How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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That doesn't tell the whole story Fuzz. For instance, in Kentucky the biggest cluster of welfare recipients is in western Louisville. That area votes 80%-90% democrat. So its a red state with its largest city being heavily blue. The welfare crowd is your party's bread and butter.

D, why don't you post the vote share of Nazi and White Nationalist by party?
There are or have been 8 self-avowed White Nationalist running for office this year...all 8 on the GOP ticket.

According to HUD, 2 million people live in public we're looking at a pretty small slice of the pie.

Let's look by education... guess that's why Trump likes the lowly educated because the more educated one becomes the less likely they fall for the idiotic right-wing bullshit.

If Liberals can sit there and say Conservatives are trying to round people up like Nazi's, fine.. then I'll start saying Liberals are trying to silence the opposition like Nazi's.
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This is the kind of stupid, blanket post I'm talking about. I know you have me blocked, but I feel the need to highlight this.

I'm a liberal (OH MY GOD). My next door neighbors are Mexican, there are three African immigrant families on my street, and a muslim family lives in the house directly across the street.

Not once have I ever had an issue with any of these families. In fact, my direct neighbors are the nicest people in my neighborhood.

Liberals aren't "scared" to live with folks that are different. It's actually the opposite, you bigot.
Buddhist temple located end of our street. One "white, non-Hispanic" group renting next door. Two whites across the street. Rest are Latino and all good folks. Oh, yeah, and the auto-repair shops end of the street near Lamar Blvd. One Latino family just got busted 6 weeks ago for running $2 M meth, coke and pot out of Mexico.

Again, my problem are the SOBs over here ILLEGALLY! They are a god damned threat to my safety. The SOBs cannot drive. As soon as your idiot ass understands as much, the better off this country will be.

Stop endangering my safety. Stop it, immediately. You and your compromising attitude will not threaten my well-being. Understand?
Hope you are prepared for some made up personal stories that disproves all of this and 8-12 rambling questions back.

Fuzz is such a retard that this forum got a lot better after tuning him out.

16 paragraphs based off what the media told him and some personal acedote he thinks adds to the story. “As someone who lived with an undocumented family for two weeks while we ate authentic Mexican cuisine...”
D, why don't you post the vote share of Nazi and White Nationalist by party?
There are or have been 8 self-avowed White Nationalist running for office this year...all 8 on the GOP ticket.

According to HUD, 2 million people live in public we're looking at a pretty small slice of the pie.

Let's look by education... guess that's why Trump likes the lowly educated because the more educated one becomes the less likely they fall for the idiotic right-wing bullshit.

You call me a Nazi because I point out that your party relies heavily on the welfare vote. Sorry, that's just a fact that you may not like. Your name calling shows just how weak your talking points are. As for your little graphic, throw out teachers/professors (required to have post grad degrees) who are heavily democrat voters and that figure would be pretty close to even.
D, why don't you post the vote share of Nazi and White Nationalist by party?
There are or have been 8 self-avowed White Nationalist running for office this year...all 8 on the GOP ticket.

According to HUD, 2 million people live in public we're looking at a pretty small slice of the pie.

Let's look by education... guess that's why Trump likes the lowly educated because the more educated one becomes the less likely they fall for the idiotic right-wing bullshit. want nazi stats (the last rally in LA I saw covered had about a dozen people) yet dismiss 2m in HUD.

Post grads are for the most part overeducated assholes. College grads are about evenly split. Hell Trump carried white college educated women. What you left out though, on purpose, is that less than HS grad....the very Dem at 2/1.
If Liberals can sit there and say Conservatives are trying to round people up like Nazi's, fine.. then I'll start saying Liberals are trying to silence the opposition like Nazi's.

Actually liberal's gospel, Snopes, said fact to Obama admin releasing kids to child traffickers. But hey, TRUMP GETS TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM AND OTHER PEOPLE GET ONE.HMMPPFF!
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With all the kids Trump is kidnapping and stealing from their parents, they probably have all kinds of pictures of crying kids they could exploit. Crazy Time picked the one picture of the only child who wasn't taken from her mother even though her mother should have been in prison under any objective analysis.
White Nationalist by party? There are or have been 8 self-avowed White Nationalist running for office this year...all 8 on the GOP ticket.

