How will they rule ??!

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TRump administration has lost more Border agents that it has hired. Guess he is making our borders unsafe!
Do you even read the stuff you link?

So it's Trump's fault that people aren't lining up to chase down and capture savages for shit pay while being vilified, threatened and targeted by the left?

CBP officials say that low pay — the starting salary is $52,583 — and postings in remote, undesirable locations make retention hard.
Republicans are trying to help them put more money in their pockets. Bet it passes the House, but then gets killed by Senate Democrats who want to do nothing but obstruct. Will that be Trump's fault, too?

Rep. Will Hurd, a San Antonio Republican, introduced a bill in May with Vela to make it easier for Border Patrol agents to collect overtime.

“We already have dangerous manpower shortages at the border; we cannot afford such high turnover as well,” said Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., who is co-sponsoring the measure. “Fixing these compensation concerns will address one of the problems causing lack of retention of these highly qualified individuals.”
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Do you even read the stuff you link?

So it's Trump's fault that people aren't lining up to chase down and capture savages for shit pay while being vilified, threatened and targeted by the left?

CBP officials say that low pay — the starting salary is $52,583 — and postings in remote, undesirable locations make retention hard.
Republicans are trying to help them put more money in their pockets. Bet it passes the House, but then gets killed by Senate Democrats who want to do nothing but obstruct. Will that be Trump's fault, too?

Rep. Will Hurd, a San Antonio Republican, introduced a bill in May with Vela to make it easier for Border Patrol agents to collect overtime.

“We already have dangerous manpower shortages at the border; we cannot afford such high turnover as well,” said Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., who is co-sponsoring the measure. “Fixing these compensation concerns will address one of the problems causing lack of retention of these highly qualified individuals.”
Trump made them a target so yes it is his fault. Staffing FY1992-FY2017.pdf

See how Obama created a surge in Patrol staffing, form 17k to almost 22k. If the devil black man can do it surely the border genius cheeto face can do it.
Trump made them a target so yes it is his fault.

Asking them to do their job is making them a target? That's like saying the mayor and/or police commissioner makes police a target for asking them to do their job. Is there anything you won't say to blame Trump?

See how Obama created a surge in Patrol staffing.

They weren't being threatened and targeted by you loons on the left. Try having a burnt animal corpse left on your doorstep, where you family sleeps. It's not exactly reassuring.
Trump made them a target so yes it is his fault. Staffing FY1992-FY2017.pdf

See how Obama created a surge in Patrol staffing, form 17k to almost 22k. If the devil black man can do it surely the border genius cheeto face can do it.

There’s good jobs available now, a lot of them. There wasn’t when Obama was President.
Why does everything revolve around race to you? It’s not healthy, nor a good look.
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There’s good jobs available now, a lot of them. There wasn’t when Obama was President.

This is even pointed out in the article he linked. He only reads the headlines, though. Wouldn't matter anyway. However he can misrepresent the facts to push his false narrative and blame Trump for everything is all that matters.

Unemployment is also at a 10-year low. That also makes it harder to recruit and retain agents, said Doris Meissner, a former Immigration and Naturalization Service director who now works at the Migration Policy Institute.
If you've noticed, we go in cycles on here. Nothing groundbreaking is happening, so the lefties all climb out of the woodwork to start posting again. All the Thinkprogress and Vox articles you can read. Complete leftist lunacy.

Soon we'll be back to #MAGA, all the lefties will disappear for a while, and the cycle will repeat.

I'm glad it happens that way. It makes the lunatics on the left think they have some sort of momentum, and keeps them emboldened. We absolutely need Platinum, Cardkilla, etc. loudly vocalizing their positions as frequently as possible.
There’s good jobs available now, a lot of them. There wasn’t when Obama was President.
Why does everything revolve around race to you? It’s not healthy, nor a good look.
then if Trump actually gives a shit about the border (he doesnt) he has to make them desirable jobs. use his skill as the greatest negotiator on earth to extract a deal for benefits and pay. he would have to spend less time campaigning and vacationing to actually interact directly with congress.
then if Trump actually gives a shit about the border (he doesnt) he has to make them desirable jobs. use his skill as the greatest negotiator on earth to extract a deal for benefits and pay. he would have to spend less time campaigning and vacationing to actually interact directly with congress.

