How will they rule ??!

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And to the idiot who keeps claiming total spending has only increased by 3 billion since 2014. The US alone has increased spending by 30 billion since 2016. Hell Germany is even plus 4 billion since 2016.
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Plus for those outraged that Trump suggested everyone go to 4%. Have you never negotiated before? What's the best way to get to 2%? You start high at 4% and work your way down to meet them in the middle at 2%. You never make your opening bid your bottom dollar. Amateurs.

Hell Greece is one of the countries actually meeting its 2% obligation. Earlier Platindummy said the countries weren't meeting the 2% because they couldn't afford it, yet Greece of all countries with its financial woes has managed to meet their obligation. If Greece can do it, then damn sure Germany can.
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Plus for those outraged that Trump suggested everyone go to 4%. Have you never negotiated before? What's the best way to get to 2%? You start high at 4% and work your way down to meet them in the middle at 2%. You never make your opening bid your bottom dollar. Amateurs.

Exactly. And looking at Trumps record, he could very well end up with them giving up 3%. The bottom line is, WE have been footing the bill for NATO since the 40's. WE are NATO. All the other members just seem to say, "yeah, we're with them".

I like Trump as Pres because he is soo much like I would be in the same situation. We are still the top dog regardless of how the last 28 years of Presidents have tried to destroy us. That's how badass we are. We are "MOE SCHMOES and the rest of the world are platinumdumbs.
And to the idiot who keeps claiming total spending has only increased by 3 billion since 2014. The US alone has increased spending by 30 billion since 2016. Hell Germany is even plus 4 billion since 2016.
I think you are just plain retarded. the numbers are posted on the NATO website. Since your to stupid to click a pdf i took a picture for you. the estimates for 2018 are about 3% higher than 2017


The best part of this hearing is watching these dems act like they are such staunch law enforcement supporters. Same folks 2-3 years ago were cheering on people openly wanting cops to be killed and today are demanding ICE be abolished. Oh yeah, these people support law enforcement LOL.
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I think you are just plain retarded. the numbers are posted on the NATO website. Since your to stupid to click a pdf i took a picture for you. the estimates for 2018 are about 3% higher than 2017



Wow. You need help. Those numbers serve to prove that defense spending dropped under O'bama until the very end. They certainly don't show the current spending level.

Your understanding of the crap you post is woefully lacking.
You just proved my point. A natural liberal. You spoke of the debt as a whole without concentrating on the component most concerning. And yes, hopefully conservatives, as they have in the past, make strides to shift the ratio away from the citizenry and back to the govt., where it belongs.

You have to excuse him. He has no personal thoughts about subjects such as trade, deficit, policy, or even human nature. He merely repeats what he's told to repeat.

I thought you were a kind man who would take pity on those less fortunate than yourself, what with your self awareness and the ability of free thought. Guess I was wrong.
I think you are just plain retarded. the numbers are posted on the NATO website. Since your to stupid to click a pdf i took a picture for you. the estimates for 2018 are about 3% higher than 2017


You cut the title of the graph off so not sure what you're linking. We're talking defense expenditures (spending). Germany was at 41 billion in 2016. They were at 45 billion in 2017. That's a 4 billion increase since 2016.

Your 3 billion total increase among all countries since 2014 is bunk. Math isn't hard.

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Trump is an adult dealing with children. Must be very frustrating for him. He's dealing with a world full of platinumdumbs and fuzzes.

A guy who built an empire in the private sector versus a group of corrupt criminals who aren’t interested in anything but gaming the system while in office.
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You cut the title of the graph off so not sure what you're linking. We're talking defense expenditures (spending). Germany was at 41 billion in 2016. They were at 45 billion in 2017. That's a 4 billion increase since 2016.

Your 3 billion total increase among all countries since 2014 is bunk. Math isn't hard.

