How will they rule ??!

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So what's it going to be this week? Most people are probably starting to wake up to the fact that the lunatic fringe lefties completely pulled this "ripping immigrant families" apart shit right out of their fake news hypocritical asses and are now obstructing any attempt to actually legislatively fix the law.

I guess they'll probably run with it a little longer, maybe a few more photoshops, but I imagine we'll be past it by Wednesday.

  • A top aide to Democrat Rep. Yvette Clarke told Capitol Hill investigators she believed the New York congresswoman’s chief of staff, Shelley Davis, was working with IT aide Abid Awan to steal equipment from the congressional office.
  • Clarke “wrote off” one-tenth of her annual budget after $120,000 in equipment could not be located.
  • She did not mention it publicly and waited to fire Abid until House officials approached her about it months later. Davis no longer works there, but has not been arrested.
Rep. Yvette Clarke’s deputy chief of staff came into the office on a Saturday in December 2015 and caught the New York Democrat’s part-time IT aide, Abid Awan, rummaging through the congresswoman’s work area with new iPods and other equipment strewn around the room, according to a House document and interviews with Hill staff.

Wendy Anderson told Abid to get out of the office, the document said. She told Capitol Hill investigators that she soon suspected Clarke’s chief of staff, Shelley Davis, was working with Abid on a theft scheme, multiple House staffers with knowledge of the situation told The Daily Caller News Foundation. They also said that Anderson pushed for Abid’s firing.

But Clarke did not fire Abid until six months after the congresswoman formally acknowledged that $120,000 in equipment was missing, records show — not until after House investigators independently announced a review that would potentially catch financial discrepancies. Even then, Anderson told investigators she believed another top staffer in Clarke’s office was subverting their efforts, a House staffer with knowledge of the investigation said.
Big news huh? Will give you a $1000 fuzz dollars if it makes CNN's website.
#WalkAway movement happening


“There’s really nowhere else for the liberals to go but towards embracing widespread violence. The logic of their twisted mindset is such that Normals are not merely wrong and not merely evil, but that normal Americans and those who represent them are the evilest evildoers in evil history.

This does not leave much room for reasoned debate. In fact, it makes reasoned debate impossible.”

“But what’s inevitable is that us newly militant Normals, whose power is political rather than cultural, are going to respond pursuant to the New Rules and demand that leftists bake us a cake.

Just wait until some enterprising legislator passes a “no political discrimination” law and a couple of over-priced, precious restaurants selling small plates of pressed duck confit with mango-pepper chutney get bankrupted because Don, Jr., sues them into oblivion for screaming at him when he stops in for a bite.

That leaves them only violence. We’ve already seen it, and you can sense that it’s only a matter of time before the liberals openly embrace it.”

And my favorite quote which sums up the left’s constant indoctrination of white kids and hatred of whites since they’re the most difficult to control is...

“since we aren’t the Democrats’ Great Foreign Hope for a future electorate that is pliable and obedient.”

^ Thats in reference to conservatives but there’s a reason why the left needs foreigners and not the types from Australia or England.
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It is rare that the party not holding the WH does not do well in the mid-terms and I have predicted for a long time they will take the House. But if these morons cling to open borders all bets are off.
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This white extinction anxiety stuff floating around is the closest yet to the mask coming off. Basically an admission that it's a goal of the left to breed out whites by importing minorities. Of course it's being uniformly cheered online and in the nyt.

Imagine someone on the right writing an article saying the opposite.
If the attempted murder of a dozen GOP congressmen wasn't a wake up call, nothing will be. Got a fraction of the coverage Roseanne Barr's tweet did. Scott Pelley of CBS even said if was somewhat of their own doing.

Remember when Joy Reid justified it by Scalise’s voting record and focused on the EMT being a black lesbian?
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Yall's argument is that, "the average Republican doesn't know what those cesspools are." Which by definition is less informed. If you don't know anything about a news source how can you figure out what to think about it? Compare it to the democrat's side of the graphic which puts them in the biased section along with the right-leaning sources like Breitbart and Fox. Democrats are connotatively and denotatively more informed. Republicans are stuck in their echo chamber.
You do know that being informed does nothing towards making good decisions, right?

Few are more informed than Obama & Hillary. Yet Obama comes up the ACA, raises taxes, creates the Caliphate by withdrawing troops from Iraq leading to a huge refugee crisis that Europe is paying for, draws a red line in Syria & ignores it letting innocents by the thousands to be killed (Vs. merely separating kids from their parents for a period which you are so up in arms about), leaves diplomats unprotected in the Libya hellhole he created by getting rid of Qadaffi with no backup plan & gets them killed, & does dumb deal with Iran costing billions that gets spent on terrorism. So how did all the information help him?

Hillary given one job by Bubba & can't come up with a health care plan that can come close to passing, tells us her great investing skills made her a $1M in one day & expects we peons will believe it, thinks having unsecured server that she use to pass top secret info is great, lies about being under fire in Serbia, helps create Obama's Iraq & Iran policies, doesn't lift finger one to even try & help our unprotected diplomats in Libya, blames that atrocity on a dam video, has a Prez campaign that tries to setup Trump for failure. How does all that information help her make good choices?

What matters is how you use the information you have. & Dems are clueless or screwed up.
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Anybody not watching this Krauthammer in his own words program on Fox right now should try to watch it when they play it again. Very powerful. Incredibly thoughtful guy with amazing personal story.
I did watch it & agree. Will watch again. Sad & numbing.
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8 days in a row of stock drops! MAGA!