You really think Trump doesn’t care about the border? That he doesn’t want to stop illegal immigration? Then why are you guys losing your collective minds over every thing he tries to do about it?

The Dems have NOTHING to run on, zilch. Their only position is simply oppose Trump, that’s it. That’s the state of your party, the side that has embraced communism, illegal aliens, and racism solely to get blacks to vote. That’s the Democratic Party of 2018, well done.
You really think Trump doesn’t care about the border? That he doesn’t want to stop illegal immigration? Then why are you guys losing your collective minds over every thing he tries to do about it?

The Dems have NOTHING to run on, zilch. Their only position is simply oppose Trump, that’s it. That’s the state of your party, the side that has embraced communism, illegal aliens, and racism solely to get blacks to vote. That’s the Democratic Party of 2018, well done.

you realize not one liberal on here disagrees with what you posted. every liberal out there today would be for bringing down the flag, erasing the constitution, embracing socialism into communism, open borders, free everything, no genders, mental illness is racist, white people should be banned or abolished, flowers for everyone.
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you realize not one liberal on here disagrees with what you posted. every liberal out there today would be for bringing down the flag, erasing the constitution, embracing socialism into communism, open borders, free everything, no genders, mental illness is racist, white people should be banned or abolished, flowers for everyone.

I understand that, but it isn’t a winning formula, nor will it ever survive in the US.

Tell me if you see a difference.

He made anti-semitic comments and this is how Republicans reacted:

“The California Republican Party’s Board of Directors took swift and decisive action to eliminate any support for John Fitzgerald due to anti-Semitic comments he made recently—those views have no home in the Republican Party,” a statement said in May.

Meanwhile Democrats:
Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite
Democrat Asks Fellow Democrats Why They're Not Denouncing Farrakhan
Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the silence of the left
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If you're in charge what's the economic strategy you would offer that would bring this country out of debt besides raisng my taxes?
You saw that clown yesterday on the Statue of Liberty. You see the guys that went up there. I wouldn't have done it. I would have said, "Let's gets some nets, and let's wait till... she comes down. Just get some nets." Really. What a group.
If you're in charge what's the economic strategy you would offer that would bring this country out of debt besides raisng my taxes?
end all tax subsidies for big business. massive overhaul of how the Pentagon operates its bottomless pit of spending. eliminate all deductions for income over 50million. reroute all of the dumbass tax cut money to infrastructure that should have been Trumps only priority. enact strict minimum federal sentencing laws for illegal offshored money. term limits for Congress to stop all these old ****s from funneling billions into dead end projects. and yes taxes have to be raised for anyone over 150k. we have a ****ing huge debt that can only be paid off with a massive influx of money.
end all tax subsidies for big business. massive overhaul of how the Pentagon operates its bottomless pit of spending. eliminate all deductions for income over 50million. reroute all of the dumbass tax cut money to infrastructure that should have been Trumps only priority. enact strict minimum federal sentencing laws for illegal offshored money. term limits for Congress to stop all these old ****s from funneling billions into dead end projects. and yes taxes have to be raised for anyone over 150k. we have a ****ing huge debt that can only be paid off with a massive influx of money.

so go after tax payers, businesses, the military, but leave the freeloaders and illegals alone. gotcha.
There is no evidence that Obama lacked 'patiotism'.

How about evidence of him weaponizing law enforcement agencies and then using them as a third world dictator would to spy on and go after his political opponents? That's not what I would call patriotism, but instead treasonous espionage.

Did Obama work with an adversary to win an election?

There's definitely much more evidence showing Obama spied on the Trump campaign than there is showing Trump colluded with Russia.
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Also, Khan and Met Police have banned a pro-Trump rally where thousands of people were expected to show up.

Khan made sure to approve a "Trump baby" blimp, though.