How will they rule ??!

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Daily Beast doxing high school kids that are conservative. LOL.

This guy is crazy obsessed. He just stalks these kids' social media profiles.

Also, why does every leftist male journalist look the same?

Haha they do all have the same expression. It's odd.
Morality issues were settled when Bill Clinton was president. To see Dems posting crap about that now is a total joke. Even Paula Jones doesn't care anymore. We are enlightened.

Yep. And to be fair I didn't care what he did in the bedroom either.

We aren't choosing a priest. We're electing a president
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He said he felt compelled to do it because Trump was separating the babies from the immigrants. He said he took a break from politics for ahwile and then came back and something just switched inside him. lol

Kid took a break for a week or two and came back and felt the need to vandalize to make a statement. lol. He turned himself in which shows he really, really wanted some attention. It will cost his parents $3k though.

Just guessing from the picture, he was trying to impress his girlfriend who appears to be part Latina. $3,000 for a knob polishing. I am sure others have paid more.
We are all now fully aware that Republicans have zero morals. Greed and power is all that matters.

Most people dont look at the president to be their morality guide. If they did, Trump wouldnt be the first one that was horrible when it came to morality. A lot of people have other things that they go to for their morality like religion, family, friends, or just holding themselves to their own principals.

People knew what they were voting for when they voted Trump, being a morality guide was not one of them. It was well documented that he was a billionaire playboy, so this is why no once cares about all this news that he slept with porn stars. People already knew this or expected this.

A lot of people voted for Trump because he wasnt afraid to voice his America first platform, people were sick and tired of career politicians, and they felt like he was a business man that might know what hes doing, plus he wanted to lower taxes.

I suggest no one should look up to a president or any politician as their guide for morality, majority of them have plenty of skeletons in the closet. Plus if you gave Republicans the choice of what's worse, a guy that cheats on his wife, or someone that is pushing a platform that would take even more of your money to make abortions easier and cheaper for people. I think there is a very easy choice there. Clinton was not a better choice when it comes to morals.
The anti-American party. No denying that.

Let's see, they don't want a good economy, don't want a strong military, don't want borders, don't want patriotism, don't want ICE, don't want capitalism, don't want a white population apparently, don't want free speech, don't want the right to protect yourself, etc.

You have a weird obsession with the perceived "persecution" of white males in America. Snowflake shit.

You follow it up with eyebrow-raising comments about immigrants trying to "change our culture" and all that other dog whistle bullshit I hear from closet racists.

SMH at the idea of you sitting back and watching a bunch of black kids play basketball/football for UK. You probably resent them.

Oh and I can hear you now when it comes to pro athletes and this ridiculous outrage about protesting during the anthem. You're DEFINITELY the kind of bum that uses the term "entitled athletes."

Are you, by any chance, attending a specific rally that's taking place in Washington next month?
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as far as I know, not one seat on the "If Trump is elected I'm leaving the country plane" has been taken....Looks like a lot of people let their mouths overload their ass....

An update on who is promising to leave if Donald Trump gets elected.
Donald Trump has been stirring up controversy since he first announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.

He has accused Mexican immigrants of being criminals and has promised to build a wall between the United States and Mexico to keep them out of the country. Last November he posted false statistics suggesting that most white people are killed by blacks. He seems to be offering support to his followers for assaulting protesters at his campaign rallies, in one instance suggesting a black protester should have been attacked – telling the press that “maybe he should have been roughed up.”

Last month, he called for a “total and complete” ban on all Muslims entering the United States as well as calling for a national registry and national ID system for Muslims.

Most of us have observed friends online, in person or by phone threatening to leave the country if Trump were to win the election and, as The Independent Journal reports, celebrities are no different.

Here is a partial list of celebrities who have said they will leave along with where they are saying they will go, as compiled by The Independent Journal and other sources:

Taking a broader look, USA Today reported late last year on the results of a social media analysis conducted by the digital analytics firm Liminoso who studied 4.5 million Trump-related tweets.

According to their findings, 4 percent of the tweets were people promising to leave the country were Trump to be elected president. According to USA Today, “Luminoso’s Denise Christie said the firm was not looking for this result in the Trump tweets — it was just a pattern that emerged from their content analysis.”

