How will they rule ??!

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One more for you that want to change our country because you hate her. it:

Have you ever been around a soldier deploying leaving their family? These illegal criminals and you cry about a few days. What about the ones who are separated for year or more and for that matter lose a parent. We don't see you railing for them. Hypocrites

to bad willy is banned and can't comment on this one. guess you wackos need a new conspiracy. or is Trumps people in on the deep state now?

"The Government agrees that the public allegations that (Awan) stole U.S. House of Representatives equipment and engaged in unauthorized or illegal conduct involving House computer systems do not form the basis of any conduct relevant to the determination of the sentence in this case," prosecutors said.

"The Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems," says the plea agreement, addressed to Awan's lawyer. "Particularly, the Government has found no evidence that your client illegally removed House data from the House network or from House Members’ offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus Server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information."
to bad willy is banned and can't comment on this one
I'll comment for him...

guess you wackos need a new conspiracy.

Like Russia collusion? Except there is actually substantial evidence of wrongdoing in the case of the Awans.

or is Trumps people in on the deep state now?

I don't think "deep state" means what you think it means. It has nothing to do with cabinet members appointed by a president.
guess you wackos need a new conspiracy

Are the House IG and Capital Police conspiracy theorists? Read the report for yourself.

Unauthorized access

Users shall only access and use information for which they have official authorization. Shared Employees shall not share their job duties with other shared employees

Identified the 5 shared employee system administrators have collectively logged into 15 member offices and the Democratic Caucus,
although they were not employed by the offices they accessed (unauthorized).

Imran Awan, Abid "Omar" Awan, Hina Alvi, Jamal Awan, and Rao Abbas are the shared employees in question. Determined that one of the systems administrators logged into a member’s office two months after he was terminated from that office (unauthorized). Based on analysis of Activity Directory data from October 2015 and April 2016

Review of current logon data identified excessive logins to a Democratic Caucus server and three of their workstations over a 7-month period.

All 5 of the shared employee system administrators collectively logged onto the Caucus system 5,735 times, an average of 27 times per day (unauthorized).

Hina Alvi is the shared employee for the Caucus and she logged into the Caucus computers 291 times over the 7-month period. This is considered unusual since computers in other offices managed by these shared employees were accessed in total less than 60 times.The server (dem11ts) was logged onto 1,154 times, or 5.4 times a day

This pattern of login activity suggests steps are being taken to conceal their activity.

Behavior avoids network monitoring. Use of Active Roles Servers indicates they may be granting access on a temporary basis, which could be done to evade network monitoring. The Caucus Chief of Staff requested one of the shared employees to not provide IT services or access their computers. This shared employee continued. (unauthorized)

The following are risks associated with the unusual logon activity

Excessive logons are an indication that the server is being used for nefarious purposes and elevated the risk that individuals could be reading and/or removing information.Computers could be used to store documents taken from other offices or evidence of other illicit activity. Computers could be used as a launching point to access other systems for which access may be unauthorized.

These risks may be higher since the shared employees have not been vetted (e.g. background check)


Network Logon Activity from May - August 2016
Frequency of access to Democratic Caucus server. Collectively, the shared administrators accessed the dem11ts server 995 times, or 8.2 times per day.

Continuing analysis, including identifying systems used to connect to dem11ts via VPN

Met with HIR Cybersecurity on 9/20 to discuss assistance and 9/27 to discuss their analysis to date.

Continued Unauthorized Access. During September 2016, shared employee continued to use Democratic Caucus computers in anomalous ways:

Logged onto laptop as system administrator (unauthorized). Changed identity and logged onto Democratic Caucus server using 17 other user account credentials (unauthorized). Some credentials belonged to Members (unauthorized).

The shared employee did not work for 9 of the 17 offices to which these user accounts belonged (unauthorized). Occurred on the Democratic Caucus computers, even though the employee had never been employed by the Caucus (unauthorized).

Possible storage of sensitive House information outside the House.

Dropbox is installed on two Caucus computers used by the shared employees. Two user account had thousands of files in their Dropbox folder on each computer.

