How will they rule ??!

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Don't fall for the lefts framing tricks.

1) Russia didn't hack anything, election server or otherwise. Jesus arm wrestling memes was the extent of their involvement. Their involvement is mainly after the election, funding anti trump walks, etc.

2) the DNC server wasn't hhacked. The files were lifted locally. We will never know for sure, but one could bet Seth rich was one of those who stole the files.

3) The notion Obama tried to do anything with Russia is laughable and false. We all saw his "the 1980s called" zinger. And we all saw him literally laugh at the notion that anyone was interfering with the election.

4) Trump was spied on, wiretapped, etc and we have evidence of nothing other than an American first candidate who didn't follow script and let crooked Hillary win a fixed election. If there was ANYTHING at all even objectionable, we'd know it.
Aww except Obama did try to do something about it and McConnell refused to go along, funny how that is never brought up by el presidente. McConnell knew Russia was helping Trump and was ok with it. Republican leadership is complicit in this.

So Trump can go around calling America stupid and blaming bad relations with Russia on America only...if Obama said this he would be called a traitor.
Except Obama had the power to do something & McConnell did not. Obama never wanted to be seen as getting his hands dirty & getting blow back. He was totally afraid to risk negative feedback. Total wimp without principles. But that's the way you like presidents to be.
Aww except Obama did try to do something about it and McConnell refused to go along, funny how that is never brought up by el presidente. McConnell knew Russia was helping Trump and was ok with it. Republican leadership is complicit in this.

So Trump can go around calling America stupid and blaming bad relations with Russia on America only...if Obama said this he would be called a traitor.

How in the fu*k could Mcconnell stop Obama from defending against Cyber threats? C'mon cardkilla, the President's main tenet is to protect the people of the US.
You guys can't claim it was another Pearl Harbor, then blame the leader of the Senate.
How in the fu*k could Mcconnell stop Obama from defending against Cyber threats? C'mon cardkilla, the President's main tenet is to protect the people of the US.
You guys can't claim it was another Pearl Harbor, then blame the leader of the Senate.

It's almost like the goddam executive branch isn't currently indicting ham sandwiches in Russia while thumbing it's nose at McConnell and Congress.

But Obama couldn't do anything.

Got it.
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Those people don't believe in liberte, egalite and fraternite.

And it's not racist to say so.

To dovetail on the socialism topic, democratic socialism works to some degree in some ways in Europe because there is shared cultural identity. It will destroy France, mark my words, maybe not in our lifetimes but it will in the end.

And if it's going to work here, one nation under god indiivisible with liberty and justice for all needs to not be a topic open for debate.
Careful there big buy, sounds like you're praising the merits of some sort of national socialism with a unified people and homogeneous identity.
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I'm a union guy through and through, but would never tell someone how to spend their money.
Liberals want 2/3 of our paycheck, because that's how socialism works, and want to tell us where to spend it. This is America 2018.
Aww except Obama did try to do something about it and McConnell refused to go along.

This is a lie. McConnell refused to go along with Obama going public and using Russian meddling to hurt Trump's candidacy. Going public isn't "doing something about it".

Obama did absolutely nothing. His cyber chief had a plan drawn up to stop the meddling and Obama told him to stand down. McConnell had absolutely nothing to do with Obama giving his cyber chief the stand down order behind the scenes.
Love watching the left claim that the 12 Russians who apparently hacked a few emails are in the same vein as Pear Harbor and 9/11. So reasonable and smart. Ha!

You have to try and think like them to understand it... which is not only hard to do, but dangerous for your intelligence; but I’m going to try.

Russia elected Donald Trump —> Trump’s presidency has created horrible policies/erased Obama’s golden legacy —> millions, upon millions will die because of it

Much worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. Twice.
"EU official urges Trump, Putin not to destroy global order"

Well of course they do. They aren't footing the bill/pulling their weight. Time's up, Euros.
And they're openly undermining us. Trump was right to call EU a foe.

Russia's economy is already a garbage dump. We hit them with sanctions to hurt them even more financially. We signed a 5 year deal with Poland to import natural gas and hurt Russia's oil money.

