How will they rule ??!

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It's like I want to have a real discussion with a person, so my first act is to make a clay doll. You are impossible.
your the genius that stated NATO countries that buy from Russia should be kicked out. maybe you should have checked and seen that every NATO country buys from Russia including the US.
the US uses 20million barrels a day and produces 10million a day. how are we going to sell to Germany? we imported $7 billion of oil from Russia last year. Germany gets 9% of its energy from Russia and the US gets about 5% of its energy from Russia.
I'm going to help you out because I feel sorry for you. Do some research and realize that not all oil is created equal. We import crude oil and export refined oil products. Lumping it all together is confusing for someone of your capability.
your the genius that stated NATO countries that buy from Russia should be kicked out. maybe you should have checked and seen that every NATO country buys from Russia including the US.
We can supply every cubic foot of natural gas that Germany requires. If that stupid bitch hadn't shut down their nuclear plants we wouldn't be having this discussion.
the US uses 20million barrels a day and produces 10million a day. how are we going to sell to Germany? we imported $7 billion of oil from Russia last year. Germany gets 9% of its energy from Russia and the US gets about 5% of its energy from Russia.

Platinum, the US has one of, if not the largest proven reserves of natural gas.
We want to sell liquefied natural gas to Europe, all allies.
Europe, specifically Germany, is getting that from Russia. The same Russia that is supposedly an enemy, and the main reason for NATO. The same NATO that the biggest economies in Europe have fallen short in defense spending to support.

What Trumps point is, is that he’ll be damned if he’s going to stand by while the US foots the bill for NATO, while European countries buy NG from Russia instead of the US.
Platinum, the US has one of, if not the largest proven reserves of natural gas.
We want to sell liquefied natural gas to Europe, all allies.
Europe, specifically Germany, is getting that from Russia. The same Russia that is supposedly an enemy, and the main reason for NATO. The same NATO that the biggest economies in Europe have fallen short in defense spending to support.

What Trumps point is, is that he’ll be damned if he’s going to stand by while the US foots the bill for NATO, while European countries buy NG from Russia instead of the US.

And these SOBs rail on globalization. Really?
Platinum, the US has one of, if not the largest proven reserves of natural gas.
We want to sell liquefied natural gas to Europe, all allies.
Europe, specifically Germany, is getting that from Russia. The same Russia that is supposedly an enemy, and the main reason for NATO. The same NATO that the biggest economies in Europe have fallen short in defense spending to support.

What Trumps point is, is that he’ll be damned if he’s going to stand by while the US foots the bill for NATO, while European countries buy NG from Russia instead of the US.

Bill, if you don't mind, would you explain that to him in laymen's terms so he can understand it?
Strzok invoking Trump's insult of a veterans family (which was totally a phony setup) was hilarious. Very pitino-esque.

Great point. Incredible. He's obviously lying and a horrible FBI agent. Can't believe they'd tie their ship to him. An odd hill to die on for sure

In what world are Democrats critical of other Democrats or admit fault? This group excused spying on Trump, excused Hillary’s corruption, excused Antifa, excused Al Franken, excused colluding with media, excused assaulting Trump supporters, excused Joy Reid, etc.
In what world are Democrats critical of other Democrats or admit fault? This group excused spying on Trump, excused Hillary’s corruption, excused Antifa, excused Al Franken, excused colluding with media, excused assaulting Trump supporters, excused Joy Reid, etc.
Hell a Bernie bro nearly killed 30 Republicans on a baseball field a year ago and they were saying the victims deserved it.
In what world are Democrats critical of other Democrats or admit fault? This group excused spying on Trump, excused Hillary’s corruption, excused Antifa, excused Al Franken, excused colluding with media, excused assaulting Trump supporters, excused Joy Reid, etc.
Seriously are you all capable of telling the truth?
No spying on Trump
If Hillary is corrupt then Trump is KING of corruption.
Antifa? So fighting facists and Nazi's is bad?
Al Franken? Once again, Donald Trump. 16+ examples of sexual harassment.
Donald Trump can cheat on his wife ad nauseum with no objections.
Trump told his supporters to attack protestors. Point blank
Every point you try to make is laughable.

It's really hard to take you guys seriously when you gripe about Democrats when you have this huge splinter in your eye called Donald Trump. You can't talk about anything when you got the biggest liar and most morally corrupt human on your side and you simply ignore it. So, sorry, not sorry.
Seriously are you all capable of telling the truth?
No spying on Trump
If Hillary is corrupt then Trump is KING of corruption.
Antifa? So fighting facists and Nazi's is bad?
Al Franken? Once again, Donald Trump. 16+ examples of sexual harassment.
Donald Trump can cheat on his wife ad nauseum with no objections.
Trump told his supporters to attack protestors. Point blank
Every point you try to make is laughable.

It's really hard to take you guys seriously when you gripe about Democrats when you have this huge splinter in your eye called Donald Trump. You can't talk about anything when you got the biggest liar and most morally corrupt human on your side and you simply ignore it. So, sorry, not sorry.

