How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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So how is that clean-up going? I'm not one of those people you speak of, in fact I've been posting the big name republicans that have left the GOP. We agree it's a sewer but it is far worse now than just two years ago. Hell now we have agents from Russia in our government, photographed in our White House and a dimwit schmoozing with an ex-KGB operative. How clear must it be that things are worse?
Theres less govt regulation...that in itself is a good thing.

Also, China illegally interfered in the 96 election...Clinton stonewalled and refused to turn over the information. So you're admitting that presidency was a sham?
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let's see: Obama's former CIA director was a former communists, Hillary, Uranium One, Bill paid hundreds of thousands for speaking in Russia at the same time. Clinton foundation received millions in donations from Russians. Obama stood by doing nothing while Russia invaded the Ukraine and Syria. Obama lifted sanctions and handed over billions in cash to Russia's number one ally. And the Democratic party has no problem rebranding themselves as the democratic socialist party of America....not so different from the United Soviet Socialist party of Russia (USSR). you are so right on so many of your posts @Levibooty just wrong about who they are talking about.

but btw, you are too much of a pussy to respond to this, so I won't hold my breath.
If someone gets hurt the media brought it on themselves. Maybe if you weren't actively trying to destroy the country and the President people wouldn't hate you a-holes.

He should tell those blocking I. C. E. buildings, conservative speakers, freedom marches etc....I guess those things constitute hurting people that disagree with his socialist view points