How will they rule ??!

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If Trump can do it without calling her fat, old, and ugly (which is a stretch, I know), he can be the one politician to successfully light her up light the holiday tree of evil she really is. She'd run circles around Rubio and Cruz....she and their team have been wrecking fools since those two were in their jammies.

Will be interesting.
A good question Rex is if Trump doesn't call her those things does he lose some of his support since his attraction to many is "telling it like it is"? lol
Guess he shouldn't probably call her old since he is the older of the two.
Well Trump is not going to say anything the talking heads try to pressure him to say.

Trump voters already know better. Trump voters don't give a hoot about his taxes neither. The IRS is more of a problem then Trump is.

Cruz and Rubio are looking like amateurs.
The thing is they are trying to bait him. It's lose/lose and they certainly didn't ask Obama to tell Rev Wright not to vote for him.

That kind of stuff is lame, even the effort is clearly baiting, kudos to Trump for staying neutral.

On the flip side do democrats care who votes for them?
The thing is they are trying to bait him. It's lose/lose and they certainly didn't ask Obama to tell Rev Wright not to vote for him.

That kind of stuff is lame, even the effort is clearly baiting, kudos to Trump for staying neutral.

On the flip side do democrats care who votes for them?

They definitely dont. ACORN had all kinds of completely false people registered. Also, why else do they so vehemently oppose voter ID laws?
Donald Trump is the Trojan horse that Bill and Hillary are going to use to destroy the Republican Party, once and for all, in retribution for the impeachment.

I expect The Donald to give the head toast at Hillary's inauguration banquet.
Heisman, when you say "Twitter ran with it" you do realize there is nobody in an office somewhere deciding what appears and does not appear on Twitter? Anybody can post to Twitter and it is only seen by those who follow that person. In other words...Twitter is not "the media", it's anyone and everyone who uses the could even be you.

I wonder how many people including you know that the entire south was Democratic up through 1960? With the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the South did a 180. After supporting the election of Kennedy it was the only region that supported Goldwater in one of the biggest landslides in election history It was considered the "Solid South" for Democrats. The Northeast was solidly Republican...hell, Maine and Vermont were the only two states than never voted for FDR. What is the South today? What is the KKK today? Is David Duke a Republican or Democrat? I've seen you throw this out before and I'm trying to understand its relevance to today.


Tons of people who lived in Massachusetts now live in southern New Hampshire, changing the state from Republican to Democrat. Same population concentration in southern Maine, influenced by union membership. Long time residents call them former "Massholes"
I still think Rubio drew blood on Trump's hiring of illegals to build the Trump Tower, even if it was a long time ago.
I don't disagree with anything you say about Hilary and why she's unlikable. My fear though is the blind loyalty liberals have. They simply don't care about the character of who they are voting for as long as their is a D beside their name. I'll be happy if you are right though.
The problem with your statement is that it is the middle that decides elections as there aren't enough liberals or conservatives to win on their own. 43% of the people consider themselves independent and don't identify with either party. It's the candidate that best relates to that group that ultimately decides who wins.
You're a lost cause and your exaggeration in a condescending tone is noted and laughable. I do enjoy your stereotype. That's appreciated. I can only assume you're a smug douchebag who is enamored at the sound of his own voice and the smell of his own farts.

What is condescending in my tone? Using your own words to describe your affinity to personally suitable yet unsubstantiated headlines?

But by your own standards, it sounds like you agree that you, too, are a card carrying member of the "majority of idiots [who] just view a headline, believe it and then move on and repeat that story". If I'm just a smug douchebag who smells his own farts then I'm still making out better in this scenario.

I do enjoy your downplaying of propaganda as if that has not historically been used to brainwash an entire group of weak-minded retards.

No, I fully recognize the coordination and efficacy of the Southern Strategy.

Only an arrogant fool would claim your group has not been in control of academia, media and Hollywood for quite some time and have done everything to suppress any alternative views being allowed.

Hell, I've shown a dozen videos of what brainwashed lunatics on college campuses do any time someone opposes liberal ideology.

We haven't discussed this. I fully acknowledge that the arts and entertainment industry, as well as academic institutions, leans left. They are, at their very core, buttressed by classic liberal studies and ideologies. The same argument can be made for the conservative bias of the clergy and military. But to suggest these institutions purposefully persuade those willing to listen is mostly disingenuous, as it completely disregards the preferences of individuals choosing to attend these institutions.

Media is a similar story, yet the paranoia and misplaced malevolence of the current for-profit media machine by both the far left and right is hilarious. "The twitter crew ran with it" [laughing]
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Donald Trump is the Trojan horse that Bill and Hillary are going to use to destroy the Republican Party, once and for all, in retribution for the impeachment.

I expect The Donald to give the head toast at Hillary's inauguration banquet.

Nice of you to remind readers that Hillary is the wife of an impeached president. Also nice of you to point out that should would consider selfish political destruction as virtuous, if done for the sake of the image that gives sanction to her own. She's done it plenty of times.

You can do better. Naïve of you to believe that Trump is allowing himself to be "used" by the Clintons. You've dropped yourself a tiny notch on the credibility chart, unless you're willing to confess day-drinking on a nice Sunday. Cheers, jam
Nice of you to remind readers that Hillary is the wife of an impeached president. Also nice of you to point out that should would consider selfish political destruction as virtuous, if done for the sake of the image that gives sanction to her own. She's done it plenty of times.

