How will they rule ??!

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If the Russians were "meddling", why didn't Obama do something about it?

It's a simple question libs... and there are only a few possible answers:

1. Obama is incompetent and couldn't do anything
2. Their meddling isn't important enough to waste resources
3. Obama was in collusion with them
Once again, he wanted Republicans to join with him but they were unwilling and threatened to blame Obama for meddling in election. THIS IS A FACT JACK. Obama could have done a lot more and who should have called McConnell's bluff. But I guarantee everyone on here would be saying same thing if Obama had done more.

Why did Trump ask Russia to hack Clinton?
You guys are the worst kind of liars. I hope the next Dem President locks em all up.
Looks more like your guy. Whiner in chief.
So you guys think every single intelligence agency is wrong that Russia interfered in elections? You are doing the bidding of your premier Putin. Whenever I see a Republican now I only see a traitor to the United States. Who support a mentally deranged ass clown who is actively trying to destroy this country all while maintaining his innocence through lies and propaganda.

Just like WMDs in Iraq!
You guys are such traitors you would welcome Russian soldiers on our soil. Literally no spine whatsoever.
Aww except Obama did try to do something about it and McConnell refused to go along, funny how that is never brought up by el presidente. McConnell knew Russia was helping Trump and was ok with it. Republican leadership is complicit in this.

So Trump can go around calling America stupid and blaming bad relations with Russia on America only...if Obama said this he would be called a traitor.

Dude, we all saw O'bama on October 16, 2016 stand in front of the country and laugh at the notion that Russia was interfering. That's because he knew the fix was in for Hillary. You can be blindingly stupid all you want, just don't expect anyone here to believe anything you think or say.
Once again, he wanted Republicans to join with him but they were unwilling and threatened to blame Obama for meddling in election. THIS IS A FACT JACK. Obama could have done a lot more and who should have called McConnell's bluff. But I guarantee everyone on here would be saying same thing if Obama had done more.

Why did Trump ask Russia to hack Clinton?
You guys are the worst kind of liars. I hope the next Dem President locks em all up.

So the President has to ask the Senate leaders permission before defending the US?

Trump didn't ask Russia to hack Clinton,who's server was already offline by then. He said investigators and reporters .would like to see those missing 30,000 emails if they had them.
So you guys think every single intelligence agency is wrong that Russia interfered in elections? You are doing the bidding of your premier Putin. Whenever I see a Republican now I only see a traitor to the United States. Who support a mentally deranged ass clown who is actively trying to destroy this country all while maintaining his innocence through lies and propaganda.

Off your meds again today?
So the President has to ask the Senate leaders permission before defending the US?

Trump didn't ask Russia to hack Clinton,who's server was already offline by then. He said investigators and reporters .would like to see those missing 30,000 emails if they had them.

Yes, that's exactly what Cardkilla was saying when Obama was deploying troops around the world and bombing the shit out of Libya and Syria.

The POTUS must get Congressional approval before establishing multifactor authentication or putting one of those check boxes that says "I am not a robot" to make sure the Democrats aren't so goddam stupid a 4th grader can "hack" them.
Once again, he wanted Republicans to join with him but they were unwilling and threatened to blame Obama for meddling in election. THIS IS A FACT JACK. Obama could have done a lot more and who should have called McConnell's bluff. But I guarantee everyone on here would be saying same thing if Obama had done more.

Why did Trump ask Russia to hack Clinton?
You guys are the worst kind of liars. I hope the next Dem President locks em all up.
So you're rolling with "incompetent"?.

Good to know...
I think one of my personal favorite bouts of hypocrisy from the left's unhinged meltdown is using homophobic cartoons of Trump. They consider that an insult after telling everyone how making jokes about gays is off limits and being real big champions of the LGBT special interest groups. But when it comes to Republicans, they use gay as an insult. Interesting.
So you guys think every single intelligence agency is wrong that Russia interfered in elections? You are doing the bidding of your premier Putin. Whenever I see a Republican now I only see a traitor to the United States. Who support a mentally deranged ass clown who is actively trying to destroy this country all while maintaining his innocence through lies and propaganda.

Strawman. Meddled but by the most minimal activity imaginable. Posting Jesus memes was nothing.

My guess is at least a handful of other countries do similar things. They're so minimal it isn't worth risking international incident by even acknowledging it let alone acting on it
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Explain to me why I should give a shit about Russia right now? This grandstanding bullshit is such a waste of time. Our biggest enemy in this nation is the Democrat Party. This is a group trying to destroy our sovereignty, openly call for violence against us, wants to control us, uses our media as an arm of the Democratic Party, loves and supports Islam, anti 2A and really the 1A as well. This is a group who backs Palestine, allowed ISIS to get out of control, did the Iran Deal, roots for North Korea, called us keeping more of our own money “theft”, wants to see the economy tank to stick it to Trump.

