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its fake when its on tape? that makes sense. Trump lied repeatedly about the money, still lies about the affair. this is how he treats something his base doesn't even care about. imagine how much he lies about things that actually effect our lives. this is why he will never sit down with Mueller under oath. he would lie if you asked him what time it was. its not even lying to him, its the natural way he speaks.

And what was illegal about it? You won't answer the question because you're a paid bot
cnn has released the Cohen-Trump tape. shocker, giuliani lied about everything on it. Trump says to pay them off with cash and cohen says no, we will use a shell company.

The tape says exactly what Giuliani said it does. Even when the news is true and there's a tape for everyone to hear for themselves you still have to lie.

Trump says "don't pay with cash" and Cohen says "no no no no no" in agreement about not paying with cash and while Cohen is saying "no no no no no" Trump says "check" and then the tape abruptly ends. CNN isn't even reporting that Trump says pay with cash.
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Nobody said not to believe it. It's a tape of a man discussing perfectly legal business with his lawyer. Big deal. The outrage is what is fake. The made up scandal is what is fake.
Dude, he could full on say he colluded with the Russians to affect our elections and you wouldnt care. Just like you didnt care about Russia violating our sovereignty because you're a polititard and nothing comes before your politics.
Dude, he could full on say he colluded with the Russians to affect our elections and you wouldnt care. Just like you didnt care about Russia violating our sovereignty because you're a polititard and nothing comes before your politics.
"But what about Russia?" Russia has nothing to do with this.

Dude a billionaire cheated on his wife a decade ago and then discussed a possible NDA with his lawyer to cover his ass so someone can't use the affair against him. Where's the scandal in that? That's law for rich people 101.

This didn't happen while he was president or during his campaign. It happened in 2006. Everyone was well aware that Trump wasn't a faithful husband before they voted for him yet they still voted for him anyway. Where's the scandal in that? No one cares.The scandal and outrage are fake.

Only "politard" I see is someone who thinks a decade old affair is some outrageous scandal. Nothing comes before your Trump derangement.
"But what about Russia?" Russia has nothing to do with this.

Dude a billionaire cheated on his wife a decade ago and then discussed a possible NDA with his lawyer to cover his ass so someone can't use the affair against him. Where's the scandal in that? That's law for rich people 101.

This didn't happen while he was president or during his campaign. It happened in 2006. Everyone was well aware that Trump wasn't a faithful husband before they voted for him yet they still voted for him anyway. Where's the scandal in that? No one cares.The scandal and outrage are fake.

Only "politard" I see is someone who thinks a decade old affair is some outrageous scandal. Nothing comes before your Trump derangement.

Hell, it doesn’t mean the claim ever happened either.
No one thinks it’s odd that the female sat on this story for 10 years, then right before an election tells them she’s going forward with it?
They either pay or fight it. They fight it then it would affect the election, they pay then it goes away.
Same thing happened to Calipari when he left Memphis, it was about a recruit, he settled for 200k simply to make it go away and prevent the fight from hampering his move to UK.
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The tape says exactly what Giuliani said it does. Even when the news is true and there's a tape for everyone to hear for themselves you still have to lie.

Trump says "don't pay with cash" and Cohen says "no no no no no" in agreement about not paying with cash and while Cohen is saying "no no no no no" Trump says "check" and then the tape abruptly ends. CNN isn't even reporting that Trump says pay with cash.
are you high? Trump says pay with cash and cohen says no no no no no, i got it covered. Trump never said don't, his words are very easy to make out. he says check as the beginning of whatever he was going to say next and then the end, never says pay with a check. i assume it ends at that point because Cohen was about to incriminate himself with the details of the front company so he turns the recorder off. Cohen is a scumbag and i imagine a lot more of these tapes will come out. Guiliani was trying to prespin before the tape got played in court so Cohen mailed it to the media. both sides of this tape are scumbags. and this wasn't to pay off stormy, this was to pay off Trumps buddy that already paid off stormy. hence the joke about him getting hit by a bus and all his secrets coming out. Cohen is on the offensive now against Trump & Guiliani, should be good entertainment.
and i have no idea if any of this stuff they are talking about on the tape is illegal. guess well find out eventually. Trump can stop lying about his affair now
so as of today Cohen & Trump claimed privilege on 1200 out of 4million items seized in the raid. the special master approved 600 to be privileged. so we should see some good stuff leaked.
are you high? Trump says pay with cash and cohen says no no no no no, i got it covered. Trump never said don't, his words are very easy to make out. he says check as the beginning of whatever he was going to say next and then the end, never says pay with a check. .

Cohen never says "covered". Cohen never says "shell company" and Trump most certainly says "check" after saying "don't pay with cash."

