How will they rule ??!

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Migrants falsely claim they're father and daughter, present fake birth certificate, officials say

Border Patrol agents in Texas uncovered a man and woman’s alleged effort to portray themselves as father and daughter with the help of a fake birth certificate, officials said Wednesday.

The agents were stationed at the Centralized Processing Center on Tuesday when they came across the pair, a news release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

Officials said the man, who is from Honduras, claimed that the woman he was with was his 17-year-old daughter. However, the woman confessed in an interview that the birth certificate wasn’t real and she wasn’t actually related to the man, the news release said.

The woman is actually 18 years old, officials said, adding that she gave agents her real name and birthday. They also said she claimed “to be a friend of the male subject.”

How on earth is Mueller not conflicted out of investigating the "crime" of Trump firing his friend?

Are there any objective standards for recusal, or you just recuse yourself if you're a worthless pussy cuck?
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How on earth is Mueller not conflicted out of investigating the "crime" of Trump firing his friend?

Are there any objective standards for recusal, or you just recuse yourself if you're a worthless pussy cuck?
Sessions has disappointed me to no end. He is worthless. I do understand why Trump has not fired him yet,tho. He is waiting till after Mueller gets done,and and the first of the year. Expect to see Trey Gowdy the next AG.
Going nowhere. Mueller's boss (Rosenstein) wrote the memo to fire Comey. Is Rosenstein an accomplice?

Plus the FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president. He can be fired by the president for smelling funny or being too tall.

With all that said none of it really matters. The IG report clearly shows Trump was right to take action against Comey. Comey was incompetent at the very least if not totally corrupt.
Agree that it ultimately doesn't matter since Trump can end any non- impeachment investigation, but IG report directly said Comey acted without political bias.
Not a chance in hell it would be cheaper.

What the hell bullshit numbers is he even trying to compare.

"What we pay for healthcare". Who is we? What are we paying? Is he comparing health care costs to health insurance cost and all the red tape government bloat that will come with it?

It's not even 8:30 am here in the EST and we've already had Comey acted without bias and Medicare for All is fiscally responsible. I need another cup of coffee.
Government intervention in the health care industry has successfully blown the costs to unsustainable levels, and the answer from the left is more government intervention.

Not requiring doctors to post prices. Not moving more towards an HSA based system. Not changing the tax code so health insurance is decoupled from employment. Not opening up health insurance markets. Not encouraging preventative care.

No, the answer is to have the government blow up the health care markets even more and just pay for anything and everything (so long as the government doesn't deem you unworthy of care).
The typical knee jerk reaction conservatives have is of little use in solving the problem of healthcare in this country. We are the only country left in the industrialized world that is still served by an antiquated expensive and inadequate healthcare system.

Please list for me all the industries the federal government has successfully intervened in and increased quality while lowering costs.

What is this? I’m ignorant....

Tell me if wrong, but if Christians wanted to gather by the thousands and hold some sort of public religious service, that crap would be shutdown. By somebody, likely the city.

The typical knee jerk reaction conservatives have is of little use in solving the problem of healthcare in this country. We are the only country left in the industrialized world that is still served by an antiquated expensive and inadequate healthcare system.

Yet, not even the most liberal cuckist mfers who hate this country something awful would be willing to leave this country for any of those “more developed” countries. For obvious reasons.
What is this? I’m ignorant....

Tell me if wrong, but if Christians wanted to gather by the thousands and hold some sort of public religious service, that crap would be shutdown. By somebody, likely the city.

Yet, not even the most liberal cuckist mfers who hate this country something awful would be willing to leave this country for any of those “more developed” countries. For obvious reasons.

When I was in college, just a pastor coming to talk to the masses (not the Westboro scum type), resulted in unhinged screaming from leftists (often women). By the way, being the only conservative in my class and only open one in my department (three or four all together), taking on the class was a common occurrence. Calling them out on their bias against Christianity while being an apologist for Islam was like I had filled the room with gasoline and lit a match. They went crazy. One girl inevitably responds, "WHAT ABOUT THE CRUSADES?!"

I then school her on the origin of the Crusades and what it was in response to, she and another Mexican lesbian (I kid you not, she also had blue hair) gets up and leaves the room.
What the hell bullshit numbers is he even trying to compare.

