How will they rule ??!

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There’s some rumbling about ya boy McCain stepping down on the 4th of July. Who goes first McCain or George H W Bush?
So you believe he takes Putin 100% at his word? That’s interesting since you don’t believe anything else he says.

Did you watch that interview where Trump was asked, point blank, if he believed Russia interfered with the election...and he went on that whole diatribe about "I believe that Putin believes very strongly that they didn't meddle in our election" bullshit?


He's bending over backward to defend Putin and praise Kim Jong Un, all while damaging the relationships with our traditional allies. For such a patriotic, America-first guy, Donald Trump is really intrigued by countries like Russia and North Korea.

He definitely takes Putin 100% at his word.

Apparently he does the same with Kim.

Speaking of which....anybody with an update on the North Korea nuclear sites?
He's eating you & all lefties for lunch & all you got is he isn't intelligent? Think about that - if you're capable.

Damn, bro.

If you actually consider Donald Trump to be a smart guy, then he fooled the shit out of you.

Don't worry, you're far from the only one.

If I had to choose Trump's biggest skill, it's marketing to a brainless audience (a good 65% of this thread's posters) with extreme hyperbole, repetition, and bravado. You know that "jack of all trades, master of none" thing?

Trump has claimed to be the master of basically everything ("nobody knows _______ better than me, I have/got the best _______," you know, the classics...) but his actions and speech don't reflect any of that.

He still doesn't understand what it means for America to have a trade deficit with other countries. Think about that.


Get this bum the hell out of here.
Can't agree with you there. They want violence and will cry out in pain as they strike you. The bigger issue is the lack of protection and downright corruption of city officials and the police department. They failed to allow a peaceful assembly by allowing the violence to revoke the permit and then push the group with the permit into the opposing group. This was a set up from the beginning as predicted.

Both groups controlled by the same money directly or indirectly for propaganda. Shall we revisit this post from June 23rd to warn the masses.
Once you beat them down enough and the rest of the nation sees them for what they are public opinion will make the law makers come around. Political fallout will do them in.
Can't agree with you there. They want violence and will cry out in pain as they strike you. The bigger issue is the lack of protection and downright corruption of city officials and the police department. They failed to allow a peaceful assembly by allowing the violence to revoke the permit and then push the group with the permit into the opposing group. This was a set up from the beginning as predicted.

Both groups controlled by the same money directly or indirectly for propaganda. Shall we revisit this post from June 23rd to warn the masses.

100% agree.

Donald is trying to save this country, and doing an amazing job at it. If the Democratic scum, backed by international interests, succeed in ripping this country apart to the point of a civil war - well, then the anti-fa-euro-trash losers will get beat down. Until then, just let them sit in the corner and cry. They might grow up eventually. Who knows. They aren’t gonna stop the wave Donald started.
*but if you are standing there getting hit with a baton, then knock that guy tf out.

Just don’t think you should go out looking to fight these losers. That’s what they want.
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Once you beat them down enough and the rest of the nation sees them for what they are public opinion will make the law makers come around. Political fallout will do them in.

Their ideology is about creating victims. Pictures of bloody victims will help their cause and allow low self esteem people looking to fit in find a group to help them fill the void. Beat down their ideology through peaceful measures by exposing the lies and propaganda.
"I believe that Putin believes very strongly that they didn't meddle in our election"

He definitely takes Putin 100% at his word.

Trump's actual statement is in direct contradiction of your moaning. You bitch more than a woman. That's literally all you do. Every single post. You add absolutely nothing to the discussion.
Their ideology is about creating victims. Pictures of bloody victims will help their cause and allow low self esteem people looking to fit in find a group to help them fill the void. Beat down their ideology through peaceful measures by exposing the lies and propaganda.
Agree but, if you just happen to be out and don't fight back when attacked, they will not stop. You taking a beating will not make the news.
Did you watch that interview where Trump was asked, point blank, if he believed Russia interfered with the election...and he went on that whole diatribe about "I believe that Putin believes very strongly that they didn't meddle in our election" bullshit?


He's bending over backward to defend Putin and praise Kim Jong Un, all while damaging the relationships with our traditional allies. For such a patriotic, America-first guy, Donald Trump is really intrigued by countries like Russia and North Korea.

He definitely takes Putin 100% at his word.

Apparently he does the same with Kim.

Speaking of which....anybody with an update on the North Korea nuclear sites?

For Christ’s sake BWLS, he wants the blood shed to stop in Syria and to defeat ISIS, both of which are happening with Russia’s help.

Trump wants a nuke free NK, you don’t get that peacefully by insults. This is a long negotiation process, and we might not get what we want, but let it play out.
It also involves China, and the trade fight going on. China thought they could get a trump to give in with a meet and greet with NK.

