How will they rule ??!

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So if it's an attack then hundreds of thousands of liberals are accomplices to an attack on America? Is that what you're saying?

Below is a real Russian Facebook post. They funded and organized one of the left's biggest ever marches.

Most everyone on the right he is attacking supports policies that challenge Russia to a much larger degree than the previous admin. So why isn't he shitposting lefties that want more Syrian genocide, weaker energy strategy, not arming Ukraine, doing nothing when they shoot down airliners, etc. No reasonable person can argue we are not tougher on them today. Just a very odd stance to derail about.

I wish DT had sounded tougher in front of Putin earlier this week but I care waaayyyy more about policy and strategy than photo ops. I don't even watch POTUS debates most of the time for that reason.
An attack on the US say like 911 and Pearl Harbor which crazies from the left and the media keep trying to compare this to requires an immediate declaration of war and military retaliation does it not?

So then you all agree that the US should declare war on Russia and attack them because Russian trolls posting the following Bernie post below? A bunch of you would like that wouldn't you? I suspect that's part of the plan. Provoke Trump into a war and cripple his presidency. Only Trump is refusing to take the bait and you've become hysterical.

For the rest of you who don't agree with war then are you willing to admit that you are over the top in your selective outrage and are using this to try to undermine a duly elected president that you hate while also using it as an excuse for why Hillary lost?

(Now that I think about it I've reposted several Russian "attacks" just in the last hour. Have I attacked America? Should I be tried for treason?)


I was 15 when the planes hit the WTC. My outrage was directed at radical Islam, so right or wrong gave pretty good leeway to the Bush administration. I don't mean that as an excuse, just being honest.

Here we are 17 years later. College and law school under my belt. Married. A career. Values have changed.

Among other things, I sure as shit value privacy more. Read my post history. My biggest, and really only, concern with Trump appointing these Justices is the fact that most recently, it took the lefties on the Court to give us a good decision on a privacy issue. I disagree with them the majority of the time, but the decision seemed to be on the side of privacy there (although admittedly I haven't read the decision in full). But what should I support Obama? Who reauthorized the PATRIOT ACT? Again, you can read my post history for my thoughts on the PATRIOT ACT and NDAA.

So where was my outrage? I was a naive child, so it probably wasn't there.

But I will sure as shit tell you now, my outrage is here. The corruption we are seeing daily is outrageous. And you bring up Bush, but hell, as someone posted earlier today, Bob Mueller was pushing the WMD story. Half the players in this on the left's side in this "Russia scandal" have careers dating back decades and have been a part of whatever corruption you saw in the Bush administration, let alone the Obama administration. The corruption is on the side of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.

But we are supposed to rely on the unverified words of the same people who've participated in all this corruption? **** off with that.
The Russia narrative was planned for years. Read the DNC leaks.

If you think I'm a hypocrite for not being outrage during the Bush administration, whatever. But you can go **** yourself if you are going to criticize someone for not speaking up to corruption while you support this goddam coup attempt.
Kirstjen Nielsen didn't call it a direct attack on our democracy? Hmm... Oh wait, was that too mean little guy, do you need a mod?

Nope. Not even close.

* i had no clue who this lady was, but after googling (would, def) I learned a lot! *



That link essentially says exactly what KS has been yelling about for like 3 days now. NOTHING. And they're all too embarrassed to say Memes or facebook, just like KS is. Just a lot of mumbo jumbo nonsense about Russia making hillary look bad.
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So if it's an attack then hundreds of thousands of liberals are accomplices to an attack on America? Is that what you're saying?

Below is a real Russian Facebook post. They funded and organized one of the left's biggest ever marches.

Hey man, if hundreds of thousands of liberals are accomplishes, they need to be punished too. If the Washington Redskins helped your Russians, they need to be punished too. For the 15th time, I'm not you, I care about America, not tribal politics. You keep acting like saying Hillary/Obama/liberals excuses your Russians. It does not.
No one cared, because it wasn’t a big deal as it happens every election. It’s only a big deal this election because the Dems lost and that’s literally all they have to run on.

