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Facebook finds Independence document 'racist'

Facebook's algorithms have ruled that parts of the US Declaration of Independence are hate speech and removed excerpts of them posted to the platform.

In the run-up to Independence Day, a US community paper based in Texas had been posting small daily chunks of the historic document on its Facebook page.

At issue was a part of it that referred to "merciless Indian savages".

The Liberty County Vindicator had been sharing excerpts from America's founding document to its Facebook page in an attempt to encourage historical literacy among its readers.

Part 10 did not appear, with the paper receiving a notice from Facebook saying the post went against its standards on hate speech.

The newspaper later confirmed that Facebook had had a change of heart and apologised.

In a blogpost, assistant editor of political magazine Reason Christian Britschgi said the decision demonstrated the problem with automated searches for hate speech.

"A robot trained to spot politically incorrect language isn't smart enough to detect when that language is part of a historically significant document," he said.

Democrats need to get back to being the party of ALL the working class. Be they white, brown, men, women, gay, straight, whatever.

He said in that post many of the same things I do regarding the 1%, but because he started it with an anti-transgender rant you call him sane and give him props. Meanwhile if I talk about the 1% I get called crazy, Marxist, and threatened because I also have a history of standing up for minorities. Goes to show this is a culture war, not policy differences. Many of us on both sides of the aisle agree that the elites are screwing us but we're stuck arguing over culture.
Stop the race baiting and perhaps a more sensible conversation can be had.
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A few observations;

  • Anyone with even one synapse firing in his or her brain should be able to recognize that the meeting with Kim was historic and quite frankly, downright incredible. On a list of things that I thought I'd never see in my lifetime, a US President meeting with one of the Kims was high on my list - right up there with @Willy4UK turning down free crack :) Politics aside, it's progress and it should be looked upon favorably by anyone who doesn't want the threat of nuclear war (no matter how small the threat may be) hanging over the international landscape
  • As to the poor children - yeah, it sucks. But we can't set a precedent that showing up at the border with a minor give you a free entry ticket. If anything, the parents should be blamed. It's not like we are pulling a bait and switch, it's a known fact that they will likely be separated. I also don't see a bunch of the people complaining about this rushing to help with donations, foster care, etc. It's typical hypocrisy from most who whine about politics - yell as loudly as possible while doing as little as possible.
  • This trade thing is so dumb. Yes, Canada taxes milk coming into the country. It's not and never was part of NAFTA. It is in place to protect Canadian dairy farmers. The US overproduces and dumps milk at an alarming rate. If Canada allowed itself to be the dumping ground for all that excess, it would sink the Canadian dairy farmers. Now, from an American standpoint, I understand the "screw Canadian farmers" attitude. America first, rightfully so. It's just seems a little hypocritical to criticize a country for doing the exact thing Trump is trying to do in protecting his own interests - especially a long standing ally such as Canada. I didn't think I'd see the day when a POTUS would have more respect and admiration for a Kim than for the Prime Minister of Canada, but here we are.
  • Peace out. @AustinTXCat shoot me a message at this address if you wanna grab a beer while you're in town.
I'm currently in Lex. Jumping on my bike and heading downtown in a few. Can't find your email addy. Please send an email to: if ya wanna link up.

My plan is head over by 3rd St. and then further down to Mirror Twin and Pivot.

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America first!
As the US's trade conflict with China heats up and President Donald Trump's reelection campaign gets underway, a Chinese manufacturer says his factory has been hired to create flags for Trump's 2020 bid.

NPR said Li was making "blue-and-white Trump 2020 flags," though his factory and many others in the Zhejiang province in eastern China also made flags for Trump and Hillary Clinton during 2016. According to NPR, the Trump campaign was ordering so many more flags than Clinton's side that locals joked they were the first to know the businessman would become president.

The committee organizing Trump's 2020 campaign, Donald J. Trump for President Inc., last year stated a commitment to "buy American" and said it had "produced and manufactured all of our merchandise right here in America" down to the American-made stitching on its "Make America Great Again" hats.

