How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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The left needs to stop misrepresenting reality so they can pull on people’s heart strings for political expediency and they need to disavow and disassociate from militant leftist nihilistic evil.

They take advantage of people’s ignorance and stupidity way too much, but it should be ultimately self defeating as while people are pretty dumb, they aren’t nearly as dumb as they think they are.

Going further left like that socialist girl isn’t going to work; they’d be better served with Obama’s Baghdad bob you can keep your doctor strategy than that... maybe in the end it’ll be all for the best and our western civ will actually survive this assault on it.
Yeah yeah, Democrats are always on the 'verge' of destroying this country.

Drain the swamp? Your man Pruitt is a swamp monster. Selling out to industry over constituents. Lying. Using EPA for personal gain. Just one example, his cabinet is all about what can I get.

Warrior you were all about wanting America and Obama to fail just a few years ago. Supporting a guy who shows zero respect for the office he holds or the previous president who held it. Party over country right? Like the brown shirts and Nazi sympathizers of the past, history will be unkind to the Trump sheep who bowed to the self-elected King.
Yeah yeah, Democrats are always on the 'verge' of destroying this country.

Drain the swamp? Your man Pruitt is a swamp monster. Selling out to industry over constituents. Lying. Using EPA for personal gain. Just one example, his cabinet is all about what can I get.

Warrior you were all about wanting America and Obama to fail just a few years ago. Supporting a guy who shows zero respect for the office he holds or the previous president who held it. Party over country right? Like the brown shirts and Nazi sympathizers of the past, history will be unkind to the Trump sheep who bowed to the self-elected King.
No. That is the Demicrats way
If you are using musicians and actors as your role models...I now understand why you are out of touch. Go back to sleep and let the aliens be your shepherd.

Those soldiers just better hope they don't get captured cause then they will be considered losers by draft dodgin Donnie.

Just another faux patriot that cheers on a president who has defamed war heroes,"

Says the the American hating commie. When and where did you serve? Nuff said.
Yeah yeah, Democrats are always on the 'verge' of destroying this country.

Drain the swamp? Your man Pruitt is a swamp monster. Selling out to industry over constituents. Lying. Using EPA for personal gain. Just one example, his cabinet is all about what can I get.

