How will they rule ??!

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The "damage" Trump is doing is doing to "my party" is welcomed. See, that's the thing about Trump supporters, we want corruption exposed regardless of party. We are for what is best for America, not some f****** failed, corrupt ideology. And those in the middle feel the same way.

You own the extreme left bat shit, and everybody sees it, except you.
This post explains perfectly the difference between the left and the right in this country.

The left simply cares more about leftist ideology than the USA.

As the bumper sticker says: "Are you a Democrat... or an American?"
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I wasn’t saying sawnee was right about Mississippi, I was simply stating that what he wrote about Mississippians giving at a higher rate of personal income, and what you linked weren’t using the same comparison. Yours took into account other variables.

Please provide a link that shows ONLY money given to a state to help citizens of that state. Not highway money, National Park, military bases, or other government agencies. Strictly government aid to citizens per state.
Bill, are you not capable of research?
So government jobs aren't aids to the citizens in a state? Building highways aren't aids to states? Last I checked there are zero national parks in Mississippi...and since it is the poorest state in the nation I'm guessing that it's going to rank pretty highly (or is that lowly) in "Strictly government aid to citizens"....
There are 47 military bases and 8 national parks in California yet it only receives about 90 cents in government spending for each dollar sent to Washington.
WTF do you think most of the immigrant populations settle?

Exactly. And where most african americans are, thus your party's lust for voters is hurting them the most. Why do you want to crowd their schools (costs multiples of reg student to educate a migrant) and suppress their wages? And while most of the country is seeing a decline in violent crime, the top 50 cities is seeing an increase. Why do you want them to risk being killed and/or raped on their journey due to you wanting their votes, and then putting them in greater harm by them settling in those most violent areas??? You are so bad for people of color, have you no shame????
Where was your outrage when this was happening during the Obama administration?
Globalists favorite hobby is child traffickinga close second is pedophilia ; bill Maher can enroll these brown tots in his kid love productions front so he and his pals can diddle with brown kids they love it
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Bill, are you not capable of research?
So government jobs aren't aids to the citizens in a state? Building highways aren't aids to states? Last I checked there are zero national parks in Mississippi...and since it is the poorest state in the nation I'm guessing that it's going to rank pretty highly (or is that lowly) in "Strictly government aid to citizens"....
There are 47 military bases and 8 national parks in California yet it only receives about 90 cents in government spending for each dollar sent to Washington.

I wasn’t the one making the argument about sucking off the Govt teet.

There is a difference between welfare to help people survive and govt money for bases, roads, and the such.
The point is that this has been going on for years but the media is latching onto this now to simply create anti-Trump bias. I'm not a politically active guy & I think most elected republicans & Democrats are morons. BUT....I mean come on! Enough is enough! I'm disturbed by what I've seen in the media the last couple of years before & after election.

Let the country move forward & quit whining. Report on the actual good things that's happened under Trump's watch:
-record low-level African American unemployment levels
-20year low unemployment levels across the board
-tax breaks
-increase in wages
-record DOW, S&P levels
-progress with N. Korea on our own terms
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Given that most larger cities that are much more culturally diverse than rural areas are also the most liberal areas in this nation... yeah, it's believable.
Even in the red states the major metropolitan areas are blue. Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Montgomery... all blue cities in red states and all with much more cultural diversity. It's why I also always laugh when I here conservatives make such remarks. WTF do you think most of the immigrant populations settle?
And most of the immigrants settle in clusters, together. Asians with other Asians. Somalis with other Somalis. Latinos with other Latinos. Sure, a white guy might live in a neighborhood with one of those groups. But he just happens to live right next to one of each? Sure.
I wasn’t the one making the argument about sucking off the Govt teet.

There is a difference between welfare to help people survive and govt money for bases, roads, and the such.
Yes...and welfare generally goes to the poorer states...right?
Mississippi, Arkansas, West Va, Alabama, Kentucky... the five lowest income states. If not for New Mexico red states would enjoy a sweep of the bottom 12.
Yes...and welfare generally goes to the poorer states...right?
Mississippi, Arkansas, West Va, Alabama, Kentucky... the five lowest income states. If not for New Mexico red states would enjoy a sweep of the bottom 12.

Then simply post the numbers Fuzz. What is the amount given to each state in welfare.

California has a ton of billionaires and millionaires, it’s a beautiful state. However, those high numbers of rich offset the average income of the mass numbers of piss poor people.

I looked at the list and Hawaii was in the top 5 on income. I was in Hawaii last week, Oahu. The amount of people living in squalor alongside roads, in ditches, along creeks completely blew my mind. Rusted out cars without wheels just left along roads everywhere, jet skis just abandoned and parted out along roads.
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Even after our pos POTUS and J Sessions and everyone else on his team back off this policy there are still people trying to defend it and blaming the media?????????

