned someone for pointing out her racism.

No worries. She is a minority and a victim. She was being harassed by racists and was only responding to her harassers in kind. She was fighting racism with racism.

This will all make sense if you just completely ignore the fact that the majority of her racist tweets weren't replies to others, but instead were comments she decided to post on her own.

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I'm sure that is the goal, but that isn't reality.

In fact, many people are forced to get bank loans to be expedited up for surgery. You see, if you pay out of pocket you leap frog those that can't in NHS.
That's true, but I thought he might have mistaken weeks for months.
[laughing] I was trying to play it safe and said the majority. After looking closer, out of the 15 tweets given as an example, only one is a reply, and the rest are all on her...

Intelligence officials back Trump in stripping Clapper and Brennan of their clearance...

“As is often the case with the Trump administration, the rollout of the policy is bad, but the idea driving the policy is sound,” said one senior intelligence official who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke to RealClearInvestigations only on condition of anonymity. “Under some Obama-era intelligence chiefs, intelligence was used as a political weapon. We need to root that out, not reward it.”

"The very people who are now talking the most know the details of how the Flynn intercept was leaked," a senior U.S. official told RealClearInvestigations. "They wouldn't be out talking like that if they'd been interviewed by the FBI."

“The Trump administration is not going to call in Susan Rice for advice, never mind John Brennan,” said one active intelligence officer. “And if someone does get called in from a previous administration they can get a temporary clearance, akin to a one-day non-disclosure agreement.”

“Brennan and Clapper and others certainly have the right to say what they like,” former CIA case officer Daniel Hoffman told RCI. “And their statements protected by the freedom of speech we enjoy in the U.S. are a measure of how concerned they are about this president. But while they get a favorable response from the ‘Amen’ chorus of Trump opponents, we should also consider the risk they are taking of feeding Trump's speculation they were partisan officials who sought to do him harm.”

“Brennan and Clapper are doing Putin's bidding when they speculate without facts,” Hoffman told RCI, “in Brennan's case that Putin could blackmail Trump, and in Clapper's that the Kremlin's interference swung the election to Trump. Senior intelligence officers should know we speculate at our own peril."

As the Obama team left office, it spread intelligence products regarding the Trump administration’s alleged ties to Russia to ensure that reports proliferated throughout the government. Multiplying the number of potential media sources increased the likelihood that intelligence would be leaked to the press.

It appears that’s what happened with the Flynn leak. As a veteran reporter on the national security beat told RCI: “After the Washington Post broke the Flynn story, a colleague called an Obama administration source and got an explosive story like that confirmed in 15 minutes. Even reporters at second-tier publications got the story confirmed, and quickly, because so many people in the administration knew about it.”

But where that leak started is a different issue. "There are only a few people the leak could have come from,” one senior U.S. official told RCI. “The Flynn intercept doesn't go to rank-and-file FBI agents. It goes through the top rungs up to Comey, and from there it can only go across. To top DOJ personnel, and the White House. It could also go to John Brennan and James Clapper."
No worries. She is a minority and a victim. She was being harassed by racists and was only responding to her harassers in kind. She was fighting racism with racism.

This will all make sense if you just completely ignore the fact that the majority of her racist tweets weren't replies to others, but instead were comments she decided to post on her own.

Of course, she's the "victim." All of those were original tweets and then her response is to screen shot two defunked accounts that responded to her racism with racism.

You know how many times this gets parroted by the left?

First, this is comical considering how everyone has fought for land. Second,if white people didn't earn it, how did they win the land? If they're inferior, how did they obtain it?

Weird how every country that people want to go to are white majority nations. Weird how they had the vision for everything you enjoy today.
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Read that Bluegrass Conspiracy book. It's not even about politics, but good lord....Lexington is filthy dirty to this day. Guaranteed.

I agree. Bluegrass Conspiracy is an outstanding and insightful look into the "underworld" of crime and one of the most confounding cases that's ever occurred in central Ky. I highly recommend this book.
This morning Judge Ellis lectured Mueller's team about thinking twice about not calling Gates as a witness because they can't prove conspiracy without Gates, the co-conspirator. Mueller's team reluctantly agreed and assured the judge they will now be calling on him to testify, possibly as early as Friday.

The thinking is the prosecutors were trying to avoid Gates taking the stand, and only wanted to use his Grand Jury testimony as evidence, because Gates has already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and they didn't want to give the defense a chance to pound his credibility in front of the jury.

