How will they rule ??!

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the Rosenstein impeachment is dead for now. Meadows didn't file the motion to bring it to a vote. waste of time anyway, nothing was going to happen in the senate.
My cousin actually married an Almond farmer. I dont think he has been effected by any of this though. So really nothing to add on this haha.

You've added by responding and communicating to (at a min) - cause what you said immediately made me think gf how surprising it was to see both immense Pecan and Cotton commercial (is that the right word?) agriculture here

Here's sometihng new I learned in history in the past 2 days
Probably going to be old news to many though

I didn't realize that President Andrew Jackson was so staunchly outspoken *and well documented* critic / enemy of central banking systems.......

Also the tarantula wasp.....I learned of those this past week.
the history of farming subsidies & tariffs is one of colossal ****ups. Everytime the US has gone heavy handed in agriculture it has wrecked farmers. The largest factor is countries don't like unreliable suppliers and find new ones. The last time we had a soy & corn war brazil became positioned to take over the market and we have never gained that power back. We still spend billions paying farmers to grow crops that are never intended to be put on the market. The US is really bad at managing correct agriculture production levels. We find a crop or product that is popular at the moment and massively oversupply and then subsidize the shit out of it in response.

My Father in Law (UGA Grad / Fan) is a Forrester & there was still large scale cotton / pecans / peaches in the region ....cotton for sure....but now that I think about it I don't recall ever actually SEEING a peach orchard.....maybe they're more common in ......didn't mean to ramble / too lazy to erase

Is it about right to think of the post WW2 era as one where there were advances in fertilizers and heavy machinery so that food production expanded exponentially?

Seems like "exponentially" is probably too strong since a lot of the world was bombed out after 1945

have either of the 2 primary US political parties we know - ever had a clear platform in that sector? Or are they both following the money / grants etc

and I'd assume you ge the good / bad and the ugly with govt decisions on grants or cooperative agreements etc,,,,,,?

Good - some of the money that went to UK to study cultivating proteins on the outside of tobacco order to use them as a component to an Ebola "vaccine".......

Bad - Monsanto patents seeds and heavily lobbies for wide allowances to genetically modify the food base.....with very little public SOCIALIZATION of the issue

holy Shart-Gun Batman....I hope that was as clearly typed as it sounded in my head
Obviously this is a rhetorical question to some extent - but what percentage of the US adult / voting population would support a series of national events to allow total amnesty for open dialogue between the most ardent of the Marxist type radicals - and NRA / Libertarian types" to take an honest look at where political divisions originate

Just have several series dedicated to open dialogue and good candor - bad words allowed - 100% frank feedback allowed - everything gets put-on the table and everyone needs to be prepared to hear the honest truth from the others

Moderated and presented in a dignified way with the STATED INTENT of coming to common ground on truly 'building block' type ideas

It'd have to be funded by some means that would stem in flow of corporate dinero
........and come to think of should be situationally televised / streamed and Deep Faked ; )

any of you Kafkaesque Yahoos take that idea and I'll have your water supply dosed with Turbo-Lax (tm)
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He’s not the only one. I posted this yesterday but deserves another mention...

So - 'm sure others have thought / said the same thing

But this is how the more recent radical / nonsensical / science denying social movements --- actually undermine the legitimate civil rights movements that happened at a couple of points in our nations history .....

If we go down the road of accepting - and even punitively enforcing - that biological sex and anthropological "race" determinants -- ARE PURELY SUBJECTIVE AND long as you truly believe you have become The Other ....

Then there's no longer any reason to maintain population specific support of any kind

There's no longer any reason too maintain women's programs of any kind

Nor female weighed decision making in divorce cases

No more educational institutions that emphasize a racial tradition

oh you can still DO all those things - but if this mindset is applied constantly then I can stand up from my chair right now......all geeked out 5'11 205# 46 year old man with my Caucasian dancing feet and Melungian musicianship.......and decide I'm a woman,....possibly a black woman

and would have to be accepted as such

which means there's no reason I can't apply for fed grants as a minority run business deserving of NAACP educational grants and membership in the National Org of Woman - Tucson Chapter

........but oh well

tha tmovement has to be peacefully but firmly resisted
Yeah Cadet Bone Spurs is a real fighter!

had dinner with Trump Jr. & her handler at some NRA conference.

I've been purposely taking break and last night I found myself getting a sucked back in a tad, so I called it quits and simply took your word for it.

As always you grossly misrepresented the facts, trying to portray it as something that it definitely wasn't, but I'm sure you already knew that. This wasn't a planned, private meeting to discuss US/Russia economic relations and sanctions like she and Torshin had with Obama's Treasury Department (twice).