We have not been permitted to view content of the files on these workstations. However, based on the file names, some of the information is likely sensitive. While file sharing sites, such as Dropbox, have legitimate business purposes, use of such sites is also a

classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization.

"The Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems," says the plea agreement,

The investigators clearly say differently, made evident above. Is it possible that he wasn't charged as part of his plea deal, and because a slew House Democrats were going to be implicated? Couldn't be that, could it?

Are the House IG and Capital Police conspiracy theorists? Read the report for yourself.

Unauthorized access

Users shall only access and use information for which they have official authorization. Shared Employees shall not share their job duties with other shared employees

Identified the 5 shared employee system administrators have collectively logged into 15 member offices and the Democratic Caucus,
although they were not employed by the offices they accessed (unauthorized).

Imran Awan, Abid "Omar" Awan, Hina Alvi, Jamal Awan, and Rao Abbas are the shared employees in question. Determined that one of the systems administrators logged into a member’s office two months after he was terminated from that office (unauthorized). Based on analysis of Activity Directory data from October 2015 and April 2016

Review of current logon data identified excessive logins to a Democratic Caucus server and three of their workstations over a 7-month period.

All 5 of the shared employee system administrators collectively logged onto the Caucus system 5,735 times, an average of 27 times per day (unauthorized).

Hina Alvi is the shared employee for the Caucus and she logged into the Caucus computers 291 times over the 7-month period. This is considered unusual since computers in other offices managed by these shared employees were accessed in total less than 60 times.The server (dem11ts) was logged onto 1,154 times, or 5.4 times a day

This pattern of login activity suggests steps are being taken to conceal their activity.

Behavior avoids network monitoring. Use of Active Roles Servers indicates they may be granting access on a temporary basis, which could be done to evade network monitoring. The Caucus Chief of Staff requested one of the shared employees to not provide IT services or access their computers. This shared employee continued. (unauthorized)

The following are risks associated with the unusual logon activity

Excessive logons are an indication that the server is being used for nefarious purposes and elevated the risk that individuals could be reading and/or removing information.Computers could be used to store documents taken from other offices or evidence of other illicit activity. Computers could be used as a launching point to access other systems for which access may be unauthorized.

These risks may be higher since the shared employees have not been vetted (e.g. background check)


Network Logon Activity from May - August 2016
Frequency of access to Democratic Caucus server. Collectively, the shared administrators accessed the dem11ts server 995 times, or 8.2 times per day.

Continuing analysis, including identifying systems used to connect to dem11ts via VPN

Met with HIR Cybersecurity on 9/20 to discuss assistance and 9/27 to discuss their analysis to date.

Continued Unauthorized Access. During September 2016, shared employee continued to use Democratic Caucus computers in anomalous ways:

Logged onto laptop as system administrator (unauthorized). Changed identity and logged onto Democratic Caucus server using 17 other user account credentials (unauthorized). Some credentials belonged to Members (unauthorized).

The shared employee did not work for 9 of the 17 offices to which these user accounts belonged (unauthorized). Occurred on the Democratic Caucus computers, even though the employee had never been employed by the Caucus (unauthorized).

Possible storage of sensitive House information outside the House.

Dropbox is installed on two Caucus computers used by the shared employees. Two user account had thousands of files in their Dropbox folder on each computer.

We have not been permitted to view content of the files on these workstations. However, based on the file names, some of the information is likely sensitive. While file sharing sites, such as Dropbox, have legitimate business purposes, use of such sites is also a

classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization.

The investigators clearly say differently, made evident above. Is it possible that he wasn't charged as part of his plea deal, and because a slew House Democrats were going to be implicated? Couldn't be that, could it?
so what your saying is Trumps DOJ is so inept and corrupt that they are protecting the Dems. hard to argue with that, it is run by a completely useless imbecile.
so what your saying is Trumps DOJ is so inept and corrupt that they are protecting the Dems.

What I'm saying is what the prosecutors are saying is in direct contradiction to what the investigators/evidence says. Pretty sure the prosecutors, the career bureaucrats, weren't appointed by Trump. He has no control over how they decide prosecute cases and/or what plea deals they offer.

hard to argue with that, it is run by a completely useless imbecile.

