How will they rule ??!

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The idiots here are now trying to paint all the Democrats and the increasing numbers of republicans as ignorant and compliant in their own hateful fantasy. I wonder how many people will have to tell them they are wrong before accepting the possibility that they are. I guess some still believe Nixon was innocent and Saddam had thousands of WMD's.

I haven’t followed this whole russian meddling fiasco nearly as closely as many others on this forum obviously have.
Honest question: in all of the hacking that took place, can someone tell me one specific thing that was done that would directly affect the outcome of our election of either candidate? thanks.
I guess some still believe Nixon was innocent and Saddam had thousands of WMD's.

I believe Nixon was innocent of bowing to authoritarian powers in a dangerous world. In the current context, the burglaries of Ginsberg's psychiatrist and the DNC look pretty tame.

Libs are full anarchist mode. It will not be tolerated.

So said a King named George . . . .
"There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the world," Ryan said in a statement. "...The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy."

When even your parties leaders are coming to their senses and you're left alone swing at windmills.


What votes did they change?
If the wildest lunatic lefty dreams that Putin rigged the election is true, as a direct result of that it is far more likely that the second Amendment will be protected for the coming decades allowing Americans to arm themselves and defend themselves against tyranny.

So thanks to Putin, Americans still have the right to keep and bear arms.

God you lefties are retarded.
If Putin and Russia was trying to rig it for a certain side it was for Hillary. The dems and Russian government colluded for that fake dossier. No one on the left has a problem with that though.

And the dems colluding with Russia is 100% a fact. Its not a fake allegation like the Trump/Russia bullshit. This actually happened.
I haven’t followed this whole russian meddling fiasco nearly as closely as many others on this forum obviously have.
Honest question: in all of the hacking that took place, can someone tell me one specific thing that was done that would directly affect the outcome of our election of either candidate? thanks.
You want policy or feelings?
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Fox has been 100% compromised?

Jesus, are you people posting from Moscow, live?

You obviously don't watch Fox...

And I suppose everybody conveniently forgot the part today when Putin explained how Russians somehow gave 400 million dollars (that were raised through illegal means) to Hillary's campaign???? Huh. How about that. Crazy.
I believe Nixon was innocent of bowing to authoritarian powers in a dangerous world. In the current context, the burglaries of Ginsberg's psychiatrist and the DNC look pretty tame.

So said a King named George . . . .
Well yeah that was Nixon's personality no? You are so right, things are much different today!
You obviously don't watch Fox...

You obviously didn't read Homey's post, or you disavow your own "conservative" compatriot.

Honest question: in all of the hacking that took place, can someone tell me one specific thing that was done that would directly affect the outcome of our election of either candidate? thanks.

A good and reasonable question. The Russian Bot circulation of BS stuff on the eve of the election [pizzagate] might have done so. Can anyone be sure? No.

But the Plumbers' break in of the DNC in 1972 had no absolute effect on that election . . . . but Presidents are held accountable for crimes, not just crimes that help them get elected.

If Trump shot at someone and missed, the act would not "directly affect" the health of the person he shot at, but it would still be an illegal act.
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You obviously didn't read Homey's post, or you disavow your own "conservative" compatriot.

A good and reasonable question. The Russian Bot circulation of BS stuff on the eve of the election [pizzagate] might have done so. Can anyone be sure? No.

But the Plumbers' break in of the DNC in 1972 had no absolute effect on that election . . . . but Presidents are held accountable for crimes, not just crimes that help them get elected.

If Trump shot at someone and missed, the act would not "directly affect" the health of the person he shot at, but it would still be an illegal act.

You guys sure live in the IF world.

If Hillary had won.
Not even sure what you mean by that.
I meant to hear liberals rant you would think our policies toward Russia would be drastically weaker since the Obama administration days but they are actually stronger. Like every other issue for the past two years the hysterics get all the attention. Why men are abandoning the Dem party.
I've said it before but Trump has this uncanny ability to force leftists to show their true colors. Its almost like a super power of sorts.

He has an ability to force American conservatives to show their true colors, as well. And I am one of those.

As for those that defend this sh!tshow and call it "conservative," I never thought I would witness the senseless surrender of basic American values by the putative "right."