There is literally NOTHING Trump and his cronies won't lie about.
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Never forget it was cardkilla that feared massive trouble from the right if Hillary won.
And there would have been. They shot and killed Indians in Kansas already. Ran over protestors in Virginia and assaulted protestors at Trump rally's. Yeah you guys are soo peaceful.

If Trump loses in 2020 there will be violence from his supporters. Considering he won and there's been violence, I like my odds. I don't know if you're trying to say I'm wrong because it is unknowable since he won but if that's your argument I will just laugh at you for not understanding how predictions work.

My prediction for 2020 - no matter who wins, there will be violence. At some point Trump's constant pitting his base against everyone else will have consequences. He is President for 33% of America plus whoever likes him that particular day. He does not care about the rest of the country.

/'trād ˌwôr/
noun: trade war; plural noun: trade wars
  1. a situation in which countries try to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.
There are plenty of Somalian immigrants, Arabic people, and those of Mexican heritage who daily contribute as much or more to our country than you do.
False, unless you know him and exactly what he does daily, you cannot qualify that statement. This is why no one takes you serious or can converse with you. You want civil discourse, try using real quantifiable statements.
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/'trād ˌwôr/
noun: trade war; plural noun: trade wars
  1. a situation in which countries try to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.
Now you are starting to get it. Please do continue to learn. We may make a conservative of you yet.
1. Obama is a Muslim.
2. Exercise and eating right will kill you.
3. Mexico will pay for the wall.
4. Drain the swamp!

--Donald J, Trump
And there would have been. They shot and killed Indians in Kansas already. Ran over protestors in Virginia and assaulted protestors at Trump rally's. Yeah you guys are soo peaceful.

If Trump loses in 2020 there will be violence from his supporters. Considering he won and there's been violence, I like my odds. I don't know if you're trying to say I'm wrong because it is unknowable since he won but if that's your argument I will just laugh at you for not understanding how predictions work.

My prediction for 2020 - no matter who wins, there will be violence. At some point Trump's constant pitting his base against everyone else will have consequences. He is President for 33% of America plus whoever likes him that particular day. He does not care about the rest of the country.
Actually, all of this hate you speak of ramped up because of Obama and we are now seeing the results. One big result was that Obama pave the way for a Trump presidency with his lack of Patriotism and his willingness to show us his true allegiance.
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Actually, all of this hate you speak of ramped up because of Obama and we are now seeing the results. One big result was that Obama paved the way for a Trump presidency with his lack of Patriotism and his willingness to show us his true allegiance.
We actually agree on something! Yes, the election of Obama, the first black President, ramped up the hate speech in this country, led by the Orange one, who fanned the flames by saying Obama's birth certificate was fake and that he had proof. Republicans tried to hide this racist segment of their base under the Tea Party movement (which is not surprisingly dead after Obama left office).

There is no evidence that Obama lacked 'patiotism'. I don't recall him mocking John McCain and saying he wasn't a war hero. Or mocking 5 star families as Trump has done. I don't think there's evidence Obama tried to dodge the draft as Trump did. Oh right, bone spurs! Did Obama work with an adversary to win an election? Hid his financial information from the American public?

What is Obama's true allegiance? Probably to his family. Trump would probably have sex with his daughter if he could get away with it. Dude is a creep. He regularly cheats on his wives. Deceives business partners and screws them over. Cheats vendors and workers out of income. Brags about it.

It's so hilarious to accuse Obama of ramping up hate speech after hearing the disgusting things Trump has said about people. Trump is filled up with hate and rage. He doesn't have an ounce of character in his body. Even now, Obama has refrained from responding to Trump's attacks. Because he is a patriot and has respect and understanding of the proper role of outgoing Presidents. Trump respects no one, except maybe Putin.

His breed is the most disgusting type of American. The ugly American that the world despises. The entitled American who has an overblown view of themselves. Looks down at all others. Cares only about money and power.

Obama paved the way for Trump simply because he was a Democrat, and a black Democrat at that!
The Democrat party not owning them confuses her.

Saw that and laughed. Racism exists, but the largest contributor to it is white liberals who get mad at black people who don't vote democratic.

She was so shocked that a black guy thinks for himself and not how a party tells him to.

And when you get the time, read the comments of her tweet.

What's 19 federal probes? A record?