How will they rule ??!

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One reason why liberals drink more lattes.

The latte’s name — which means milk in Italian — reflects its European roots and liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives are more nationalistic, Mutz said. Conservatives may view lattes as foreign products or un-American ones, despite the fact that they’re made in America. ...

The more we know.
"liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives are more nationalistic," Now that's a very good thing. :clap:

What's with that ape looking D list guy Ron Perlman peeing on his hands before he greets people? And why does that make him think of it every time Trump eats KFC chicken. Weirdo. That guy actually tweeted that.
Judge that was given the fully unredacted Rosenstein memo told Manafort to go suck an egg.

In a 31-page ruling, Ellis rejected the argument of Manafort's attorneys that Mueller had exceeded his authority by bringing charges unrelated to Russian election interference. He said the May 2017 Justice Department order that appointed Mueller as special counsel had specifically empowered him to pursue crimes that arise out of the investigation, and that the case against Manafort fell within that authority.

Mueller's team, the judge said, had "followed the money" from pro-Russian officials to Manafort to develop allegations that he was hiding the payments from the U.S. government and depositing the money in offshore accounts.

Besides, the judge said, an August 2017 memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made clear that those payments from the Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych were fair game for Mueller's investigation. The memo, filed under seal to Ellis, also includes the specific activities he is authorized to investigate involving other people beyond Manafort, at least through the middle of last year.
This is why Never Trumpers were straight morons. People like Ben Shapiro who thought we should just punt for the 2016 election because Trump would ruin conservatism and hurt it like Bush did. Nope. He gave us the SCOTUS, which lessens the damage Democrats can do to this country and preserved the 2A, which was absolutely going to be taken to them with a second Hillary term.
Actually, Mitch McConnell did that. No McConnell & we'd have a totally screwed up SC.
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Current Left is tear down statues, try to stop conservatives from speaking at universities, harass political opponents in public...they are only going to get worse
How long until someone gets killed? Then when the liberal media is face to face with what they have done, how long until they pivot into some bogus shit to distract from it? How long until Brian Stelter and Joy Reid justify it and liberal blue checks joke about it?
Ever try to talk with a liberal friend or someone on social who is so gone that they can't be reasoned with?

A guy I spoke with justified the treatment of Sanders, downplays Antifa, claims the videos of their violence is overblown and fake and from years ago. Thinks Milo, Shapiro and the campus stuff is deserved.

Imagine what someone who feels motivated to hurt people will do.
How long until someone gets killed? Then when the liberal media is face to face with what they have done, how long until they pivot into some bogus shit to distract from it? How long until Brian Stelter and Joy Reid justify it and liberal blue checks joke about it?
. I would want nothing to do with public office and I am afraid some very good people who could have done a great job feel the same. Things are getting out of control and it’s only a matter of time until something bad is going to happen.
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some screaming college kids is a violent crowd? Screw McConnel, that old ass turtle should have been tossed out long ago with maxine & pelosi and all those old shits in congress.
Violent or not, Mitch long past time to go or not, it still doesn't excuse their behavior and mean they have a right to track someone down, show up at their home unannounced and then proceed to harass them on private property. I have a feeling that if the eccentric mob was in your driveway, you'd feel differently.
Harassing female Trump cabinet members so badly that she needs Secret Service agents to protect her at her own house to own cons

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There's a whole thread in the comments about these people righteously hate farmers and hope the tariffs ruin them because they voted for Trump. Someone from Canada said that the farmers are about to be "ruined" because he knows some people that shop at his grocery store who are boycotting American produce.

Between that and absolutely not one person, including the Aspie ass tryhard author, won't do anything except bitch and moan and live their perfectly materialistic, but social acceptable liberal lives.