How will they rule ??!

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The next big war, if it ever happens, will have a battlefield in space. How many military satellites are in orbit?

You and Donald Trump have been watching WAY too much TV.

A "battlefield in space??"


May I ask...were you one of the attendees at the South Carolina rally?
Dems have tried for decades to push stronger agri tariffs

So you should be happy that Trump is finally trying to do something about it.

GOP screamed we have to keep a free market.

And Trump is screaming we must have a fair and free market which most of the Dems and GOP agree with but none have the balls to actually do something about it. They're too scared of the backlash and negativity. They're more concerned with their political capital than they are doing what is best for the country. Trump isn't.
Can you explain how we've been taken advantage of regarding trade? Be careful with the word "deficit." Our economy was indeed booming as the tariffs were announced, but as you conservative sages always remind us, keep an eye on the long-term consequences. You know, "critical thinking" and all that.

If you think "American steel bought by other countries" (hell, "American steel bought by 50% of American companies") is a wise economic strategy in 2018 and beyond, I don't know what to tell you. Same with the idea of bringing back coal, which is almost laughable beyond belief. Trump's mind is stuck somewhere in the 70's/80's, and look for no further proof than his "postcard" tax form which he kissed and no doubt called "beautiful."

I know that this dude hasn't filed his taxes personally for last 50 years, but this whole "internet" thing is pretty popular these days. Somebody should tell him, but I doubt he'd listen.

Why isn’t US steel a good investment? Because you can get cheap, poor quality Chinese steel? Steel mills require high loads of electricity, that doesn’t fall in line with a “green” economy, so why did our past govt intentionally shoot US industry in the foot?
You don’t think the US needs a good base of steel production?
Why are deficits so wonderful for our country? Why is it wrong for a President to actually protect US workers?

You completely bypassed my statement on tariffs being 2 fold. It slows the economy from growing into a bubble, which is exactly why you do it when the economy is good. It prolongs the growth because it happens slower. Then, when there is a downturn, which will inevitably happen with or without tariffs. The Govt has an E-stop, they slowly start lifting tariffs.

Coal will make a come back, entirely too much energy there just sitting idle. The only reason it’s slowed down now is due to Natural gas. Gas plants have taken the place of coal plants. You let a black out happen because the load can’t be maintained and watch how fast people turn their back on green power.
Free trade as proposed by Bubba Clinton and Barry Obama ain't free or more importantly fair. Got damn right I'm glad our current president is doing something about it. The United States doesn't need the assistance of any other country to feed its people, or shelter and protect its people or to make sure it's people have the opportunity for a good life. If other countries want to participate in free and fair trade, great. If not, good luck to them.
You and Donald Trump have been watching WAY too much TV.

A "battlefield in space??"


May I ask...were you one of the attendees at the South Carolina rally?

You’re right, there are no military satellites in space, nor weapons to take them out. We probably shouldn’t be prepared for that.
Hell, why do we need an Air Force, the Army Air Corps won a World War.
You and Donald Trump have been watching WAY too much TV.

A "battlefield in space??"


May I ask...were you one of the attendees at the South Carolina rally?

You watch too much tv hardy har har. The DOD thinks you're an ignorant shitstain. How's it feel to be dumber than man you so detest and claim to be the dumbest person ever?

SPACE WAR could be sparked with China and Russia close to launching weapons for battle

A DEVASTATING space war could break out “in the near future” with Russia and China preparing advanced weapons in preparation for future battles, the head of the US Defence Intelligence Agency has warned.

Lieutenant General Robert Ashley, an army intelligence officer who has served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Sarajevo, made the comments during a speech at the Defence One Technology Summit in Washington.

He said countries are developing the ability to interdict satellites both from a ground and space standpoint, adding: “The technology is being developed right now. It is coming in the near future.”

Space war is coming — and the U.S. is not ready

War is coming to outer space, and the Pentagon warns it is not yet ready, following years of underinvesting while the military focused on a host of threats on Earth.

Russia and China are years ahead of the United States in developing the means to destroy or disable satellites that the U.S. military depends on for everything from gathering intelligence to guiding precision bombs, missiles and drones.

Now the Pentagon is trying to catch up — pouring billions more dollars into hardening its defenses against anti-satellite weapons, training troops to operate in the event their space lifeline is cut, and honing ways to retaliate against a new form of combat that experts warn could affect millions of people, cause untold collateral damage and spread to battlefields on Earth.
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Whatever happened to ISIS? Those guys were all over the place during the Obama admin.
Its pretty incredible how you almost never hear of ISIS attacks anymore. There for a while there were major ISIS attacks all over the world almost monthly. Now you hardly hear of them attacking places. Its really unbelievable what Trump did to ISIS in just a year and a half.
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Its pretty incredible how you almost never hear of ISIS attacks anymore. There for a while there were major ISIS attacks all over the world almost monthly. Now you hardly hear of them attacking places. Its really unbelievable what Trump did to ISIS in just a year and a half.

