How will they rule ??!

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He has an ability to force American conservatives to show their true colors, as well. And I am one of those.

As for those that defend this sh!tshow and call it "conservative," I never thought I would witness the senseless surrender of basic American values by the putative "right."

It is as shameful as the denigration of American values by the hard left, especially in the Viet Nam era.
I was a republican then. Both sides have their issues for me but right now the threat to America is on the right, it has been since 1983 for me.
Cow-towing to authoritarian govenrment . . . . American leaders still do not bow to English Royalty for a reason.

Have you simply ignored the lefts behavior since day 1?

Can you read?

Do I need to start posting in Russian for your comprehension?[/QUOTE]

Jesus Christ, he didn't cow tow. Be honest, no matter what was said today you were going to have the same reaction.
Remembering the left's hate for American Sniper Chris Kyle, I wanted to go back and look up some of the articles they wrote.

The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?

Lindy West

"Likewise, much of the US right wing appears to have seized upon American Sniper with similarly shallow comprehension – treating it with the same unconsidered, rah-rah reverence that they would the national anthem or the flag itself. Only a few weeks into its release, the film has been flattened into a symbol to serve the interests of an ideology that, arguably, runs counter to the ethos of the film itself. How much, if at all, should Eastwood concern himself with fans who misunderstand and misuse his work? If he, intentionally or not, makes a hero out of Kyle – who, bare minimum, was a racist who took pleasure in dehumanizing and killing brown people – is he responsible for validating racism, murder, and dehumanisation? Is he a propagandist if people use his work as propaganda?"

American Sniper: Was Chris Kyle really a hero?
By Anthony Zurcher Editor, Echo Chambers

Bill Maher calls Chris Kyle a "Psychopath Patriot"

Rolling Stone
‘American Sniper’ Is Almost Too Dumb to Criticize

Michael Moore
"Snipers are cowards."

Seth Rogen likens American Sniper to Nazi propaganda

I was a republican then. Both sides have their issues for me but right now the threat to America is on the right, it has been since 1983 for me.

The threat to America is on the right? Not the ones making deals with Iran that sends them boatloads of cash to pay them to hold off on their nuclear ability.
The ones that sat back and let ISIS run rampant for years, the ones tht want open borders, and restrictions on speech? The ones that sat back and let the second "pearl harbor", or the ones that spied on political foes, it's the other guys that are the bad ones?

What is the threat from the right?
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Look at what the GOP has given us the last 18 years George W Bush and Donald Trump and they tried to give Sarah Palin. If you added their IQ's together you still couldn't buy a Big Mac.
Has Neil Cavuto been hanging around shepherd smith too much? He’s really been dogging Trump lately.
Can you read?

Do I need to start posting in Russian for your comprehension?

Jesus Christ, he didn't cow tow. Be honest, no matter what was said today you were going to have the same reaction.[/QUOTE]
Trump could've punched Putin in the face on live TV today and the left would be complaining that Trump didn't kick him in the balls.
Some of these posters remind of the guy standing between the rails at night watching that big round light coming at them fast and thinking "I wonder what they are searching for?"
If you were once a Democrat and now a Republican, that's understandable.

If you were once a Democrat and now an Independent, that's understandable.

If you were once a Republican and now an Independent, that's understandable.

If you were once a Republican and now a Democrat you are brain damaged.

The Democrat party is absolute radical loony tunes. There is no way a person could go from Republican to the far left wing the Democrat party occupies without head trauma.
Dang! Lefties coming out of the woodwork today!

Savor the moment. It won't last.

This is much ado about nothing.

Trump told reporters yesterday that he would confront Putin about interference with the 2016 elections, but that he expected a denial. Today, he confirmed (gasp! surprise!) that Putin denied Russian interference. He's trying to build trust and a rapport with the Russian leader, so he gives him the benefit of the doubt during the press conference and expresses that Mr. Putin seemed credible and believable in his denial.

Far from his finest moment as Commander-in-Chief, going against what appears to be the consensus in the U.S. intelligence community. But does that change anything? Is Mueller going to stop the investigation now that Trump observed that Mr. Putin seemed credible in his denial? Are the intelligence agencies (however many are actually in agreement) going to change their conclusions? Is anything going to be gained by all this over-the-top outrage, except to hurt the furtherance of diplomacy (which the swamp is apparently all for)?
If Trump had come out and confronted Putin, the lib/dims and the msm would have called him unhinged and unpresidential.

