How will they rule ??!

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was gonna put this in soccer thread but didnt want to politicize it

“Sexy fandom” is celebrated as a form of individual expression and personal style, reinforcing the wider cultural expectations for young women to present themselves in sport contexts in ways that do not threaten men’s primacy.

Damn leftists are never gonna stop with this lunacy, to what end is this going to go to in our lifetimes before people say enough is enough?

Despite widespread criticism of sexism in sport media, and initiatives to counter sexualised images of women sport fans, the stereotype of the sexy supporter continues to flourish.

For women fans who don’t look this way, or choose not to, the cost is media invisibility.

This is simply untrue, in America atleast there are masculine women commenting on soccer/basketball all the time because they have demonstrated competence like Doris Burke for example

I immediately tune out when I see a female sideline reporter. I don't give a crap what anyone labels it. I know more than that person and it's obvious that this person was hired for their looks. Media is filled with women who are simply hired for their looks who aren't qualified at all to have the position that they have, Now, I respect Doris Burke. I think she's very good and talented.

This is where leftists are total idiots. Sports overwhelmingly has a male audience. Male sports are the most popular. It's the epitome of masculinity. To appeal to men, they had sexy cheerleaders. They have attractive reporters. Bit here's where the left is idiotic and can't accept reality. Most women, like 90-plus percent enjoy being feminine. They like being girls. They like being attractive and doing female things. Most men enjoy being men, are okay with being masculine. It's the butch dykes and beta males that hate this.
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[laughing] Eye don't believe it.


Asians capturing pets and birds and making it into dishes? No way. LOL.
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As much as I hate to see the Democrats cheer for treason, I expect it. So their behavior doesn't really annoy me in these hearings. We all know they hate America and will do everything they can to block justice.

What annoys the hell out of me is watching the Republicans grandstand, knowing full well they aren't going to do a goddam thing about anything. I'm sick and tired of reading "Gowdy is a bad ass" for grilling witnesses when nothing ever comes of it. The Congressional investigations are such bullshit. The illegal conduct is clear. The perjury is clear. Yet Strzok sits there with a goddam security clearance and federal government paycheck smirking in the face of the institution that's supposed to be providing oversight. The Republicans allow it to happen and the Democrats are his champions.

There's never any accountability for corrupt government officials. If there were, Obama, Hillary, McCain, Comey, McCabe, Paige and Strzok, Clapper, all of those scumbags, would be hanged for treason.
One day after Strzoks hearing AND as Trump meets the Queen. Can't make it up.

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More Russians that will never step foot in a US courtroom and still zero collusion.


Oh, I'd love to see what proof they have and I'd love to know why the server was never turned over. These sacks of shit got exposed wheeling and dealing with media and their partners in crime and then blame it on Russia. Notice how Democrats never acknowledge anything in those emails but scream "Russia?"
[laughing] And they were so pissed that Gohmert had the gall to smear Strzok with the truth. Their entire strategy is smearing people... with lies.

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Antifa? So fighting facists and Nazi's is bad?

I have been hesitant to reply to any of your drivelling nonsense in the past because it isn't worth my time and so many others on here handle that task quite well...but....

Sweet Jews for Jesus, are you really this stupid?

Do you not see that the Antifa cowards only claim to "fight"(in quotes because they never seem to actually "fight" unless they have 4 or 5 on one, or unless they can attack a woman)..and in fact are the fascists themselves with their intolerance and suppression by violence of ANY view they disagree with?
Wow. Trump crushes Europe in a very respectful and professional way. Again! Idk why networks televise his speeches/meetings with other world leaders. They all seem to really like and agree with trump. He’s currently helping Theresas May make Britain great again. It’s beautiful! Very progressive!
[laughing] And they were so pissed that Gohmert had the gall to smear Strzok with the truth. Their entire platform is based on smearing people... with lies.

That's all they do. They have been doing it for decades. They use the mainstream media as their mouthpiece, pay off scum for accusations and then have their politicians play their part with that grandstanding and demanding someone step down.

Look at how many times they pull this shit- Clarence Thomas, Trump, Kavanaugh, Jordan, Moore, etc. Dem media and their politicians always do this. Run interference for Democrats corruption by excusing it, downplaying it or not covering it while creating bullshit like this. Notice how nothing is ever said about anyone until they're threats to Democrats/establishment.
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Antifa? So fighting facists and Nazi's is bad?

I have been hesitant to reply to any of your drivelling nonsense in the past because it isn't worth my time and so many others on here handle that task quite well...but....

Sweet Jews for Jesus, are you really this stupid?

Do you not see that the Antifa cowards only claim to "fight"(in quotes because they never seem to actually "fight" unless they have 4 or 5 on one, or unless they can attack a woman)..and in fact are the fascists themselves with their intolerance and suppression by violence of ANY view they disagree with?