Thanks. Germany has more than 25% of USA population. Net, $45B x 4 = $180B or less than 1/3 of USA.
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Really, I don't know why we continue to humor the libs in this thread. Why do we respond to them as if they are individuals? We all know their talking points and exactly where their marching orders come from. Let's just put them all on ignore and go on about MAGA.

What do you say? Unless we all agree, the thread will look fractured.
You cut the title of the graph off so not sure what you're linking. We're talking defense expenditures (spending). Germany was at 41 billion in 2016. They were at 45 billion in 2017. That's a 4 billion increase since 2016.

Your 3 billion total increase among all countries since 2014 is bunk. Math isn't hard.

are you to stupid to understand than NATO spending went down 50billion in 2015? Everyone is still trying to catch back up to the peek of 1.04 trillion from 2011. Your picture is the exact same numbers on the chart for 2017 with NATO slightly over estimating US spending. Right now the projections for 2018 total spending is right at 1 trillion. Guess what, 942billion(2014 spending) X 2 does not equal 1 trillion. so your moron ambassador doesn't know wtf she is talking about when she says it doubled. as a % of GDP NATO spending went up .02% in 2017. projection for 2018 as of June is a .02% drop from 2017 GDP. With overall raw spending up 1.87%. all these numbers are on the NATO website, its not hard to lookup.
Here is the latest revised numbers with 2018 estimates. subtract 20billion for 17 & 18 because the US numbers don't reflect what was signed into law with the omnibus bill.
are you to stupid to understand than NATO spending went down 50billion in 2015? Everyone is still trying to catch back up to the peek of 1.04 trillion from 2011. Your picture is the exact same numbers on the chart for 2017 with NATO slightly over estimating US spending. Right now the projections for 2018 total spending is right at 1 trillion. Guess what, 942billion(2014 spending) X 2 does not equal 1 trillion. so your moron ambassador doesn't know wtf she is talking about when she says it doubled. as a % of GDP NATO spending went up .02% in 2017. projection for 2018 as of June is a .02% drop from 2017 GDP. With overall raw spending up 1.87%. all these numbers are on the NATO website, its not hard to lookup.
Here is the latest revised numbers with 2018 estimates. subtract 20billion for 17 & 18 because the US numbers don't reflect what was signed into law with the omnibus bill.

Do you understand what is being discussed here? The 4% Trump is talking about is 4% of total GDP going to defense spending, not given to NATO.

Every member pledged to do that, the biggest economies in Europe haven’t held up their end for years. Trump is trying to reduce the United States burden simply by asking them to honor their word, and you can’t even agree with that.
Do you understand what is being discussed here? The 4% Trump is talking about is 4% of total GDP going to defense spending, not given to NATO.

Every member pledged to do that, the biggest economies in Europe haven’t held up their end for years. Trump is trying to reduce the United States burden simply by asking them to honor their word, and you can’t even agree with that.

You can’t talk to these people. It’s like trying to talk to a UNC basketball fan when it comes to their corruption. Democrats are a cult ruled by emotion and easily brainwashed. Rational discussion and logic doesn’t work on these fools.
What is the reason for politics, for government? Limited resources, that's what. There isn't enough for every person to have all they want. Just so happens though, that there is enough for every person to have what they deserve.

I tie my shoestrings every day and you could say that I am very good at it. My neighbor though, well he walks around with his laces undone and constantly trips on them. I've showed him several times how to tie them. Should I have to go to his house each day and tie them for him?
Do you understand what is being discussed here? The 4% Trump is talking about is 4% of total GDP going to defense spending, not given to NATO.