Do you get paid extra for being the lead dumbass dem here, or do you guys just split a pool?
Seriously are you all capable of telling the truth?
No spying on Trump
If Hillary is corrupt then Trump is KING of corruption.
Antifa? So fighting facists and Nazi's is bad?
Al Franken? Once again, Donald Trump. 16+ examples of sexual harassment.
Donald Trump can cheat on his wife ad nauseum with no objections.
Trump told his supporters to attack protestors. Point blank
Every point you try to make is laughable.

It's really hard to take you guys seriously when you gripe about Democrats when you have this huge splinter in your eye called Donald Trump. You can't talk about anything when you got the biggest liar and most morally corrupt human on your side and you simply ignore it. So, sorry, not sorry.

you are the f***ing facists you moron of morons. when was the last time you saw an actual Nazi? white guys who spent time in federal prisons?

seriously, get out of your mom's basement and see the actual world. not the one you perceive from your computer.
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Please cite some examples of ideas the Democratic Party includes in its platform with which you don't agree.
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you are the f***ing facists you moron of morons. when was the last time you saw an actual Nazi? white guys who spent time in federal prisons?

seriously, get out of your mom's basement and see the actual world. not the one you perceive from your computer.

IQkilla just endorsed antifa. May be the pinnacle of his ignorance.

It seems he truly believes anyone that isn’t a white liberal is a Nazi, therefore violence against whites who aren’t liberal is okay. That’s the world he lives in. Don’t agee with me? Nazi. Can’t blame him too much though. That’s the playbook CNN, Vox, MSNBC, etc. has given him. He’s just being a good little solider.
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IQkilla just endorsed antifa. May be the pinnacle of his ignorance.

It seems he truly believes anyone that isn’t a white liberal is a Nazi, therefore violence against whites who aren’t liberal is okay. That’s the world he lives in. Don’t agee with me? Nazi. Can’t blame him too much though. That’s the playbook CNN, Vox, MSNBC, etc. has given him. He’s just being a good little solider.
Antifa wouldn't exist if there weren't literal facists marching in the streets. It's right there in the name, Anti-Facists. Drawing a moral equivalency between hate and fighting against hate is moronic.
Antifa wouldn't exist if there weren't literal facists marching in the streets. It's right there in the name, Anti-Facists. Drawing a moral equivalency between hate and fighting against hate is moronic.

Yeah, parenthood is in the name of planned parenthood too. Doesn’t mean anything.

These people aren’t fighting hate. They’re fighting what they hate:

Big difference. Just because someone opposes you doesn’t mean you’re justified. Defending antifa is about as moronic as it gets.
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Planned parenthood describes exactly what it is. An alternative to UNPLANNED parenthood. Yall can't even get an analogy right.

lol, go ask anyone what they think of when they hear the name Planned Parenthood for the first time and see what they think that group stands for. The answer won’t have anything to do with abortions or alternatives.

Point was just because a word or phrase is in a group’s title doesn’t mean much. Antifa undoubtedly proves that.
Seriously are you all capable of telling the truth?
No spying on Trump
If Hillary is corrupt then Trump is KING of corruption.
Antifa? So fighting facists and Nazi's is bad?
Al Franken? Once again, Donald Trump. 16+ examples of sexual harassment.
Donald Trump can cheat on his wife ad nauseum with no objections.
Trump told his supporters to attack protestors. Point blank
Every point you try to make is laughable.

It's really hard to take you guys seriously when you gripe about Democrats when you have this huge splinter in your eye called Donald Trump. You can't talk about anything when you got the biggest liar and most morally corrupt human on your side and you simply ignore it. So, sorry, not sorry.
This entire post has to be sarcasm.
Antifa wouldn't exist if there weren't literal facists marching in the streets. It's right there in the name, Anti-Facists. Drawing a moral equivalency between hate and fighting against hate is moronic.

Hoo boy. “It’s right there in the name”? Like “people’s republic”?

Why don’t you A) tell us what a fascist is and B) tell us where they have been rallying without listing Charlottesville. We’ll wait.
Really, I don't know why we continue to humor the libs in this thread. Why do we respond to them as if they are individuals? We all know their talking points and exactly where their marching orders come from. Let's just put them all on ignore and go on about MAGA.

What do you say? Unless we all agree, the thread will look fractured.
I've had them all on ignore for weeks now. I realized it's a waste of time trying to have a rational discussion with someone who lacks the ability to reason and is controlled by emotion. It would be nice if everyone ignored the idiots so we could actually engage in adult conversation. It wouldn't be an echo chamber. There's disagreement amongst conservatives. We just never get the chance to address it because too much time is spent debunking the lunacy of the lib posters on here, when it doesn't make a bit of difference.
Planned parenthood describes exactly what it is, an alternative to UNPLANNED parenthood. Yall can't even get an analogy right.
Planned parenthood is a money laundering scheme for Then why do they claim they have no money for they get the govt to force everyone..doesnt matter their beliefs, political affiliation, what they think tax dollars shld be spent give up money to fund it. Then every election, they have millions of dollars to donate to democrats..therefore dem, gop, independent, etc tax money is indirectly going to the democrats = money laundering.

That's why Democrats are actually so obsessed with it. They dont actually care. Dems complain about business giving money to the GOP...but only dems get money by stealing from their citizens thru taxes.