How will they rule ??!

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Disappointed I had a phone call that had to be taken right when Jordan started questioning Strzok...had it on mute, those smirks were annoying.

Another Democrat named Connolly starts with this hearing ‘is like a Russian show trial’.

Did I say f—k democrats?
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I'm curious: What is it that YOU want? Do you want us to continue to be "powerful and dictate world policy in our favor," which requires greater defense spending on our part? Or do you want us to lower spending, which will allow China and Russia to exert greater influence?

Or do you want to do what I think you are doing, which is just play both ends and criticize the current administration no matter which policy we follow and what outcome occurs?
I would love for us to lower military spending and dump that savings into paying down the debt. But that will never happen because conservatives aren't actually conservative and liberals are to scared to ask for defense cuts.
And? That still doesn't mean they can't pay their agreed upon share. It also disproves you're own talking point that us paying more gives us status. Well you say so yourself they can pay their share and we'll still be paying more so our status that you think we need to pay for is secure.

Yes. Let's see about that. it was announced Sunday. You're outdated.

Trump 'making an impact' on NATO as allies ramp up defense spending: Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison

"I've worked for three presidents, all of whom have said the same thing," Hutchison said. "Now, I think for the first time, we are really seeing the Europeans start going in the same direction. Every ally is now increasing defense spending -- we've had the largest increase in defense spending since the Cold War. And in the year and a half that President Trump has been in office, it has doubled since 2014."
Read NATO's own numbers on military spending. You can post any stupid quote you want, doesn't make it true. spending in 2014 was 942billion. spending in 2017 was 945billion. are you brain dead enough to think an increase of 3 billion is double?
Are they people who really think Russia caused a Trump win ? Are there people really that stupid ... evidently yes there is .

Yes, they are. They can't even articulate how it makes sense. I swear to God, these people are brainwashed. "Trump won cause of Russian fake Facebook ads and now he's Putin's puppet." Why in the hell would Putin want a pro-American guy in there instead of a globalist shill he can buy off like the Clintons and do whatever he wants like he did when Obama was in office? Makes no sense.

But because these people are in a giant echo chamber, they're convinced that everyone online is a Russian bot and a Nazi. They don't know conservatives in their world so the idea of losing was so preposterous to them.
Democrat Jeffries bringing up David Duke for no reason...he is probably one of the black democrats who has met with Louis Farrakhan.

Like how Republicans keep yielding time to Trey Gowdy...Strzok says no bias despite using the word impeachment immediately...Gowdy was saying that isnt normal for someone investigating an issue to use that word immediately who hasn’t even started the process of an investigation.
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Remember how the left hated American Sniper Chris Kyle and Facebook even told their employees to manipulate the trending topics so he's never included? It's interesting who they hate and who they idolize. I have no problem calling them anti-American scum.

Seth Rogen likened that movie to Nazi propaganda. SMH.
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your an idiot. when you use a graph where the lowest number is 9000 its easy to make it look like some surge in production.

Sweet. That's the graph from the link that YOU provided. I'm not going to say much about the classical "your an idiot" response. It speaks for itself.

What the graph shows is an increase in production during the Trump administration that far surpasses the O'bama debacle. If you wanted to be honest and accurate with your statement, you would have said " in SPITE of O'bama's efforts, oil production was able to rise due to the enduring benefits of capitalism".

You are the idiot here and there is really no debate about it. You allow others to think for you because you are too naïve to understand that they do not have your best interests in mind. You are a minion who deserves no respect beyond the fact that you are a human being.

And by the way, have an adult explain to you that the graph shows a TIMELINE and 9000 is the lowest number that needs to be represented within that frame. Check out your MMGW graphs and then get back to me.

Later, son.
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Sweet. That's the graph from the link that YOU provided. I'm not going to say much about the classical "your an idiot" response. It speaks for itself.

What the graph shows is an increase in production during the Trump administration that far surpasses the O'bama debacle. If you wanted to be honest and accurate with your statement, you would have said " in SPITE of O'bama's efforts, oil production was able to rise due to the enduring benefits of capitalism".

