How will they rule ??!

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Record-setting numbers on yesterday's Facebook market cap loss. Wow.


Facebook is the worst of the social media platforms. It sucks. It's ancient. Most of the time you don't even show up in people's feed. What sucks though, is they own Instagram, which is the most popular social media platform.

Surprisingly, in terms of overall popularity, Twitter is the least popular even though I find it to be the most useful one.
We are all now fully aware that Republicans have zero morals. Greed and power is all that matters.
Are you saying the GOP establishment is the same as the Democrat party? I agree with you but Trump is not a part of that party and he has plenty of money and would have more had he not become president. His function is to shake up Washington DC and you should join us in thanking him for that. We did not elect a choir boy
I would too but it is an uphill battle. The establishment and swamp is deep and wide. A Paul Ryan type is favored and they will get that person. Unfortunately for us. Before the establishment allows Jim Jordan to be speaker they will destroy him. That is what the Ohio State thing is all about. Funny nobody said a word about this until Jordan became a threat

Kind of how no one is ever accused of sexual assault until they become a threat to Democrats. Then AMAZINGLY, accusers come out a month before an election. We saw it with Trump and (although not a fan) Moore. Never mind that Trump was famous for 40 years, was in the public eye and had his own TV show and was never accused of anything then suddenly, when he's all that stands in the way of a Hillary presidency, we get accusers. What an amazing coincidence.
We are all now fully aware that Republicans have zero morals. Greed and power is all that matters.

Fight fire with fire, I guess. You've successfully shifted your party to the point killing babies, molesting children and allowing babies to choose their gender is the new norm, all the while using the federal government apparatus to commit treason in an attempt to undermine our democracy and the peaceful transition of power in this country.

I'll put up with a man cheating on his wife. It's not like he raped her or committed perjury.

You may want to dial it back on the "morals" talk.
NONE OF US GIVE A SHIIIIIZ! They're doing this to try and deter the Christian vote. What's comical as we also saw on Fuzz' twitter, is the left continues to call it hypocrisy for Christians supporting Trump. What's the alternative, Fuzz/Dems? Support the Democrats? HAHA

No one looks to Trump as their spiritual advisor or savior. He is not running a church. He's running the country and you need a fighter for that. Christians put him there to protect them from the left. He's the guard dog waiting to rip you apart.

You cannot be a Christian and support Democrats. You can't. That party is increasingly hostile toward Christians and is all in on their support of Islam, LGBTQXYZ:)5%. The party of abortion should never get a Christian's vote. So, go ahead and keep bringing up this real-life version of Bruce Wayne (lol) where he slept with a lot of good looking women and act as if that's reason to just give the country over to the most corrupt, most evil and pathetic left.
Sorry but being against abortion doesn't make you a christian when you could give a shit after that baby is born. Or being ok with stripping kids from their families. Or killing civilians in Syria. Republicans are the pro war party. Nothing Christian about that. Republicans are the fakest morality police around. Pick and choose what is moral. You obviously don't know what evil is. If the left is evil, the right is Satan himself. They are happy that Russia interefered in our election, they don't care as long as they win. Hell Hitler had a pretty good economy too. I guess that's what we're going for.

And you guys said the exact opposite before Trump. Had to be a Christian. Good moral character, bla bla bla. When money is involved, all those morals fly right out the window.

Dems show more Christ-like qualities than Republicans ever have. Jesus didn't just hang out with the white people. Or blame immigrants for all of the jews woes.

Saying the left is corrupt with all the scandals going on in the Trump White House is just the height of hypocrisy and stupidity. You guys pay lip service to all of your principals, even abortion. Republicans will cough up the money to give Suzie an abortion if she's not married or *gasp* it was with some latino named Ramone. Look no further than Southeast Christian to see the immorality and hypocrisy flowing from the churches of today.

And sorry spending trillions of dollars to get 4% GDP is more stupid by this administration. It's probably a bull$hit number anyways, guaranteed it gets revised downward. Can't trust anything coming out of this government. I'm sure his stupid trade war will take care of 3rd quarter GDP.
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Bringing back heavy material production and renegotiating trade deals will have a longer term impact on America's security than literally anything any President has done since Reagan. Why the left refuses to accept that being able to manufacture heavy machinery and war materials at home can't be quantified is beyond me.
I really am curious what Cardkilla's every day life is like.