Our relationship with allies isn’t damaged, they just need to be reminded who runs the show.
For Christ’s sake BWLS, he wants the blood shed to stop in Syria and to defeat ISIS, both of which are happening with Russia’s help.

Trump wants a nuke free NK, you don’t get that peacefully by insults. This is a long negotiation process, and we might not get what we want, but let it play out.
It also involves China, and the trade fight going on. China thought they could get a trump to give in with a meet and greet with NK.

Our relationship with allies isn’t damaged, they just need to be reminded who runs the show.
BWLS is not worth your time. He/she/it is a troll.
Trump's actual statement is in direct contradiction of your moaning. You bitch more than a woman. That's literally all you do. Every single post. You add absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Oh I was just bringing up a separate, hilarious incident. That interview, and his answer to that question, was absolute gold.

Oh and do you even read the replies in this thread? EVERYBODY IS BITCHING ABOUT SOMETHING, BRO! The thing is, I don't understand most of the outrage coming from the right. You guys are "winning" so much, but you seem so angry.
Wait, I forgot.

You guys actually think Donald Trump is intelligent.

I'm gonna go eat some Thai food for lunch and I'll check back in later. Anybody here a fan of the Vietnamese/Thai iced coffee? Not my favorite but it'll do in a pinch. Gotta go easy on the condensed milk.

Is Kim Jong Un an "honorable" leader?

Asking because that's what our current president referred to him as.

“I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman”-FDR on Mussolini.
For Christ’s sake BWLS, he wants the blood shed to stop in Syria and to defeat ISIS, both of which are happening with Russia’s help.

Trump wants a nuke free NK, you don’t get that peacefully by insults. This is a long negotiation process, and we might not get what we want, but let it play out.
It also involves China, and the trade fight going on. China thought they could get a trump to give in with a meet and greet with NK.

Our relationship with allies isn’t damaged, they just need to be reminded who runs the show.

I am certainly holding out to see what ultimately happens with NK, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm sure as hell not pulling a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"-style reaction to a fluff meeting and a vague document signing.

Our allies are in full-on SMH mode after the G7 debacle. While I understand the idea that our widespread military is being "taken advantage of," that tends to happen when you spend the kind of $$$ we spend on defense. But blowing up trade agreements because of an ill-perceived "deficit" is the mark of someone who hasn't done an iota of research and is 100% stuck in the past when it comes to globalization.

Trump shoving foreign leaders out of the way and puffing out his chest makes a lot of MAGA bros feel "tough," but I'm pretty sure a good % of them are going to bear the brunt of these bullshit tariffs he's imposed.

Trump, like basically all presidents, entered the office with relatively-minimal knowledge of the details of foreign policy. The difference between him and basically everyone else is that he seems uninterested to learn them. Maybe the bravado and bullying will work out for us in the end, but it's a super risky move by a guy who largely operates on "feel."
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“I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman”-FDR on Mussolini.

Riiiight...Trump's rapport with Putin is equal to FDR's rapport with Mussolini.

Trump was broad enough to mention Russian inclusion at the G7 and they laughed at him. He has no clue, and Putin is loving it. Trump will embarrass the shit out of this country once again when the NATO/Putin summit plays out just like the G7/Kim summit. He's going to LAVISH praise on Vlad, and you guys are going to sit there and take it. Lame, cuck, beta behavior. Just watch.
I am certainly holding out to see what ultimately happens with NK, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm sure as hell not pulling a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"-style reaction to a fluff meeting and a vague document signing.

Our allies are in full-on SMH mode after the G7 debacle. While I understand the idea that our widespread military is being "taken advantage of," that tends to happen when you spend the kind of $$$ we spend on defense. But blowing up trade agreements because of an ill-perceived "deficit" is the mark of someone who hasn't done an iota of research and is 100% stuck in the past when it comes to globalization.

Trump shoving foreign leaders out of the way and puffing out his chest makes a lot of MAGA bros feel "tough," but I'm pretty sure a good % of them are going to bear the brunt of these bullshit tariffs he's imposed.

Trump, like basically all presidents, entered the office with relatively-minimal knowledge of the details of foreign policy. The difference between him and basically everyone else is that he seems uninterested to learn them. Maybe the bravado and bullying will work out for us in the end, but it's a super risky move by a guy who largely operates on "feel."

I don’t think anyone thinks it’s mission accomplished in NK, but it’s entirely too soon to be saying it failed. NK is all about the China negotiations, they pull the strings in NK.

Trumps foreign policy is working out great, wouldn’t you agree it’s better than the last few Presidents?
ISIS is gone, Hundreds of thousands are no longer dying in Syria, NK is in negotiations to denuclearize, Iraq is all but silent, and Iran is about to peacefully change regimes because Trump pulled out of deal.

Our relationship with allies is fine, it’s all about China.
I don’t think anyone thinks it’s mission accomplished in NK, but it’s entirely too soon to be saying it failed. NK is all about the China negotiations, they pull the strings in NK.