"What we pay for healthcare". Who is we? What are we paying? Is he comparing health care costs to health insurance cost and all the red tape government bloat that will come with it?

It's not even 8:30 am here in the EST and we've already had Comey acted without bias and Medicare for All is fiscally responsible. I need another cup of coffee.

Talking to a leftist is like talking to a cult. Put a Scientologist and a leftist side by side and tell me they don't behave the same when opposed.
A couple of headlines after Sanders' comment yesterday.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders bashes media and cites 'urban myth' Osama bin Laden reporting - Yahoo​

Sanders claim about Osama bin Laden's phone use and journalists is untrue - CNN
The only thing that's untrue is their reporting...

Tell me if wrong, but if Christians wanted to gather by the thousands and hold some sort of public religious service, that crap would be shutdown. By somebody, likely the city.

Speaking of, in a small town in West Virginia the City Council opens their meetings with a prayer each morning. The prayer takes place off the clock before work begins, so separation of church and state doesn't apply, and it is completely voluntary. Those who don't want to participate are free not to. Even still, an Atheist group from Wisconsin is now suing them for violating their 1st and 14th Amendment rights.
The Republican-controlled Senate has defeated a push by Democrats to set aside an additional $250 million for states to upgrade their voting systems to protect against hacking and other cyberattacks.

An amendment offered by Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy received 50 yes votes, 10 short of the 60 needed for approval.

Leahy said securing U.S. elections and “safeguarding our democracy” is not a partisan issue.

He said the Senate “must send a clear message to Russia and other foreign adversaries that tampering in our elections will not be tolerated. The president will not act. This duty has fallen to us.”


Remember when conservative were feigning all that concern about election fraud?
The Republican-controlled Senate has defeated a push by Democrats to set aside an additional $250 million for states to upgrade their voting systems to protect against hacking and other cyberattacks.

An amendment offered by Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy received 50 yes votes, 10 short of the 60 needed for approval.

Leahy said securing U.S. elections and “safeguarding our democracy” is not a partisan issue.

He said the Senate “must send a clear message to Russia and other foreign adversaries that tampering in our elections will not be tolerated. The president will not act. This duty has fallen to us.”


Remember when conservative were feigning all that concern about election fraud?
Does it stop illegals or corpses from voting?
Senate Republicans are denying their states the funding they need to protect voting systems from cyber attacks when they KNOW from our intel chiefs that Russia is ATTACKING those very systems.
Also, how is protection from hacking not already a goddam baseline in the machines that are being used? Seems to me, rather than spending an ADDITIONAL $250 million, the states should go to the companies they're paying and ask what they're doing to ensure the machines are secure.

Not sure why 250 million federal dollars is needed for a state issue.
when they KNOW from our intel chiefs that Russia is ATTACKING those very systems.

This isn't true. Two weeks ago in Aspen at a cybersecurity conference our intel chiefs said the exact opposite specifically Wray. I posted about it in this thread (below)

Also Leahy's bill didn't include voter id did it? Democrats are all for illegals and dead people voting. One single fraudulent vote interferes in our elections more than Russia ever has.

Just yesterday Director Wray said the FBI has seen no evidence of Russia targeting our electoral systems since '16 and for the '18 elections. He said what DNI Coates was referring to is that Russia is still active on social media platforms.

He went on to say Russia continues to pick divisive topics like gun control and then plays both sides. They purposely foment anger and sow discord then sit back and watch us fight among ourselves. The US mainstream media does the same exact thing 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Russia is always going to "target" us (whatever the hell that means) but most sane and logical people don't equate shit posting on social media to sow discord with interfering in our elections. There's quite a huge difference between the two.
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Medicare for All would be $2 trillion dollar less expensive than what we pay for healthcare now and it insures ALL Americans.
So your contention is that the government can provide a service currently being provided by the private sector for less than the private sector does? Hey, Levi! I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell you!
So much for Jeff Flake's vacation slowing down judicial confirmations. One appeals court judge was confirmed this week along with 6 district court judges yesterday. Two more appeals court judges are teed up for the next week that the Senate is in session (they are taking a one week break). This will bring Trumps appeals court total up to 26 vs 10 for Obama at this point in his presidency. Flake has also committed to be back when the Senate reconvenes a week from Monday.
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