Don't bother with these idiots. "They're against fascists." No, you dumb shit, they're the fascists. Who covers their faces to go and assault and silence those who stand up against leftist insanity?

You know how you know who is in the right and who is in the wrong even outside of the violence and basic ideology? Look at who covers their faces and who doesn't.
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What a waste of time and money. These Russians will never be tried. We already knew that they had hacked John Podesta's emails. Has nothing to do with any Trump collusion.

I love that exposing Democrat and media corruption is the bad thing. Haha

It's seriously like a cheating boyfriend who gets caught cheating in his text messages but then gets mad and blames it on his girlfriend for checking his phone.
Happy Indictment Friday!

Yawn. Russians up to no good and meddling in US affairs isn't anything new. Where's the collusion? Where's the evidence that they impacted the outcome of the election? Isn't that what you guys have been saying for almost two years?

P.S. this indictment means the DNC is going to have to turn over their server. The same server they desperately wanted to keep from the FBI.
As much as I hate to see the Democrats cheer for treason, I expect it. So their behavior doesn't really annoy me in these hearings. We all know they hate America and will do everything they can to block justice.

What annoys the hell out of me is watching the Republicans grandstand, knowing full well they aren't going to do a goddam thing about anything. I'm sick and tired of reading "Gowdy is a bad ass" for grilling witnesses when nothing ever comes of it. The Congressional investigations are such bullshit. The illegal conduct is clear. The perjury is clear. Yet Strzok sits there with a goddam security clearance and federal government paycheck smirking in the face of the institution that's supposed to be providing oversight. The Republicans allow it to happen and the Democrats are his champions.

Would give this post a thousand likes if possible. Both sides of the isle suck balls. Damn near every last one of them for one reason or another.

'Tis all the more reason I am for a seismic shift in the political landscape...and have been for quite some time. Trump wasn't exactly what I originally had in mind...but it's a start. He's shaking things up and changing the game. And when he wins a 2nd term it will force both parties to adjust.

Unfortunately, it appears the Dems answer to this is to go even further left with socialist candidates. I hope, for the overall sake of this country, that's a short term thing. Time will tell I guess.

Something I would love for Trump to tackle head on is legislative term limits. He has hinted at it...but I want a full on blitz. Despite what most is most definitely an achievable goal. Maybe he is saving that fight for his second term.
Would give this post a thousand likes if possible. Both sides of the isle suck balls. Damn near every last one of them for one reason or another.

'Tis all the more reason I am for a seismic shift in the political landscape...and have been for quite some time. Trump wasn't exactly what I originally had in mind...but it's a start. He's shaking things up and changing the game. And when he wins a 2nd term it will force both parties to adjust.

Unfortunately, it appears the Dems answer to this is to go even further left with socialist candidates. I hope, for the overall sake of this country, that's a short term thing. Time will tell I guess.

Something I would love for Trump to tackle head on is legislative term limits. He has hinted at it...but I want a full on blitz. Despite what most is most definitely an achievable goal. Maybe he is saving that fight for his second term.
Agreed goudy is tough talk no action. Throw his ass in the tits on a bull category with sessions.
Would give this post a thousand likes if possible. Both sides of the isle suck balls. Damn near every last one of them for one reason or another.

'Tis all the more reason I am for a seismic shift in the political landscape...and have been for quite some time. Trump wasn't exactly what I originally had in mind...but it's a start. He's shaking things up and changing the game. And when he wins a 2nd term it will force both parties to adjust.

Unfortunately, it appears the Dems answer to this is to go even further left with socialist candidates. I hope, for the overall sake of this country, that's a short term thing. Time will tell I guess.

Something I would love for Trump to tackle head on is legislative term limits. He has hinted at it...but I want a full on blitz. Despite what most is most definitely an achievable goal. Maybe he is saving that fight for his second term.

Political office was never meant to be a lifetime of ruling. You were to serve your time and then go back into the community to live as normal citizens. What it has become is, being in office for 30-45 years, stuffing your pockets and your buddies' pockets and screwing over everyone else.

As for the left, I've said this before, I don't want our nation to hinge on avoiding Democrats from winning an election. I'd enjoy some actual common ground and best interests for this nation when both parties are in control but how the hell do you compromise with the current state of the left? You can't compromise with a group who hates our nation, wants open borders, would shred the Constitution in a second if they could, would love to get rid of the 2A and possibly 1A, backs Antifa, backs spying on enemies, backs Iran, Islam, burns flags, tears down statues, idolizes socialism and communism.

The left has went off the rails. Honestly, it's a travesty that a Democrat ever gets in power of this nation considering it's like allowing an enemy to ruin your home with the intention of ruining your home.
Wow. Trump crushes Europe in a very respectful and professional way. Again! Idk why networks televise his speeches/meetings with other world leaders. They all seem to really like and agree with trump. He’s currently helping Theresas May make
Britain great again. It’s beautiful! Very progressive!

But Trump held May's hand and helped her up the steps...