Our media and intel agencies did more than anyone to try and influence an election and I assure you, the media (which has been proven to be the arm of the Dem Party) has much more influence than any foreign nation's sponsored posts.

Seriously, the left is blaming Russia for their corruption and collusion being shown to the public. Somehow they have deflected that the blame should be with Russia and not the Dems.

But in the left's world, somehow facebook memes are more influential than the left using Hollywood, academia and 95 percent of media (TV/web/print).
Nope. Not even close.

* i had no clue who this lady was, but after googling (would, def) I learned a lot! *



That link essentially says exactly what KS has been yelling about for like 3 days now. NOTHING. And they're all too embarrassed to say Memes or facebook, just like KS is. Just a lot of mumbo jumbo nonsense about Russia making hillary look bad.
Why do you keep saying it's just me? Every intelligence department in our country is saying the same thing. You call it nothing because you're desperate to defend Russia.
Ok, change the subject....

Look, I took your stupid advice and googled that Kirsten lady. She did not say what you said she did. Quite the opposite.

^ lmao...I should have taken your advice earlier and read up on this stuff. U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.A.B.L.E.

Memopolis! 5,671 rubles (93.44) of ad space to discredit hillary with memes!

To answer your new question, it's certianly not just you. You and your people are in the minority, but there are a lot of idiots who honestly believe that facebook is a threat to our democracy because they allowed mean memes about hillary...and trump. Funny how you neglect that part. Money was spent to discredit Trump with Memes. Our facebook intelligence group found that as well. Mark Zuck testified to that.
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Only during '16 election meddling when it's convenient so you can make excuses for your girl losing. When it happened in '12 you didn't care. You're a fake. I'm tired of embarrassing you. You'll keep deflecting them eventually run from just like last night.
You have no idea what stances I have or have had in the past. You're just mad and crying because I called out your precious Russia and exposed your fake patriotism.
You have no idea what stances I have or have had in the past. You're just mad and crying because I called out your precious Russia and exposed your fake patriotism.
Sure I do. You're a loudmouth. You've made your stances perfectly clear. If you cared back then you would have spammed the thread for a week straight like you always do. That's your MO.

Does your vocabulary expand beyond "fake patriotism"? You said it at least a 50 times since yesterday. Every other post you whip it out like it's a show stopper. It's not.

Anyway so when do we invade Russia for Election '16 attack on America?
Does your vocabulary expand beyond "fake patriotism"? You said it at least a 50 times since yesterday. Every other post you whip it out like it's a show stopper. It's not.

Anyway so when do we invade Russia for Election '16 attack on America?
Does your vocabulary expand beyond leave Russia alone? Oh wait, you have snowflake, liberals, Obama, Hillary, and triggered.
Sure I do. You're a loudmouth. You've made your stances perfectly clear. If you cared back then you would have spammed the thread for a week straight like you always do. That's your MO.

Does your vocabulary expand beyond "fake patriotism"? You said it at least a 50 times since yesterday. Every other post you whip it out like it's a show stopper. It's not.

Anyway so when do we invade Russia for Election '16 attack on America?
He's mad because he got exposed.
Does your vocabulary expand beyond leave Russia alone? Oh wait, you have snowflake, liberals, Obama, Hillary, and triggered.

Except you're making things up again.

I've never once said leave Russia alone. I've never called you a snowflake or said that you were triggered. And the only time I brought up Hillary, Obama or liberals is when it was in the context of discussion.

Do you always lie and make things up? Is that how you deflect?
Except you're making things up again.

I've never once said leave Russia alone. I've never called you a snowflake or said that you were triggered. And the only time I brought up Hillary, Obama or liberals is when it was in the context of discussion.

Do you always lie and make things up? Is that how you deflect?
I do against Russian loving cowards.