How will they rule ??!

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Because your daddy cares about you. He doesnt want his gay son to he automatically labeled a homo
Why is it a bad thing if it's obvious someone's gay?
Maybe you're born gay. You sure aren't born with a dick in a skirt. Try and live in society like a goddam normal person.
Same question. Why do you care? How does some dude wearing a skirt impact you in any way?
Why is it a bad thing if it's obvious someone's gay?

Same question. Why do you care? How does some dude wearing a skirt impact you in any way?

"Some dude" doesn't impact me. You are confused. We are talking about a hypothetical son wearing a skirt.

If I had a son, and he wore a skirt, it would impact me because I don't want a son who is an attention whore freak.
The TRUTH about the girl in the photo. From the article:

Sandra Sanchez and her daughter were arrested on June 10 and are still detained, so Sanchez has not been able to respond to any of this. According to U.S. Border Patrol, they were only in their custody for 72 hours and were then turned over to Health and Human Services. It's unclear where Sanchez and her daughter are now.

We have no idea what happened to that little girl. She may very well have been separated from her mother, or she may not have. The reality is we don't know. However, whether or not she was separated doesn't change the fact that thousands of children were. Is also doesn't make the photos, videos and audio clips of these children being held in detention centers away from their parents any less real. It also doesn't change the fact that the policy was wrong and was correctly ended.
Confirmed many places
"Some dude" doesn't impact me. You are confused. We are talking about a hypothetical son wearing a skirt.

If I had a son, and he wore a skirt, it would impact me because I don't want a son who is an attention whore freak.
What about your daughter wearing pants? That used to be socially frowned upon and is now universally accepted. Are all of your other opinions based solely on the cultural zeitgeist like this one?
What about your daughter wearing pants? That used to be socially frowned upon and is now universally accepted. Are all of your other opinions based solely on the cultural zeitgeist like this one?

I don't want to live in your weirdo freak society that accepts men wearing skirts.

If you are a man, and wear a skirt, I will look at you like you are a weirdo and treat you as such. You want the attention, you can have it, freak. Wear shorts like the rest of the normal people do when it's hot out and appropriate for the occasion.
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I feel the same way about bow ties without tuxedos. You're doing that shit for attention. It isn't quirky, funny or ironic. You look like a doofus.

And I bet at least 3 of you 5 lefties that post here wear bow ties thinking its cool.
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I don't want to live in your weirdo freak society that accepts men wearing skirts.

If you are a man, and wear a skirt, I will look at you like you are a weirdo and treat you as such. You want the attention, you can have it, freak. Wear shorts like the rest of the normal people do when it's hot out and appropriate for the occasion.
I feel the same way about bow ties without tuxedos. You're doing that shit for attention. It isn't quirky, funny or ironic. You look like a doofus.

And I bet at least 3 of you 5 lefties that post here wear bow ties thinking its cool.
You really get worked up over fashion.
Leftists actually don’t interact or actually live around all of the shit they back. You think Pelosi is living beside illegals? No. Leftists, who bash whites and claim to love diversity when trying to manipulate them for votes, never lives in diverse communities. They live around whites.

You see, people who have had to live around illegals (me) sure as hell don’t want this culture here and see the shit show it is.

This is the kind of stupid, blanket post I'm talking about. I know you have me blocked, but I feel the need to highlight this.

I'm a liberal (OH MY GOD). My next door neighbors are Mexican, there are three African immigrant families on my street, and a muslim family lives in the house directly across the street.

Not once have I ever had an issue with any of these families. In fact, my direct neighbors are the nicest people in my neighborhood.

Liberals aren't "scared" to live with folks that are different. It's actually the opposite, you bigot.
Thought it was pretty clear he was talking about your liberal overlords, not you lefties stuck in Section 8.

Although I bet Nancy employees some Mexicans at her $25 million winery.
Meh, into appearance, not fashion. I'm a professional and need to appear as such.