As everyone, including Trump, has pointed out a dozens times. He can't fire him, though, because it'll be weaponized against him. The eccentrics will be outraged, push conspiracies, cry obstruction of justice and Russia collusion. Plus, the Democrats would never confirm a replacement.
What I'm saying is what the prosecutors are saying is in direct contradiction to what the investigators/evidence says. Pretty sure the prosecutors, the career bureaucrats, weren't appointed by Trump. He has no control over how they decide prosecute cases and/or what plea deals they offer.

As everyone, including Trump, has pointed out a dozens times. He can't fire him, though, because it'll be weaponized against him. The eccentrics will be outraged, push conspiracies, cry obstruction of justice and Russia collusion. Plus, the Democrats would never confirm a replacement.
Trump appoints the prosecutors. I'm pretty sure he shit canned almost all of the Obama holdovers last year. sessions used some vacancy rule to fill them without Senate confirmation. so the entire mess is on Trump.
You're confused. Those are U.S. attorneys. There are as many as 350 non-appointed, career bureaucrats (assistant U.S. attorneys) who work under each one them in a district and as many as 350 special assistant U.S. attorneys. Explains why DWS's brother is still a prosecutor in the D.C. U.S. Attorney's office.

Read the plea deal. The wording is very specific. It's doesn't take a legal scholar to see why he wasn't charged. He was given immunity for pleading guilty to lesser crimes.

After the entry of your client’s plea of guilty to the offense identified in paragraph 1 above, your client will not be charged with any non-violent criminal offense in violation of Federal or District of Columbia law which was committed within the District of Columbia by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement and about which this Office was made aware by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement, all of which is contained in the attached Statement of Offense. However, the United States expressly reserves its right to prosecute your client for any crime of violence.

DOJ Agrees Not To Prosecute Imran Awan For House Cybersecurity And Theft, But Questions Remain

An assistant US attorney said Tuesday he would not prosecute Imran Awan, a former systems administrator for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other Democrats, for any crimes on Capitol Hill in a plea agreement that had him plead guilty to one count of bank fraud.

Only one person sat at the prosecutors’ table: J.P. Coomey, who unsuccessfully prosecuted New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez for corruption and was only added to the case Monday. There was no sign of Michael Marando, who had previously led the prosecution.

On Feb. 3, 2017, Paul Irving, the House’s top law enforcement officer, wrote in a letter to the Committee on House Administration that soon after it became evidence, the server went “missing.”

The letter continued: “Based upon the evidence gathered to this point, we have concluded the employees are an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems.”

Imran, Abid, Jamal, Alvi and a friend were banned from the House network the same day Kiko sent the letter.

In an April 2018 hearing spurred by the Awan case, Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko testified: “The bookend to the outside threat is the insider threat. Tremendous efforts are dedicated to protecting the House against these outside threats, however these efforts are undermined when these employees do not adhere to and thumb their nose at our information security policy, and that’s a risk in my opinion we cannot afford.”

In the hearing, Kiko described “egregious” behavior by Imran, saying the House “discovered evidence of procurement fraud and irregularities” on top of the “numerous violations of House security policies.”

“CAO’s Office of Acquisition Management detected and flagged unusual invoices originating from five shared employees who served more than 30 House offices,” Kiko said. “The invoices, as submitted, were structured in a way to avoid the House’s $500 equipment accountability threshold. Upon further investigation into the five shared employees’ activities, the House IG discovered evidence of procurement fraud and irregularities, numerous violations of House security policies, and violations of the Committee’s Shared Employee Manual, etc.”

Yet Tuesday’s court document said that the “Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems,” but didn’t explain how it came to that conclusion.

Wasserman Schultz kept paying Awan after he was banned from Congress. A Capitol Police report shows that in April 2016, Imran left a laptop with the username RepDWS in a Capitol Hill phone booth late at night, and it was taken by police.

Gowen said he felt “very strongly” that the RepDWS laptop should not be examined, and prosecutors never publicly challenged that request.