What did Germany do? Undermined everything we're trying to do and made a deal with Russia for a pipeline that will pump billions of dollars into Russia.
Love watching the left claim that the 12 Russians who apparently hacked a few emails are in the same vein as Pear Harbor and 9/11. So reasonable and smart. Ha!
There is so much hot-take competition (and zero accountability to be right) on the left that you have to really bring it to get attention.
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Love watching the left claim that the 12 Russians who apparently hacked a few emails are in the same vein as Pear Harbor and 9/11. So reasonable and smart. Ha!

Again, keep in mind that none of these people EVER discuss the contents of the emails, which was supposedly "hacked."

This is the real life equivalent of Democrats regarding the Russia theory about the emails.

*Boyfriend and girlfriend at home. Guy gets in the shower, girl looks at his phone, sees he's cheating*
Girlfriend: You're screwing Andrea?!
Boyfriend: Woah, you went through my phone?
Girlfriend: I can't believe you're a cheating and lying scumbag who cheated on me with Andrea.
Boyfriend: Andrea is irrelevant to this. What's outrageous is you looking at my phone. That's the real situation here. Can't believe you did that!
And they're openly undermining us. Trump was right to call EU a foe.

The feigned outrage over this out of context quote is so goddam stupid.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now you wouldn't think of the European Union but they're a foe. Russia is foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe. But that doesn't mean they are bad. It doesn't mean anything. It means that they are competitive. They want to do well and we want to do well. And we're starting to do well. You see what's going on we have best unemployment numbers probably that we've ever had. Black unemployment is the lowest level in history. Hispanic unemployment the lowest level in history, Jeff. Women unemployment lowest in 66 years. Our numbers are great. Our GDP numbers are far greater than what they thought.

All thanks to Trump meeting with Putin...

This NBC coverage is HILARIOUS. They didn’t cover the NATO stuff like this....because Trump crushed NATO. They all pretty much respected what he had to say. Especially Theresa May who had many positive things to say and agreed with Trump that Britain needs, and is, securing borders, opening trade, and sticking it to the EU. Etc etc.
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Out of boredom, I decided to look at the history of elections since the inception of the Republican Party.

From the election of Lincoln to start of FDR, there were 18 elections (1861-1928) Democrats only won four times.
Republicans had 12 presidents to the Dem Party's three.

From 1932-1948, Democrats won five straight elections (FDR/Truman).

Post FDR/Truman to 2016, Democrats have won seven elections, Republicans have won 10.

Overall, from 1861-2016, there have been 40 elections.
Republicans won 24
Democrats won 16 (Four of those were FDR). That's crazy.
Twitter is insane right now. This trump Putin meeting has really sent the left over the edge.

Folks the leaked files told us all the Dems would try to paint trump as someone having Russian ties. They even told us what they would like about and how they would like about it.

Yet that never gets brought up. It's insanity
So you guys think every single intelligence agency is wrong that Russia interfered in elections? You are doing the bidding of your premier Putin. Whenever I see a Republican now I only see a traitor to the United States. Who support a mentally deranged ass clown who is actively trying to destroy this country all while maintaining his innocence through lies and propaganda.
If the Russians were "meddling", why didn't Obama do something about it?

It's a simple question libs... and there are only a few possible answers:

1. Obama is incompetent and couldn't do anything
2. Their meddling isn't important enough to waste resources
3. Obama was in collusion with them
So you guys think every single intelligence agency is wrong that Russia interfered in elections? You are doing the bidding of your premier Putin. Whenever I see a Republican now I only see a traitor to the United States. Who support a mentally deranged ass clown who is actively trying to destroy this country all while maintaining his innocence through lies and propaganda.

Maybe you could give us a list of countries and people who are allowed to "interfere" in our election.

China? Israel? Soros? The Obama administration was actively spying on Trump's campaign and trying to entrap him while the holdovers are still actively pursuing the coup.

So all of those people are good, but Russia is the boogeyman?

To be honest, if Putin did hack into the voting machines and change enough votes to make Trump POTUS, he deserves the highest honors our country can bestow. To overcome the Obama administrations meddling and attempted coup, install Trump as POTUS, then have him cut taxes for all Americans while (probably) appointing two law abiding Supreme Court justices.
So you guys think every single intelligence agency is wrong that Russia interfered in elections? You are doing the bidding of your premier Putin. Whenever I see a Republican now I only see a traitor to the United States. Who support a mentally deranged ass clown who is actively trying to destroy this country all while maintaining his innocence through lies and propaganda.
