How will they rule ??!

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The local news was all about Trump tariff war!!!! Omg how can he even???

They purposely ignored/did not report his huge win today. Just like at the EU summit where he literally told the media this was going to happen, and theresea May confirmed live on TV for everybody to see. Media spent the following hours/ days reporting trump was rude to all our allies, then it was a week of OMG PUTIN GATE!!!!


Sarah Huckabee losing weight? You go girl!
Somebody is about 3 days late and obviously missed today's news. Those same farmers are well on their way to being treated much better and much fairer.
With other ppls tax dollars, right? If things were worse bc of tariffs, how about no tariffs then you have to spend less tax dollars to make things better.
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With other ppls tax dollars, right?

Wrong. With new bilateral trade deals. The EU has already made concessions to buy lots of soybeans and looks closer and closer to being on board with the ultimate goal of zero tariffs across the board.

That's Trump's ultimate goal. That's what he's shooting for. Zero tariffs/barriers/subsidies. That's true free and fair trade. Only the naive think trade is free as it stands. This trade war didn't just start. It has been going on for decades while we served as the punching bag. We finally decided to punch back.

The more impatient you guys are and the more you buy into the doomsday rhetoric the more foolish you're going to look in the long run. I feel like I'm repeating myself at this point but if you just pay attention the writing is on the wall. I'd give up following and repeating 1776 instagram. I looked at their stuff. They're clueless and are a trade war fear monger who only posts the negative stuff and never the positive. The media does enough of that.
ok - historical winkles / stuff that doesn't mention Communism

1) I am certain that I recall reading that at one time Haiti employed "Zombification" as a means of capital's a link that takes a social-sciencey look at the "ethno-biology" ** of zombification:

2) Anyone catching the varying reports about the fires around the upper northern hemisphere right now? Siberia / Canada / Norway / Alaska / Canada all involved I do's a link from The Siberian Times to get their perspective:

3) Take some time to get a passing interest in the world's more esoteric / overlooked wars ... of course I'm a history geek so I love the idea - but consider reading up on:

a) The Opium Wars
b) The Boxer Rebellion
c) The 7 Years War
d) The Winter War (USSR invades Finland in 1940)
e) The Russo-Japanese War in 1905
f) The Wars of Spanish Secession

4) Laboratory instances of optical cloaking / bending light to create invisibility cloaking......are a thing -- developments in 'quantum stealth' and the 'meta-materials' that make it possible - are something you HAVE to know about 'current history' ....

I would suggest to you that we're past the lab stage with this
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More news leaking out of the Lisa Page testimony. She brought to Congress' attention a document that they were unaware of it existing.

This document is critical because it documents when the FBI first started making efforts to verify the Steele dossier.

Supposedly, that start date isn't until after the FBI had already used the dossier to obtain at least the first, maybe even the second, of the four FISA warrants.
That infuriates my sovereignty.
I wish the world would step back and let Israel take care of this Iran mess. If they had the green light Iran would come to their knees in no time. If we had allowed Israel to act 25 years ago we would not be in the position we are today. Iran hates Israel so let them answer to Israel which is the last thing they want to have to do.
I don't know who Jared Yates Sexton is but I really wish he would move to Venezuela or Canada or France. I'll even carry a box to the moving truck for him.

It's quite amazing/appalling how many people are ruining their own lives via TDS. On social media it's a combination of those who are obviously unwell but won't admit it and those who, at various times, admitted it is or has ruined their life.

I personally know at least a few. Getting divorced, going to counseling, about to be fired, etc. All because they obsess over trump 24 hours a day.

The worst part is the entire thing is built on made up msm drama fed to them by the DNC. The DNC is literally intentionally destroying peoples emotional health in an attempt to weaponize them.

If that describes you, step back from the ledge. Know you're being lied to and used.
I don't know who Jared Yates Sexton is but I really wish he would move to Venezuela or Canada or France. I'll even carry a box to the moving truck for him.
I don't know who he is either. So who is Jared Yates Sexton and what does he know about the price of tea in China. His tweet sounds like a man who is ready for the insane asylum as Trump is driving him bat ass crazy
I don't know who he is either. So who is Jared Yates Sexton and what does he know about the price of tea in China. His tweet sounds like a man who is ready for the insane asylum as Trump is driving him bat ass crazy

His twitter says he writes for Salon I think, has over 160 thousand followers on twitter haha

He was the guy everyone was laughing at once cause he complained on twitter that he had been working on a story for a year and trump just tweeted it out.
If you're a normal person, even just a moderate, you'd have to see that the Democrats look like shit-total shit.

No platform except constant hysteria. Their entire message is built around pure insanity- open borders, socialism, abolishing ICE, higher taxes, pushing the Russia nonsense, rooting for Iran/North Korea, calling for violence and harassment, vandalizing crap and their media doesn't even pretend to be fair. They look awful and have no awareness. But when you've gone full-blown crazy, you can't just tell your base, "Alright, come on back toward the middle, guys."

Nope. They doubled down.

A normal self aware person with good intentions would analyze why their message didn't resonate with people and why they lost the house, the senate and the presidency and come back in 2020 with a more rational voice. Nope. That's not what the left does. It's always someone else's fault. Instead, they have done everything to act like they didn't lose. They did a recount, threatened the electors, claimed the popular vote should count, claimed they lost cause of Russia and have tried to stage a coup.

Good job, left.