Not going to show up in front of a client wearing a goddam bow tie and a skirt. That's not fashion sense, that's common sense.
If a business person’s skilled, polite, and professional why does it matter what they’re wearing? How do pants or skirts change the quality of the work?
If a business person’s...professional why does it matter what they’re wearing? How do pants or skirts change the quality of the work?

You are not professional if you are a man wearing a skirt. You are a freak showing poor judgment and I would absolutely not trust your judgment on any matter of importance if you can't even dress yourself. I sure as shit would not hire you if you walked into my office wearing a skirt. You are putting you need for attention over the absolute need to be a goddam professional with good judgment.

Have you ever worn a skirt? (Hell, we can even limit that to worn a skirt in public)
This is the kind of stupid, blanket post I'm talking about. I know you have me blocked, but I feel the need to highlight this.

I'm a liberal (OH MY GOD). My next door neighbors are Mexican, there are three African immigrant families on my street, and a muslim family lives in the house directly across the street.

Not once have I ever had an issue with any of these families. In fact, my direct neighbors are the nicest people in my neighborhood.

Liberals aren't "scared" to live with folks that are different. It's actually the opposite, you bigot.
Does anyone believe this?
Keep ignoring the extreme insanity of your party. It is destroying itself. While disgusting, it is beautiful thing to behold.
Haha...look in the mirror partner. You're obviously oblivious to the damage that Trump is doing to your party and the nation as a whole. When it all blows up in your face just remember that I told you it was going to happen.

It's also wise to know and understand Newton's laws of motion. The US is a centrist nation. Most people are neither right wing or left wing. Those who try to pull it "right" will be met with equal and opposite forces in the other direction. Same with those who try to pull it left. However history tells us that "the middle" will always move left with time.
I'm not political and I'm immediately leaving this thread after this post because I know where it's headed but one photo is not what's causing this, it's pretty shitty to seperate little kids from there parents.
Are you able to even admit that there have been a lot of lies and distortions about this separation issue or so u just want to make trump look bad how will we pay for food stamps housing education waste disposal for Anyonewho at a whim wants to come here. How will that influx of defendants with no skills be supported? Or is it like a compassion orgasm for u where once u virtue signal you are done and don’t want to do the hard stuff?
This is the kind of stupid, blanket post I'm talking about.

Liberals aren't "scared" to live with folks that are different. It's actually the opposite, you bigot.

Isn’t that a blanket statement?

And I can’t speak for him, but I think he was more referring to those rich white liberals that live in huge mansions with a gate around it, within a gated community, on top of a hill.
Does anyone believe this?
Given that most larger cities that are much more culturally diverse than rural areas are also the most liberal areas in this nation... yeah, it's believable.
Even in the red states the major metropolitan areas are blue. Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Montgomery... all blue cities in red states and all with much more cultural diversity. It's why I also always laugh when I here conservatives make such remarks. WTF do you think most of the immigrant populations settle?
Haha...look in the mirror partner. You're obviously oblivious to the damage that Trump is doing to your party and the nation as a whole. When it all blows up in your face just remember that I told you it was going to happen.

It's also wise to know and understand Newton's laws of motion. The US is a centrist nation. Most people are neither right wing or left wing. Those who try to pull it "right" will be met with equal and opposite forces in the other direction. Same with those who try to pull it left. However history tells us that "the middle" will always move left with time.

The "damage" Trump is doing to "my party" is welcomed. See, that's the thing about Trump supporters, we want corruption exposed regardless of party. We are for what is best for America, not some f****** failed, corrupt ideology. And those in the middle feel the same way.

You own the extreme left bat shit, and everybody sees it, except you.
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Given that most larger cities that are much more culturally diverse than rural areas are also the most liberal areas in this nation... yeah, it's believable.
Even in the red states the major metropolitan areas are blue. Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Montgomery... all blue cities in red states and all with much more cultural diversity. It's why I also always laugh when I here conservatives make such remarks. WTF do you think most of the immigrant populations settle?
Liberals run cities
Does anyone believe this?
whats your address I want to come be enriched with your cultural diversity