Here are the top destinations in those 200,000 “intent to move” tweets as reported by USA Today:

  • Mexico: 75,000
  • General: 69,000 (“I’m moving if Trump is elected” but no location specified)
  • Canada: 25,000
  • United Kingdom: 11,000
  • Australia: 6,000
  • Alaska: 5,800
  • France: 2,000
  • Hawaii: 1,500
  • Jamaica: 1,200
  • Ireland: 1,100
  • Sweden: 1,000
  • Brazil: 1,000
As USA Today notes: “Certainly the folks moving to Hawaii and Alaska may be surprised to arrive and discover that Trump is still their president because those places are actually part of the United States.”
To see both sheep sides is a total joke. Let's be clear, you're a total joke. You lost you mind when it was Clinton, you defend it now. More hypocrisy and fraud.
Not sure about Sawnee, but I was 16 or 17 when Clinton did it and thought he was the f*cking man gettin' it done like that.

Didn't really know about all the raping he did until I got older. So, yeah, we sort of draw the line with the woman raping and figure if y'all are still good with Bill then morality is out the window.
Most people dont look at the president to be their morality guide. If they did, Trump wouldnt be the first one that was horrible when it came to morality. A lot of people have other things that they go to for their morality like religion, family, friends, or just holding themselves to their own principals.

People knew what they were voting for when they voted Trump, being a morality guide was not one of them. It was well documented that he was a billionaire playboy, so this is why no once cares about all this news that he slept with porn stars. People already knew this or expected this.

A lot of people voted for Trump because he wasnt afraid to voice his America first platform, people were sick and tired of career politicians, and they felt like he was a business man that might know what hes doing, plus he wanted to lower taxes.

I suggest no one should look up to a president or any politician as their guide for morality, majority of them have plenty of skeletons in the closet. Plus if you gave Republicans the choice of what's worse, a guy that cheats on his wife, or someone that is pushing a platform that would take even more of your money to make abortions easier and cheaper for people. I think there is a very easy choice there. Clinton was not a better choice when it comes to morals.

I think Trump has shown that it's a bonus for someone to not be a politician. They're useless, just corrupt puppets enriching themselves. So much common sense crap gets ignored, status quo stays intact. Look at people like Pelosi and Waters, look at Ryan, just all of the useless slaves to their donors/lobbyists. We finally, FINALLY, got someone in there who didn't need their money and can actually try to get something done and look what has happened; a complete meltdown and freakout from the establishment, from media, from the intel agencies, basically, this is a new manager coming to take over your office to try and get something done and can see where you have been stealing from the company and doing all kinds of crazy crap.
You have a weird obsession with the perceived "persecution" of white males in America. Snowflake shit.

You follow it up with eyebrow-raising comments about immigrants trying to "change our culture" and all that other dog whistle bullshit I hear from closet racists.

SMH at the idea of you sitting back and watching a bunch of black kids play basketball/football for UK. You probably resent them.

Oh and I can hear you now when it comes to pro athletes and this ridiculous outrage about protesting during the anthem. You're DEFINITELY the kind of bum that uses the term "entitled athletes."

Are you, by any chance, attending a specific rally that's taking place in Washington next month?
You have a weird obsession with white privilege and a need like other weak minded liberals to blame everyone except yourselves for your own failures. Do you party too much bro? Maybe it is your spouse that makes you give in to the pressures of PC or are you just a snowflake liberal who can't think for him/herself.
You're the craziest person in this thread. That's saying something. Congratulations.

The left wants a good economy, want a strong military without consistently WAY overspending, want ethical treatment of those seeking amnesty/fleeing their country for a better life, want patriotism but not extreme nationalism, **** ICE, want capitalism with reform in respect to better wages and taming greed, want a population of whoever wants to be here (that includes people that aren't white. Sorry, I know that's a scary concept to you), want freedom of speech but despise hate speech and want the right to protect yourself with logical gun laws (not sure how to do this myself so shut up).

If that is crazy and unhinged to you, you may be the ones that need to take a step back.
This is hypocrisy gone wild. None of what you posted does the left really want. They want government control and you are either complicit or just too dumb to understand how they have duped you. PLEASE DO NOT EVER VOTE AGAIN.
Not sure about Sawnee, but I was 16 or 17 when Clinton did it and thought he was the f*cking man gettin' it done like that.

Didn't really know about all the raping he did until I got older. So, yeah, we sort of draw the line with the woman raping and figure if y'all are still good with Bill then morality is out the window.

I was 10 years old when Clinton was elected, so really wasn't old enough to understand how completely morally reprehensible it was for the President of the United States to commit perjury.
This is hypocrisy gone wild. None of what you posted does the left really want. They want government control and you are either complicit or just too dumb to understand how they have duped you. PLEASE DO NOT EVER VOTE AGAIN.

