How will they rule ??!

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Yeah man - he's is a straight shooting, unbiased man that is nailing it.

"Everything that Trump Touches Dies" story of the Worst President Ever....:joy:

Pick up your copy Aug 7

All you have to do is spend 10 minutes on this forum to realize that his point is 100% accurate.
All you have to do is spend 10 minutes on this forum to realize that his point is 100% accurate.
How so? Illegal doesn't have a skin color. People like him constantly conflate illegal with legal, and also try make the argument a racist one because they can't debate the facts.

Wanting those who break the law and are in the country illegally deported, regardless of the color of their skin, is 100% the opposite of his 100% inaccurate point.
Guy who they are quoting is Rick Wilson, he has a book coming out next month called "Everything Trump Touches Dies." So, obviously it's going to be a fair and neutral assessment of the Trump presidency, right? Oh, and a columnist for The Daily Beast. Looking through his Twitter posts, the guy is a hyperbolic clickbait douchebag, and his comments are pointed to get attention which he hopes will lead to books sold.
Meet Jesper Joergensen from Denmark. I think this guy should be deported. Is the color of his skin darker than a latte? There are tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands more just like him - white, overstayed their Visa and in the country illegally - who I think should be deported as well.

So, someone please explain how "anyone who’s darker than a latte deported" is 100% accurate and a pretty succinctly description of me?

Illegal immigrant arrested for starting wildfire in Colorado, police say

All you have to do is spend 10 minutes on this forum to realize that his point is 100% accurate.
Meet Jesper Joergensen from Denmark. I think this guy should be deported. Is the color of his skin darker than a latte? There are tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands more just like him - white, overstayed their Visa and in the country illegally - who I think should be deported as well.

So, someone please explain how "anyone who’s darker than a latte deported" is 100% accurate and a pretty succinctly description of me?

Illegal immigrant arrested for starting wildfire in Colorado, police say

I knew it! More illegal immigrants endangering the lives of US citizens.

@mustnotsleepnow : Shut up. Just shut the hell up. Your dangerous stances on immigration may kill us all.
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I knew it! More illegal immigrants endangering the lives of US citizens.

@mustnotsleepnow : Shut up. Just shut the hell up. Your dangerous stances on immigration may kill us all.

If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.
If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'd do.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.

We're supposed to pardon you for taking stock in anything we have to say when you're one who can't debate the facts and instead are spouting absurd hypotheticals?
If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.

The US has an ILLEGAL immigration problem,
The left’s idea on how to solve it is to have open borders and abolish ICE. That is quite possibly the dumbest shit a party has ever ran on. Face it, the party you follow is out of ideas, they had a demographic plan that failed, and now they’ve been exposed.

You guys are now, openly accepting Socialists , good luck with that.
The US has an ILLEGAL immigration problem

Exactly. He acts like it's just a made up Trump problem. Like illegal immigration only became an issue because Trump came along and said so. It's the other way around.

I'd advise he better attention. Illegal immigration has long been an issue. Trump was made possible because, among a host of other issues, the illegal immigration issue was being ignored by everyone else.
If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.
Lol. You brainless, gutless liberals are getting desperate since you know the US Supreme Court is about to shove it in dry and break it off for decades to come. And there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it except crawl around in your vagina hats and cry like little girls.
If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.

If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.
The exact opposite actually happened on this exact issue. GWB tried to pass amnesty and was defeated by his own party.
Meet Jesper Joergensen from Denmark. I think this guy should be deported. Is the color of his skin darker than a latte? There are tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands more just like him - white, overstayed their Visa and in the country illegally - who I think should be deported as well.

So, someone please explain how "anyone who’s darker than a latte deported" is 100% accurate and a pretty succinctly description of me?

Illegal immigrant arrested for starting wildfire in Colorado, police say

I carry a latte shade swatch for just such occasions, and I have determined that this man should NOT be deported. One of us! One of us! One of us!

Sorry, it's legal status that we are concerned about, not the skin color. Just the usual race-baiting, name-calling and identity politics from the left.
The average age of posters in this thread is in the 50s or higher. The future is coming and you are the past. Kindly fade away.
I love the smell of your liberal fear. It’s intoxicating. You can look into your future and see a conservative US Supreme Court control and eradicate your liberal propaganda for decades to come. You are going to be an old man before it changes. Think about that as you adjust your vagina hat.
If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.
He would say it if it were true, but he won’t because it’s not. We are all dumber for reading your post. Thanks a lot.

I heard a legal scholar talking about Roe the other day on one of the financial networks. He said that Roe originally allowed very few if any restrictions/limits on abortion. Casey (1992) was the case that tried to overturn Roe but failed. However, Casey opened up the gates to make all kinds of restrictions on Roe. In this scholar's opinion, Roe is settled law but it is Cassey that can be further tweaked. He didn't think that the new court (with Kavanaugh) would overturn Roe.
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Nonsensical political grandstanding of the kind that affirms to all that politicians are jackasses. Even if the SCOTUS 'rolled back' Roe v. Wade, the effect would be to transfer more authority to decide how to regulate abortions to the states -- and Cuomo, as governor, could clearly do what he wants in New York. He'd have zero standing to act in any other state.