There's absolutely no way you can be a functioning adult who is a contributing member of society and believe the things he does.

I think in the past he's claimed to work in IT, correct? I'd bet a million fuzz dollars he works from home, and the only interactions he gets with people outside his basement are Vox articles and us telling him he's stupid. He's so far detached from any grasp on reality I refuse to believe he actually experiences the world, but rather sits in his basement and reads about what other fellow lunatics on reddit are saying.
And sorry spending trillions of dollars to get 4% GDP is more stupid by this administration.
Well, it beats spending trillions of dollars and not getting 4% GDP growth. Kinda funny how deficits are so important to you now. When a Democrat is in office, that's just the cost of government, nothing left to cut, you'll take away food from poor people, etc. Now, just matching the deficits of Obama but getting massive growth in return is a cardinal sin.

Maybe if people didn't know exactly what you've said in the past you could get away with flat out lying and flip flopping. But, as it stands, everyone here remembers your posts from the Obama years and so everyone immediately writes you off as a troll/idiot.
Fight fire with fire, I guess. You've successfully shifted your party to the point killing babies, molesting children and allowing babies to choose their gender is the new norm, all the while using the federal government apparatus to commit treason in an attempt to undermine our democracy and the peaceful transition of power in this country.

I'll put up with a man cheating on his wife. It's not like he raped her or committed perjury.

You may want to dial it back on the "morals" talk.
bwahaha, says the party full of Russian complicators. The NRA taking Russian money to bankroll Republican campaigns is just the cherry on top. So what does this honest government do? Why they just change the rules to make it easier for the NRA to hide the sources of their money. And dumbasses like you think that's just fine and dandy.

Yes, the campaign by alt-right trolls to paint anyone against them as a child molester is obviously finding traction with the ludicrous right. Because we all know a couple bad seeds means that you can paint a large brush over everyone else. The twitter trolls on the right could care less about who they smear or people who might get killed (see pizzagate)

Don't forget your President regularly went into the dressing rooms of teen girls getting dressed for the pageant for no apparent reason except to gauk. Not to mention his creepy infatuation with his daughter. Yeah real moral high ground their genius.
This will not get anywhere near the press it deserves, and every Trump hating liberal should kiss Trump's ass for him getting this accomplished.
because its good we get the remains back but NK uses them to sweeten the pot anytime they need to stall. they claim to have over 600 of the 6000 missing remains atm and purposely only sent back a portion. gotta save some for more stalling later. They also make us pay them for the remains everytime we do one of these transfers. they still haven't identified most of the remains from the last transfer because many of them were animals and koreans. in 92 they gave us 46 sets of remains and none of them were US soldiers. its great anytime we get some back but how NK uses this process to play games is ****ed up.
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It's currently 70 degrees in nky, I'm trying to decide what patio I'd like to sit on and have a beer for lunch or whether I should take the afternoon off to golf, economy is booming, clients businesses are doing great and my biggest worry this weekend is making sure the chemistry is correct in my pool water.

Cardkilla is foaming at the mouth in rage over a booming economy.

Take a step back and smell the roses, brother.
NONE OF US GIVE A SHIIIIIZ! They're doing this to try and deter the Christian vote. What's comical as we also saw on Fuzz' twitter, is the left continues to call it hypocrisy for Christians supporting Trump. What's the alternative, Fuzz/Dems? Support the Democrats? HAHA

No one looks to Trump as their spiritual advisor or savior. He is not running a church. He's running the country and you need a fighter for that. Christians put him there to protect them from the left. He's the guard dog waiting to rip you apart.

