How will they rule ??!

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The "Ohh..." followed by the sheepish 12 year old who just got in trouble voice will play well with the folks in DC who might legitimately have a body count. NOBODY'S READY FOR HER!!!!
WH edits transcript

white house edited out Putin answering whether he wanted Trump to win in their official transcript of the summit. wonder if they would have left it alone if putin had said no. it's just funny how insecure Trump is about Russia and the silly lengths he goes for the spin

They didn't want to be on record admitting they lied about the Iran deal and then Earnest lied again about his answer the next day. On top of that they were forced to admit they had been lying about other edits involving the Iran deal as far back as 2013.

Corke: Can you state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the Iran nuclear deal?”

Earnest: No, Kevin.

However, the words “No, Kevin” never made it into the official White House transcript.

A White House official told ABC News today that the line was not included because it was inaudible. Asked if the White House would update the transcript with Earnest actually said, this official said the White House "would only change the answer if there was an answer to change."

When asked about the omission on the following day by ABC News, Earnest denied his answer.

The missing text in the transcript is noteworthy in the context of the State Department controversy, as it raises the question of whether or not there may be a deliberate pattern of altering the public record.

This week, State Department spokesman John Kirby admitted that an entire eight-minute section of a briefing from December 2013 had been removed from the department’s website and YouTube channel. That deleted portion also included questions from Fox News about the Iran nuclear negotiations.
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Just going to point out the ridiculous, partisan nature of this Mueller “investigation.”

Real, professional, legitimate investigations do not involve teaser leaks to a complicit media about secret audio recordings seized from an attorney’s office, which are then inevitably and predictably followed 1-2 days later by that very audio recording being leaked to the same complicit media.

Regardless of which side of the political spectrum anyone is on, the way these people carry out their jobs is embarrassing.

Not a Sessions fan (no Trump supporter is) but he simply repeated it as if he was hearing it/trying to understand it then chuckled. Who gives a shit? Any normal person would be in prison for what Hillary has done. How does Reality Winner go to prison but not Clinton? lol

This should be yet another example in a long line of examples on why you should never even speak to leftist media. Never do it. They're not trustworthy at all.

Not a Sessions fan (no Trump supporter is) but he simply repeated it as if he was hearing it/trying to understand it then chuckled. Who gives a shit? Any normal person would be in prison for what Hillary has done. How does Reality Winner go to prison but not Clinton? lol

This should be yet another example in a long line of examples on why you should never even speak to leftist media. Never do it. They're not trustworthy at all.
This frustrates me also. Why do true conservatives go on these "news maker shows" such as Face The Nation, Meet the dePressed, CNN, ABC and yes even some Fox shows. The sound bites will be twisted and you will be chewed and spit out with their hate. If we had an honest media this would be different. But we do not.
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This frustrates me also. Why do true conservatives go on these "news maker shows" such as Face The Nation, Meet the dePressed, CNN, ABC and yes even some Fox shows. The sound bites will be twisted and you will be chewed and spit out with their hate. If we had an honest media this would be different. But we do not.

Yep, that's what you get. The other thing that happens is you get the Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin types where Democrats trot them out as "conservatives" and then they proceed to say everything that Democrats say for their confirmation bias.
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Tell us more. I don't seem to remember "Tape record your clients in case shit goes south" being one of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct.

Hell, the Dems like spying on journalists, private citizens, politicians and candidates for the presidency so of course, they're okay with this.
I was a child at the time, but I long for the days the lefties were anti PATRIOT ACT, NDAA, etc. I do remember a time when I was on the wrong side of that argument.

It is crazy how quickly the left not only became comfortable with those sweeping intrusions of privacy, but moved on to championing the use of those intrusions to target US citizens.

There was a time the left would have been upset with the FISA court existing period, let alone the US government purchasing made up evidence to present to that court as credible in support for a secret warrant.

Truly is remarkable how quickly we went from using the radical Islam boogie man to implement those mechanisms to forgetting about radical Islam and using those mechanisms to target American citizens using the Russian boogie man.

I would like to hear from a reasonable lefty, so it's obviously worthless to ask the question here, what changed? Or have you always supported the PATRIOT ACT, NDAA, FISA courts, etc.
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