Trumps foreign policy is working out great, wouldn’t you agree it’s better than the last few Presidents?
ISIS is gone, Hundreds of thousands are no longer dying in Syria, NK is in negotiations to denuclearize, Iraq is all but silent, and Iran is about to peacefully change regimes because Trump pulled out of deal.

Our relationship with allies is fine, it’s all about China.

Our military muscle helps me rest easy, but his inept decision-making on trade (especially steel) is ridiculous, and it absolutely makes us look shitty in the eyes of our allies.

God, I'm watching the Fox interview on Youtube now. His overuse of "outstanding" in regards to his SCOTUS pick reeks of incompetence, and WTF is he talking about with this protectionist bullshit on trade? He has no clue. His ongoing mention of the Canadian dairy thing is embarrassing and insulting to any American with average intelligence.

Wait...just now hearing him talk about can you guys support this line of thinking?
Our military muscle helps me rest easy, but his inept decision-making on trade (especially steel) is ridiculous, and it absolutely makes us look shitty in the eyes of our allies.

God, I'm watching the Fox interview on Youtube now. His overuse of "outstanding" in regards to his SCOTUS pick reeks of incompetence, and WTF is he talking about with this protectionist bullshit on trade? He has no clue. His ongoing mention of the Canadian dairy thing is embarrassing and insulting to any American with average intelligence.

Wait...just now hearing him talk about can you guys support this line of thinking?

How does it make us look shitty to our allies? Because we’re tired of being walked all over? Gimme a break.
The point of the tariffs on other countries is 2 fold, China is the real point of interest, but if you single them out you create a point of tension.
It also gives the President a throttle on the economy, prevents a bubble which is bad, and if the economy turns south it gives him an emergency brake, but you keep on thinking Trump is dumb while the economy booms with tariffs in place.

What he’s doing is working, and for some reason you don’t like it, you sold out your country for what? Feelings?
I’d like the GOP to change the filibuster rule, put in a law that said you have to retire from the Supreme Court at 85, force RBG out, change the law back, then nominate another conservative jurist. That, my friends, would end the left. They would spontaneously combust, and the world would be a better place.
I’d like the GOP to change the filibuster rule, put in a law that said you have to retire from the Supreme Court at 85, force RBG out, change the law back, then nominate another conservative jurist. That, my friends, would end the left. They would spontaneously combust, and the world would be a better place.
Would be fun to watch the meltdown.
Canada having 275% tariff on US dairy isn't fair. That's not a tax that's basically an outright ban.

Turkey having a 58% tariff on US cherries while dumping cherries into the US with a 0% tariff overrunning Michigan cherry farmers isn't fair.

I could go on and on. There are dozens examples of the US being taken advantage and treated unfairly far beyond China's intellectual property theft.
Canada has complete control of its agriculture market to protect its farmers. Its very smart of them. They keep the market from being flooded or running out of supply. Because of this smaller farms can still exist and thrive. In the US about 80% of small farmers have been eradicated and adsorbed by corporate farming. The dairy industry is completely dead for small farmers because they spend about 2 bucks per gallon and sell it for a buck. The only thing farmers can make money on anymore is baling hay. Dems have tried for decades to push stronger agri tariffs and the GOP screamed we have to keep a free market.
How does it make us look shitty to our allies? Because we’re tired of being walked all over? Gimme a break.
The point of the tariffs on other countries is 2 fold, China is the real point of interest, but if you single them out you create a point of tension.
It also gives the President a throttle on the economy, prevents a bubble which is bad, and if the economy turns south it gives him an emergency brake, but you keep on thinking Trump is dumb while the economy booms with tariffs in place.

What he’s doing is working, and for some reason you don’t like it, you sold out your country for what? Feelings?

Can you explain how we've been taken advantage of regarding trade? Be careful with the word "deficit." Our economy was indeed booming as the tariffs were announced, but as you conservative sages always remind us, keep an eye on the long-term consequences. You know, "critical thinking" and all that.

If you think "American steel bought by other countries" (hell, "American steel bought by 50% of American companies") is a wise economic strategy in 2018 and beyond, I don't know what to tell you. Same with the idea of bringing back coal, which is almost laughable beyond belief. Trump's mind is stuck somewhere in the 70's/80's, and look for no further proof than his "postcard" tax form which he kissed and no doubt called "beautiful."

I know that this dude hasn't filed his taxes personally for last 50 years, but this whole "internet" thing is pretty popular these days. Somebody should tell him, but I doubt he'd listen.
Nothing beats the ultimate wedgie in my book. Straight Wrasslin.

This just had me laughing. I could just imagine this being one of our resident antifa suppoters, Jameslee, killa, bwls, platinum or a few other antifa lovers on this site. Be careful lefties, there are a lot more deplorable's than you realize in this country and they are starting to fight back.