Every member pledged to do that, the biggest economies in Europe haven’t held up their end for years. Trump is trying to reduce the United States burden simply by asking them to honor their word, and you can’t even agree with that.
ok that sounds great. but right now the average spending for NATO Europe is 1.42 %. and they have pledged to hit 2% for 15 years. so 4% is a complete pipedream. we will be damn lucky if they hit 2% in the next 5 years. it just is what it is. Europe spent hundreds of years in never ending war and doesn't have the appetite for it anymore like we do. pull our 150k troops out of Europe and use the drawdown savings on debt. dont pull them out of europe and just send them into a new warzone like the Republicans would like to do.
Macron also said Trumps 4% number was made up.
ok that sounds great. but right now the average spending for NATO Europe is 1.42 %. and they have pledged to hit 2% for 15 years. so 4% is a complete pipedream. we will be damn lucky if they hit 2% in the next 5 years. it just is what it is. Europe spent hundreds of years in never ending war and doesn't have the appetite for it anymore like we do. pull our 150k troops out of Europe and use the drawdown savings on debt. dont pull them out of europe and just send them into a new warzone like the Republicans would like to do.
Macron also said Trumps 4% number was made up.

Listen sonny, WE all know that Trump's 4% wasn't a true request. They have pledged to hit in 15 years what they were OBLIGATED to spend 40 years ago. I know that makes sense in your little mind, but in the real world it is BS. And NO, it is not "just what it is". Trump is going to change that. These countries have squandered their money on social programs because the USA has allowed them to not pay their fair share towards world peace and security.

He stopped short, but I wish he would have gone ahead and stated the truth that unless Germany stops paying Russia for oil and gas, they should be dropped from NATO. Russia would be crippled without that money and if USA could provide the oil and gas to Germany, it would help all of NATO.

The reason you are outgunned in these discussions is that they require a modicum of rational thought.
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ok that sounds great. but right now the average spending for NATO Europe is 1.42 %. and they have pledged to hit 2% for 15 years. so 4% is a complete pipedream. we will be damn lucky if they hit 2% in the next 5 years. it just is what it is. Europe spent hundreds of years in never ending war and doesn't have the appetite for it anymore like we do. pull our 150k troops out of Europe and use the drawdown savings on debt. dont pull them out of europe and just send them into a new warzone like the Republicans would like to do.
Macron also said Trumps 4% number was made up.

As others have stated, he’s simply bargaining with them. It actually makes the leaders of Europe job easier to get the raise.
They meet their agreed upon goal, and tell their people they refuted Trump.
Really, I don't know why we continue to humor the libs in this thread. Why do we respond to them as if they are individuals? We all know their talking points and exactly where their marching orders come from. Let's just put them all on ignore and go on about MAGA.

What do you say? Unless we all agree, the thread will look fractured.

I always welcome humor throughout my day. Some of these grown children on here are constantly providing it but I get were you're coming from.
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Lol Ryan called their bluff. I wish they would do this more often. Dems always put trash Bill's together as a stunt bc they know the GOP will say no bc they are trash bills with nothing in them.. but then Dems run back so they can shout to their remedial base that "see the GOP doesnt care"

Here they pulled a stunt with an abolish ICE bill, Ryan said okay we'll vote on it, then they said oh, nvmd. Lol, dems.

Listen sonny, WE all know that Trump's 4% wasn't a true request. They have pledged to hit in 15 years what they were OBLIGATED to spend 40 years ago. I know that makes sense in your little mind, but in the real world it is BS. And NO, it is not "just what it is". Trump is going to change that. These countries have squandered their money on social programs because the USA has allowed them to not pay their fair share towards world peace and security.

He stopped short, but I wish he would have gone ahead and stated the truth that unless Germany stops paying Russia for oil and gas, they should be dropped from NATO. Russia would be crippled without that money and if USA could provide the oil and gas to Germany, it would help all of NATO.

The reason you are outgunned in these discussions is that they require a modicum of rational thought.
the US uses 20million barrels a day and produces 10million a day. how are we going to sell to Germany? we imported $7 billion of oil from Russia last year. Germany gets 9% of its energy from Russia and the US gets about 5% of its energy from Russia.
the US uses 20million barrels a day and produces 10million a day. how are we going to sell to Germany? we imported $7 billion of oil from Russia last year. Germany gets 9% of its energy from Russia and the US gets about 5% of its energy from Russia.
It's like I want to have a real discussion with a person, so my first act is to make a clay doll. You are impossible.