How will they rule ??!

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This isn't true. Two weeks ago in Aspen at a cybersecurity conference our intel chiefs said the exact opposite specifically Wray. I posted about it in this thread (below)

Also Leahy's bill didn't include voter id did it? Democrats are all for illegals and dead people voting. One single fraudulent vote interferes in our elections more than Russia ever has.
I would bet that is why it got rejected, no mention of voter id in it.
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What the hell bullshit numbers is he even trying to compare.

"What we pay for healthcare". Who is we? What are we paying? Is he comparing health care costs to health insurance cost and all the red tape government bloat that will come with it?

It's not even 8:30 am here in the EST and we've already had Comey acted without bias and Medicare for All is fiscally responsible. I need another cup of coffee.

It doesn't matter what his numbers are, there isn't anything the Govt does cheaper and more effectively than private industry.
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So your contention is that the government can provide a service currently being provided by the private sector for less than the private sector does? Hey, Levi! I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell you!
Every other western country with universal healthcare spends less than us and gets better health outcomes. It is basically the same idea that we do now, just skipping the middleman of insurance companies. Instead of companies getting discounts on insurance by bringing lots of customers to insurance companies, the government can obtain incredible rates for healthcare service by bringing 300 million customers to the table. Ultimately it is better bargaining power for us as citizens.
when they KNOW from our intel chiefs that Russia is ATTACKING those very systems.

Aspen, Colorado
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Lester Holt: "Are their efforts aimed at the U.S.'s political system?"

Christopher Wray: Their efforts seem to be more aimed at sowing discord and divisiveness in this country. We haven't yet seen an effort to target election infrastructure this time."

Lester Holt: "What exactly are you seeing in realtime now?"

Wray: "What they do is they will identify a divisive issue, and through a
variety of means, some overt, some covert, some through fake news, some through propaganda, will essentially sow divisiveness, spin people up on both sides of the issue, and then kind of watch us go at each other"
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Every other western country with universal healthcare spends less than us and gets better health outcomes. It is basically the same idea that we do now, just skipping the middleman of insurance companies. Instead of companies getting discounts on insurance by bringing lots of customers to insurance companies, the government can obtain incredible rates for healthcare service by bringing 300 million customers to the table. Ultimately it is better bargaining power for us as citizens.

That is complete and utter BS.

I had a simple back surgery 3 years ago. My total time from going to general practitioner to surgery was 2 months, that included going to mandatory PT.
In th UK the surgery wait time was for most 12-18 months. I wouldn't have been able to continue working for 18 months with the pain I was under.

The catch is, if you can pay out of pocket for the surgery you get bumped up in Universal healthcare, so the wealthy aren't affected. It's the average everyday joe that gets the short end of the stick.
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i'm sorry who is the snowflake crying everyday on twitter? Yeah i thought so.

Pastor praises Trump as 'pro-black' at prison reform event.

Government intervention in the health care industry has successfully blown the costs to unsustainable levels, and the answer from the left is more government intervention.

Not requiring doctors to post prices. Not moving more towards an HSA based system. Not changing the tax code so health insurance is decoupled from employment. Not opening up health insurance markets. Not encouraging preventative care.

No, the answer is to have the government blow up the health care markets even more and just pay for anything and everything (so long as the government doesn't deem you unworthy of care).

Yep. The government does such an awesome job when they get involved. Look at what has happened to college.
The typical knee jerk reaction conservatives have is of little use in solving the problem of healthcare in this country. We are the only country left in the industrialized world that is still served by an antiquated expensive and inadequate healthcare system.

Also the only industrialized democracy that pays to protect the rest. If they all paid for our defense we could probably afford better healthcare. Oh, and if we didn’t have to pay for all your illegal friends. Get a clue man.
Ha! Thunderc*** Grimes ordered to clean up her state's very dirty voter rolls! DOJ wins, the state of Kentucky wins.

Of course, this news, which should be reported by every local news outlet in the state as this directly effects the legitimacy of our elections, is very hard to find. Unreal.

And if they reported this factual news based on real life happenings, then they also would probably want to include the allegations that Mrs. Grimes ILLEGALLY STOLE VOTER INFORMATION AND SENT IT TO A THIRD PARTY TECH COMPANY WHO CONTRIBUTED TO HER CAMPAIGN.

Unbelievable. Nobody cares. Grimes turned over your voter information (after she stole it from the state) yet she refused to turn that same info over to the DOJ and had the nerve to act like she was protecting your precious info.

Wonder what party she works for?

Again, why is this not being reported by ANY local news outlets. This verdict was 2 weeks ago.
You know who is directly targeting our election system...


Fix our stupid election system before you go crying about facebook ads which are not even real and don't directly effect squat.

Can you imagine being against auditing voter rolls and against voter ID and then claim to not be trying to commit voter fraud with a straight face? Why is it that the left needs to operate in the dark for their power? They want to make sure they silence voices on campus, silence info on social media, make sure no one looks at the voter rolls and make sure voter ID isn't required.