Jr. didn't 'have dinner' with anyone. He didn't invite Butina and/or Torshin to the event, he doesn't know them personally nor has he ever planned to meet with them in public or private. Jr. just so happened to attend an event, along with hundreds of other people, where she and Torshin were also in attendance.

Torshin, not her (Butina), was seated near Jr. at the dinner, and he and Torshin may have had (Bloomberg says it's unclear if they spoke, WaPo says they spoke briefly) a random, brief conversation at the table, in front of several witnesses, all within earshot, who could easily overhear said conversation.

It's also been reported that their brief conversation was nothing more than small talk about guns and that others at the table were also involved. After all, they were at an NRA event and Jr. is a very popular guy. It's hard to imagine the topic of discussion not revolving around guns, and just as hard to imagine everyone else at the table not conversing with Jr. and being involved in the conversation as well.

In May 2016, he dined at the same National Rifle Association event as Aleksander Torshin, the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia. It is unclear if the two talked during this dinner.

May 20, 2016: At a dinner on the sideline of the NRA convention, Torshin and Trump Jr. are seated near each other and speak briefly.
Just stop and listen to yourselves. You mofos are so damn ate up with Russia and Trump that you're literally trying to blame him for, and connect him to, a Russian 'spy' that's been in the country since '14. It wasn't Trump that allowed her into the country. It wasn't Trump that granted her a visa in '16, allowing her to stay in the country even longer.

Mother Jones is even using a 2013 video of John Bolton advocating for international gun rights as evidence to somehow try to connect this all to Trump, even though they know Bolton was a member of the NRA's International Affairs Subcommittee and that his position on that committee involved, you guessed it, advocating for international gun rights.

It was also 2013. Bolton had absolutely nothing to do with Trump in '13. Trump, by all accounts, hadn't even decided to run for president in 2013, much less made the decision to choose Bolton as his third National Security Advisor.

November 2013: Former UN ambassador and future Trump national security adviser John Bolton appears in a video in which he talks up gun rights in Russia. Bolton is a member of the NRA’s “international affairs subcommittee” at the time.

If that isn't absurd enough, it's John Bolton, for crying out loud. The day he's colluding with the Russians is the day Russia has taken over the country and enslaved us all. When you're accusing him of collusion, you've really gone off the deep end. The shit they feed to you all is mind-numbingly stupid, and even more stupid that you all actually believe it. Get a f***ing grip, man.

NONE OF US GIVE A SHIIIIIZ! They're doing this to try and deter the Christian vote. What's comical as we also saw on Fuzz' twitter, is the left continues to call it hypocrisy for Christians supporting Trump. What's the alternative, Fuzz/Dems? Support the Democrats? HAHA

No one looks to Trump as their spiritual advisor or savior. He is not running a church. He's running the country and you need a fighter for that. Christians put him there to protect them from the left. He's the guard dog waiting to rip you apart.

You cannot be a Christian and support Democrats. You can't. That party is increasingly hostile toward Christians and is all in on their support of Islam, LGBTQXYZ:)5%. The party of abortion should never get a Christian's vote. So, go ahead and keep bringing up this real-life version of Bruce Wayne (lol) where he slept with a lot of good looking women and act as if that's reason to just give the country over to the most corrupt, most evil and pathetic left.
Trump is killing it with today's 4.1% GDP number. We were told by Obama's people that 1% growth was the new normal. Here is a look back....

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I'd like to take a minute to thank Vladimir Putin for this great GDP number, my recent raise, my tax cut, for protecting my right to fight tyranny and bear arms and for finally fighting back against the financial fisting America has been continuously taking from the rest of the world while we defend them.
Lots of pretty girls like guns. The last time I was at the gun range there was a class of about 20 women getting licensed for concealed carry.



Isn't it funny how the left completely markets their BS and lies to the people on who the good guys are? They say the right has a war on women because they don't want to fund abortion. Never mind that they want women to be trained and have the ability to protect themselves and let's not forget who wants open borders to bring over savages who rape women.

Conservatives aren't the ones arguing against citizens being able to protect themselves. That's the left.

Leftist logic
Left: Cops are racist killers. Trump is a fascist.
Right: Well, you should probably own a gun to protect yourself if you believe that.
Left: SICKO! Only cops and the military should have guns.
Would be thrilled if Jim Jordan was voted the next speaker.
I would too but it is an uphill battle. The establishment and swamp is deep and wide. A Paul Ryan type is favored and they will get that person. Unfortunately for us. Before the establishment allows Jim Jordan to be speaker they will destroy him. That is what the Ohio State thing is all about. Funny nobody said a word about this until Jordan became a threat
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