How will they rule ??!

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Scott Pruitt just had to be a greedy piece of shit. Aside from his many moronic, money grubbing scandals, he was one of most, if not the most, productive cabinet members. He actually did a hell of a job with what he was tasked to do. He took a bulldozer to nonsensical, business stifling regulations. Part of why the economy is doing so well.
We actually agree on something! Yes, the election of Obama, the first black President, ramped up the hate speech in this country, led by the Orange one, who fanned the flames by saying Obama's birth certificate was fake and that he had proof. Republicans tried to hide this racist segment of their base under the Tea Party movement (which is not surprisingly dead after Obama left office).

There is no evidence that Obama lacked 'patiotism'. I don't recall him mocking John McCain and saying he wasn't a war hero. Or mocking 5 star families as Trump has done. I don't think there's evidence Obama tried to dodge the draft as Trump did. Oh right, bone spurs! Did Obama work with an adversary to win an election? Hid his financial information from the American public?

What is Obama's true allegiance? Probably to his family. Trump would probably have sex with his daughter if he could get away with it. Dude is a creep. He regularly cheats on his wives. Deceives business partners and screws them over. Cheats vendors and workers out of income. Brags about it.

It's so hilarious to accuse Obama of ramping up hate speech after hearing the disgusting things Trump has said about people. Trump is filled up with hate and rage. He doesn't have an ounce of character in his body. Even now, Obama has refrained from responding to Trump's attacks. Because he is a patriot and has respect and understanding of the proper role of outgoing Presidents. Trump respects no one, except maybe Putin.

His breed is the most disgusting type of American. The ugly American that the world despises. The entitled American who has an overblown view of themselves. Looks down at all others. Cares only about money and power.

Obama paved the way for Trump simply because he was a Democrat, and a black Democrat at that!

Thank goodness for Obama, without him we wouldn’t have the best President of the past 30 years.
Much like Carter gave us Reagan.
I was hoping for Barrett.

She is only 46 and if something were to happen to Ruthie, Thomas or Bryer, then she is still an option. That assumes that the GOP picks up at least one seat in November (nullifying the RINO sisters importance).
Some of them have gone so far left that Bernie is no longer the left...


Just your typical black racist from CNN and academia laughing at a kid being assaulted.

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What's 19 federal probes? A record?

14. There's no denying that many of the probes were credible and self inflicted. Pruitt has no one to blame but himself, but several were also partisan smear campaigns. Pruitt was pretty good at his job and was transforming the EPA. He had a lot of people, outside and inside, gunning for him.

If they feel they have won, they can think again. The mission will be the same and Wheeler will have the same impact. They'll be smearing him soon enough. Wouldn't surprise me if they've already started.
This article expresses what I think of Prez Drumpf better than anything. It's wonderful. I could post the whole dam thing. I've known Presidents in my life by their work since Eisenhower With all due respect to him & Reagan, he exceeds them both.

"Who predicted this? That Donald Trump may go down in history as another Churchillian or Lincolnesque figure; a leader who saves our republic? We need to pray that he succeeds; we need to engage and fight, not just in upcoming elections, but every day in our culture, in our communities and in our everyday lives."

"I don’t know how much of a believer in God Trump is, none can be so arrogant to know with certainty what drives a man in the realm of faith. But for a man who has “fallen” in many ways during his life, he seems to have an unerring ability to see with clear vision the necessary and critical role that religion plays in American life and in our culture. The man of the “Access Hollywood” tapes has become the champion of Christian American and the great protector our Judeo-Christian values. No one saw this coming."

No wonder people of true faith (not me) love him.

"Trump has been called a nationalist and a populist. He is certainly a bit of both of those, but it is very difficult to define Trump by political labels. One thing seems certain; there has never been a more “American” president than our current one. He is a self-made man in the truest sense in the American tradition. Trump is part Andrew Jackson, Andrew Carnegie, Buffalo Bill Cody, with plenty of P.T. Barnum thrown in. He is a can do, rough-and-tumble, builder, creator, frontiersman; employing brains, brawn and yes, a fair amount of hucksterism to achieve not just his dreams, but America’s promise."