That alone should show how the left is corrupt trash.
Can you imagine being against auditing voter rolls and against voter ID and then claim to not be trying to commit voter fraud with a straight face? Why is it that the left needs to operate in the dark for their power? They want to make sure they silence voices on campus, silence info on social media, make sure no one looks at the voter rolls and make sure voter ID isn't required.

That alone should show how the left is corrupt trash.

That's exactly what Grimes did while (allegedly) selling private voter info to third party tech company.

Every other western country with universal healthcare spends less than us and gets better health outcomes. It is basically the same idea that we do now, just skipping the middleman of insurance companies. Instead of companies getting discounts on insurance by bringing lots of customers to insurance companies, the government can obtain incredible rates for healthcare service by bringing 300 million customers to the table. Ultimately it is better bargaining power for us as citizens.
This is a lie.
But there really is no direct evidence her bias against white people will impact any of her decisions.

They're all in on their racism against whites. They're the racist party and always have been. The only thing that changes is who they use to demonize.

Maybe you can see why the media is so anti-white people while simultaneously wanting mass migration. The libs on here will deny this til their blue in the face but this is the truth.
Think Trump is dead serious about shutting down the government until he gets his wall funding. He is the type of guy who is not going to flinch first especially when it involves the biggest issue he campaigned on. Especially when the NAFTA renegotiation is finalized and Mexico in round about way pays for it.
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What's that? A staff member of a Democrat Senator conspired with the Chinese Intelligence and reported back to the Chinese Government about US politics?

There's more? The the West Coast, full of 'progressive', diverse, multicultural, American hating, liberal/communist/marxist shit stains, is a breeding ground for foreign espionage and the targets are not ready combat it?

Think Trump is dead serious about shutting down the government until he gets his wall funding. He is the type of guy who is not going to flinch first especially when it involves the biggest issue he campaigned on. Especially when the NAFTA renegotiation is finalized and Mexico in round about way pays for it.

That needs to be the focus. Should have been one of the first things that happened.
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This morning Judge Ellis lectured Mueller's team about thinking twice about not calling Gates as a witness because they can't prove conspiracy without Gates, the co-conspirator. Mueller's team reluctantly agreed and assured the judge they will now be calling on him to testify, possibly as early as Friday.

The thinking is the prosecutors were trying to avoid Gates taking the stand, and only wanted to use his Grand Jury testimony as evidence, because Gates has already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and they didn't want to give the defense a chance to pound his credibility in front of the jury.

Another interesting development. It has come out that the government has never audited Manafort. The prosecution realizes that this might pose a problem for them and they're trying to get that part of his defense thrown out.

In his opening statement to the jury, Zehnle criticized what he said was the government's "rush to judgment" in the case.

"You're going to learn that Mr. Manafort was never audited by the IRS, nor were any of his companies. So as you consider this, as you hear all the evidence come in, the documents and the testimony, you might ask yourself whether the government knew enough to initiate the audit. Did they have enough evidence?" Zehnle said.

Prosecutors argued overnight Thursday that the defense's assertion that Manafort was never audited by the Internal Revenue Service shouldn't factor into the jury's determination of whether he committed a crime.

It's likely on Thursday that Judge T.S. Ellis will address this issue during the trial proceedings without the jury in the room.
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Ha! Thunderc*** Grimes ordered to clean up her state's very dirty voter rolls! DOJ wins, the state of Kentucky wins.

Of course, this news, which should be reported by every local news outlet in the state as this directly effects the legitimacy of our elections, is very hard to find. Unreal.

And if they reported this factual news based on real life happenings, then they also would probably want to include the allegations that Mrs. Grimes ILLEGALLY STOLE VOTER INFORMATION AND SENT IT TO A THIRD PARTY TECH COMPANY WHO CONTRIBUTED TO HER CAMPAIGN.

Unbelievable. Nobody cares. Grimes turned over your voter information (after she stole it from the state) yet she refused to turn that same info over to the DOJ and had the nerve to act like she was protecting your precious info.

Wonder what party she works for?

Again, why is this not being reported by ANY local news outlets. This verdict was 2 weeks ago.

Her dad was a shady politician too. If I recall correctly he was the head of the KY Democrat party but was forced to resign.

Lundergan supported Wallace Wilkinson's campaign for Governor of Kentucky in the 1987 election.[3] Lundergan briefly served as Chairman of the Kentucky Democratic Party during Wilkinson's administration.[2] Ten weeks into his service, Lundergan was found to have accepted a no-bid contract worth $153,998 to cater a state event. At Wilkinson's request, he stepped down as party chair on August 22, 1988......

