How will they rule ??!

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Maybe the liberals would like us to remember how they supported the Elian Gonzalez model. So when these deported families decide they DO want their children back, they will want ICE to raid adoptive homes in the middle of the the night, full auto and tear gas, Janet Reno style.
Remember when Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions sent men with automatic weapons to kick thousands of refugee children out of America and Republicans cheered?
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now Cohen is officially cooperating with Mueller and claiming Trump knew about the russians offering up dirt on Hillary. Cohen says he was at the meeting when Trump approved the meetup in Trump tower with the russians. the next week will be Trump & Fox News going hardcore against Cohens credibility.
LOL @ posters in here talking about ethics and morals. Trump made it to where you guys can't mention that kind of shit, remember? Just sit back, grab some women by their pussies, and let this Cohen thing play out.

Oh and $12B in handouts to US farmers???


Wait...that *is* how you guys view government handout recipients, right?

These farmers better not be sitting around smoking pot and cashing gov't checks while I'm out here working hard for a living. SMH...

If only Trump knew how trade works. This bitch of a sperm rag has absolutely no idea what he's doing, and you guys are lining up to defend him. Disgraceful.

Do you even love America?
What about those millions of coal jobs he created?
now Cohen is officially cooperating with Mueller and claiming Trump knew about the russians offering up dirt on Hillary. Cohen says he was at the meeting when Trump approved the meetup in Trump tower with the russians. the next week will be Trump & Fox News going hardcore against Cohens credibility.

Read above. There's nothing 'official' about it. Cohen hasn't said anything. This isn't coming from Cohen, but 'anonymous sources'.

And according to those same sources, Cohen doesn't have any evidence to corroborate those claims.

Exactly how credible is a shyster lawyer, dubbed as a 'fixer', that tapes his own clients without their knowledge?
The Cohen news was only pushed out tonight to try to distract from tomorrows GDP report. They gotta have something to try to distract from it.
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No, I don't . . . but that's a million dollar photo from the 90s if ever there was one. Poor little Elian . . . dragged out of bed by the feds, by Bill Clinton, by Janet Reno . . . and now liberals a quarter century later, a 9-11 and destroyed World Trade Center later, telling us what is just in the way of entry, and children, and that repulsive bitch Maddow and her phony tears.
Meh. What's a few thousand immigrant toddlers from Central America, to the republican party anyway?
Great article: "Accidental Superpower"

"Peter Zeihan ... delivers a lecture on the current state of geopolitics at the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel's 2018 Winter meeting (Feb. 28, 2018). Zeihan describes a disordered world where the dreams of a liberal democratic order are shattered on the rocks of hard geography. Zeihan makes the case that because of its geographical position, the U.S. is likely to remain the world's largest superpower for at least the foreseeable future. In the rest of the world, he describes Russia and China being forced to choose between stagnation or conflict (and both choosing conflict), the European Union rapidly disintegrating, and the Iran-Saudi Arabia conflict moving steadily towards a head.

However, Zeihan notes, the U.S. does not have to play a role in any of these conflicts if it doesn't want to. In fact, thanks to President Trump, the U.S. might be the beneficiary of a second century as the "last man standing," watching the rest of the world tear itself down repeatedly. Remarkably Zeihan predicts that due to rapidly shifting world events and U.S. demographics, President Trump is likely to be the "most internationalist" and "least populist" American president of the rest of our lifetimes.

After laying a groundwork for how the world has changed since the 2008 recession, Zeihan explains how President Trump's preference for bilateral relationships fits in with this new era of direct state-to-state conflict coming soon. "So what we've seen is a cavalcade of world leaders coming to the United States to try to figure out how they fit in with the Americans in this new era," Zeihan explained."

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Great article: "Accidental Superpower"

"Peter Zeihan ... delivers a lecture on the current state of geopolitics at the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel's 2018 Winter meeting (Feb. 28, 2018). Zeihan describes a disordered world where the dreams of a liberal democratic order are shattered on the rocks of hard geography. Zeihan makes the case that because of its geographical position, the U.S. is likely to remain the world's largest superpower for at least the foreseeable future. In the rest of the world, he describes Russia and China being forced to choose between stagnation or conflict (and both choosing conflict), the European Union rapidly disintegrating, and the Iran-Saudi Arabia conflict moving steadily towards a head.