Play the video on CNN's website using their video player and turn the captions on. It even captions "don't pay with cash".

On top of CNN not reporting that Trump said "pay with cash" definitively WAPO isn't even reporting that Trump said "pay with cash" definitively. Because he says a word before "pay with cash" that they're pretending not to be able to make out and that word is "don't".

According to WAPO and CNN Trump says "(UNINTELLIGIBLE) pay with cash" Cohen says "No, no, no, no, no. I got it" and then Trump says "Check."

Where WAPO and CNN say "unintelligible" Trump actually says "don't". It's much easier to hear with headphones.

Don't take my word for it though go listen yourself with headphones or just give it a few days. I'm sure CNN NYT or WAPO is going to have sound experts break it down and analyze it then you'll see who's high.

TRUMP: Wait a sec, what financing?

COHEN: Well, I’ll have to pay him something.

TRUMP: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] pay with cash.

COHEN: No, no, no, no, no. I got it.

TRUMP: Check.

[Tape cuts off abruptly. Separate recording begins.]
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Cohen never says "covered". Cohen never says "shell company" and Trump most certainly says "check" after saying "don't pay with cash."

Play the video on CNN's website using their video player and turn the captions on. It even says "don't pay with cash".

On top of CNN not reporting that Trump said "pay with cash" WAPO isn't even reporting that Trump said "pay with cash".

According to WAPO and CNN Trump says "(UNINTELLIGIBLE) pay with cash" Cohen says "No, no, no, no, no. I got it" and then Trump says "Check."

Where WAPO and CNN say "unintelligible" Trump actually says "don't". It's much easier to hear with headphones.

Don't take my word for it though go listen yourself with headphones or just give it a few days. I'm sure CNN NYT or WAPO is going to have sound experts break it down and analyze it then you'll see who's high.
it doesn't even matter whatever was said. apparently they decided not to pay David off for the stories he killed. after it all leaked out it was probably pointless to do. this recording is right before all the Stormy stories hit according to Cohen. all we get from this is Trump definitely lied about the money & the affair. but we already all knew that. this tape was boring, i want to hear the good ones Cohen is saving for his plea deal.
Trump definitely lied about the money & the affair. but we already all knew that.

I partly agree and I believe Trump lied about the affair but this tape isn't proof of that.

Just like @Bill Derington said rich people pay people to go away all the time. It's much easier to pay up and settle then fight it in court or public opinion. Plus this story was going to drop right before the election. True or not Trump had to try to do something about it.
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are you high? Trump says pay with cash and cohen says no no no no no, i got it covered. Trump never said don't, his words are very easy to make out. he says check as the beginning of whatever he was going to say next and then the end, never says pay with a check. i assume it ends at that point because Cohen was about to incriminate himself with the details of the front company so he turns the recorder off. Cohen is a scumbag and i imagine a lot more of these tapes will come out. Guiliani was trying to prespin before the tape got played in court so Cohen mailed it to the media. both sides of this tape are scumbags. and this wasn't to pay off stormy, this was to pay off Trumps buddy that already paid off stormy. hence the joke about him getting hit by a bus and all his secrets coming out. Cohen is on the offensive now against Trump & Guiliani, should be good entertainment.

First of all, Trump said “ no cash”, secondly, this wasn’t about Stormy Daniels.
Why is Cohen on the offensive? There’s nothing illegal about any of what was stated in the recording, if anything it will simply embarrass Trump.
Cohen just ruined any chance of being a credible witness, he was a lawyer taping conversations with a client.
Dude, he could full on say he colluded with the Russians to affect our elections and you wouldnt care. Just like you didnt care about Russia violating our sovereignty because you're a polititard and nothing comes before your politics.
yeah let's bring Russia into this thing that has nothing to do with because if you just say Russia over and over and conflate it with other things that somehow also sound bad then that's proof of something

"Look at all these tapes!" Nothing happens on them.

"Look at all these indictments!" For shit over a decade ago that has nothing to do with Trump or the campaign. The level of dishonesty from the left and all the media supporting it is staggering.
it doesn't even matter whatever was said. apparently they decided not to pay David off for the stories he killed. after it all leaked out it was probably pointless to do. this recording is right before all the Stormy stories hit according to Cohen. all we get from this is Trump definitely lied about the money & the affair. but we already all knew that. this tape was boring, i want to hear the good ones Cohen is saving for his plea deal.