Capitol Hill officials involved in oversight of the case previously told TheDCNF that the reason the DOJ was not pursuing the case was because the Democrats were refusing to press charges.
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sessions used some vacancy rule to fill them without Senate confirmation.

By the way, those are only interim, and guess who filled the vacancies? That's right. Non-appointed, career bureaucrats. Permanent U.S. attorneys must be confirmed by the Senate just like cabinet members.
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By the way, those are only interim, and guess who filled the vacancies? That's right. Non-appointed, career bureaucrats. Permanent U.S. attorneys must be confirmed by the Senate just like cabinet members.
your trying pretty hard to keep the blame off Trump. all those people report to people that Trump put in place. someone at the top had to sign off on that plea deal. Trump tweeted about the case like a dozen times and never bothered to have Sessions make sure it was well handled? sessions could have personally taken over the case if it was some master deep state conspiracy. Trump & Sesions are either incompetent and have no control over their DOJ or are in on it by your facts. if Awan was a spy the Trump administration has chosen to sweep it up.
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to bad willy is banned and can't comment on this one. guess you wackos need a new conspiracy. or is Trumps people in on the deep state now?

"The Government agrees that the public allegations that (Awan) stole U.S. House of Representatives equipment and engaged in unauthorized or illegal conduct involving House computer systems do not form the basis of any conduct relevant to the determination of the sentence in this case," prosecutors said.

"The Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems," says the plea agreement, addressed to Awan's lawyer. "Particularly, the Government has found no evidence that your client illegally removed House data from the House network or from House Members’ offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus Server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information."
Obama's and Hillary's deep state people are still there in making some decisions. Surely you are not this dumb....scratch that, yes, yes you are. Enjoy 6 1/2 more years of Trump.
You're confused. Those are U.S. attorneys. There are as many as 350 non-appointed, career bureaucrats (assistant U.S. attorneys) who work under each one them in a district and as many as 350 special assistant U.S. attorneys. Explains why DWS's brother is still a prosecutor in the D.C. U.S. Attorney's office.

Read the plea deal. The wording is very specific. It's doesn't take a legal scholar to see why he wasn't charged. He was given immunity for pleading guilty to lesser crimes.

After the entry of your client’s plea of guilty to the offense identified in paragraph 1 above, your client will not be charged with any non-violent criminal offense in violation of Federal or District of Columbia law which was committed within the District of Columbia by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement and about which this Office was made aware by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement, all of which is contained in the attached Statement of Offense. However, the United States expressly reserves its right to prosecute your client for any crime of violence.

DOJ Agrees Not To Prosecute Imran Awan For House Cybersecurity And Theft, But Questions Remain

An assistant US attorney said Tuesday he would not prosecute Imran Awan, a former systems administrator for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other Democrats, for any crimes on Capitol Hill in a plea agreement that had him plead guilty to one count of bank fraud.

Only one person sat at the prosecutors’ table: J.P. Coomey, who unsuccessfully prosecuted New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez for corruption and was only added to the case Monday. There was no sign of Michael Marando, who had previously led the prosecution.

On Feb. 3, 2017, Paul Irving, the House’s top law enforcement officer, wrote in a letter to the Committee on House Administration that soon after it became evidence, the server went “missing.”

The letter continued: “Based upon the evidence gathered to this point, we have concluded the employees are an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems.”

Imran, Abid, Jamal, Alvi and a friend were banned from the House network the same day Kiko sent the letter.

In an April 2018 hearing spurred by the Awan case, Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko testified: “The bookend to the outside threat is the insider threat. Tremendous efforts are dedicated to protecting the House against these outside threats, however these efforts are undermined when these employees do not adhere to and thumb their nose at our information security policy, and that’s a risk in my opinion we cannot afford.”

In the hearing, Kiko described “egregious” behavior by Imran, saying the House “discovered evidence of procurement fraud and irregularities” on top of the “numerous violations of House security policies.”