He didn’t so they get to call him a traitor and Putin’s puppet.

Bottom line, it was a no win situation for Trump with the haters.
If an investigation happens after the special prosecutor it’ll be judged by the media to be retaliatory.

I have worked with the FBI, and federal and state prosecutors for 30 plus years.

In the 70's, even as Nixon burned to the ground, there were effective prosecutions of draft dodgers and Leftists who were tossing bombs and inciting riots. Prosecutions of those from the "left" and "right" occur with frequency at all levels.

If the frequently cited crimes of the Dems are real, and if there is proof, Federal prosecutors are not so weak kneed as to fear what the "media" would call their efforts.

If you believe the Republicans are so weak, get away from them. If the sins of the Dems are so obvious, you have only Republican leaders at all levels to blame for their complicity in failing to prosecute crimes you say are obvious.

Be honest, no matter what was said today you were going to have the same reaction.

Oh, I'll be honest.

I am a rural American with a Great-Great-Grand Father buried on his family's farm who fought in the Revolution, two graves from his grandson, an American Slave Owner who wore Blue and marched from Atlanta to Savanah with Sherman to crush that damnable insurrection, whose son was on the USS Arizona in WWI, and whose grandson [and my Dad] was in the Air Corp in WWII.

My family and I are conservative, rural as a gravel road, armed to the teeth, with a smattering of education, and some understanding of the experiment my great-great-great-grandfather helped launch.

And I will be damned if a lying, urban, Yankee, Liberal with a bad hair cut and an ability to fool self-styled suburban "conservatives," can piss with impunity upon my and my family's and my nations' traditions.

Had Trump said he condemned any interference with Democratic Institutions, even without mentioning Putin by name, I would have been satisfied, as that would have been traditional diplomatic language to make plain the defense of Democracy.

But his adoption of moral relativity in saying "we all to blame," or similar language, is simply too much.

It is beyond the pale.
Trump should’ve had a better response when posed the question on interference, I bet he would agree with that as well.

However, it’s not the world ending, treasonous act the left has made it out to be. Trump was never going to come out of the meeting looking good in their eyes, no matter what.
There were very good points made in the press conference. The whipped up hysteria is simply to blot those out of the headlines. This will be over in a day or two, then we’ll be on to the next oversensationalized crisis.
I have worked with the FBI, and federal and state prosecutors for 30 plus years.

In the 70's, even as Nixon burned to the ground, there were effective prosecutions of draft dodgers and Leftists who were tossing bombs and inciting riots. Prosecutions of those from the "left" and "right" occur with frequency at all levels.

If the frequently cited crimes of the Dems are real, and if there is proof, Federal prosecutors are not so weak kneed as to fear what the "media" would call their efforts.

If you believe the Republicans are so weak, get away from them. If the sins of the Dems are so obvious, you have only Republican leaders at all levels to blame for their complicity in failing to prosecute crimes you say are obvious.

Oh, I'll be honest.

I am a rural American with a Great-Great-Grand Father buried on his family's farm who fought in the Revolution, two graves from his grandson, an American Slave Owner who wore Blue and marched from Atlanta to Savanah with Sherman to crush that damnable insurrection, whose son was on the USS Arizona in WWI, and whose grandson [and my Dad] was in the Air Corp in WWII.

My family and I are conservative, rural as a gravel road, armed to the teeth, with a smattering of education, and some understanding of the experiment my great-great-great-grandfather helped launch.

And I will be damned if a lying, urban, Yankee, Liberal with a bad hair cut and an ability to fool self-styled suburban "conservatives," can piss with impunity upon my and my family's and my nations' traditions.

Had Trump said he condemned any interference with Democratic Institutions, even without mentioning Putin by name, I would have been satisfied, as that would have been traditional diplomatic language to make plain the defense of Democracy.

But his adoption of moral relativity in saying "we all to blame," or similar language, is simply too much.

It is beyond the pale.

Federal prosecutors aren’t, but their bosses sure as hell are, for the simple reason the media would paint it as simply a cover up for the Mueller investigation.

Oh bullshit to the rest of your ridiculous post.
Spare me your family history, it doesn’t matter a lick here.
You cannot name one thing that the Russians did other than post Facebook memes. It wasn’t an attack on democracy.
Weee you this infuriated when Obama left Ukraine to wither, then wouldn’t sell them deadly weapons even though we had an agreement with them?
How bout Obama paying off Iran to push out their nuclear abilities past the point he’d be responsible? What do you think your grand pappy would’ve thought of that?