However, Zeihan notes, the U.S. does not have to play a role in any of these conflicts if it doesn't want to. In fact, thanks to President Trump, the U.S. might be the beneficiary of a second century as the "last man standing," watching the rest of the world tear itself down repeatedly. Remarkably Zeihan predicts that due to rapidly shifting world events and U.S. demographics, President Trump is likely to be the "most internationalist" and "least populist" American president of the rest of our lifetimes.

After laying a groundwork for how the world has changed since the 2008 recession, Zeihan explains how President Trump's preference for bilateral relationships fits in with this new era of direct state-to-state conflict coming soon. "So what we've seen is a cavalcade of world leaders coming to the United States to try to figure out how they fit in with the Americans in this new era," Zeihan explained."
thats a pretty accurate article. ive always said the greatest advantage for the US is our location. we have wimpy friends to the North and drug suppliers to the south. EU, china & russia are surrounded by enemies. thats why those areas have always been at war. the middle easts problems we create flood into the countries trying to catch up with us. its all win win for the US. if we ever needed more land or resources there is nothing Canada or Mexico could do to stop us.

Then why did the Obama administration fall for it and invite her in? She met with the U.S. Treasury and Fed officials during Obama's second term.

Odd how everyone always seems to leave that part out. Surely it's not being done on purpose, is it?

Once again it took Trump's administration to clean up Obama's mess and arrest a Russian 'spy' that had infiltrated Obama's government.

  1. past tense and past participle of meet
  2. infiltrate
  3. gain access as a guest of the Center for the National Interest, a Washington foreign policy think tank that is supportive of efforts to improve U.S.-Russia relations. Paul Saunders, its executive director, in December 2016 urged then President-elect Donald Trump to ease tensions with Russia.
  4. someone named Dimitri K. Simes, born Dmitry Kostantinovich Simis, publishes a bi-monthly magazine, The National Interest. The magazine's honorary chairman is Henry Kissinger while Paul J. Saunders is the associate publisher.
You can keep trying to spin it all you want. She gained access to the US treasury department and Fed officials under false pretenses. When they personally met with her they had no idea she was a clandestine Russian operative. There's a word for that. Try looking it up and telling me what it is.
You can keep trying to spin it all you want. She gained access to the US treasury department and Fed officials under false pretenses. When they personally met with her they had no idea she was a clandestine Russian operative. There's a word for that. Try looking it up and telling me what it is.
lololol, OH, I suppose she was only a clandestine operative under other administrations since the Russians did nothing wrong under this current one??
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You can keep trying to spin it all you want. She gained access to the US treasury department and Fed officials under false pretenses. When they personally met with her they had no idea she was a clandestine Russian operative. There's a word for that. Try looking it up and telling me what it is.
because GOP lawmakers and moneymen got her the access after she slept with all of them. She funneled a ton of money to the NRA and a few other conservative groups and bought & ****ed her way into government access. Ive never seen what she actually talked to the treasury guy about, i know he used to run the Israeli bank before he joined the fed. she used the the words GUN & CASH and the GOP gave her anything she wanted.
lololol, OH, I suppose she was only clandestine under other administrations since the Russians did nothing wrong under this current one.

Isn't that why she was arrested? Aren't they accusing her of being a secret Russian operative? Whip that dictionary out and tell me the definition of clandestine.

I'm pretty sure she never personally met with anyone in the Trump administration. That picture you saw circulating Twitter was fake news. It wasn't her in the Oval Office meeting.

I'm also pretty sure the Russian 'hacking' happened under the previous administration as well.
Isn't that why she was arrested? Aren't they accusing her of being a secret Russian operative? Whip that dictionary out and tell me the definition of clandestine.

I'm pretty sure she never personally met with anyone in the Trump administration. That picture you saw circulating Twitter was fake news. It wasn't her in the Oval Office meeting.

