How will they rule ??!

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It's quite amazing/appalling how many people are ruining their own lives via TDS. On social media it's a combination of those who are obviously unwell but won't admit it and those who, at various times, admitted it is or has ruined their life.

I personally know at least a few. Getting divorced, going to counseling, about to be fired, etc. All because they obsess over trump 24 hours a day.

The worst part is the entire thing is built on made up msm drama fed to them by the DNC. The DNC is literally intentionally destroying peoples emotional health in an attempt to weaponize them.

If that describes you, step back from the ledge. Know you're being lied to and used.

Fantastic post. It's mind-boggling and a bit sad to see how many people are literally going insane because of lies told to them by the MSM. It also shows how powerful the media/social media is and how mentally unfit so many are.
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3) Take some time to get a passing interest in the world's more esoteric / overlooked wars ... of course I'm a history geek so I love the idea - but consider reading up on:

a) The Opium Wars
b) The Boxer Rebellion
c) The 7 Years War
d) The Winter War (USSR invades Finland in 1940)
e) The Russo-Japanese War in 1905
f) The Wars of Spanish Secession
My favorite is the Toledo War.
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Can't do either. Illegal would get deported if arrested for using plastic straw.

When you donate, the RNC/Trump team will send letters and surveys and stuff for feedback (I actually got a letter from President Trump this spring, pretty cool) and in that survey, I wrote to please do whatever he could to add political affiliation as being protected from discrimination due to what the left had done to conservatives via social media and in certain industries where it's common practice to discriminate against conservatives.

Although political ideology is not religion, it's absolutely similar in regards to values and a belief system.

Considering social media is the way most people are getting news nowadays, you shouldn't be able to not have a level playing field in reporting and getting news. Conservatives are being shadowbanned, account suspended and even demonetized while the left is free to do whatever they want, threaten violence and break rules and go unpunished. Keith Olbermann still has his account while Roger Stone doesn't despite Olbermann's crazy obscene rants. Pol/ news gets their account suspended over and over again despite not breaking any rules.

His twitter says he writes for Salon I think, has over 160 thousand followers on twitter haha

He was the guy everyone was laughing at once cause he complained on twitter that he had been working on a story for a year and trump just tweeted it out.

Yeah, it was Trump Jr. tweeting out the email correspondence between that Fusion operative who claimed to have info on Hillary and wanted to meet at Trump Tower but then didn't have anything. lol. BTW, anyone who could look at how that went down and not come away with it being an obvious setup from the left is a complete moron.

But yeah, Sexton is the one who took his wife's name and got so upset that social media made him utterly useless and then complained about it.
That writing style and thought process is nails on a chalkboard for me. Not the anti-Trump stuff; that's just normal partisan sh*t slinging. But the "list a bunch of things and end with a self-righteous exclamation" BS. Mix it in with self-indulgent "You need a break! Honey, you're not giving up. You're actually very strong and brave! No one could handle the mental load you do!"

GTFOver yourselves. My goodness. How could you look yourself in the mirror and feel good about not being able to withstand news reporting about a President? How weak can you possible be? And then have the nerve to tell everyone how you're actually strong and brave
Jail time is way overboard but using a straw is stupid anyway. Easiest thing to stop using that will have a positive effect on the environment because it’ll make people more aware daily of their single use plastics usage. I love showing up with someone’s drink and telling them we don’t have straws but they can buy a metal one for $1. Some of them look at you like, “How TF am I supposed to drink water without a straw?”
The liberals wanting me to send more of my paycheck to the govt can GFY. You enable this garbage.

I've met two government workers now who claim to sometimes work only a half hour of the work day. Only a half hour of actually doing "work". Seems to be an awful lot of waste, but sadly, I think these idiot jobs are needed for society. I've met so many state workers that could not handle the load or the stress of the private sector.
I've met two government workers now who claim to sometimes work only a half hour of the work day. Only a half hour of actually doing "work". Seems to be an awful lot of waste, but sadly, I think these idiot jobs are needed for society. I've met so many state workers that could not handle the load or the stress of the private sector.
Whew need an office space link of the meeting with the bobs
Jail time is way overboard but using a straw is stupid anyway. Easiest thing to stop using that will have a positive effect on the environment because it’ll make people more aware daily of their single use plastics usage. I love showing up with someone’s drink and telling them we don’t have straws but they can buy a metal one for $1. Some of them look at you like, “How TF am I supposed to drink water without a straw?”

Straws are only good for two things. One is milkshakes (other drinks don't need them). The other is for women to let you know that they are down for some action.

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A student was suspended for wearing a border wall shirt. It cost the district $25,000 and an apology.

An Oregon high school student who was suspended over a shirt that touted President Trump’s proposed border wall has agreed to settle his lawsuit after the school agreed to pay $25,000 for his legal fees and have its principal write him an apology......



You know you're a real lunatic when you think it's more important to go after a kid for wearing a t-shirt than risk the financial penalties and backlash of doing so. This is a great example of conservatives versus leftists. A conservative sees the left's crazy shit on display all day and they're around it, they just go away or have the ability to control themselves. Not the left. They will go over and harass you while you're eating or confront you for your attire.

The fact that you can be suspended for that shirt is ridiculous.
I'm calling BS. A caller on KSR just now, claimed he was a conservative but after hearing matt Jones debate a Republican, he was converting. Just let me say it again, BULL SHIT!!!!

If someone allowed Matt Jones, MATT JONES, to sway their political views, they're a complete idiot who is very misinformed. And who was this person Jones was debating? lol. "Oh, Matt bested Earl from Clay County. I better not research anything for myself or listen to actual knowledgeable people. This guy talks Cats basketball. I NOW SUPPORT BIG GOVERNMENT, ENTITLEMENTS AND OPEN BORDERS!"


Matt would get smoked by many on this forum let alone someone like a D'Souza or Shapiro or Levin.
Always thought it was a mistake for Trump to let her anywhere near his campaign. She did not care about helping him or this country. She only cares about herself and her sole intention of getting into the WH was for a book deal. MSM will eat this up for a week and then move on to something else and her 15 minutes of fame will finally be over.
Is it just me or do liberals and Louisville fans seem just like each other? Both don't really care about their own side, just want to see the other one fail. Both pray and hope that some grand conspiracy will bring the leader of the other one down. And both claim the other side is dirty, when in fact they are the ones who will do anything it takes to get a win. Does Louisville have a political board? Is it primarily libs like ours is conservatives?