This idea is what sickens the Left. So wonderful.

"...Trump is more Whig than anything. Under the leadership of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, the Whig Party believed in a strong active federal role in stimulating economic and industrial growth.

Henry Clay’s greatest admirer was Abraham Lincoln. As a Whig congressman, Lincoln later helped to found the Republican Party based, in part, on a strong Whig platform (which included a tariff policy) and famously said, “The legitimate object of government is ‘to do for the people what needs to be done, but which they cannot, by individual effort, do at all, or do so well, for themselves.”

Trump is more Whig than anything. Under the leadership of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, the Whig Party believed in a strong active federal role in stimulating economic and industrial growth."

Go Drumpf!!
The left will justify any violence. They’re subhuman pieces of trash. This group will not come back to reality.

Those posts above are just a fraction of how many Dems justify doing that to a 16 year old. Black blue checks especially are okay with it.
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"However, there are signs that Republicans may win the 2018 midterm elections as the anti-establishment underdog. How? By campaigning against the excessive Trump derangement syndrome across the media, Hollywood, and college campuses.

This is the premise of the "Walk Away" campaign. Brandon Straka, a gay man from Nebraska, identified himself as "The Unsilent Majority" and launched a campaign urging people to reject the Left — for the same reasons he became a liberal.

In the "Walk Away" viral video, Straka denounced racism, misogyny, "tyrannical group think," junk science, "hate," and "a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed, and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth." He said he became a liberal for these reasons, and he "walked away" for the very same reasons."

The guy gets it. There is no other explanation of the Left that fits:

"For years now, I have watched as the left has devolved into intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded, and at times blatantly fascistic behavior and rhetoric," Straka declared"

Oh yea:

"White millennials are equally divided between supporting Republicans and Democrats in this year's critical midterm elections, as a campaign urging people to "Walk Away" from the Democratic Party has picked up steam online."
Frankly, I don't give a sh!t if some Pubs defect from Trump's SC nominee as a) Pubs are going to have a bigger Senate majority come January anyway, and b) it will be bigger still if the SC choice is voted down. Net, he can go Conserve to the utmost then. Just F 'em!!
We actually agree on something! Yes, the election of Obama, the first black President, ramped up the hate speech in this country, led by the Orange one, who fanned the flames by saying Obama's birth certificate was fake and that he had proof. Republicans tried to hide this racist segment of their base under the Tea Party movement (which is not surprisingly dead after Obama left office).

There is no evidence that Obama lacked 'patiotism'. I don't recall him mocking John McCain and saying he wasn't a war hero. Or mocking 5 star families as Trump has done. I don't think there's evidence Obama tried to dodge the draft as Trump did. Oh right, bone spurs! Did Obama work with an adversary to win an election? Hid his financial information from the American public?

What is Obama's true allegiance? Probably to his family. Trump would probably have sex with his daughter if he could get away with it. Dude is a creep. He regularly cheats on his wives. Deceives business partners and screws them over. Cheats vendors and workers out of income. Brags about it.

It's so hilarious to accuse Obama of ramping up hate speech after hearing the disgusting things Trump has said about people. Trump is filled up with hate and rage. He doesn't have an ounce of character in his body. Even now, Obama has refrained from responding to Trump's attacks. Because he is a patriot and has respect and understanding of the proper role of outgoing Presidents. Trump respects no one, except maybe Putin.

His breed is the most disgusting type of American. The ugly American that the world despises. The entitled American who has an overblown view of themselves. Looks down at all others. Cares only about money and power.

Obama paved the way for Trump simply because he was a Democrat, and a black Democrat at that!
If this is not s Black list offense, I don’t know what is.
That Lamont Hill guy is one of the worst PoS left-wingnuts out there. O'Reilly would tear his arguments apart, to which Lamont Hill could only respond by raising his voice and screaming like they are wont to do. Lol
Tester has placed a full page ad in 14 different MT. newspapers throughout the state, touting his Trump ties and describing Trump as a friend he can work with it, etc, etc... A clear sign that he's in real trouble come November.