I'm also pretty sure the Russian 'hacking' happened under the previous administration as well.
she was allowed to ask Trump a question at a conservative event and had dinner with Trump Jr. & her handler at some NRA conference. there are photos of her sitting down with at least a dozen current GOP lawmakers.
Isn't that why she was arrested? Aren't they accusing her of being a secret Russian operative? Whip that dictionary out and tell me the definition of clandestine.

I'm pretty sure she never personally met with anyone in the Trump administration. That picture you saw circulating Twitter was fake news. It wasn't her in the Oval Office meeting.

I'm also pretty sure the Russian 'hacking' happened under the previous administration as well.
No one ever said this but I will say -- when they did, they all lost their lives.
Why indict 26 dead Russians? [roll]
Yep. You're right, James. I'm the one spinning. I'm the one ignoring the true meaning of words and citing my make believe dictionary. I'm the one posting corny ass GIFs. I never stood a chance. How could I ever compete?
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Dems are on this again. Lol

A woman let in by Obama’s team, went to an anti-Trump protest in Chicago, has connections to fusion, approached Trump Jr, showed up with nothing, then went to that trial not long after and did everyone forget who she was with?

Trump Jr even shared the emails via twitter. It’s maddening that mother effing Dems and their shitbag media scum can do this when they worked to get Hillary in, a woman who is the least transparent and most corrupt out there, deleted everything, smashed phones, used bleach bit, had a slush fund foundation, honestly, she’s the biggest piece of garbage in politics and these people do nothing.
Why is the Trump administration indicting them if Trump doesn't believe it actually happened in 2016, yet also wants them dead for doing something wrong?????
Why is the Trump administration indicting them

Mueller really isn't the Trump administration but whatever. I'm not sure what good an indictment does anyway. You do realize that an indictment isn't proof of guilt, don't you? You're pumping it up like it proves something. It doesn't.

Since they were indicted they are now presumed innocent until proven guilty. That's that whole due process thing. You do realize that they'll never actually see the inside of a US courtroom and be proven guilty, don't you?

Trump doesn't believe it actually happened

Interference and collusion aren't the same thing. You can believe that collusion didn't actually happen while still believing the other did. Why do you have to make things ups to try to make a point?

yet also wants them dead?????

Again, the Russians who got blown up in Syria have absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about. How are you even making this connection?

Were the emails accurate? They were. Hillary and co authored them all and never ever contested their authenticity.

Cracks me up libs aren't made any of those were sent. Just mad the public got to see them

now Cohen is officially cooperating with Mueller and claiming Trump knew about the russians offering up dirt on Hillary. Cohen says he was at the meeting when Trump approved the meetup in Trump tower with the russians. the next week will be Trump & Fox News going hardcore against Cohens credibility.

Cohen's been officially cooperating for weeks. He has nothing. Zero. He paid off gold diggers.
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Pretty sure it was Trump's administration that, back in April, sanctioned Torshin. So, not only did the Trump administration arrest the 'spy' who had gained access to the Obama Treasury Department, the Trump administration also sanctioned her buddy who attended the meetings with her.
because GOP lawmakers and moneymen got her the access.

You made this up. Obama's administration allowed her into the country. His administration, most notably the US Treasury and several Fed officials, gave her access and met with her on a couple of occasions.

she was allowed to ask Trump a question at a conservative event

Because Trump controls which media is allowed into an event now? Haven't you lot been moaning the opposite for the last 24 hours? Which is it? Make up your minds.

had dinner with Trump Jr. & her handler at some NRA conference

Pretty sure Jr and the NRA aren't Trump's administration, and they definitely aren't the US Treasury.

A 27 year old career criminal in Oakland (white) kills a black girl on the subway and Anne Hathaway bashes whites. Classic. Never mind this pails in comparison to what blacks do to whites, let’s pick this case.

Weird how none of these leftists ever speak out against the rape and murder of whites when the skin color doesn’t help their cause.

Edit: Who wants to guess her religion? Every. Single. Time.

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