On December 12, 1989, Lundergan was convicted of a felony charge of improperly using his political influence, but acquitted of theft.[17] The prosecution asked that he be given jail time, to send a message about ethical violations, but the jury recommended the maximum fine of $1,000. He resigned his seat in the State House the next day.[18] The conviction was later thrown out by an appeals court, which determined that Lundergan should have been charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
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Her dad was a shady politician too. If I recall correctly he was the head of the KY Democrat party but was forced to resign.

Lundergan supported Wallace Wilkinson's campaign for Governor of Kentucky in the 1987 election.[3] Lundergan briefly served as Chairman of the Kentucky Democratic Party during Wilkinson's administration.[2] Ten weeks into his service, Lundergan was found to have accepted a no-bid contract worth $153,998 to cater a state event. At Wilkinson's request, he stepped down as party chair on August 22, 1988......

On December 12, 1989, Lundergan was convicted of a felony charge of improperly using his political influence, but acquitted of theft.[17] The prosecution asked that he be given jail time, to send a message about ethical violations, but the jury recommended the maximum fine of $1,000. He resigned his seat in the State House the next day.[18] The conviction was later thrown out by an appeals court, which determined that Lundergan should have been charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
Wow, Kentucky Democrat Party politics must really be dirty.
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Read that Bluegrass Conspiracy book. It's not even about politics, but good lord....Lexington is filthy dirty to this day. Guaranteed.
I listen to WLAP every morning at 9:00 to Tom Leach. Sometimes I tune in a little early and get the local news. I am shocked at the number of shootings in that city. It is like a Junior Chicago
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Ha! Thunderc*** Grimes ordered to clean up her state's very dirty voter rolls! DOJ wins, the state of Kentucky wins.

Of course, this news, which should be reported by every local news outlet in the state as this directly effects the legitimacy of our elections, is very hard to find. Unreal.

And if they reported this factual news based on real life happenings, then they also would probably want to include the allegations that Mrs. Grimes ILLEGALLY STOLE VOTER INFORMATION AND SENT IT TO A THIRD PARTY TECH COMPANY WHO CONTRIBUTED TO HER CAMPAIGN.

Unbelievable. Nobody cares. Grimes turned over your voter information (after she stole it from the state) yet she refused to turn that same info over to the DOJ and had the nerve to act like she was protecting your precious info.

Wonder what party she works for?

Again, why is this not being reported by ANY local news outlets. This verdict was 2 weeks ago.
Thanks Mashburned. I don’t recall seeing this on any of the Lexington news stations. This lady needs to be locked up with Hillary..
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That is complete and utter BS.

I had a simple back surgery 3 years ago. My total time from going to general practitioner to surgery was 2 months, that included going to mandatory PT.
In th UK the surgery wait time was for most 12-18 months. I wouldn't have been able to continue working for 18 months with the pain I was under.

The catch is, if you can pay out of pocket for the surgery you get bumped up in Universal healthcare, so the wealthy aren't affected. It's the average everyday joe that gets the short end of the stick.
Besides the fact that this didn't address my post at all, max wait time under the NHS is 18 weeks for non-urgent procedures.
Besides the fact that this didn't address my post at all, max wait time under the NHS is 18 weeks for non-urgent procedures.

I'm sure that is the goal, but that isn't reality.

In fact, many people are forced to get bank loans to be expedited up for surgery. You see, if you pay out of pocket you leap frog those that can't in NHS.
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It's already doubled the 2017 homicide number. It's steadily increasing largely because of Detroit.

The paper mentioned just a handful of recent shootings specifically by Detroit people, and they were pretty brazen and broad daylight at the gas station in front of everybody. Middle of the day drive by with 30 bullets. Crazy stuff for Lexington. And you can imagine how the locals feel about this stuff.

That's what burns me up about this OMG OPIOD CRISIS....which is centered around fentanyl, which the media doesn't accurately portray when they talk about it (for example, they talk as if addicts are buying fentanyly, purposely using fentanyl which is bogus). That fentanyl laced heroin is coming straight from Detroit, and it's been going on for many years. There needs to be a public outry against Detroit. Law enforcement knows it, media won't really talk about it.
It's already doubled the 2017 homicide number. It's steadily increasing largely because of Detroit.

The paper mentioned just a handful of recent shootings specifically by Detroit people, and they were pretty brazen and broad daylight at the gas station in front of everybody. Middle of the day drive by with 30 bullets. Crazy stuff for Lexington. And you can imagine how the locals feel about this stuff.

That's what burns me up about this OMG OPIOD CRISIS....which is centered around fentanyl, which the media doesn't accurately portray when they talk about it (for example, they talk as if addicts are buying fentanyly, purposely using fentanyl which is bogus). That fentanyl laced heroin is coming straight from Detroit, and it's been going on for many years. There needs to be a public outry against Detroit. Law enforcement knows it, media won't really talk about it.
Two Interstate Highways cross in Lexington I-75 and I-64. No telling what is being hauled on those roads. With a liberal mayor who is a little different than most people the Lexington media will never expose the truth. Not happening. Lexington is very liberal thanks in part to the University of Kentucky.
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