White nationalist does not equal Nazi, white supremacist or racist. The word "White" shouldn't even be included. They are nationalists. There are millions of nationalists who aren't white. And it's not a bad thing like you're trying to frame it.
Buddhist temple located end of our street. One "white, non-Hispanic" group renting next door. Two whites across the street. Rest are Latino and all good folks. Oh, yeah, and the auto-repair shops end of the street near Lamar Blvd. One Latino family just got busted 6 weeks ago for running $2 M meth, coke and pot out of Mexico.

Again, my problem are the SOBs over here ILLEGALLY! They are a god damned threat to my safety. The SOBs cannot drive. As soon as your idiot ass understands as much, the better off this country will be.

Stop endangering my safety. Stop it, immediately. You and your compromising attitude will not threaten my well-being. Understand? terrified and triggered.

The white dude that moved out from my neighborhood had gone to jail for the use and distribution of heroin. That and assault charges.

I almost got hit by a car that was driven by most likely a "legal".

Here I was thinking that the race or legality of a person wasn't directly tied to their personality, driving abilities or criminality. THANK GOD I have you here to set me straight. terrified and triggered.

The white dude that moved out from my neighborhood had gone to jail for the use and distribution of heroin. That and assault charges.

I almost got hit by a car that was driven by most likely a "legal".

Here I was thinking that the race or legality of a person wasn't directly tied to their personality, driving abilities or criminality. THANK GOD I have you here to set me straight.
Yawn. Canned stereotypical response.

When you can rationally explain recourse a sovereign nation has relating to undocumented aliens and the crimes they commit, I'll be quiet. There is no Status of Forces agreement with open borders.
Yawn. Canned stereotypical response.

When you can rationally explain recourse a sovereign nation has relating to undocumented aliens and the crimes they commit, I'll be quiet. There is no Status of Forces agreement with open borders.

Go back to posting your stupid memes. Somehow, it makes you appear more intelligent.
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Plenty of available, affordable housing in NKY in good neighborhoods and school districts if you guys are looking to move out of the slums.
Ha ha. Currently, I love my neighbors. Despite all the racist remarks from lefties in this thread attacking me, our diversity is our strength, all legal, of course.
Look up the word "nationalist". Race has absolutely nothing to do with it. Just because you heard it on CNN and now want to use it to own conservatives doesn't change the facts, or the literal definition of the word.

Dems think everyone is a "white supremacist" if they value the 2A, aren't a self loathing cuck and have pride in their country and understand the connection with the founding fathers.

Western culture is superior to the third world. That's undeniable regardless of what leftists argue. There's a reason why this country rapidly rose to the top and it wasn't because of Mexico or Islam. I don't care about your race and will not bring it up unless you want to continue the left's anti-white diatribe that echoes throughout their chambers non-stop. You do not have to be white to be pro America but it has become increasingly clear that the left's goal is to make whites a minority in the country that they created. Why is this? Because the third world didn't have any skin in the game. They have no connection to the blood that was spilled, our traditions and culture. They see our nation as something to come feast off of and replicate the crap hole they just came from.That's the issue.
Because I'm the parent. Wear tight skinny jeans like the other gays, but not a skirt. He ain't Scottish

Because your daddy cares about you. He doesnt want his gay son to he automatically labeled a homo on first sighting of people once you have yhe testicular fortitude to get up out your daddys basement.

Maybe you're born gay. You sure aren't born with a dick in a skirt. Try and live in society like a goddam normal person.

Have you ever worn a skirt, Dionysus?

One great aspect about blocking certain posters is how comical responses to them are and you don’t know what the blocked account said. I have three accounts blocked. So I know instantly by the responses they are arguing with one of those accounts, but it’s funnier only seeing the responses. I see these comments but don’t know what Dio is saying, it’s hilarious. The discussion is apparently about skirts and gay sons haha. No telling what crazy nonsensical sh-t Dio is saying haha. I’m telling you guys, blocking the worst accounts is underrated.
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Buddhist temple located end of our street. One "white, non-Hispanic" group renting next door. Two whites across the street. Rest are Latino and all good folks. Oh, yeah, and the auto-repair shops end of the street near Lamar Blvd. One Latino family just got busted 6 weeks ago for running $2 M meth, coke and pot out of Mexico.

Again, my problem are the SOBs over here ILLEGALLY! They are a god damned threat to my safety. The SOBs cannot drive. As soon as your idiot ass understands as much, the better off this country will be.

Stop endangering my safety. Stop it, immediately. You and your compromising attitude will not threaten my well-being. Understand?

Well said.
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