“CAO’s Office of Acquisition Management detected and flagged unusual invoices originating from five shared employees who served more than 30 House offices,” Kiko said. “The invoices, as submitted, were structured in a way to avoid the House’s $500 equipment accountability threshold. Upon further investigation into the five shared employees’ activities, the House IG discovered evidence of procurement fraud and irregularities, numerous violations of House security policies, and violations of the Committee’s Shared Employee Manual, etc.”

Yet Tuesday’s court document said that the “Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems,” but didn’t explain how it came to that conclusion.

Wasserman Schultz kept paying Awan after he was banned from Congress. A Capitol Police report shows that in April 2016, Imran left a laptop with the username RepDWS in a Capitol Hill phone booth late at night, and it was taken by police.

Gowen said he felt “very strongly” that the RepDWS laptop should not be examined, and prosecutors never publicly challenged that request.

Capitol Hill officials involved in oversight of the case previously told TheDCNF that the reason the DOJ was not pursuing the case was because the Democrats were refusing to press charges.
You are wasting your time, Platinum can't read and comprehend at the same time. He watches MSNBC and CNN to get his opinions.
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your trying pretty hard to keep the blame off Trump. all those people report to people that Trump put in place. someone at the top had to sign off on that plea deal. Trump tweeted about the case like a dozen times and never bothered to have Sessions make sure it was well handled? sessions could have personally taken over the case if it was some master deep state conspiracy. Trump & Sesions are either incompetent and have no control over their DOJ or are in on it by your facts. if Awan was a spy the Trump administration has chosen to sweep it up.
You are trying even harder to put the blame on Trump when in fact it will take a lot longer to drain the swamp because....wait for it....even in the GOP there are corrupt politicians and people like yourself who want America and Trump to fail. They are desperate right now because they were on the verge of destroying this country and one MAN has has practically single-handedly stop them cold. MAGA!
One more for you that want to change our country because you hate her. it:

Have you ever been around a soldier deploying leaving their family? These illegal criminals and you cry about a few days. What about the ones who are separated for year or more and for that matter lose a parent. We don't see you railing for them. Hypocrites
Those soldiers just better hope they don't get captured cause then they will be considered losers by draft dodgin Donnie.

Just another faux patriot that cheers on a president who has defamed war heroes,
What could go wrong...PBS?

Vs current state sponsored journalism, and I use the term loosely, Fox News.

PBS educated public, Fox News has indoctrinated it and lied to public.

Either way, it is not surprising that a free press is hated by the right. They don't want light shined on the deceit and fraud coming from guys like Pruitt. Or human rights violations taken place on the daily down at the border. The free press is right up there with science in conservatives eyes. We would still be in the dark ages if they had their wish.
Screw the facts, it's all about race baiting and feelings...

Why didn't that fabulous gentleman recording the video step out there and let the cops know they were totes rude lol for making a standard felony arrest?

- Celebrate the 4th by supporting the Jacobite cause. Bonnie Prince Charlie was offered the crown of America, but, sadly, refused. One day

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Fayette co aka gay as hell only allows “safe and sane” fireworks” aka those that don’t leave the ground. What a joke. South of that river down here in Madison Co we allow EVERYTHING. Liberals ruin EVERYTHING even fn fireworks.

Have a great American Day. Enjoy some Blue Bell and comfort your doggies if they go nuts tonight.
You are trying even harder to put the blame on Trump when in fact it will take a lot longer to drain the swamp because....wait for it....even in the GOP there are corrupt politicians and people like yourself who want America and Trump to fail. They are desperate right now because they were on the verge of destroying this country and one MAN has has practically single-handedly stop them cold. MAGA!
Yeah yeah, Democrats are always on the 'verge' of destroying this country.

Drain the swamp? Your man Pruitt is a swamp monster. Selling out to industry over constituents. Lying. Using EPA for personal gain. Just one example, his cabinet is all about what can I get.

Warrior you were all about wanting America and Obama to fail just a few years ago. Supporting a guy who shows zero respect for the office he holds or the previous president who held it. Party over country right? Like the brown shirts and Nazi sympathizers of the past, history will be unkind to the Trump sheep who bowed to the self-elected King.
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