Hell, was Obama even trying to stop them? Surely he wouldn’t take advantage of a situation to spread refugees throughout the West?
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Riiiight...Trump's rapport with Putin is equal to FDR's rapport with Mussolini.

Trump was broad enough to mention Russian inclusion at the G7 and they laughed at him. He has no clue, and Putin is loving it. Trump will embarrass the shit out of this country once again when the NATO/Putin summit plays out just like the G7/Kim summit. He's going to LAVISH praise on Vlad, and you guys are going to sit there and take it. Lame, cuck, beta behavior. Just watch.

Oh, now it’s “rapport”. Would that be like the rapport we had with Stalin?

Are you 12?
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About 10 years ago there was a UFO incident over Lake Havasu. A bright light splashed down into Lake Havasu at about 3 A. M.. The military immediately showed and removed the light from the lake. Very few people saw this.

Anyway, apparently we splashed a Chinese satellite and were grabbing it. Killer satellites are reality. Rockets taking them out as well.
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About 10 years ago there was a UFO incident over Lake Havasu. A bright light splashed down into Lake Havasu at about 3 A. M.. The military immediately showed and removed the light from the lake. Very few people saw this.

Anyway, apparently we splashed a Chines satellite and were grabbing it. Killer satellites are reality. Rockets taking them out as well.

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China


The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.
[roll]What a dummy. He's a perfect representation of the idiots being discussed in the first paragraph. Actually I think it's him who watches too much tv. I know he hates Trump but being delusional and rejecting reality because Trump is associated with it is no way to go through life.

‘It’s going to happen’: is the world ready for war in space?

When you hear the phrase “space war”, it is easy to conjure images that could have come from a Star Wars movie: dogfights in space, motherships blasting into warp speed, planet-killing lasers and astronauts with ray guns. And just as easy to then dismiss the whole thing as nonsense. It’s why last month’s call by President Trump for an American “space force” was met with a tired eye-roll from most. But there is truth behind his words. While the Star Wars-esque scenario for what a space war would look like is indeed far-fetched, there is one thing all the experts agree on.

“It is absolutely inevitable that we will see conflict move into space,” says Michael Schmitt, professor of public international law and a space war expert at University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.

What has prompted this latest interest in space war is that the means by which one country can attack another in space have changed dramatically. These days, a frontline space war soldier is most likely to be a state-sponsored hacker sitting at a computer terminal sending rogue commands to confuse or shut down an enemy’s satellites.

“I am convinced beyond a scintilla of doubt… It’s going to happen,” says Schmitt. “The immediate form would be cyber-attacks, either against the satellites or the ground stations that control them. It depends on the nature of the conflict whether you go beyond that,” he says.

Space war is inevitable because today’s modern militaries use space for everything, from spy satellites to a soldier on a mountaintop using satnav to figure out exactly where he or she is. “The reliance upon space is truly extraordinary in contemporary conflict,” says Schmitt. And in any war, one side will seek to deprive the other of their ability to function. In this day and age, that means attacking the satellites.
Maxine Waters is literally too stupid to hold a job in the private sector. If not for government, she would be one of the double digit IQ losers inhabiting the inner city of some democrat led city. Honestly, she is incredibly stupid and if you can't see it, then know this, birds of a feather flock together.
If someone can't understand the importance of strong domestic coal and steel in these volatile times, then I don't know what else to say

Whatever happened to ISIS? Those guys were all over the place during the Obama admin.

Went from a basement operation to near ME domination.

Maxine Waters is literally too stupid to hold a job in the private sector. If not for government, she would be one of the double digit IQ losers inhabiting the inner city of some democrat led city. Honestly, she is incredibly stupid and if you can't see it, then know this, birds of a feather flock together.

She's literally one of the dumbest people I've heard speak. It's alarming
Alabama man arrested for pulling a gun on immigration protesters. Was even yelling Corey Lewandowski's "womp, womp". The tribalism in this country is getting worse and worse. When was the last time you heard any politician on either side even mention policy?

No borders sounds like a policy.

Abolish ICE sounds like a policy.

No prisons sounds like a policy.

No profits sounds like a policy.

Repeal 2A sounds like a policy.

Build that wall sounds like a policy.