You cannot be a Christian and support Democrats. You can't. That party is increasingly hostile toward Christians and is all in on their support of Islam, LGBTQXYZ:)5%. The party of abortion should never get a Christian's vote. So, go ahead and keep bringing up this real-life version of Bruce Wayne (lol) where he slept with a lot of good looking women and act as if that's reason to just give the country over to the most corrupt, most evil and pathetic left.
I’m appalled by some of Trumps personal life, but he is bringing in conservative judges. That’s yugeeeee.
I really am curious what Cardkilla's every day life is like.

There's absolutely no way you can be a functioning adult who is a contributing member of society and believe the things he does.

I think in the past he's claimed to work in IT, correct? I'd bet a million fuzz dollars he works from home, and the only interactions he gets with people outside his basement are Vox articles and us telling him he's stupid. He's so far detached from any grasp on reality I refuse to believe he actually experiences the world, but rather sits in his basement and reads about what other fellow lunatics on reddit are saying.
Interesting because I haven't given a minutes thought to what your day to day life is like.

Sure I work in IT. As a UX designer and full stack developer. For a software company. Sorry I don't fit your profile bean counter. I get along with everyone, except the luckily small number of a$$holes who think they can bring their racist and sexist jokes out from the dustbins just because Trump was elected. It's funny these people think just because I'm white I'm gonna laugh at their tired old remarks about Mexicans or black people. That's probably the only time I might think about you and wonder if I was just talking to cosby.
Well, it beats spending trillions of dollars and not getting 4% GDP growth. Kinda funny how deficits are so important to you now. When a Democrat is in office, that's just the cost of government, nothing left to cut, you'll take away food from poor people, etc. Now, just matching the deficits of Obama but getting massive growth in return is a cardinal sin.

Maybe if people didn't know exactly what you've said in the past you could get away with flat out lying and flip flopping. But, as it stands, everyone here remembers your posts from the Obama years and so everyone immediately writes you off as a troll/idiot.
Actually I've always cared about deficits. Which is why I thought it was funny conservatives didn't say anything about Bush leaving Obama a 1 trillion yearly deficit and then leaving with a 300 billion one. Yet here we are again, another fiscal conservative in the WH and deficits approaching 2 trillion just to create another bubble economy.

And yes, Obama hit over 4% GDP a couple times. You guys act like it's never been done before, but that's how you treat Trump. Like a snowflake who gets rewarded after doing something that everyone else has done before and acting like he invented the wheel.
It's currently 70 degrees in nky, I'm trying to decide what patio I'd like to sit on and have a beer for lunch or whether I should take the afternoon off to golf, economy is booming, clients businesses are doing great and my biggest worry this weekend is making sure the chemistry is correct in my pool water.

Cardkilla is foaming at the mouth in rage over a booming economy.

Take a step back and smell the roses, brother.
Great time to be alive. It is 75 degrees in my part of the world with a high of 87 today and a strong Gulf breeze to cool you off. It is scallop season around here and I harvested a nice mess of them so today I will prepare them for the freezer.

We can celebrate a good economy and be thankful Obama was wrong when he said America's best days are gone and we can never have more than a 2% growth. I am so thankful he is a moron.
Actually I've always cared about deficits. Which is why I thought it was funny conservatives didn't say anything about Bush leaving Obama a 1 trillion yearly deficit and then leaving with a 300 billion one. Yet here we are again, another fiscal conservative in the WH and deficits approaching 2 trillion just to create another bubble economy.

And yes, Obama hit over 4% GDP a couple times. You guys act like it's never been done before, but that's how you treat Trump. Like a snowflake who gets rewarded after doing something that everyone else has done before and acting like he invented the wheel.

Venezuela could use IT workers.
Just when you think the lunatics can't be more unhinged.......... they find a way to diminish 4%+ GDP and bringing home the remains of soldiers.

Do you know how miserable and ate up with TDS you have to be to do that?

Please, for the love of America, jump on the Trump Train for just a few days and see how you like it. Who knows - you might just enjoy the ride.
I’m appalled by some of Trumps personal life, but he is bringing in conservative judges. That’s yugeeeee.

He's a killer. You don't see too many succeed when they're super weak and won't fight back. Too afraid of perception or something. Romney seemed to be of good moral character and they ate him alive.