You can do better. Naïve of you to believe that Trump is allowing himself to be "used" by the Clintons. You've dropped yourself a tiny notch on the credibility chart, unless you're willing to confess day-drinking on a nice Sunday. Cheers, jam
Whether you're for or against Trump, I just don't see how he can win the general election. You absolutely need those swing states/voters and I just plain don't see how they're gonna go for a guy who spent many decades having a cold ultra capitalist image. Not to mention he hasn't really been all that consistent on a lot of the issues.

It's also interesting that we've had three relatively young Presidents but Hilary, Bernie, Donald are all gonna be around 70-75 upon taking about not being spring chickens anymore!
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Nice of you to remind readers that Hillary is the wife of an impeached president. Also nice of you to point out that should would consider selfish political destruction as virtuous, if done for the sake of the image that gives sanction to her own. She's done it plenty of times.

You can do better. Naïve of you to believe that Trump is allowing himself to be "used" by the Clintons. You've dropped yourself a tiny notch on the credibility chart, unless you're willing to confess day-drinking on a nice Sunday. Cheers, jam
An "impeached president" that if allowed to run for the same office again would win in a landslide.
It is crazy to think the leading democrat candidate for president, and likely next president, is married to a man that was impeached for perjury and is currently being sheltered from prosecution by the Obama administration for blatant and obvious crimes she committed while in office (while people on Obama's enemies list have been prosecuted for conduct that isn't even in the same stratosphere as Clinton's).

I'm typically of the thought that people can have differing opinions, and I don't dislike someone just because they're wrong. But if you would actually vote for Hilary Clinton, you're a dumbass and I hope you get hit by a bus.

I hate to endorse anything by HBO or Oliver since they are so one-sided but I saw that last night and it was an impressive takedown. As it shows his history as a 'successful business man" is pretty much a sham. A commercial just covering all his business failures would be effective. And most people don't know when he talks about his net worth much of it is the value he assigns to his "brand".
I've felt all along that the best way to "attack" him was to draw attention to the fallacy of his strengths. It's too little too late, so now it's all in he must be a card carrying klansman white supremacist.
I hate to endorse anything by HBO or Oliver since they are so one-sided but I saw that last night and it was an impressive takedown. As it shows his history as a 'successful business man" is pretty much a sham. A commercial just covering all his business failures would be effective. And most people don't know when he talks about his net worth much of it is the value he assigns to his "brand".

The short fingers thing must suck to be known as....
I hate to endorse anything by HBO or Oliver since they are so one-sided but I saw that last night and it was an impressive takedown. As it shows his history as a 'successful business man" is pretty much a sham. A commercial just covering all his business failures would be effective. And most people don't know when he talks about his net worth much of it is the value he assigns to his "brand".
I find it comical how so many folks who have not done anything even remotely close to Trump in regards to business, wealth, etc. are trying to throw stones at him. There is not a business person on Earth that has not had failures along the way (especially in the riskiest investment which is Real Estate). Trump has experienced more success and wealth than all of us, the media, etc. combined and yet we are going to criticize him for some business failures? Don't know about you, but I sure as heck do not have a world class $100M Boeing 757 with my name on it.
Yes, Trump got a $1M loan from his father. $1M at that time was ALOT of money. Still, to take that amount and grow it into the empire he has built is very impressive. He also took the Trump name and built it into a world class brand. Whether you hate him or not, I do not know why people cannot just give the man credit for the success he has had.
With all due respect, you guys are missing the point on Trump.

Trump supporters dont care about the past.

They dont care about his relationship with the Clintons, his comments about being a Democrat, his bankruptcies, his tax returns, the KKK, or any of that "white noise".

They see a candidate who will do something about the future, without the interference of special interests/lobbyists. In their minds, its that simple.
With all due respect, you guys are missing the point on Trump.

Trump supporters dont care about the past.

They dont care about his relationship with the Clintons, his comments about being a Democrat, his bankruptcies, his tax returns, the KKK, or any of that "white noise".

They see a candidate who will do something about the future, without the interference of special interests/lobbyists. In their minds, its that simple.

That's assuming you trust him and think that he has good judgement and temperament.
Not sure making money with money in Manhattan real estate during the last 30 years and a litany of other failures and bankruptcies combined with insulting anyone that agrees with him translates into evidence he can run the largest organization in the world. And there is the whole fact he is clearly a republican on one issue.
Rubio has remarkably actually takenTriumph's advice to Huckabee and is running with it.

Trump got a lot more than a one million dollar loan in inheritance, but all that is neither here nor there other than the hero worship. He's not a self made man but so what, he is a self made megalomaniac with certifiable delusions.
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And it is based on absolutely nothing other than his macho bravado. He can literally say anything and doesn't have to have any plans or ideas or details or much of anything. I'm not sure how you beat that; it's not possible really.
They were born on 3rd base but:

1) They didn't use that fact as the sole basis for the ability to be President

2) They were also governors. Bush of the 2nd largest state in the union

Good comparison, though
They were born on 3rd base but:

1) They didn't use that fact as the sole basis for the ability to be President

2) They were also governors. Bush of the 2nd largest state in the union

Good comparison, though
And they used their families wealth and position to get into the governors office (as did Jeb!).

It's so very disingenuous to use Trumps head start against him in this primary race.
"He's not a successful builder. He's a sh*tty lifestyle brand."

Pretty much the essence of the issue, right there