How will they rule ??!

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This must have been the White House event that Shep Smith promised to cover. Lol. Guess he couldn't bring himself to break away from the gay bathhouse long enough to report something positive about the evil man in the WH.

Nevermind what I said about Shep. I still maintain he is a royal douche nozzle but it appears this time that the presser had not happened during his time slot so I guess I wasn't fair to the goon on this day.
Imagine what would happen to the Dem Party base if they couldn't buy votes with other people's money? You know what would also help fix the third world illegal immigration crisis? Not incentivizing them to do it by giving birthright citizenship and paying for the entire lives to suck off the government tit.

The Democratic Party playbook is out there. We all know it.

- Need as many poor people from the third world as possible, they vote Democrat, change the culture and don't give a shit about the U.S./Constitution
- Grow the welfare state for votes as a quid pro quo.
- Control media, social media, Hollywood and academia so nothing challenges your propaganda

Can I ask what you mean by "change the culture?"

Also, how do you know if a person doesn't "give a shit about the U.S./Constitution?" That "Constitution" bit is very interesting. Seen it a lot on this board but still can't quite pick out what you guys mean.
Can I ask what you mean by "change the culture?"

Also, how do you know if a person doesn't "give a shit about the U.S./Constitution?" That "Constitution" bit is very interesting. Seen it a lot on this board but still can't quite pick out what you guys mean.
Let me try. We are the "Great American Melting Pot." But the more one race/nationality/ethnicity comes to the US, the more it changes the blend. Hence, "change in culture."

Regarding the part about not giving a sh!t about our country or our constitution, I agree with my esteemed colleague with respect to illegal aliens, because their very presence is because they fail to abide by our laws. However, I would not agree with respect to legal immigrants, who I think often have more respect for our nation than many native-born Americans.
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Let me try. We are the "Great American Melting Pot." But the more one race/nationality/ethnicity comes to the US, the more it changes the blend. Hence, "change in culture."

Regarding the part about not giving a sh!t about our country or our constitution, I agree with my esteemed colleague with respect to illegal aliens, because their very presence is because they fail to abide by our laws. However, I would not agree with respect to legal immigrants, who I think often have more respect for our nation than many native-born Americans.

So, you're saying we reached some kind of cap on racial/ethnic diversity at some point, and now we need to stop accepting all immigrants to ensure that we have the right "blend?"

What about all those Norwegians who want to come here? Legally, at that! Do we have any room for them?
What? No way? He’s unhinged. No way he knows what he’s doing.

Lib/dims heads explode in 3, 2, 1


I enjoy listening to liberals calling Trump dumb. Yeah, and what have these dickheads accomplished? These are the same people who back career politicians who didn't do a damn thing in the private sector. No one should ever listen to a leftist when it comes to economics/finances.
Let me try. We are the "Great American Melting Pot." But the more one race/nationality/ethnicity comes to the US, the more it changes the blend. Hence, "change in culture."

Regarding the part about not giving a sh!t about our country or our constitution, I agree with my esteemed colleague with respect to illegal aliens, because their very presence is because they fail to abide by our laws. However, I would not agree with respect to legal immigrants, who I think often have more respect for our nation than many native-born Americans.

D'Souza says in regards to immigrants coming for the American Dream, "You know you're an American when you're a Republican."
So, you're saying we reached some kind of cap on racial/ethnic diversity at some point, and now we need to stop accepting all immigrants to ensure that we have the right "blend?"

What about all those Norwegians who want to come here? Legally, at that! Do we have any room for them?
We want people that don’t come in and go on welfare immediately
Russian puppet??

Check out @The_Trump_Train’s Tweet:
Policy over hysterics, they would not listen.

And to think the previous admin allowed Russia to participate in widespread genocide with nary a word of criticism. Speaking of which, the speed of Butina being an outage to crickets was just incredible once we found out her intro in 2014 and 2015.
Yeah Cadet Bone Spurs is a real fighter!

Policy over hysterics, they would not listen.

And to think the previous admin allowed Russia to participate in widespread genocide with nary a word of criticism. Speaking of which, the speed of Butina being an outage to crickets was just incredible once we found out her intro in 2014 and 2015.
This hurts Russia as well. Won't be reported that way though

I enjoy listening to liberals calling Trump dumb. Yeah, and what have these dickheads accomplished? These are the same people who back career politicians who didn't do a damn thing in the private sector. No one should ever listen to a leftist when it comes to economics/finances.
Every time they open their mouths they do so just to hear their fat gums flap. California sends to congress a Maxine Waters who has an IQ less than the collards in the back 40. The only person I know who is more stupid was the representative from Atlanta, GA who warned Guam would sink if we sent more Marines there.

When these types are making laws and get some like Obama to sign them we are in for a rough road. Thankfully President Trump is correcting the ship.
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Nope, you're saying. I never said any of that.

You liberals, always spouting your xenophobic hate against the Norwegians.

Bro, I'm just wondering why we don't accept more people from places like Norway. I guess you can say I'm just like your boy Trump, but I'm not orange and I don't eat McDonalds everyday.