Lied about the money? The deal never happened, how do you lie about something that didn’t occur?
Also, simply settling is not guilt. The story was timed right before the election, why do you think this lady decided to come forward then?
WH edits transcript

white house edited out Putin answering whether he wanted Trump to win in their official transcript of the summit. wonder if they would have left it alone if putin had said no. it's just funny how insecure Trump is about Russia and the silly lengths he goes for the spin

white house edited out Putin answering whether he wanted Trump to win in their official transcript of the summit. wonder if they would have left it alone if putin had said no. it's just funny how insecure Trump is about Russia and the silly lengths he goes for the spin

Really!?!? You guys have been screaming Russia for 2 years now.
it's just funny how insecure Trump is about Russia and the silly lengths he goes for the spin

You're right his insecurity doesn't do him any favors and to some makes him look petty but can you blame the guy?

Since day 1 for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week the Dems and media constantly conflate meddling with collusion even though there's no evidence and they do it on purpose for political gain by trying to delegitimize and undermine his presidency and his voters.

Millions of American citizens have been brainwashed by this and think that Trump actually colluded with Russia to steal the election and that he didn't win the presidency fair and square and that he shouldn't really be president. for the way it's been propagandized and the way he has been treated.

He pulled off one of the greatest if not the greatest political upset ever. He ended two political powerhouse dynasties from both sides in the process and they're refusing to give him credit for his hard work and ideas and instead are trying to delegitimize it and demonize him as a traitor for doing it. He has every right to be touchy about the subject for the way it's been propagandized and used to treat him.
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Really!?!? You guys have been screaming Russia for 2 years now.
everybody in the world has a copy of the summit press conference. what logic did the white house use to edit out Putin saying he wanted Trump to win? that's guilty conscience syndrome or an absurd level of insecurity for the man running the most powerful country in the world. the sad part is i doubt Trump even asked his people to edit it out, they just knew it had to be done to make him happy.
You're right his insecurity doesn't do him any favors and to some makes him look petty but can you blame the guy?

Since day 1 for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week the Dems and media constantly conflate meddling with collusion even though there's no evidence and they do it on purpose for political gain by trying to delegitimize and undermine his presidency and his voters.

Millions of American citizens have been brainwashed by this and think that Trump actually colluded with Russia to steal the election and that he didn't win the presidency fair and square and that he shouldn't really be president for the way it's been propagandized and the way he has been treated.

He pulled off one of the greatest if not the greatest political upset ever. He ended two political powerhouse dynasties from both sides in the process and they're refusing to give him credit for his hard work and ideas and instead are trying to delegitimize it and demonize him as a traitor for doing it. He has every right to be touchy about the subject.
they are using Trumps own playbook against him. its exactly what he did to Obama. suck it up buttercup.
WH edits transcript

white house edited out Putin answering whether he wanted Trump to win in their official transcript of the summit. wonder if they would have left it alone if putin had said no. it's just funny how insecure Trump is about Russia and the silly lengths he goes for the spin


He's not sending them uranium or sending pallets of cash. It's not a bad idea to be on at least decent terms with Russia.

He's not bowing down to them or any other country for that matter. He's just trying to get us on a equal playing field since the last couple presidents were cowards. About time we to stop catering to the world when we get shit on in return.
they are using Trumps own playbook against him. its exactly what he did to Obama. suck it up buttercup.
"But He said mean things about Obama boo hoo." That's not even comparable. Trump is one man.

This involves the wannabe dictator in Chief who spied on Americans and the corrupt IC leaders and the media trying to frame Trump. The same IC leaders and media who are supposed to be unbiased fair and non partisan. I don't recall any of that ever happening to Obama. You're comparing apples to spaceships. Get over Trump owning you buttercup.
they are using Trumps own playbook against him. its exactly what he did to Obama. suck it up buttercup.

Obama could’ve ended the birth certificate debate on day 1, it is a requirement for the President to be born in the US.

He chose to let it play out, why? Not to mention the MSM defended him every step of the way.
Trump is one man. "But He said mean things about Obama boo hoo." That's not even comparable.

This involves the wannabe dictator in Chief who spies on Americans and the corrupt IC leaders and the media trying to frame Trump. The same IC leaders and media who are supposed to be unbiased fair and non partisan. I don't recall any of that ever happening to Obama. You're comparing apples to spaceships. Get over Trump owning you buttercup.
sounds like Trump needs to get better at making friends.
Obama could’ve ended the birth certificate debate on day 1, it is a requirement for the President to be born in the US.

He chose to let it play out, why? Not to mention the MSM defended him every step of the way.

And on at least two occasions Obama himself held out he was from Kenya
sounds like Trump needs to get better at making friends.

