How will they rule ??!

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there is no 4%. Trump lied as usual.

Its called negotiations. Again if you want 2% whats the best way to get there? Ask for 4%. Never start out with your bottom dollar. This isn't hard to comprehend.

it's also very pro Ukraine despite what Trump wanted.

Who says Trump didn't want pro Ukraine? Do you constantly make stuff up? You do realize Trump has armed Ukraine to the teeth. Something Obama refused to do why he stood by and watch Russia take Crimea because Putin had him punked.
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I give credit where it is due, Wolf Blitzer and some on this panel clearly saw Strzok’s texts as a very serious matter and his texts clearly damage his credibility as an unbiased investigator.

Call me dumb if you like for being shocked, but I was actually shocked and saddened by the hearings yesterday. I expected some democrats to use their time to bring up other issues, I expected some democrats to downplay his texts, and I expected some of the typical grandstanding on both sides...what I didn’t expect was democrats abandoning all professionalism and clapping for Strzok’s response to Gowdy, I didn’t expect some democrats to treat a clearly disgraced man as heroic (which was dumb on my part cause the Obama administration spoke of Bergdahl like he was a hero) and I didn’t expect democrats at times to bring the hearing to a complete halt. Self-righteous and defiant little Peter Strzok didn’t seem like a hill worth dying on...

I have watched some hearings over the years and I never saw anything like that hearing. And while the Gohmert part of the hearing made for good tv, I don’t really care about Strzok’s personal sins, just his professional ones. I have always thought Gohmert was an idiot and still do. 99 times out of 100 I would say Gohmert’s wife comment was out of bounds at such a hearing. But I admit, Strzok showed up so smug, arrogant, and contemptuous...that I didn’t mind him being embarrassed in such a public way. But unfortunately, Strzok seemed like the type incapable of feeling shame or embarrassment. Like Comey, he seemed to mention honesty and integrity a lot and viewed himself as one of the few who possessed those virtues.
and who is 'they'? You're a liar, just like your orange Cheetoh leader.

I've had them all on ignore for weeks now. I realized it's a waste of time trying to have a rational discussion with someone who lacks the ability to reason and is controlled by emotion. It would be nice if everyone ignored the idiots so we could actually engage in adult conversation. It wouldn't be an echo chamber. There's disagreement amongst conservatives. We just never get the chance to address it because too much time is spent debunking the lunacy of the lib posters on here, when it doesn't make a bit of difference.

I'm with you and I'm making the move today. If I want to know what VOX or CNN has to say, I know where to find them.
was gonna put this in soccer thread but didnt want to politicize it

“Sexy fandom” is celebrated as a form of individual expression and personal style, reinforcing the wider cultural expectations for young women to present themselves in sport contexts in ways that do not threaten men’s primacy.

Damn leftists are never gonna stop with this lunacy, to what end is this going to go to in our lifetimes before people say enough is enough?

Despite widespread criticism of sexism in sport media, and initiatives to counter sexualised images of women sport fans, the stereotype of the sexy supporter continues to flourish.

For women fans who don’t look this way, or choose not to, the cost is media invisibility.

This is simply untrue, in America atleast there are masculine women commenting on soccer/basketball all the time because they have demonstrated competence like Doris Burke for example
was gonna put this in soccer thread but didnt want to politicize it

“Sexy fandom” is celebrated as a form of individual expression and personal style, reinforcing the wider cultural expectations for young women to present themselves in sport contexts in ways that do not threaten men’s primacy.

Damn leftists are never gonna stop with this lunacy, to what end is this going to go to in our lifetimes before people say enough is enough?

Despite widespread criticism of sexism in sport media, and initiatives to counter sexualised images of women sport fans, the stereotype of the sexy supporter continues to flourish.

For women fans who don’t look this way, or choose not to, the cost is media invisibility.

This is simply untrue, in America atleast there are masculine women commenting on soccer/basketball all the time because they have demonstrated competence like Doris Burke for example

Oh noz! I didn’t get targeted by the camera! Time to write an article bitch-festing about it.

Who the hell cares? I watch UK games to watch the games. If I watched soccer it would be to watch the games. Showing good looking women is just a bonus. If I wanted to look at hot women that bad, I’d get on the internet.

These people find a problem with everything.
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I give credit where it is due, Wolf Blitzer and some on this panel clearly saw Strzok’s texts as a very serious matter and his texts clearly damage his credibility as an unbiased investigator.

Call me dumb if you like for being shocked, but I was actually shocked and saddened by the hearings yesterday. I expected some democrats to use their time to bring up other issues, I expected some democrats to downplay his texts, and I expected some of the typical grandstanding on both sides...what I didn’t expect was democrats abandoning all professionalism and clapping for Strzok’s response to Gowdy, I didn’t expect some democrats to treat a clearly disgraced man as heroic (which was dumb on my part cause the Obama administration spoke of Bergdahl like he was a hero) and I didn’t expect democrats at times to bring the hearing to a complete halt. Self-righteous and defiant little Peter Strzok didn’t seem like a hill worth dying on...

I have watched some hearings over the years and I never saw anything like that hearing. And while the Gohmert part of the hearing made for good tv, I don’t really care about Strzok’s personal sins, just his professional ones. I have always thought Gohmert was an idiot and still do. 99 times out of 100 I would say Gohmert’s wife comment was out of bounds at such a hearing. But I admit, Strzok showed up so smug, arrogant, and contemptuous...that I didn’t mind him being embarrassed in such a public way. But unfortunately, Strzok seemed like the type incapable of feeling shame or embarrassment. Like Comey, he seemed to mention honesty and integrity a lot and viewed himself as one of the few who possessed those virtues.