Majority of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the economy for the first time: CNBC survey
  • Trump’s economic approval rating surged 6 points to 51 percent, according to the latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey.
  • Fifty-four percent say the economy is good or excellent, the highest recorded by CNBC in the 10 years of the survey.
  • The recent headlines on immigration have not hurt his ratings, according to the survey.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
The incompetence of this bigoted administration just blows my mind. Why would they tax me less and not give it to these illegal aliens and shit hole countries?
It is funny how Dems say we're such a racist country yet overwhelming those trying to get here are minorities. What an oxymoron. They've failed spectacularly at getting their message across. And they think they are so superior with there superior information level.

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If the attempted murder of a dozen GOP congressmen wasn't a wake up call, nothing will be. Got a fraction of the coverage Roseanne Barr's tweet did. Scott Pelley of CBS even said if was somewhat of their own doing.
? Splain, please. You referring to the baseball thing last year?
Hey libs, we think you're insane yet we don't follow you and try to assault you or try to silence you. Every single day, we are force-fed your propaganda and listen to your bullshit in college, on TV and at work (well, at some work places). When we graduate, we only get liberal speakers giving commencement speeches (conservatives get silenced) and when conservatives are invited to speak on campus, they need mass security.

Do you not see an issue with this?
This white extinction anxiety stuff floating around is the closest yet to the mask coming off. Basically an admission that it's a goal of the left to breed out whites by importing minorities. Of course it's being uniformly cheered online and in the nyt.

Imagine someone on the right writing an article saying the opposite.
We need controlled legal immigration. Don't care what they look like. Do care that they have skills needed in this economy.

If whites choose to not bred themselves into non-existence, so be it & it's on them. White population actually drop for the first time ever by 0.2%. So it looks like that's what whites want.
This white extinction anxiety stuff floating around is the closest yet to the mask coming off. Basically an admission that it's a goal of the left to breed out whites by importing minorities. Of course it's being uniformly cheered online and in the nyt.

Imagine someone on the right writing an article saying the opposite.

And yet we get this about every 8 years...




While we're at it lets just remove our country name and make our slogan "Everyone is Welcome". We could always use more people to eat off my hard earned money
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This white extinction anxiety stuff floating around is the closest yet to the mask coming off. Basically an admission that it's a goal of the left to breed out whites by importing minorities. Of course it's being uniformly cheered online and in the nyt.

Imagine someone on the right writing an article saying the opposite.

It's a fact that this is the Dem/globalists platform. Look at California. Less whites= more Democrat votes.

If this was occurring to any other race the left would lose their shit. No one says anything to Japan for being 98 percent ethnically Japanese or Arabic countries or African countries being a majority of a different race. Only whites are targeted with diversity and immigration. THAT'S A FACT.

I've said this for years and you can't call it paranoia. It's legitimately what they're doing. It's why the anti-white rhetoric is rampant in media and in academia. It's why the left is so desperate to get the third world in here. It's why the left lost their shit when Trump suggested taking people from developed nations instead of shit holes. Why the hell would any of us want these people here? Why would citizens want to foot the bill for ignorant, low-skilled and backwards people who destroy the culture, raise entitlement spending and push us closer to the third world?

You won't find very many, if any, examples of leftists ever using "diversity" in any other context other than "We want less whites."
And yet we get this about every 8 years...





The left does this all the time. Stir up their hysterical lunatic base with all of these idiotic predictions, which never come close to being true. They do this until they're no longer a threat. Remember when Dems hated George Bush and then he became an ally for them with his Trump bashing? They did the same thing to Romney. Remember how VP Biden said blacks would be in chains if Romney won? Then after he loses and the next election comes here's the media to say, "I disagreed with Romney's policies but he's a good guy but this new guy, oh man, he's Hitler." Same shit over and over.

What happened to all of your moronic predictions, leftists? I thought the gays were going to be rounded up and deported? That Trump was going to be a murderous dictator? That tax cuts, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and net neutrality were going to cause deaths?

I can't imagine how many eyes would be opened to the pieces of shit that you are if you didn't control media and academia. Your ideology is so pathetic that it requires mass indoctrination through media, academia and entertainment as well as importing foreigners for votes.
Hey libs, we think you're insane yet we don't follow you and try to assault you or try to silence you. Every single day, we are force-fed your propaganda and listen to your bullshit in college, on TV and at work (well, at some work places). When we graduate, we only get liberal speakers giving commencement speeches (conservatives get silenced) and when conservatives are invited to speak on campus, they need mass security.

Do you not see an issue with this?
Well of course they don't. They believe to their core that their superior formal education, superior "information", & supposed greater empathy makes them right on everything.
You know what I keep thinking about for 2020? The debates.

How corrupt are those going to be? We already have proof of collusion between media and DNC in 2016. Can you imagine what they will do in 2020? There will be no fair or impartial debate structure. It will be straight up liberal moderators coordinating with the DNC candidate and only pushing what they want to talk about.

I'm still predicting it's Kamala Harris or Corey Booker. They will go for the black vote since they didn't show up for Hillary.

Retweeted by the President

I've said it before but the left does a lot of the work for us in inspiring conservative voters due to their lunacy.

Just since he's been president, the left has been apologists for MS-13, backed Iran, North Korea, Antifa, open borders, called the Middle Class getting to keep more of their own money as "theft" and "crumbs," incited violence/harassment against conservatives, openly calling conservatives "Nazis."

What else?