How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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By the way, since I'll more than likely be fishing and a tad inebriated tomorrow, happy early America Day, fags.



Happy 4th libtards

(I wonder if Platinum has ever asked Alexa when J. Edgar Hoover was President?)

Great way to start this glorious day!

Happy Birthday, America!!!!!!


Thank you to those of you who have served our country.

Happy Independence from Britain!

The right loves America no matter who the president or congress is. The left only likes it if their people are running the show.

These are funny and cool and nice but yall should have went with something badass like this.

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Maybe somewhere, he is on another site right now, free to speak without restraint about his weird veganism, eating supermodel ass, and rightly accusing all leftists of being pedos...

I miss my friend, but maybe he was to good for this place. I respect cops, especially those policing dangerous places, but anybody who grew up in a small town remembers a cop or two who got a little too full of that small power they possessed. Willy was the rebel in this small town known as The Paddock.

If You Don’t Believe In Limited Self-Government, You’re Not An American Patriot

America is about self-governance and limited government. It is that simple. That is why those brave men risked (and gave) their lives 242 years ago. They were tired of a powerful centralized government. They were tired of having their labor taxed and confiscated.

They wanted to set up a new country, a country where the federal government would be small, limited, and noninvasive. In fact, the Founders were so concerned about federal power that they added a Bill of Rights to the Constitution. Some argued that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary and redundant because the Constitution already laid out specifically what the federal government could and could not do. But the Founders were so fanatical about self-governance and limited government, they decided it was better to err on the side of overkill. That is America.
The same guy has always suspended me over the years. Whatevs.

How about American bashing have you seen online from libs? It’s constant. Lol

Had a guy tried to talk about how awesome socialism is and how we’re not great at anything and then lists off all of these countries that are predominantly white and nowhere close to our population.

Does it ever occur to these people the damage that has been to this nation through immigration?
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The same guy has always suspended me over the years. Whatevs.

How about American bashing have you seen online from libs? It’s constant. Lol

Had a guy tried to talk about how awesome socialism is and how we’re not great at anything and rank low in education and then lists off all of these countries that are predominantly white and half a population that’s not even the size of Minnesota.
I'll comment for him...

Like Russia collusion? Except there is actually substantial evidence of wrongdoing in the case of the Awans.

I don't think "deep state" means what you think it means. It has nothing to do with cabinet members appointed by a president.
"Awan's lawyer hinted what he would have said if taken to trial on that: Would have implicated Dem congerssmen and staff."

That's all that need be said......
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About time.

Problem is Willy is banned over a power trip. Someone wants to show they have power.

Same moderator threatened me over Keyser soze who started it, then reported me.

Big me, little you, is the problem.
Willy understands and accepts what happened. Some things were said that were deleted before we saw them. Not saying that it's not possible for a mod to have a bone to pick, but they also have to maintain control. If one person is allowed to call them out with impunity then several will take the hint and it will not be a pleasant place for all to post.

Willy was given plenty of leeway and perhaps more than johnkba was afforded. Gotta take the bad with the good. Willy will be back. Just accept this as a normal Willy ban and go on with life.

Before you say it, I am not "siding with mods" or "kissing ass". I am simply telling you the real news. I have spoken with Willy and with mods and all I can tell you is to be patient. Don't get yourself into trouble over something you can't control and let things take their course.
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The woman trying to hide her face was doing it because she was butt ugly herself and needed a professional to help her even look decent. Also, who is she to comment on some ones clothes. That outfit she was wearing I am betting was hiding her fat gut and flabby arms. The left is always talking about how other people look while looking like rag bags themselves.

Civility is not a leftist trait.