It is as shameful as the denigration of American values by the hard left, especially in the Viet Nam era.
You obviously didn't read Homey's post, or you disavow your own "conservative" compatriot.

A good and reasonable question. The Russian Bot circulation of BS stuff on the eve of the election [pizzagate] might have done so. Can anyone be sure? No.

But the Plumbers' break in of the DNC in 1972 had no absolute effect on that election . . . . but Presidents are held accountable for crimes, not just crimes that help them get elected.

If Trump shot at someone and missed, the act would not "directly affect" the health of the person he shot at, but it would still be an illegal act.

What got Nixon was the cover up.
You obviously didn't read Homey's post, or you disavow your own "conservative" compatriot.

A good and reasonable question. The Russian Bot circulation of BS stuff on the eve of the election [pizzagate] might have done so. Can anyone be sure? No.

But the Plumbers' break in of the DNC in 1972 had no absolute effect on that election . . . . but Presidents are held accountable for crimes, not just crimes that help them get elected.

If Trump shot at someone and missed, the act would not "directly affect" the health of the person he shot at, but it would still be an illegal act.

lol. You're back!

Then what the hell do you call what the media and the Democrats did? What Google did with its algorithms? What Twitter did with censoring conservatives, admitting in court to burying the DNC leaks hashtags and manufacturing trends just like Facebook? What do you call what the Dems and FBI did in using Fusion? What about leaking debate questions and paying women to accuse Trump of sexual assault? Oppo research with Ukraine? lol

Also, Correct the Record was the biggest creator of Hillary bots. Twitter is filled with leftist bots who promote the left and pump up the numbers of blue checks even CNN is on audio saying this.

Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her super PAC

Clinton SuperPac Admits to Paying Internet Trolls

How about planting people in audiences to bird dog for the cameras to drive a narrative?
Then what the hell do you call what the media and the Democrats did?

The Republicans control both houses, the Presidency and the Courts, by clear majorities. If your list is a list of crimes, you don't need to spew them on an internet forum to a former prosecutor, you need to e-mail your proof to a current prosecutor . . . . there are more than 400 federally appointed Fed Republican prosecutors who can help you put these people away.

You cannot lead government by such clear majorities, and believe yourself a victim of the same government . . . . without a clear gap in thinking.
He has an ability to force American conservatives to show their true colors, as well. And I am one of those.

As for those that defend this sh!tshow and call it "conservative," I never thought I would witness the senseless surrender of basic American values by the putative "right."

It is as shameful as the denigration of American values by the hard left, especially in the Viet Nam era.

What basic American value has been surrendered?
Have you simply ignored the lefts behavior since day 1? Honestly, you don’t have a clue what the Russians supposedly did? It’s gone from Trump colluded with them, to Facebook memes.
The only constant is the left is still calling Trump treasonous, and impeachment.
You want us to hate Russia, in the next breath you’re saying Putin owned Trump.

There were some points that hit close to home for the leftists today, one is the 400 million donated to Hillary, the other is Trump laid it on the table that the FBI has never seen the DNC server or the computers that went missing from the Pakistanis.
Those are huge pieces of the puzzle, how can the Media continue with the DNC was hacked if the FBI has never seen the servers?

I’m no investigator, but those might have big clues to unravel some things...if you actually wanted to clear some things up.
The Republicans control both houses, the Presidency and the Courts, by clear majorities. If your list is a list of crimes, you don't need to spew them on an internet forum to a former prosecutor, you need to e-mail your proof to a current prosecutor . . . . there are more than 400 federally appointed Fed Republican prosecutors who can help you put these people away.

You cannot lead government by such clear majorities, and believe yourself a victim of the same government . . . . without a clear gap in thinking.

You’re absolutely right, if a special prosecutor hadn’t been appointed within 3 months of Trump taking office. Which I suspect was the point of the special prosecutor, to run cover, throw out some indictments that’ll never see the court.
If an investigation happens after the special prosecutor it’ll be judged by the media to be retaliatory.
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What basic American value has been surrendered?

Cow-towing to authoritarian govenrment . . . . American leaders still do not bow to English Royalty for a reason.

Have you simply ignored the lefts behavior since day 1?[/QUOTE]

Can you read?

It is as shameful as the denigration of American values by the hard left,

Do I need to start posting in Russian for your comprehension?