How will they rule ??!

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Does anyone here know anyone who farms for a living?

I’m curious about how subsidies have worked/not worked over time etc
the history of farming subsidies & tariffs is one of colossal ****ups. Everytime the US has gone heavy handed in agriculture it has wrecked farmers. The largest factor is countries don't like unreliable suppliers and find new ones. The last time we had a soy & corn war brazil became positioned to take over the market and we have never gained that power back. We still spend billions paying farmers to grow crops that are never intended to be put on the market. The US is really bad at managing correct agriculture production levels. We find a crop or product that is popular at the moment and massively oversupply and then subsidize the shit out of it in response.
The US is really bad at managing correct agriculture production levels.

Surprised you guys never apply your free market capitalistic theories to healthcare or any of the other industries you insist the federal government inserts itself into.

Insurance, healthcare, student loans, mortgages, etc. all places the federal government needs to be involved more, per the left.

Just don't send any breaks to bean farmers, that will throw off the global markets.
In case you were wondering, this is not intelligent political discussion. We don't talk like prepubescent "fanbois" arguing over Mac vs. PC, or Team Captain America vs. Team Iron Man. This isn't a p!ssing contest. He's not "your boy Trump," he is the rightfully elected President of our United States, and you should be on the side of your country, and not taking sides like some middle-school girl's fight against the man who represents our nation in the world.

Furthermore, don't you find it hypocritical that you are making fun of a man because of the color of his skin (*gasp!*) and your elitist disdain for the lowbrow food he eats (*egad!*)? Why is doing that okay if it is Trump?

Uhhhhh....75% of the posters in this thread treat their political affiliation like team sports. You guys are absolute Trump stans. You care about him "winning" and "libtards" losing.
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God damn by the sound of this, you would think Trump stops by this guys apartment every morning to beat him and steal his lunch money. In all of his 11 tweets he didnt mention anything specific that truly affects his day to day life. It was just a bunch of bull crap stuff that truly has no affect on him. Did he lose his job and cant afford his mortgage and bills because of Trump's bad economy? No. Did Trump pass some new law that affects his day to day well being? No.

This is a dude that is probably obsessed with social media and on his phone all day long reading one sided stories, then goes to his job at Salon to attribute to making one sided stories. Then goes home and complains how horrible the world is. His life is basically the complete opposite of the popular meme of the dog saying everything is fine, with the entire background being on fire. Hes running around yelling fire, fire, fire but everything around him is just fine and dandy.

I know its not a popular thing to say now a days, but this dude needs to man the F up. Stop coming up with reasons to bitch about your life. Work your ass off and improve your life and enjoy it.
the history of farming subsidies & tariffs is one of colossal ****ups. Everytime the US has gone heavy handed in agriculture it has wrecked farmers. The largest factor is countries don't like unreliable suppliers and find new ones. The last time we had a soy & corn war brazil became positioned to take over the market and we have never gained that power back. We still spend billions paying farmers to grow crops that are never intended to be put on the market. The US is really bad at managing correct agriculture production levels. We find a crop or product that is popular at the moment and massively oversupply and then subsidize the shit out of it in response.

When did Brazil take over the Soybean market? The US has 42% of the market share, and 34% of the worlds Production. We prodoce 108 million metric tons, while Brazil produces 86.8 million metric tons.
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I know conservatives keep saying it. But I wonder how long till Liberals and the main stream media find out that the conservatives love it every time someone gives this girl a platform to talk. it amazes me how much hype this girl is continuing to get.
Shhh... just let her talk and don't say anything negative about her. In fact, please encourage her to speak more.

She's a Repubs dream (in several different ways most likely lol).
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A push away from capitalism means you hate the oceans

Uhhhhh....75% of the posters in this thread treat their political affiliation like team sports. You guys are absolute Trump stans. You care about him "winning" and "libtards" losing.

I definitely think there are some Trump loyalist on here for sure. Just there are some Obama loyalist on here as well. But I dont get calling out the conservatives on here for just caring about Trump winning. Bill Maher on his show said he's rooting for a recession and there were multiple liberals on here that basically backed up what he was saying. Talk about rooting for the loss overall just so you can say your team looks better.
WH edits transcript

white house edited out Putin answering whether he wanted Trump to win in their official transcript of the summit. wonder if they would have left it alone if putin had said no. it's just funny how insecure Trump is about Russia and the silly lengths he goes for the spin

Kind of off topic but why is Turkey even still in NATO? Erdogan is basically a terrorist.
I really like Turkey and it is a beautiful part of the world with deep ancient history. I visited a few years ago and Erdogan was just getting into office. Our tour guide warned us he wanted to take them to a Muslim State and would do all he could to achieve that. The guide was right. The guide also explained the vast majority of Turkey was secular and did not practice the Muslim faith although they were Muslim. He said it was similar to many Catholic Americans who do not practice Catholicism.

They should be kicked out of NATO now.
God damn by the sound of this, you would think Trump stops by this guys apartment every morning to beat him and steal his lunch money. In all of his 11 tweets he didnt mention anything specific that truly affects his day to day life. It was just a bunch of bull crap stuff that truly has no affect on him. Did he lose his job and cant afford his mortgage and bills because of Trump's bad economy? No. Did Trump pass some new law that affects his day to day well being? No.