Warrior you were all about wanting America and Obama to fail just a few years ago. Supporting a guy who shows zero respect for the office he holds or the previous president who held it. Party over country right? Like the brown shirts and Nazi sympathizers of the past, history will be unkind to the Trump sheep who bowed to the self-elected King.
Unlike you and your liberal friends I never want America to fail. I am proud of our heritage and this country. Was disappointed in Obama and his attempt to turn this country into a third world country and his constant pandering and bowing down to other world leaders. NO WIMPS PLEASE! THIS MEANS YOU KILLA! THE ONLY FAKE PATRIOTS ARE YOU LIBERALS.
Do you ever criticize the Democratic Party for its flaws? I'm a moderate Democrat, but I am fed up with how crazy the left has gotten; the worst part is that the Democratic Party and the media refuse to tell these people, "No!"
Believe it or not, most Americans are fine with current sociocultural mores and do not wish to redefine social interpretations of sex. The left started forcing the trans issues on us not long after Obergefell was decided. Couldn't a new culture war have waited a full year? When women are losing scholarships and are being underrepresented in Congress because now men can be women, you all will be very sad. Thankfully, I believe people will not allow that to happen.
Safe spaces? Microaggressions? Mansplaining? These are all Orwellian words and concepts, and they would be better off staying in gender studies and critical theory classes. Men don't want to be told, as they make middle-class money after working their asses off, that they have "white male privilege" and are essentially the causes of all the problems in the world. "Never mind those 1%ers who are rewriting laws to be able to hoard more and more money that middle-class Americans generate through their work-let's blame some of the very people that are responsible for the revenue the 1%ers are hoarding!" How about addressing actual issues, like police brutality and wage stagnation, instead of alienating some of the very people whose votes you need to make progress on those issues?
Immigration? Something like 26.8% of immigrants are from Mexico, with only 48% being citizens. Only 48.4% are high school graduates, and only 51% can speak English very well. That's fine if you want to import low-skilled laborers, who will then likely produce low-skilled children and outpopulate white/black/Chinese Americans by 2050. The truth is that the reason most Americans do not want more immigration is that it isn't doing anything for them. It isn't producing any more jobs, it's not creating greater diversity (poverty and low language skills do not enrich our country), and it's only being done to make farmers money. It seems like farmers should not dictate the future of our country, but hey-what do I know?
What I do agree with you on is that we spend WAYYYY too much money on our military. 900 bases in 80 countries or whatever it is does not do me or any other citizen any good. Jobs are still going overseas, companies are still hoarding money and keeping wages down, and our President says stuff like "bigly." Not a great time to be an American.
I didn't vote for Trump. Unless the democratic party absolutely screws everything up again and shows themselves to still be completely corrupt, I likely won't vote Trump in 2020, either. Still, I get a huge kick out of the agony that modern-day Marxists are going through. You got what you, these are the consequences.
Do you ever criticize the Democratic Party for its flaws? I'm a moderate Democrat, but I am fed up with how crazy the left has gotten; the worst part is that the Democratic Party and the media refuse to tell these people, "No!"
Believe it or not, most Americans are fine with current sociocultural mores and do not wish to redefine social interpretations of sex. The left started forcing the trans issues on us not long after Obergefell was decided. Couldn't a new culture war have waited a full year? When women are losing scholarships and are being underrepresented in Congress because now men can be women, you all will be very sad. Thankfully, I believe people will not allow that to happen.
Safe spaces? Microaggressions? Mansplaining? These are all Orwellian words and concepts, and they would be better off staying in gender studies and critical theory classes. Men don't want to be told, as they make middle-class money after working their asses off, that they have "white male privilege" and are essentially the causes of all the problems in the world. "Never mind those 1%ers who are rewriting laws to be able to hoard more and more money that middle-class Americans generate through their work-let's blame some of the very people that are responsible for the revenue the 1%ers are hoarding!" How about addressing actual issues, like police brutality and wage stagnation, instead of alienating some of the very people whose votes you need to make progress on those issues?
Immigration? Something like 26.8% of immigrants are from Mexico, with only 48% being citizens. Only 48.4% are high school graduates, and only 51% can speak English very well. That's fine if you want to import low-skilled laborers, who will then likely produce low-skilled children and outpopulate white/black/Chinese Americans by 2050. The truth is that the reason most Americans do not want more immigration is that it isn't doing anything for them. It isn't producing any more jobs, it's not creating greater diversity (poverty and low language skills do not enrich our country), and it's only being done to make farmers money. It seems like farmers should not dictate the future of our country, but hey-what do I know?
What I do agree with you on is that we spend WAYYYY too much money on our military. 900 bases in 80 countries or whatever it is does not do me or any other citizen any good. Jobs are still going overseas, companies are still hoarding money and keeping wages down, and our President says stuff like "bigly." Not a great time to be an American.
I didn't vote for Trump. Unless the democratic party absolutely screws everything up again and shows themselves to still be completely corrupt, I likely won't vote Trump in 2020, either. Still, I get a huge kick out of the agony that modern-day Marxists are going through. You got what you, these are the consequences.

Case in point. Not a right winger.
Where does this person go?
BREAKING NEWS: Sources within the Trump administration say that he is nixing the red MAGA hat for the 2020 campaign. Replacing it with this...


About time.

Problem is Willy is banned over a power trip. Someone wants to show they have power.

Same moderator threatened me over Keyser soze who started it, then reported me.

Big me, little you, is the problem.
The problem with all this .... They pretend this organically happened... It did not.... This is paid for protest.
Agree. That' the point of the tweet. He's being sarcastic and pointing out the Politico article where they're already starting to plan them weeks in advance but then they'll claim they are spontaneous when the time comes.