It is about to bite them.
I never heard of #walkaway a gay hairdresser has motivated thousands to ditch the democrat party due to their obscene and vulgar behavior.
Do you ever criticize the Democratic Party for its flaws? I'm a moderate Democrat, but I am fed up with how crazy the left has gotten; the worst part is that the Democratic Party and the media refuse to tell these people, "No!"
Believe it or not, most Americans are fine with current sociocultural mores and do not wish to redefine social interpretations of sex. The left started forcing the trans issues on us not long after Obergefell was decided. Couldn't a new culture war have waited a full year? When women are losing scholarships and are being underrepresented in Congress because now men can be women, you all will be very sad. Thankfully, I believe people will not allow that to happen.
Safe spaces? Microaggressions? Mansplaining? These are all Orwellian words and concepts, and they would be better off staying in gender studies and critical theory classes. Men don't want to be told, as they make middle-class money after working their asses off, that they have "white male privilege" and are essentially the causes of all the problems in the world. "Never mind those 1%ers who are rewriting laws to be able to hoard more and more money that middle-class Americans generate through their work-let's blame some of the very people that are responsible for the revenue the 1%ers are hoarding!" How about addressing actual issues, like police brutality and wage stagnation, instead of alienating some of the very people whose votes you need to make progress on those issues?
Immigration? Something like 26.8% of immigrants are from Mexico, with only 48% being citizens. Only 48.4% are high school graduates, and only 51% can speak English very well. That's fine if you want to import low-skilled laborers, who will then likely produce low-skilled children and outpopulate white/black/Chinese Americans by 2050. The truth is that the reason most Americans do not want more immigration is that it isn't doing anything for them. It isn't producing any more jobs, it's not creating greater diversity (poverty and low language skills do not enrich our country), and it's only being done to make farmers money. It seems like farmers should not dictate the future of our country, but hey-what do I know?
What I do agree with you on is that we spend WAYYYY too much money on our military. 900 bases in 80 countries or whatever it is does not do me or any other citizen any good. Jobs are still going overseas, companies are still hoarding money and keeping wages down, and our President says stuff like "bigly." Not a great time to be an American.
I didn't vote for Trump. Unless the democratic party absolutely screws everything up again and shows themselves to still be completely corrupt, I likely won't vote Trump in 2020, either. Still, I get a huge kick out of the agony that modern-day Marxists are going through. You got what you, these are the consequences.
I don't agree with a lot of what you posted but you seem to be one of the few sane democrats left. It's good to see that there's someone from the left that can call out their own party. We all should call out our own parties when it's needed. You're the type of dem that can be reasoned with and that I'd like to see more of on this board. Props to you my friend.
Could this be Ex clinton foundation exec joel getz in front of kindergarten with child sex scandal?

Men don't want to be told, as they make middle-class money after working their asses off, that they have "white male privilege" and are essentially the causes of all the problems in the world.
Democrats need to get back to being the party of ALL the working class. Be they white, brown, men, women, gay, straight, whatever.

I don't agree with a lot of what you posted but you seem to be one of the few sane democrats left. It's good to see that there's someone from the left that can call out their own party. We all should call out our own parties when it's needed. You're the type of dem that can be reasoned with and that I'd like to see more of on this board. Props to you my friend.
He said in that post many of the same things I do regarding the 1%, but because he started it with an anti-transgender rant you call him sane and give him props. Meanwhile if I talk about the 1% I get called crazy, Marxist, and threatened because I also have a history of standing up for minorities. Goes to show this is a culture war, not policy differences. Many of us on both sides of the aisle agree that the elites are screwing us but we're stuck arguing over culture.
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Oh no...Trump is banned from Sheffield haha

Also, isn’t it cultural appropriation for the Somali to wear the sombrero or is that only when white people do it?
If this was a white man the outrage from the left would be deafening. There would be several days of wall to wall coverage on cable news. Marches, protest, twitter hashtags, you name it. It would be used to attack Trump for his immigration policies and label his supporters xenophobes and racists whether the guy was a Trump supporter or not.

Instead since he's not a white man no one seems to care because it can't be used to push a false narrative. Major news networks are only reporting on it in passing. There are no marches, protests etc. Their virtue has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with politics.

6 Refugee Children Stabbed When Knife-Wielding Man Storms 3-Year-Old's Birthday Party

A knife-wielding man allegedly stabbed nine people at a 3-year-old girl’s birthday party in Idaho on Saturday night — and six of the victims are children, PEOPLE confirms.

The violence took place at an apartment complex in Boise. Nobody was killed, but four of the victims have life-threatening injuries, police said in a statement.

The child victims range in age from 3 to 12 years old, according to a police statement. Boise Police Chief Bill Bones said at a Sunday press conference that one of the victims is the 3-year-old whose birthday was being celebrated.

The victims were all refugees: All them came from Syria, Iraq or Ethiopia.

3-Year-Old Refugee Girl Killed by Mass Stabber During Her Birthday Party Loved Disney Princesses

The 3-year-old whose birthday was being celebrated when a man allegedly went on a stabbing spree in Idaho Saturday, attacking six children and three adults, has died.

A statement from the Boise Police Department confirms the birthday girl, Ruya Kadir, was among the wounded — all of whom were refugees — and succumbed Monday to the severe injuries she sustained in the mass stabbing incident.
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Meanwhile if I talk about the 1% I get called crazy, Marxist, and threatened because I also have a history of standing up for minorities.

It's because you can't see further than your own nose... if you make over 32,400 $ you are in the top 1% of the world.

You are perfectly content to take from others to give to you, but you are not willing to give up 80% of what you have so the rest of the world can live you do.
Democrats need to get back to being the party of ALL the working class. Be they white, brown, men, women, gay, straight, whatever.
Narrator: The same poster favors mass immigration that suppresses low end wages and crowds minority schools thus limiting opportunity so everyone knew these were just touchy feely words.