How will they rule ??!

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Where do you come up with this?

The average annual GDP growth rate was 1.48% during Obama's two terms. He become a President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms and not one year at 3%...His presidency had the worst recovery in U.S. history and he added 10 billion to the national debt. Yep, that is your boy.
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you do know Trump had GDP at 1.5% last year?
lolwut? That was the first quarter of the year which included time before Trump was even in office. Trump's GDP numbers have been:

Q1 2017 (including time before Trump was in office): 1.2%
Q2 2017: 3.1%
Q3 2017: 3.2%
Q4 2017: 2.9%
Q1 2018: 2.2%
Q2 2018: 4.1%

Only including quarters Trump is entirely responsible for, that puts his average GDP growth at over 3%. Seriously, how do you cherry pick the most arbitrary statistics as if anyone with Google can't spend 2 minutes refuting your idiocy?
Obama had 0% federal interest rates his entire Presidency, the longest period of time in history.
That is not a healthy economy.

Trump has shown these results with the interest being raised at the same time. That IS a healthy economy.
Without the interest rate, the Fed has little to no flexibility when the economy inevitably downturns.
lolwut? That was the first quarter of the year which included time before Trump was even in office. Trump's GDP numbers have been:

Q1 2017 (including time before Trump was in office): 1.2%
Q2 2017: 3.1%
Q3 2017: 3.2%
Q4 2017: 2.9%
Q1 2018: 2.2%
Q2 2018: 4.1%

Only including quarters Trump is entirely responsible for, that puts his average GDP growth at over 3%. Seriously, how do you cherry pick the most arbitrary statistics as if anyone with Google can't spend 2 minutes refuting your idiocy?
The answer is simple. Platinumdrgn is not very intelligent but he can't help it.
Here you go lefties.

Gee...wonder how Trump is better with the economy than a guy that shook down businesses and got rich?
SMH at the millions of minions who bought into this crap. That guy should be put at the bottom of any discussion of truth and understanding. He was either a complete idiot who was clueless or he had an agenda. I think he had an agenda that was anti-American and socialist. He wanted us to be equal in the world not a leader in the world.
Also LOL at 2.5-3% being exactly the same as Obama's growth rate year over year. 2.6% was the absolute peak of Obama's yearly GDP growth (2015). He came close to that two more times in 2010 and 2014. If you average his 8 years in office, he might, maybe, barely average 2% depending on the source. And that would be if you completely threw away 2008 and 2009. Literally stacking the deck as much as possible only gets Obama to not quite Trump.
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Here you go lefties.

Gee...wonder how Trump is better with the economy than a guy that shook down businesses and got rich?

Manufacturing jobs were only going to come back if the U.S. made its business tax rates competitive. The U.S. also had to get tough on trade (the high tarriffs placed on our goods and governments that heavily subsidize certain industries). Obama wasn't willing to do either of these things.
It's currently 70 degrees in nky, I'm trying to decide what patio I'd like to sit on and have a beer for lunch or whether I should take the afternoon off to golf, economy is booming, clients businesses are doing great and my biggest worry this weekend is making sure the chemistry is correct in my pool water.

Cardkilla is foaming at the mouth in rage over a booming economy.

Take a step back and smell the roses, brother.
Going to disagree here. Big picture, @cardkilla pls continue acting like a lunatic. Make sure everyone you see in public knows how you feel. You are a gift and an example of why the GOP has expanded across the country and you lost the POTUS election to a guy with the highest negatives in history. Pls continue being you.
lolwut? That was the first quarter of the year which included time before Trump was even in office. Trump's GDP numbers have been:

Q1 2017 (including time before Trump was in office): 1.2%
Q2 2017: 3.1%
Q3 2017: 3.2%
Q4 2017: 2.9%
Q1 2018: 2.2%
Q2 2018: 4.1%

Only including quarters Trump is entirely responsible for, that puts his average GDP growth at over 3%. Seriously, how do you cherry pick the most arbitrary statistics as if anyone with Google can't spend 2 minutes refuting your idiocy?
Because platinum is an idiot.
"Why does no one trust us anymore? This is Trump's fault. We can't have an attack on the free press. Journalism matters."