Another interesting development. It has come out that the government has never audited Manafort. The prosecution realizes that this might pose a problem for them and they're trying to get that part of his defense thrown out.

In his opening statement to the jury, Zehnle criticized what he said was the government's "rush to judgment" in the case.

"You're going to learn that Mr. Manafort was never audited by the IRS, nor were any of his companies. So as you consider this, as you hear all the evidence come in, the documents and the testimony, you might ask yourself whether the government knew enough to initiate the audit. Did they have enough evidence?" Zehnle said.

Prosecutors argued overnight Thursday that the defense's assertion that Manafort was never audited by the Internal Revenue Service shouldn't factor into the jury's determination of whether he committed a crime.

It's likely on Thursday that Judge T.S. Ellis will address this issue during the trial proceedings without the jury in the room.

Never been audited??? If there was never an audit how do they have any idea that his taxes are correct or not? Sounds like it would be part of the prima facia case.

Unlike Obama, no stand down order from Trump...

Reporter - "General, have you been authorized by the president take any offensive cyber measures?"

General - "My direction from the president has been very clear. We are not going to accept election meddling, period. It's very unambiguous."
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Two Interstate Highways cross in Lexington I-75 and I-64. No telling what is being hauled on those roads. With a liberal mayor who is a little different than most people the Lexington media will never expose the truth. Not happening. Lexington is very liberal thanks in part to the University of Kentucky.

On a side note, I read somewhere recently that Lexington is the largest US city that does not have major interstate or expressway roads that flow through the city. Lexington is truly a marvel of urban planning.
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Yeah, that's pretty accurate and on display throughout this thread except, conservatives acknowledge and hear all of the left's crap. But the left never hears anything that conservatives here? Hmm. One group hears both things while one group only hears what CNN tells them.
They're patriots not impatient spineless doomsdayers. They're willing to ride it out even if hits them negatively for the sake of America. They're just as tired of the US being kicked around as Trump is. Only cowards are ready to give up and allow China to continue to rape us because of some bad press or collateral damage.

If Trump manages to create tariff free trade it'll not only be his greatest accomplishment but one of the greatest accomplishments of all time and everyone will benefit. It could possibly change the world and will be well worth it in the end.

Poll: 71% of business owners want more China tariffs

A majority of business owners, including small business owners, surveyed in a new poll support additional tariffs on China, Mexico, Europe and Canada, although most expect negative effects on the economy if there's a trade war, according to new UBS polling provided exclusively to Axios.
Acosta was heckled (big f***ing deal) and has been whining for days, trying to play the victim, even going as far as to say he felt he was in danger. About that...

The imaginary violence against the news media

People like Acosta and these DNC advocates with bylines are not some holy being that should be shielded from any criticism. They have got cops killed (Dallas and Baton Rouge in 2016), got GOP politicians shot and attacked at their home, got conservatives harassed and assaulted for years. They have labeled us as ignorant toothless Nazis, justified violence against conservatives, put out non-stop hate toward Trump and then act surprised that we detest them?

It's hilarious that somehow booing media and giving them the finger is "violence" to the media but then total crickets at actual violence against conservatives by the radical left.

Yeah, that's pretty accurate and on display throughout this thread except, conservatives acknowledge and hear all of the left's crap. But the left never hears anything that conservatives here? Hmm. One group hears both things while one group only hears what CNN tells them.

WashPost Reporter: ‘American People Aren’t Interested In’ Trump’s Policy Accomplishments

On Thursday, MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson cited a former Trump administration official criticizing cable news coverage that “wants to spend hours and hours dissecting the latest Trump tweet and yet they barely notice when we achieve long-sought conservative policy goals.”

Washington Post Senior Political Reporter Aaron Blake argued that “the American people aren’t interested in” the president’s substantive accomplishments saying, "I don’t even think it’s necessarily that the media isn’t focusing on these things. I think it’s that the American people aren’t interested in them, related to this Russia stuff.”
People like Acosta and these DNC advocates with bylines are not some holy being that should be shielded from any criticism. They have got cops killed (Dallas and Baton Rouge in 2016), got GOP politicians shot and attacked at their home, got conservatives harassed and assaulted for years. They have labeled us as ignorant toothless Nazis, justified violence against conservatives, put out non-stop hate toward Trump and then act surprised that we detest them?

It's hilarious that somehow booing media and giving them the finger is "violence" to the media but then total crickets at actual violence against conservatives by the radical left.