I don’t give a shit what any of these people think.
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How was Trump supposed to "hold Russia accountable"?

Is that not what Mueller is doing? Or do we all now agree those indictments are worthless, stupid, based on ridiculous claims from DNC consultants that would never hold up in court and in no way are a notch in anyone's belts or will ever result in any convictions for anything?
Putin says there was no interference. Trump agrees. CASE SETTLED LMAO

And this thread really does show the insanity of you Trumpites. "Putin did us a favor" would be your exact traitorous responses if evidence points to a rigged election.
Putin says there was no interference. Trump agrees. CASE SETTLED LMAO

And this thread really does show the insanity of you Trumpites. "Putin did us a favor" would be your exact traitorous responses if evidence points to a rigged election.
Well I guess it's a good thing we've had this dog-and-pony-show witch hunt for a year+ now that would determine collusion to be nothing but Marxist hysterics and histrionics so we don't have to debate your bullshit hypothetical, now isn't it?
The New York Times had a piece today on the clear front-runners for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020: Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden, with Hillary as a possible.

So that's three Coastal far-left activists who have ridden identity politics to their positions, an aging socialist and a guy who first ran for president in the 1980s and was forced to withdraw after being exposed as a plagiarist -- not to mention the woman who has already proven to be the worst campaigner in American history and who would be even more vulnerable in the #MeToo era for enabling a rapist husband and taking bundles of cash from Harvey Weinstein.

It's a party in perpetual suicide mode.

I already know it's going to be Harris or Booker. Their next candidate will be black. They need the black vote. Democrats thrive on identity politics and obsession with race. The main reason Obama was elected was his race and in 2016, black voters did not come out to rally around Hillary like they did Obama. They will try to change that.

I'm convinced it's going to be Kamala Harris.
I already know it's going to be Harris or Booker. Their next candidate will be black. They need the black vote. Democrats thrive on identity politics and obsession with race. The only reason Obama was elected was his race and in 2016, black voters did not come out to rally around Hillary like they did Obama. They will try to change that.

I'm convinced it's going to be Kamala Harris.

Putin says there was no interference. Trump agrees. CASE SETTLED LMAO

And this thread really does show the insanity of you Trumpites. "Putin did us a favor" would be your exact traitorous responses if evidence points to a rigged election.

You goddam lunatics have lost your minds over made up accusations of a rigged election. So yeah, if your wildest bullshit dreams are true, and Putin actually saved us from Hilary Clinton occupying the White House, allowing Trump to secure the Supreme Court with apparent conservatives for decades to come, then yes, he did us a goddam favor.

Fact is he didn't rig the election and you are a goddam lunatic.
Well I guess it's a good thing we've had this dog-and-pony-show witch hunt for a year+ now that would determine collusion to be nothing but Marxist hysterics and histrionics so we don't have to debate your bullshit hypothetical, now isn't it?

Democrats are truly brainwashed and moronic especially regarding the Russia narrative and the idea that they're going to go to court and try to remove him from office simply because they could not accept that they lost.

1. Mueller's team has no intentions of trying anything in court and presenting evidence where it can be challenged. This is simply to accomplish one of two things. Drag this out through the midterms/maybe even 2020 if they lose the midterms, to try and influence votes. Second, is trying to get Trump to fire him to go nuts with their new strategy.

2. There has been no crime exposed or actual evidence of Trump colluding with anyone yet they want to impeach him. Idiots. But you know the evidence of collusion that we have? Democrats, media, FBI.
If the wildest lunatic lefty dreams that Putin rigged the election is true, as a direct result of that it is far more likely that the second Amendment will be protected for the coming decades allowing Americans to arm themselves and defend themselves against tyranny.

So thanks to Putin, Americans still have the right to keep and bear arms.

God you lefties are retarded.
You goddam lunatics have lost your minds over made up accusations of a rigged election. So yeah, if your wildest bullshit dreams are true, and Putin actually saved us from Hilary Clinton occupying the White House, allowing Trump to secure the Supreme Court with apparent conservatives for decades to come, then yes, he did us a goddam favor.

Fact is he didn't rig the election and you are a goddam lunatic.

I said IF you psycho. Never in my life would I have thought people would support an attack on our country just to get what they want.
Putin says there was no interference. Trump agrees. CASE SETTLED LMAO

And this thread really does show the insanity of you Trumpites. "Putin did us a favor" would be your exact traitorous responses if evidence points to a rigged election.
Calm down, it's not like Putin knelt for the National Anthem.