Below is what happens when a leftist vomits on their computer. Just a sample of why we hate these people.








White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

For 500 years, they’ve exploited their fellow man and plundered the planet. It’s time they rein themselves in



NYT-John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment




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We no longer have rule of law, are exactly like Russia now, and Jay-Z was a great philosopher.

This is CNN

Dem leaders are not happy about the soldier remains being returned home or the 4.1%(bumped up to 4.2%) GDP growth, wonder what will they be happy about?

The anti-American party. No denying that.

Let's see, they don't want a good economy, don't want a strong military, don't want borders, don't want patriotism, don't want ICE, don't want capitalism, don't want a white population apparently, don't want free speech, don't want the right to protect yourself, etc.
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He must be white and have money. No way Cali jails an illegal immigrant with 20k bond.


He said he felt compelled to do it because Trump was separating the babies from the immigrants. He said he took a break from politics for ahwile and then came back and something just switched inside him. lol

Kid took a break for a week or two and came back and felt the need to vandalize to make a statement. lol. He turned himself in which shows he really, really wanted some attention. It will cost his parents $3k though.
The anti-American party. No denying that.

Let's see, they don't want a good economy, don't want a strong military, don't want borders, don't want patriotism, don't want ICE, don't want capitalism, don't want a white population apparently, don't want free speech, don't want the right to protect yourself, etc.

You're the craziest person in this thread. That's saying something. Congratulations.

The left wants a good economy, want a strong military without consistently WAY overspending, want ethical treatment of those seeking amnesty/fleeing their country for a better life, want patriotism but not extreme nationalism, **** ICE, want capitalism with reform in respect to better wages and taming greed, want a population of whoever wants to be here (that includes people that aren't white. Sorry, I know that's a scary concept to you), want freedom of speech but despise hate speech and want the right to protect yourself with logical gun laws (not sure how to do this myself so shut up).

If that is crazy and unhinged to you, you may be the ones that need to take a step back.
Its days like the tax plan release, NK meeting and today that push people towards Trump and not believe the media. Im not talking about the people that are big time Dems or Republicans, Im talking about the people in the middle that dont watch CNN or Fox every night.

They see the tax plan gets revealed and Pelosi and all the Dems say its armageddon and people will die from it. Then tax time comes around and they find out they saved money. Trump has a historic meeting after NK have been testing missiles and shooting missiles over Japan. NK then stops testing missiles and begins to demolish test sites. Instead of calling a spade a spade, CNN tries to spin it as a negative.

Now the GDP, 4.1% growth is damn good. Im not saying Obama didnt have good quarters too, he had a few good quarters and that was a good thing. But the fact that you hop on Twitter or Facebook or turn on CNN or MSNBC and theyre trying to spin this as a negative or talking about Stormy Daniels instead, it makes the people in the middle realize that no matter what they try to spin everything negative about Trump.

If CNN and MSNBC wanted to be more successful on making Trump look bad, they would be smart and praise him when he does something good, so the people in the middle think these channels are going to call a spade a spade. But now they just think no matter what theyre going to try and hate on him. Its just the boy who cried wolf and the majority of people arent listening to the cries of wolf anymore. The fact that so many (even some on here) are trying to spin a good GDP quarter and even returns or remains from NK as a bad thing is just sad. And shows theyre more focused on taking down the Republicans than the overall well being of the country. My rant is over.
Daily Beast doxing teenagers that are conservative. LOL.

This guy is crazy obsessed. He just stalks these kids' social media profiles.

Also, why does every leftist male journalist look the same?
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Morality issues were settled when Bill Clinton was president. To see Dems posting crap about that now is a total joke. Even Paula Jones doesn't care anymore. We are enlightened.
To see both sheep sides is a total joke. Let's be clear, you're a total joke. You lost you mind when it was Clinton, you defend it now. More hypocrisy and fraud.