You guys love talking about how fearful liberals are. Yet, you are TERRIFIED on a daily basis that your guns will be taken away, and you won't be able to shout racial slurs out in the open without consequence like the good old days.

To address your original, idiotic post, that IS what the majority of liberals want.
This is hypocrisy gone wild. None of what you posted does the left really want. They want government control and you are either complicit or just too dumb to understand how they have duped you. PLEASE DO NOT EVER VOTE AGAIN.
The former is the default condition to the latter. i.e. complicit due to being dumb/duped. But essentially you've nailed the toxic liberal.
You guys love talking about how fearful liberals are. Yet, you are TERRIFIED on a daily basis that your guns will be taken away, and you won't be able to shout racial slurs out in the open without consequence like the good old days.

To address your original, idiotic post, that IS what the majority of liberals want.

Do you honestly believe that conservatives walk around using racial slurs in private?
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Do you honestly believe that conservatives walk around using racial slurs in private?

I live in Ohio. I have heard racial slurs THOUSANDS of times. Just because I'm white, other white people think I'd just be okay with it.

Dated an African-American girl that was really light-skinned. Some people didn't realize she was black. Heard racial slurs dropped casually in front of her at least a dozen times.

So, yeah. I have met loads of Republicans that do this.
I live in Ohio. I have heard racial slurs THOUSANDS of times. Just because I'm white, other white people think I'd just be okay with it.

Dated an African-American girl that was really light-skinned. Some people didn't realize she was black. Heard racial slurs dropped casually in front of her at least a dozen times.

So, yeah. I have met loads of Republicans that do this.

So you and Cardkilla live in cities where people are just dropping racial slurs all the time around you because you're white. And those are all Republicans dropping those slurs.

Yep. We all believe you. You guys aren't full of shit at all.

Again, where do you people get this shit? It's not a coincidence you and Cardkilla both made those stories up on the exact same day.
So you and Cardkilla live in cities where people are just dropping racial slurs all the time around you because you're white. And those are all Republicans dropping those slurs.

Yep. We all believe you. You guys aren't full of shit at all.

Again, where do you people get this shit? It's not a coincidence you and Cardkilla both made those stories up on the exact same day.

I'm not making anything up, man. I don't have the time nor the desire to concoct fake stories in order to prove a point to you that you will never get anyway.

Grew up in the city. Went to a private school 30 minutes away that was entirely white, minus about 3 students in the entire school. Not just high school.

Nearly every person there, minus myself and a few families I carpooled with, were rich or borderline rich.

Even the ones I partied with, the so called "bad kids", were dropping slurs on the regular.
You have a weird obsession with white privilege and a need like other weak minded liberals to blame everyone except yourselves for your own failures. Do you party too much bro? Maybe it is your spouse that makes you give in to the pressures of PC or are you just a snowflake liberal who can't think for him/herself.

Bro, what in the hell are you even talking about?

Weird take, especially the spouse bit.

Are you on pills or something?
Do you honestly believe that conservatives walk around using racial slurs in private?

I'm just jumping in to say that there are people who post in this thread that use racial slurs while watching UK sports.

"You know it, I know it, everybody knows it." - Me, also Donald Trump
So your current day world views are shaped by the bad kids you partied with in high school? I guess I understand why you hang on every one of that high school shooting gun banning kid's words. Kid is popular as shit with uneducated children.


Party on, my bros. Killer GDP announcement and it's Friday.
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You guys love talking about how fearful liberals are. Yet, you are TERRIFIED on a daily basis that your guns will be taken away, and you won't be able to shout racial slurs out in the open without consequence like the good old days.

To address your original, idiotic post, that IS what the majority of liberals want.


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I live in Ohio. I have heard racial slurs THOUSANDS of times. Just because I'm white, other white people think I'd just be okay with it.

Dated an African-American girl that was really light-skinned. Some people didn't realize she was black. Heard racial slurs dropped casually in front of her at least a dozen times.

So, yeah. I have met loads of Republicans that do this.
BS. False. Lacking in truth. Needing something to support your hatred of white people.
Great time to be alive. It is 75 degrees in my part of the world with a high of 87 today and a strong Gulf breeze to cool you off. It is scallop season around here and I harvested a nice mess of them so today I will prepare them for the freezer.

We can celebrate a good economy and be thankful Obama was wrong when he said America's best days are gone and we can never have more than a 2% growth. I am so thankful he is a moron.
I don't care how strong the wind is, if the dew point is 70+ you can't ever cool off.