Yeah because Trump being better at making friends has everything to do with a wannabe dictator weaponizing the IC and constantly using it against his political opponents treating this country like some third world banana republic while the supposedly free and righteous press takes off the mask and outs itself as Pravda then not only looks the other way but tries to cover it up and lies to millions of liberal voters who bury their head in the sand. You idiots hate Putin and the Kremlin so much but then turn around and defend the very people who carry on as Mother Russia's JV team.
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at least now the conservatives can stop pretending to be family values. the argument is over whether Trump wanted to pay off the guy killing the stories of him screwing around on his pregnant wife with cash or check, not whether he did it. to bad Melania is so shy of cameras, an interview with her would be solid gold.

i respect the GOP for the game they are playing. they were willing to sacrifice morals and ideals for power. democrats played the shame game and got beat down. theres no shame in politics, only winning. the losers only get to stand by and watch the winners do whatever they want.
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yeah let's bring Russia into this thing that has nothing to do with because if you just say Russia over and over and conflate it with other things that somehow also sound bad then that's proof of something

"Look at all these tapes!" Nothing happens on them.

"Look at all these indictments!" For shit over a decade ago that has nothing to do with Trump or the campaign. The level of dishonesty from the left and all the media supporting it is staggering.
I dont give a shit about the tapes. Dude is a lowlife, we all knew he was a lowlife, him being a lowlife has zero effect on my life. The level of BS from you is staggering. Fake Patriot who cries when players kneel but is cool when Russia attacks our country. Claims to be the moral majority but break your neck to defend this lowlifes actions. You and the other sheep who post here are the fakest people on the planet.
at least now the conservatives can stop pretending to be family values. the argument is over whether Trump wanted to pay off the guy killing the stories of him screwing around on his pregnant wife with cash or check, not whether he did it. to bad Melania is so shy of cameras, an interview with her would be solid gold.

Do you see what your party has become? They are openly socialist, the last admin was using IC to spy and out political enemies.

General Petraeus was ruined by that same apparatus, because he was a threat to Obama’s legacy. He would’ve been unbeatable in an election.

They spied on an incoming president elect, leaked classified info, tried to undermine him from day one. All that is unprecedented, and flies directly in the face of peaceful transition of power. Those are tactics of tyrannical govts whose only goal is absolute power.
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at least now the conservatives can stop pretending to be family values. the argument is over whether Trump wanted to pay off the guy killing the stories of him screwing around on his pregnant wife with cash or check, not whether he did it. to bad Melania is so shy of cameras, an interview with her would be solid gold.
LOL, you dont know them very well. They'll excuse this and keep passing judgment on everyone else.
Do you see what your party has become? They are openly socialist, the last admin was using IC to spy and out political enemies.

General Petraeus was ruined by that same apparatus, because he was a threat to Obama’s legacy. He would’ve been unbeatable in an election.

They spied on an incoming president elect, leaked classified info, tried to undermine him from day one. All that is unprecedented, and flies directly in the face of peaceful transition of power. Those are tactics of tyrannical govts whose only goal is absolute power.
What about your party... LOL.
sounds like Trump needs to get better at making friends.
What about Obama and birth certificate... I can't stop laughing. I thought yall gave up on that and admitted to being complete hypocrites when born in Canada Ted Cruz was running for president.
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Good thing this is all relevant to Russia....

Pretty obvious the left hope to hurt evangelical support in hopes they stay home.

How'd that work with grab em by the pu**y?

Luckily Dems are yet to learn that people voted for trump knowing full well who he is. And that they will again.
I dont give a shit about the tapes. Dude is a lowlife, we all knew he was a lowlife, him being a lowlife has zero effect on my life. The level of BS from you is staggering. Fake Patriot who cries when players kneel but is cool when Russia attacks our country. Claims to be the moral majority but break your neck to defend this lowlifes actions. You and the other sheep who post here are the fakest people on the planet.
More strawmen unrelated to the argument. You only care about Russia "attacking" us because your delusional mind thinks it led to a Trump presidency, and not real people voting for him because they believed in his radical ideas of enforcing immigration law and balancing trade so we might keep some manufacturing jobs in this country. If putin went on tv tomorrow with the fabled peepee tape he got from his elite russian hacking team getting into Trump's GMail I'm sure you'd be delirious.
now guiliani says the part that exonerates Trump is missing from the end of the tape. even though it clearly transitions into a 2nd recording. they need a new PR guy cause guiliani is absolutely terrible at it. He makes Spicer look good at his job.
More strawmen unrelated to the argument. You only care about Russia "attacking" us because your delusional mind thinks it led to a Trump presidency, and not real people voting for him because they believed in his radical ideas of enforcing immigration law and balancing trade so we might keep some manufacturing jobs in this country. If putin went on tv tomorrow with the fabled peepee tape he got from his elite russian hacking team getting into Trump's GMail I'm sure you'd be delirious.
Next time Russia attacks us, pretend it's an NFL player kneeling. I care about another country attacking my county because I'm not a soft ass fake ass clown. You dont care about Russia attacking us because you care more about your politics than you do this country.