This is a dude that is probably obsessed with social media and on his phone all day long reading one sided stories, then goes to his job at Salon to attribute to making one sided stories. Then goes home and complains how horrible the world is. His life is basically the complete opposite of the popular meme of the dog saying everything is fine, with the entire background being on fire. Hes running around yelling fire, fire, fire but everything around him is just fine and dandy.

I know its not a popular thing to say now a days, but this dude needs to man the F up. Stop coming up with reasons to bitch about your life. Work your ass off and improve your life and enjoy it.

Political media is basically just selling bullshit feelings and hysteria in an op-ed and tweets.
I definitely think there are some Trump loyalist on here for sure. Just there are some Obama loyalist on here as well. But I dont get calling out the conservatives on here for just caring about Trump winning. Bill Maher on his show said he's rooting for a recession and there were multiple liberals on here that basically backed up what he was saying. Talk about rooting for the loss overall just so you can say your team looks better.
Yeah I agree with you about the rooting for recession but what is the difference when the conservative game plan is to bankrupt the government?

I was thinking about this the other day...according to Democratic Party media, when was the last time they lost a presidential debate? You go to the coverage of these networks after a debate and then ask yourself if you watched the same thing. In regards to that Vox video where it said Hillary clearly smoked Trump in all three debates, that's laughable. I'd give Hillary probably the first one. Certainly would never give her the last two.

If you went by what media tells you, you're super in the dark. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is legit. People whose lives aren't affected one iota, riot, protest, tell everyone the world is ending 24/7 ("WHEN WILL THIS NIGHTMARE END? they scream online). These people have no clue about the good stuff that has happened. They are the epitome of sheep. They react when the media tells them to. It's a conformist mentality. "Oh, how are these people over here acting? I better join them."
Yeah I agree with you about the rooting for recession but what is the difference when the conservative game plan is to bankrupt the government?

You gotta show me that game plan then. I personally dont like Trump's spending plans on a lot of things. But its not like we didnt just come from a president that added more debt than any other president ever.

Im honest and Ill say I dont know much about tariffs and international trading. So when he started adding those I was very open to hearing both sides and I still dont know if it was a good idea. But after the news yesterday about the new trade deal, and more negotiations to follow about steel and auto trade, he may have been onto something. He maybe willing to take a short hit, to profit long term.

With the economy and jobs going very strong, the GDP reports expected this week are supposed to be tremendous. I dont think the game plan is to bankrupt the government. If it is, I think Trump and the Rs are really doing a bad job at it. I definitely think we should cut a lot of spending, I think the government spends way too much. But I dont think democrats in D.C are going to be for cutting spending.
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I was thinking about this the other day...according to Democratic Party media, when was the last time they lost a presidential debate? You go to the coverage of these networks after a debate and then ask yourself if you watched the same thing.

The last time the MSM admitted the GOP won a presidential debate was when Al Gore kept sighing into the mic every time he didn't like what Bush said. That was also the same night where it seemed that Gore's answer to every question was....


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If someone allowed Matt Jones, MATT JONES, to sway their political views, they're a complete idiot who is very misinformed. And who was this person Jones was debating? lol. "Oh, Matt bested Earl from Clay County. I better not research anything for myself or listen to actual knowledgeable people. This guy talks Cats basketball. I NOW SUPPORT BIG GOVERNMENT, ENTITLEMENTS AND OPEN BORDERS!"


Matt would get smoked by many on this forum let alone someone like a D'Souza or Shapiro or Levin.
Jones is a curious case to me. On one hand, I hand it to him. He's managed to figure out a way to make a living out of his fandom, and probably a pretty decent living. No one else did it, no one else either could figure out how to do it or had the gumption to try. So more power to him on that count.

On the other hand, it's ironic to me that the various medium in which he's had all that success - the blog/website, the radio show, etc. - are all communication based. And he's a terrible communicator. For a lawyer, he really is a poor writer. Undisciplined thinking, poor grammar, all of it. And he's almost as bad verbally. Just not great with words. And the voice - he doesn't have a classic radio voice, or anything close to it. He must be bright - he got into Duke Law and, so I've read, graduated 2nd in his class. So he's smart. It's weird - he ends up making hay on things he's bad at. More power to him.......
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Judge rules that states must pay for gender reassignment surgery. Are boob jobs next?

Seriously what will stop a girl saying she doesnt feel right in her skin because she has B cups, but feels like she shouldve been born into a body with D cups and claims body dysmorphia. Should the government pay for that?

I have 0 problems with trans people, you can do whatever you want to do with your own life as long as it doesnt harm others. I even call trans by the preferred pronouns a lot of the time. But if you force me to call them by their pronouns or force me to help front a bill for them to have elected cosmetic surgeries, ya that is going over the line and Im not cool with that.
Seriously what will stop a girl saying she doesnt feel right in her skin because she has B cups, but feels like she shouldve been born into a body with D cups and claims body dysmorphia. Should the government pay for that?

I have 0 problems with trans people, you can do whatever you want to do with your own life as long as it doesnt harm others. I even call trans by the preferred pronouns a lot of the time. But if you force me to call them by their pronouns or force me to help front a bill for them to have elected cosmetic surgeries, ya that is going over the line and Im not cool with that.
Rather than have taxpayers pay for surgery for transgenders why not have the doctors who perform the surgery and hospitals send their bill to God. It was His bright idea to create a man and a woman.

So go ahead and cut off your ding dang or make one out of plastic, just send the bill to someone other than our government. We taxpayers need to save our money to get plastic straws out of the Pacific Ocean before all of the sea turtles disappear.