You are the idiot here and there is really no debate about it. You allow others to think for you because you are too naïve to understand that they do not have your best interests in mind. You are a minion who deserves no respect beyond the fact that you are a human being.

And by the way, have an adult explain to you that the graph shows a TIMELINE and 9000 is the lowest number that needs to be represented within that frame. Check out your MMGW graphs and then get back to me.

Later, son.
In 2 years production has gone up 10%. in 8 years under Obama it went up 90%. do math numbnuts.
Exactly. You will never find a liberal willing to engage in the two most critical components regarding federal debt: (1) first and foremost, the ratio of that debt burdened by the taxpayer / citizens to the federal government and (2) fundamentally how the OPEC treaty requires our treasury to exchange notes for foreign currency in order for those foreign governments to be able to purchase OPEC oil with US dollars. To the former of these two components, the ratio swung heavily to the citizenry during the Obama administration, not to mention how the debt grew at an astonishing rate. Obama got lucky in his final years that Arab crude backed down. Otherwise the federal debt may have reached 24 trillion during his time.
So now that the "conservatives" are in power we going to fix that debt? **** no. we instead are going to rapidly increase the debt during a booming economy and will be ****ed when the recession hits next year.
So now that the "conservatives" are in power we going to fix that debt? **** no. we instead are going to rapidly increase the debt during a booming economy and will be ****ed when the recession hits next year.
You libs have zero credibility when speaking about debt. Zero. Your guy spent 10 trillion dollars in just 8 years. If Trump spends 10 trillion during his TWO terms then you can speak. Until then STFU.
In 2 years production has gone up 10%. in 8 years under Obama it went up 90%. do math numbnuts.

PlatinumLoser, Obama fought against fossil fuels including oil & gas. Quit trying to give him credit for increases during his time in office. Market forces won out over his green energy pipe dreams.
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You libs have zero credibility when speaking about debt. Zero. Your guy spent 10 trillion dollars in just 8 years. If Trump spends 10 trillion during his TWO terms then you can speak. Until then STFU.
The leftist definition of debt is when I get to keep a dollar instead of giving it to federal bureaucrats to spend as a tax dollar.
In 2 years production has gone up 10%. in 8 years under Obama it went up 90%. do math numbnuts.

You know, I'm going to refrain from the name calling in your case, much for the same reason I wouldn't laugh if an invalid fell down the steps in front of me. I pity you. You are at the point that you have garnered my pity. Congratulations on that. Tough row to hoe.

O'bama is considered to be the worst president in history as far as blocking US efforts of oil, gas, and coal production. This is not debatable and I'll be damned if I'm going to take the weeks to show you ALL the info to back that claim up.

As I said, In SPITE of O'bama, oil production was able to rise. It did not rise 90%. Trump has made an attempt at laissez faire when it comes to energy production and the benefits are becoming more apparent with each day.

As I've asked you before, please refrain from addressing me directly. Continue to relay your ill-placed thoughts and I will let you know each time you veer from reality. TIA
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Honestly, can someone give me an example of someone sympathetic to the R party (not even necessarily someone who has committed treason) testifying to Congress and the R congressmen completely siding with the witness and intervening on his behalf like the Ds are doing.

Not saying it hasn't happened, but wondering if it has. Completely embarrassing for all involved.
American tax payers have to pay their fair share but ungrateful euro trash get a free pass to ream us. They have to make sure they can subsidize all those refugees. Don't have any interests in actually paying for their own defense.
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News flash from the, "Holy shit, what have we here, Batman" department.

Those dip sh!ts don't get the message without loud & crass. They knew O was just giving lip service - which was true as nothing happened.
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That's not even the same thing we're talking about. Macron is denying they agreed to individually go to 4% which is double their previous individual targets of 2%.

We're talking about increased total defense spending doubling since 2014 because countries are starting to pay more. No one ever said anything about individual countries going to 4%. Try again.
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Where do you get that? I see 49 with 8 toss ups. I'm thinking more like 55.
Would be great for the next 2 years.
I'd take 55 for sure. The race that I'm really going to be watching is Munchin in WV. He's in a bad spot right now and this Supreme Court vote of his could make or break his campaign.