We do and have interfered in elections, that was Trumps point. Hell Obama openly interfered in elections.

You’re full of shit, you don’t like Trump and this was you’re opening.
Both sides have their issues for me but right now the threat to America is on the right, it has been since 1983 for me.

I honestly don't believe the "the threat to America is on the right."

I believe the threat to us all is the muddle-headedness and political simplicity that suburbanization has led us to.

Suburbia gave us Hillary and Trump . . . .

Moral ambiguity and relativism abound in all political circles, and the typical debates surround personality and partisanship over practicality and pragmatism.

Our real threats . . . . yes, 5,000 Russian Nukes are still a threat, but . . . .

Our college campuses erupted in the 60's with the annual loss of 8,000 soldiers in Viet Nam.

We lost more than 40,000 to the opioid epidemic last year, and you could hear a pin drop on American campuses with regard to the loss.

We have a 200 Trillion unfunded projected liability to the "entitlements" by the year 2060, and no one has the political courage to address it, either from a "conservative" or "liberal" perspective.

I love rural America, but the heroin and opioids are eating our communities.

These are problems not easily defined by "left" and "right" and as such, they are usually ignored.
Again the lunatics "but but Trump said..."

Let's not focus on what he is actually doing. The Nordstream pipeline. Blasting Twerkle for accepting and still wanting our $ for defense. Sanctions. 500 Russians lit up in Syria.

But but but nothing about what Putin said. What about the $400 mil from the Commie Browder to the Hildabeast campaign? George Soros? crickets

U1 and Skolkovo. Failed Syrian proxy war for a pipeline. Propping up a Nazi regime in the Ukraine along with Bidden's son little gas company there. <---This is the mess DJT was left with.

What a time to be alive. We are using Russian diplomacy to fight Commies in our own yard but their propaganda is bringing the lunatics out of the woodwork. Muh Russia.

Keep crying you loony Commies and socialist Nazis. You will not get a civil war and we are not going to war with Russia or North Korea. DJT is your president. He will drain the 30 plus years of swamp donkeys and rhinos. These traitors will get out or go to jail just like Ryan, Gowdy, Franken, and etc.
Weee [sic] you this infuriated when Obama left Ukraine to wither, then wouldn’t sell them deadly weapons even though we had an agreement with them?

Propping up a Nazi regime in the Ukraine along with Bidden's son little gas company there. <---

Hey, "conservatives," did Obama leave Ukraine "to wither" or did he prop "up a Nazi regime in the Ukraine along with Biden's son[s'] little gas company there?"
I don't label myself but since you tagged me. Here ya go from your socialists publications. So you know it equally distributes the truth.

In Ukraine, US Vice President Biden issues new threats against Russia

This was the third time in the last seven months that Biden has made an official visit to Ukraine. His latest visit came exactly one year after the beginning of the Maidan protests in Kiev—protests that were encouraged and instigated by the US and Germany as part of a regime-change operation on Russia’s doorstep. The campaign, which was supported by extreme right-wing and fascistic groups, resulted in the ousting of then President Victor Yanukovych as part of an effort to place Ukraine firmly in the orbit of the United States and Europe.

Speaking at the Presidential Administrative Building in Kiev, Biden encouraged the Ukrainian government to press forward with its draconian economic reform agenda to meet the demands of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF has promised $17 billion in loans to prop up the collapsing Ukrainian economy. Biden reassured his audience that the American government is “looking for opportunities to improve Ukraine’s business climate and increase trade and investment.”

One of the new business opportunities in Ukraine that has already directly benefitted the Biden family is in the field of natural gas. Less than two months after the institution of the pro-Western government, Joe Biden’s son Hunter was appointed to the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, the largest private producer of natural gas in Ukraine. Burisma currently holds permits to drill for gas in the Dnieper-Donets and Azov-Kuban Basins, covering much of eastern Ukraine.

While in Kiev, the vice president also announced a further $23 million in assistance to the Ukrainian government. So far this year the Obama administration has committed $320 million in aid to Ukraine, with a $118 million dedicated to providing equipment and training to bolster the Ukrainian Armed Forces, State Border Guard Service and the National Guard.