How will they rule ??!

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Who told you that. He is now in home arrest status. He can not return to America or his family at this time. I look for Turkey to cave and let him go.
Why would he return to America? he has lived in turkey for 25 years, His home is Turkey. You choose to live in a shithole you deal with the consequences.

When did Brazil take over the Soybean market? The US has 42% of the market share, and 34% of the worlds Production. We prodoce 108 million metric tons, while Brazil produces 86.8 million metric tons.
your off by 30 million tons page 24 page 40
They slightly passed us up in production last year and projected this year for huge increase. US projected for a small decrease in production this year because we don't have buyers. Only reason its not even larger is because they get lower yields per acre than the US does. In the early 80's brazil didn't even have a soybean crop, The US had about 90% of the market. Then we implemented stupid trade policy started by Carter and Reagan failed to fix. Brazil stepped in to supply the giant increase in demand.
Judge rules that states must pay for gender reassignment surgery. Are boob jobs next?

so what about paying for life saving cancer treatments or heart disease etc? ppl with real problems, you are on your own, go bankrupt dealing with it etc, mentally ill ppl, sure we will force tax payers to subsidize the cost of having your weiner cut off. liberalism is a disease. many on this board are infected by it.
I was happy for Trump about the EU news till i actually read up on it. They didn't sign any actual deal. EU dude "promised" to maybe buy some soy and look into expanding natural gas imports. Even if they bought 100% of their soy from the US it wouldn't come close to replacing china, but i guess its something if it actually happens. And they both promised to work towards lowering tariffs and barriers at some point in the future. The current retaliatory tariffs stay in place and they both promised not to enact new ones while they talk. Like we haven't heard empty talk and promises 1000x in the last 50 years from Trump and all the guys before him. Trump is very good at talking and getting other people to talk, not so good at actually getting those things down on signed paper. They basically just agreed to a momentary cease fire.
I was happy for Trump about the EU news till i actually read up on it. They didn't sign any actual deal. EU dude "promised" to maybe buy some soy and look into expanding natural gas imports. Even if they bought 100% of their soy from the US it wouldn't come close to replacing china, but i guess its something if it actually happens. And they both promised to work towards lowering tariffs and barriers at some point in the future. The current retaliatory tariffs stay in place and they both promised not to enact new ones while they talk. Like we haven't heard empty talk and promises 1000x in the last 50 years from Trump and all the guys before him. Trump is very good at talking and getting other people to talk, not so good at actually getting those things down on signed paper. They basically just agreed to a momentary cease fire.

in other news, platindumb just spewed more worthless dribble out his ass.
I was happy for Trump about the EU news till i actually read up on it. They didn't sign any actual deal. EU dude "promised" to maybe buy some soy and look into expanding natural gas imports. Even if they bought 100% of their soy from the US it wouldn't come close to replacing china, but i guess its something if it actually happens. And they both promised to work towards lowering tariffs and barriers at some point in the future. The current retaliatory tariffs stay in place and they both promised not to enact new ones while they talk. Like we haven't heard empty talk and promises 1000x in the last 50 years from Trump and all the guys before him. Trump is very good at talking and getting other people to talk, not so good at actually getting those things down on signed paper. They basically just agreed to a momentary cease fire.
What a shock! Plat trying to put a negative spin on the good news. Just as I predicted yesterday,
I definitely think there are some Trump loyalist on here for sure. Just there are some Obama loyalist on here as well. But I dont get calling out the conservatives on here for just caring about Trump winning. Bill Maher on his show said he's rooting for a recession and there were multiple liberals on here that basically backed up what he was saying. Talk about rooting for the loss overall just so you can say your team looks better.

IDGAF about Obama in 2018. And SWEET LORD, I definitely don't care about Hillary Clinton. I'm confused by the right's obsession with them, Hillary in particular.

I don't think anyone with a functioning brain should be pulling for a recession.

Trump's whole thing about "winning" has the dumbest of his supporters riled up 24/7. Trump's idea of "deals" is sophomoric and uninformed. His views on "trade" are even dumber, as he only sees numbers and "deficits" and sees that as America "losing." He revels in being the staged finisher, the guy who gets to bask in the glory but ultimately has minimal understanding of the details. The hillbillies who voted for him treat it like rooting for a college football team or something. Wins and losses count, for sure. But the whole "I love the taste of liberal tears" shtick reeks of pulling for Louisville to lose, regardless of if they're playing UK or if UK is even playing a game that night.

This is coming from a guy who loves to see UofL lose. Bigly, even. I can be petty like that.

I just don't take that same stance when it comes to the governing of our country. This current climate feels like people are actually wearing blue and red jerseys.
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Keep in mind that Gubarev has Mueller's indictment to use as evidence as well. His firm hasn't even been mentioned in Muller's investigation, much less accused of infiltrating the DNC. The dossier continues to be exposed.

Representatives of Fusion GPS must answer a broad array of questions about the opposition research firm’s role in creating, investigating and disseminating the infamous Steele dossier, a federal judge ruled.

U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro issued the decision Tuesday in a defamation lawsuit a Russian tech executive filed against BuzzFeed News, which published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017.

The trial is scheduled to begin in Miami in November.

Ungaro ruled that attorneys for the executive, Aleksej Gubarev, can ask Fusion GPS representatives in a deposition about the firm’s dossier clients, its efforts to verify the dossier, its decision to hire dossier author Christopher Steele and its interactions with government officials and media outlets, including BuzzFeed.

“This ruling gave us everything that we had hoped for,” Evan Fray-Witzer, a lawyer for Gubarev, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“After a year of trying everything they could think of to avoid being deposed, Fusion is finally going to have to sit down and answer our questions,” he added.

Gubarev is mentioned in the last of 17 memos in the dossier. The final memo, dated Dec. 13, 2016, claims Gubarev’s web hosting companies used viruses and malware to infiltrate the DNC’s computer networks. The dossier also alleges Gubarev worked for Russian intelligence services.

Gubarev has vehemently denied the allegations and claims that BuzzFeed was negligent in failing to investigate the claims before publishing the dossier.
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[laughing]Anyone who links Avenatti is a lost cause. Biggest fraud on the planet. Just had the media barred from the courtroom during his trial because he doesn't want them reporting on what piece of shit con artist he is.

By the way, he's selling wolf tickets. Tucker has offered an invitation at least a dozen times and he hides, refusing to even accept Tucker's call and/or get back to him. Isn't even man enough to tell him no.