Strzok will never be embarrassed about this because he truly thinks he did nothing wrong. In his mind, he was some sort of hero trying to save the country for his friends.

His only disappointment at all was that he was stopped before he could complete his task
When asked a third time he said it was written of the cuff late in the night. That's three different stories.

First he didn't remember writing it. Second he finally remembered writing but it was late at night and he wasn't sure of the context. Third he remembered writing and the context was that "We'll stop it" meant Americans would stop Trump by not voting for him.

Wonder why the media completely ignored the bombshell that Strzok admitted Ohr from DOJ first gave the dossier to the FBI. The same Ohr whose wife works Fusion GPS. The Justice Department was used as a go between to funnel political opposition research masked as intelligence to the FBI.

Also the bombshell from Gohmert that the IG warned the FBI that Hillary's server was in fact compromised by a foreign entity and all but 4 of her 33,000 emails were copied and that entity wasn't Russia.
When asked a third time he said it was written of the cuff late in the night. That's three different stories.

First he didn't remember writing it. Second he finally remembered writing but it was late at night and he wasn't sure of the context. Third he remembered writing and the context was that "We'll stop it" meant Americans would stop Trump by not voting for him.

Gowdy: "Your...*gulp*, umm, colleague, Lisa Page."

Update on the ban plastic straws campaign. It seems that Starbuck's will use even more plastic by getting rid of their straws. Wait, what?

"Yet missing from this fanfare was the inconvenient fact that by ditching plastic straws, Starbucks will actually be increasing its plastic use. As it turns out, the new nitro lids that Starbucks is leaning on to replace straws are made up of more plastic than the company's current lid/straw combination. Right now, Starbucks patrons are topping most of their cold drinks with either 3.23 grams or 3.55 grams of plastic product, depending on whether they pair their lid with a small or large straw. The new nitro lids meanwhile weigh either 3.55 or 4.11 grams, depending again on lid size."....

Wonder why the media completely ignored the bombshell that Strzok admitted Ohr from DOJ first gave the dossier to the FBI. The same Ohr whose wife works Fusion GPS. The Justice Department was used as a go between to funnel political opposition research masked as intelligence to the FBI.

Also the bombshell from Gohmert that the IG warned the FBI that Hillary's server was in fact compromised by a foreign entity and all but 4 of her 33,000 emails were copied and that entity wasn't Russia.

That is what is truly frustrating. Those were huge admissions by Strzok, and the MSM stories I've seen haven't even mentioned them.

The object of these hearings should be to find the truth, not cheer lead.
As much as I hate to see the Democrats cheer for treason, I expect it. So their behavior doesn't really annoy me in these hearings. We all know they hate America and will do everything they can to block justice.

What annoys the hell out of me is watching the Republicans grandstand, knowing full well they aren't going to do a goddam thing about anything. I'm sick and tired of reading "Gowdy is a bad ass" for grilling witnesses when nothing ever comes of it. The Congressional investigations are such bullshit. The illegal conduct is clear. The perjury is clear. Yet Strzok sits there with a goddam security clearance and federal government paycheck smirking in the face of the institution that's supposed to be providing oversight. The Republicans allow it to happen and the Democrats are his champions.
That is what is truly frustrating. Those were huge admissions by Strzok, and the MSM stories I've seen haven't even mentioned them.

The object of these hearings should be to find the truth, not cheer lead.

What about the one where his clearance was supposed to have been revoked because of an out of scope polygraph during the entire duration he worked on the Hillary email case and Trump Russia case.

Or how about the one where Strzok admitted to having handled/viewed classified information as recent as two days ago even though the DOJ revoked his clearance last month.
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I found this interesting when he said he still has a security clearance. Didn't Sessions say a few months back or so that it was removed? Someone is lying here.
It was revoked. After saying he had classification clearance he kind of laughs and says something like "for today". I'm assuming he was reinstated just for yesterday so he could review information pertaining to the hearing.
Update on the ban plastic straws campaign. It seems that Starbuck's will use even more plastic by getting rid of their straws. Wait, what?

"Yet missing from this fanfare was the inconvenient fact that by ditching plastic straws, Starbucks will actually be increasing its plastic use. As it turns out, the new nitro lids that Starbucks is leaning on to replace straws are made up of more plastic than the company's current lid/straw combination. Right now, Starbucks patrons are topping most of their cold drinks with either 3.23 grams or 3.55 grams of plastic product, depending on whether they pair their lid with a small or large straw. The new nitro lids meanwhile weigh either 3.55 or 4.11 grams, depending again on lid size."....


Starbucks attempt to ride the paper straw positive pr train is epic fail. First they say they'll do it, but in fine print will take two years. Now turns out even when they do that, it'll actually mean more plastic. What a fail especially for a company with essentially unlimited spending power.

If you couldn't do what was intended and do it within a reasonable time - just don't speak up.

Might. May.

Two key indicators for fake news.
Its called negotiations. Again if you want 2% whats the best way to get there? Ask for 4%. Never start out with your bottom dollar. This isn't hard to comprehend.

Who says Trump didn't want pro Ukraine? Do you constantly make stuff up? You do realize Trump has armed Ukraine to the teeth. Something Obama refused to do why he stood by and watch Russia take Crimea because Putin had him punked.

The left will always take the opposite stance of anything that’s pro America, pro Trump or pro conservative. Doesn’t matter what it is, they will support the other thing or person. This is why it’s no shock that they back criminals over cops, illegals over sovereignty, Muslims over Christians, North Korea over us, Palestine over Israel, big government over law abiding citizens, Hillary, Obama and deep state over Trump, globalism over patriotism/nationalism.

Just know they’re evil and brainwashed.