How will they rule ??!

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Just because Obama supported them and armed them doesn't mean Russia bombing ISIS in Syria was an attack on the US. Just like Russia allegedly stealing emails allegedly exposing the definite corruption of the DNC was not an attack on the US.
Just because Obama supported them and armed them doesn't mean Russia bombing ISIS in Syria was an attack on the US. Just like Russia allegedly stealing emails allegedly exposing the definite corruption of the DNC was not an attack on the US.

Too dumb to even argue with. Good day, sir.
Tell Putin, thanks for the strong economy, protecting sovereignty, protecting the Constitution, making sure our citizens stayed armed and can protect themselves, demolishing ISIS, and helping us achieve our nation's interests instead of the interests of globalists.
Once again, he wanted Republicans to join with him but they were unwilling and threatened to blame Obama for meddling in election. THIS IS A FACT JACK. Obama could have done a lot more and who should have called McConnell's bluff. But I guarantee everyone on here would be saying same thing if Obama had done more.

Why did Trump ask Russia to hack Clinton?
You guys are the worst kind of liars. I hope the next Dem President locks em all up.
You, DA, Obama was in charge of the government - look at all the executive orders he issued on his own - not McConnell. And if O had acted & taken criticism, so what? That would be on the criticizers, not him. But he always was gutless to be criticized.
You know why Democrats are convinced they couldn't lose fairly? Because they're so deep in their echo chamber that they never hear an opposing view, don't interact with anyone from a different view, eat up and consume nothing but Dem Party talking points in media, social media and Hollywood. Then act stunned that their message of globalism, open borders, higher taxes, grow the welfare state, empower Islam/ISIS, Iran, abolish ICE, get rid of the 2A, identity politics obsessed, calling everyone "racist" and harassing people and attacking people doesn't really resonate with normal working-class people.

It's pretty telling that the strategy to Democrat power revolves around importing foreigners to vote, mass propaganda through media, Hollywood and academia and promoting tribalism with identity politics.
It is amazing how some folk can turn on a decorated vietnam veteran who is a republican and proclaim his findings and indictments that the last presidential election was tampered with along with the intelligence committee and the republican select senatorial committee. It's like some have concocted a story along with Alex Jones and other political hucksters and just insist their fabrication is accurate. I'm thinking that's more in line with the oligarchs of Russia than the country they claim to love. Hiding from the truth of foreign interference with our elections, well that's something even the Iranians know how to react to but American conservatives simply want to stick their heads in the sand and claim anybody who doesn't agree with them are wrong.
I mean, how can the lunatic democrats be so GD mad at Russia - as in want us to go to full blown war with them - for doing what they and other countries always do (ineffectively I might add), yet not say a motherf#cking peep about the actual rigging of their own f#cking primary by their own f#cking people.

If you wanna go to war with Russia over this trivial and ineffective bullshit, THEN HOLD YOUR OWN PARTY ACCOUNTABLE FIRST.


#Free Willy
You keep using the term "rigging". Let's be clear; they tried to "interfere" (as they and other countries always have) in our election.

It was the democrats who actually "rigged" the election(s).

Don't confuse foreign interference with domestic rigging.
No this is just stupid since there are people already confessing and even serving time over this issue and they are not Democrats nor were they investigated by Democrats. Stupid take.
I mean, how can the lunatic democrats be so GD mad at Russia - as in want us to go to full blown war with them - for doing what they and other countries always do (ineffectively I might add), yet not say a motherf#cking peep about the actual rigging of their own f#cking primary by their own f#cking people.

If you wanna go to war with Russia over this trivial and ineffective bullshit, THEN HOLD YOUR OWN PARTY ACCOUNTABLE FIRST.


#Free Willy
Another highly questionable take. Cite your sources for the claim Democrats are calling for "full blown war" pretty shrill.
It is amazing how some folk can turn on a decorated vietnam veteran who is a republican and proclaim his findings and indictments that the last presidential election was tampered with along with the intelligence committee and the republican select senatorial committee. It's like some have concocted a story along with Alex Jones and other political hucksters and just insist their fabrication is accurate. I'm thinking that's more in line with the oligarchs of Russia than the country they claim to love. Hiding from the truth of foreign interference with our elections, well that's something even the Iranians know how to react to but American conservatives simply want to stick their heads in the sand and claim anybody who doesn't agree with them are wrong.

How exactly was it tampered with? What did the Russians do that affected anyone's vote? Furthermore, Mueller filed that indictment knowing full well NONE of those people would ever see court, so he doesn't have to prove anything. Everything in the indictments was already known, every last bit of it.
They didn't attack our country for christ's sake. The hyperbole is over the top from the left.
Meanwhile every one of these flapping vaginas supported giving the largest terror sponsor hundreds of millions of dollars. A country actively killing our soldiers when possible. An act Russia supported and still supports.
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Then there's also the fact that Putin is so much more experienced than Trump. He has more than 15 years of global political experience. He knows how to do things, how to work the system. He makes plenty of mistakes, but he knows how to think and act. Trump is a total neophyte. He has no experience and doesn't understand how global politics operates. He displays his ignorance every
single day. ---
Mikhail Fishman editor-in-chief of the Moscow Times

Here is the interview:
Another highly questionable take. Cite your sources for the claim Democrats are calling for "full blown war" pretty shrill.
THAT'S the part you take umbrage with? So you definitely agree with the rest? That's a start.

Yeah, that may be a little bit of hyperbole; but you do have the unhinged blue checks on twitter comparing Putin to Bin Laden and comparing this trivial shit (that had the same effect as a rain drop in the ocean) to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

At least you agree with the meat of my post. Re: democrats should hold their own accountable first.
Putin says there was no interference. Trump agrees. CASE SETTLED LMAO

And this thread really does show the insanity of you Trumpites. "Putin did us a favor" would be your exact traitorous responses if evidence points to a rigged election.
There is no evidence Russia meddling impacted the election results. Zero.

Regardless, the moment Trump says, yes, there was interference but there's no evidence it impacted the election, do you for one moment think the MSM & Left will accept that vs. them continuing to badger him on the interference & asking if his election was illegitimate & using that as a hammer against him? You're complete DA's if you think that wouldn't be the case. Net, he's much better off denying interference as the way to deny his election was illegit. I.e., cut em off at the knees & let them whine.
Putin says there was no interference. Trump agrees. CASE SETTLED LMAO

And this thread really does show the insanity of you Trumpites. "Putin did us a favor" would be your exact traitorous responses if evidence points to a rigged election.

The same people who support Trump today believed Saddam Hussein had WMD armed trained on the USA. Some still believe that.
It is amazing how some folk can turn on a decorated vietnam veteran who is a republican and proclaim his findings and indictments that the last presidential election was tampered with along with the intelligence committee and the republican select senatorial committee. It's like some have concocted a story along with Alex Jones and other political hucksters and just insist their fabrication is accurate. I'm thinking that's more in line with the oligarchs of Russia than the country they claim to love. Hiding from the truth of foreign interference with our elections, well that's something even the Iranians know how to react to but American conservatives simply want to stick their heads in the sand and claim anybody who doesn't agree with them are wrong.
There is no evidence Russia meddling impacted the election results. Zero.

Regardless, the moment Trump says, yes, there was interference but there's no evidence it impacted the election, do you for one moment think the MSM & Left will accept that vs. them continuing to badger him on the interference & asking if his election was illegitimate & using that as a hammer against him? You're complete DA's if you think that wouldn't be the case. Net, he's much better off denying interference as the way to deny his election was illegit. I.e., cut em off at the knees & let them whine.
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