How will they rule ??!

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Narrator: The same poster favors mass immigration that suppresses low end wages and crowds minority schools thus limiting opportunity so everyone knew these were just touchy feely words.

But another poster, who doesn't have a history of being on the goddam lunatic fringe, tried to make a well reasoned post and Dionysus gets his feelings hurt because that person wasn't attacked.

Yeah, we know you are a goddam lunatic, Dion. You've shown that time and time again. I'm sure you are a rehash of a previous lunatic username. That just goes to show you're a goddamn lunatic. Can't hide your true radical lunacy. Maybe BMoore is also a lunatic or a rehash, but he hid it well in that post, and doesn't have your history, so he gets the benefit of the doubt.

Try another username and see how long you can hide your lunatic tendencies. That will be a good barometer of where you stand on the lunatic scale.
Heh, you can't make this shit up.

Oh look, more people killed by Russia. I'm sure Trump will look into his eyes and see that he is a good and decent man. Then ask for more money for his re-election campaign. Is anyone shocked that Trump wants no one in the room when he talks to his mentor? Is there anymore doubt that trump is a traitor?
Oh look, more people killed by Russia. I'm sure Trump will look into his eyes and see that he is a good and decent man. Then ask for more money for his re-election campaign. Is anyone shocked that Trump wants no one in the room when he talks to his mentor? Is there anymore doubt that trump is a traitor?

Maybe we'll slaughter them all like we did a couple months ago.

Oh wait, are you talking about those people in the UK?

Would you like us to nuke Moscow? Was that you or another poster that was advocating for that a while back.
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ah yes, one article by one person represents the left now. I always forget how intelligent the right is. I guess we should equate all of the right with the Nazi running for office.
GOP roundly and universally denounced that candidate....otoh, your party is embracing socialism candidates and calling for the end of ICE. Great point.
Maybe we'll slaughter them all like we did a couple months ago.

Oh wait, are you talking about those people in the UK?

Would you like us to nuke Moscow? Was that you or another poster that was advocating for that a while back.
I think he is calling for us to go back to ignoring genocide in Syria, ignoring takeover of Crimea, paying Iran pallets of cash, and fight our own energy independence....methods BO used to really take the fight to Russia.
Under Obama - North Korea increases its nuclear capabilities, tortures an American citizen to death, and starves its people. No big deal.

Under Obama - Russia invades Ukraine, sides against us in Syria, and uses cyber "attacks" to interfere in our elections (in which Obama laughed at the notion literally a month before the election). No big deal. In fact, here's 20% of our uranium.

Under Trump - "OMFG!!! If Trump doesn't nuke them both it just goes to show he is in bed with them!1!!11!!!1!1"
Anyone see post last night from Willy’s kin-folk? No idea if legit. Deleted this morning. Fireworks in Madison County were still going strong at 3 a.m. We didn’t want the celebration to come to an end. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Still have the Supreme Court Justice pick and all of the left’s hysteria to enjoy.
Had a guy tried to talk about how awesome socialism is and how we’re not great at anything and then lists off all of these countries that are predominantly white and nowhere close to our population.

Does it ever occur to these people the damage that has been to this nation through immigration?
This is so ignorant. None of us would be here w/o immigration. And frankly, I don't give a dam what color new immigrants are.

What I care about a lot is 1) that WE choose who & how many come here - we can disagree on what that is - but we must protect the children here, and 2) that outsider people don't get to self-select that they're coming.
This is so ignorant. None of us would be here w/o immigration. And frankly, I don't give a dam what color new immigrants are.

What I care about a lot is 1) that WE choose who & how many come here - we can disagree on what that is - but we must protect the children here, and 2) that outsider people don't get to self-select that they're coming.

The point was, you can not compare us to some Nordic country and claim they’re better educated and happier or whatever measurement they’re using when we have far more Latinos and African Americans which are the bottom in every category.

In terms of immigration, the countries these people come from absolutely make a huge difference. There is no denying that the last 40 years, we have got flooded with so many from the third world and these aren’t doctors and lawyers or pilots.

The whole “This country was built by immigrants” shtick, yeah, mostly European. Certainly not Mexican, Somalian or Arabic migrants.
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Heh, you can't make this shit up.

ah yes, one article by one person represents the left now. I always forget how intelligent the right is. I guess we should equate all of the right with the Nazi running for office.
Own it, copkilla. That's the kind of propaganda piece that garners clicks on a very leftist website. It attracts their core readership. The article itself may be one man's opinion, but it's the kind of America-hating ridiculousness that you will agree with.
The point was, you can not compare us to some Nordic country and claim they’re better educated and happier or whatever measurement they’re using when we have far more Latinos and African Americans which are the bottom in every category.

In terms of immigration, the countries these people come from absolutely make a huge difference. There is no denying that the last 40 years, we have got flooded with so many from the third world and these aren’t doctors and lawyers or pilots.

The whole “This country was built by immigrants” shtick, yeah, mostly European. Certainly not Mexican, Somalian or Arabic migrants.
Well, AA's are on the bottom due to the Lib Great Society+ Plantation & Lats are near the bottom because they are newest group here. That's always been true be it slaves, Irish, freedmen, Slavs, Italians. Ignoring what sickening sh!t AA's have been thru here would be ignorant. But Trump is freeing them to stand on their own vs. leaning on a Lib government crutch. I think many see & appreciate that.

And your point about be flooded with illegals I agree - which is why I want USA decided limited immigration , but not no immigration. The country would grind to a halt. Again, the Euros that came got here way before the Lats. Note also that Asian, not white, immigrants are doing this country quite well.
The whole “This country was built by immigrants” shtick, yeah, mostly European. Certainly not Mexican, Somalian or Arabic migrants.
There are plenty of Somalian immigrants, Arabic people, and those of Mexican heritage who daily contribute as much or more to our country than you do.
These are funny and cool and nice but yall should have went with something badass like this.

[laughing] Good stuff.

Believe it or not, that guy lives in the same city as me. He's actually known for his sense of patriotism. I don't know him personally, but he gained popularity back in '15, when he was arrested on the Fourth of July for playing the Star Spangled Banner at the beach.

Even though he was on the sidewalk, his playing caused a crowd to gather that completely blocked the street, so they arrested him for breach of peace. They also threatened to charge him with inciting a riot. His arrest went viral and was all over the local news.

I think part of the motivation behind his arrest was the police were wary of the crowd getting rowdy and out of hand, so they used him as the scapegoat to disperse it.

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