Trump is certainly a shitty husband and I find that to be pretty immoral. But when we vote, we have a list of things that are very important to us and Trump's relationship with his wife is nowhere near my top priorities like protecting the Constitution, the 2A, getting conservative judges, a better economy and doing something about immigration.
He's a killer. You don't see too many succeed when they're super weak and won't fight back. Too afraid of perception or something. Romney seemed to be of good moral character and they ate him alive.

Trump is certainly a shitty husband and I find that to be pretty immoral. But when we vote, we have a list of things that are very important to us and Trump's relationship with his wife is nowhere near my top priorities like protecting the Constitution, the 2A, getting conservative judges, a better economy and doing something about immigration.
The Clinton administration pretty much put the "morality" issue to rest. So it is hypocritical for the Dems to even suggest America should be concerned because Trump commits adultery and plays with the ladies. God will discuss this with him so I can find other things to worry about.

As you said, protecting the constiution and appointing judges who are not activist, understanding how to grow and economy and how to handle the world and keep America on top. That is why I am on the Trump train.
This is the prime example why the MSM is not to be trusted or believed. They can't report good economic times without showing a bias. Pathetic. The sooner this rag goes out of business the better.

Citizen journalism should be encouraged. These people are not more intelligent. They simply get paid for activism and to pretend like they're experts. By no means, should people think D.C. and NYC writers speak for the rest of us nor do I value their opinions over my own or any working person.

Given who controls academia and most of our media, listening to their takes is like a Kentucky fan being subjected to nothing but takes from Louisville fans and then leaving it to Louisville fans to craft the narrative and form the perception of you to everyone else.
you guys do know Obama had higher quarterly GDP rates than this? 4.6%-2011, 4.6%-2014, 5.2%-2014. Trump spent a trillion dollars to get 4%. do we plan on doing that every quarter to sustain this? the projections for Q3 are under 3% right now. 4% is good but Trump didn't pull off some miracle, he spent a shitload of cash and got a bump.
you guys do know Obama had higher quarterly GDP rates than this? 4.6%-2011, 4.6%-2014, 5.2%-2014.
So 7 and 4 years ago Obama had good quarters (while also racking up trillion and near trillion dollar deficits)?

"Hey guys, what's the big deal? 29 years ago we had a pretty good quarterly GDP report. Nothing special from Trump because literally nothing changed between then and now, nope, absolutely nothing."
Trump could screw 10 prostitutes tonight and I could care less when I see my investments making me richer by the day under his leadership. 4.1% GDP and haters are trying to talk it down. Hilarious! Trump haters are getting owned, but refuse to admit they are dead wrong. Like that person you try to help but they rebel even further trying to prove you wrong and end up falling on their face. You cannot help or have a conversation with them. Just enjoy your success and let them be their usual miserable selves.
you guys do know Obama had higher quarterly GDP rates than this? 4.6%-2011, 4.6%-2014, 5.2%-2014. Trump spent a trillion dollars to get 4%. do we plan on doing that every quarter to sustain this? the projections for Q3 are under 3% right now. 4% is good but Trump didn't pull off some miracle, he spent a shitload of cash and got a bump.

Hi Alex.. Yes, What are "Interest Rates".
So 7 and 4 years ago Obama had good quarters (while also racking up trillion and near trillion dollar deficits)?

"Hey guys, what's the big deal? 29 years ago we had a pretty good quarterly GDP report. Nothing special from Trump because literally nothing changed between then and now, nope, absolutely nothing."
you do know Trump had GDP at 1.5% last year? half of the 2.9% in 2016. if Q3 & Q4 go as what is currently projected GDP for the year will be 2.5%-3%. so that puts Trump GDP exactly the same as Obama with another trillion deficit.
And yes, Obama hit over 4% GDP a couple times. You guys act like it's never been done before, but that's how you treat Trump. Like a snowflake who gets rewarded after doing something that everyone else has done before and acting like he invented the wheel.
Way to spin.

The average annual GDP growth rate was 1.48% during Obama's two terms. He become a President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms and not one year at 3%...His presidency had the worst recovery in U.S. history and he added 10 trillion to the national debt. Yep, that is your boy.