That's what your gullible rear believes. Keep listening to the You DO UNDERSTAND this DID NOT start with Trump. This has been going on under Bush, Obama, & now Trump. But because it's Trump media decided to make it a story & feed the narrative of how bad a racist he is etc. It's all about politics.
Yes...and welfare generally goes to the poorer states...right?
Mississippi, Arkansas, West Va, Alabama, Kentucky... the five lowest income states. If not for New Mexico red states would enjoy a sweep of the bottom 12.

States with the most people on food stamps:

  • Louisiana. • Number of food stamp recipients: 868,192. ...
  • Tennessee. • Number of food stamp recipients: Just over 1.28 million. ...
  • Oregon. • Number of food stamp recipients: 791,222. ...
  • West Virginia. • Number of food stamp recipients: 369,249. ...
  • New Mexico. • Number of food stamp recipients: 448,328. ...
  • Mississippi. ...
  • District of Columbia.
Yes...and welfare generally goes to the poorer states...right?
Mississippi, Arkansas, West Va, Alabama, Kentucky... the five lowest income states. If not for New Mexico red states would enjoy a sweep of the bottom 12.

That doesn't tell the whole story Fuzz. For instance, in Kentucky the biggest cluster of welfare recipients is in western Louisville. That area votes 80%-90% democrat. So its a red state with its largest city being heavily blue. The welfare crowd is your party's bread and butter.

Given that most larger cities that are much more culturally diverse than rural areas are also the most liberal areas in this nation... yeah, it's believable.
Even in the red states the major metropolitan areas are blue. Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Montgomery... all blue cities in red states and all with much more cultural diversity. It's why I also always laugh when I here conservatives make such remarks. WTF do you think most of the immigrant populations settle?

It's not that simple. "Cultural diversity" doesn't automatically mean "cultural integration." That's the thing about liberals - it's all about optics. Cities aren't culturally diverse because they're liberal; they're liberal because their populations contain a high percentage of groups most easily manipulated by liberal promises - the poor, the uneducated, immigrants, minorities, low-information voters, etc. The offsetting middle to upper classes? They've moved to the suburbs and surrounding counties. They didn't become more "enlightened" and accepting and inclusive; they fled. The wealth doesn't tend to stay in the metropolitan areas. Louisville's wealth tends to flee to Oldham County or the suburbs - Anchorage, Prospect, Middletown, Mockingbird Valley, Glenview, etc. Nashville? It fled to Brentwood/Williamson Co. Memphis? It fled to the suburbs of Shelby Co. Same scenario with the other cities you mentioned. You can see the same effect on a smaller scale in Jefferson County public schools with the whole busing mess. "We need to be more diverse, so we'll take whites from here and bus them over there, and blacks from there and bus them over here." And it's been a disaster. It's allowed the Board to pat itself on the back and say "look how culturally diverse our schools are," but it's done very little to integrate whites and blacks or increase performance.
It's not that simple. "Cultural diversity" doesn't automatically mean "cultural integration." That's the thing about liberals - it's all about optics. Cities aren't culturally diverse because they're liberal; they're liberal because their populations contain a high percentage of groups most easily manipulated by liberal promises - the poor, the uneducated, immigrants, minorities, low-information voters, etc. The offsetting middle to upper classes? They've moved to the suburbs and surrounding counties. They didn't become more "enlightened" and accepting and inclusive; they fled. The wealth doesn't tend to stay in the metropolitan areas. Louisville's wealth tends to flee to Oldham County or the suburbs - Anchorage, Prospect, Middletown, Mockingbird Valley, Glenview, etc. Nashville? It fled to Brentwood/Williamson Co. Memphis? It fled to the suburbs of Shelby Co. Same scenario with the other cities you mentioned. You can see the same effect on a smaller scale in Jefferson County public schools with the whole busing mess. "We need to be more diverse, so we'll take whites from here and bus them over there, and blacks from there and bus them over here." And it's been a disaster. It's allowed the Board to pat itself on the back and say "look how culturally diverse our schools are," but it's done very little to integrate whites and blacks or increase performance.

Good post. Fuzz has his head so far up is brainwashed ideological ass that he can't see reality. Liberal social engineering is the biggest crock of shit ever and it must be stopped.

Edit: as has been said of liberals: "Means well, destroys everything". Although many don't GAF about anything except power.
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Lol, wonder why the media never acknowledged that Obama was 100% doing the same things. I just can't think of the reason why they never aired Obama's dirty laundry.

"Obama, coolest president eva!!"
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It's not that simple. "Cultural diversity" doesn't automatically mean "cultural integration." That's the thing about liberals - it's all about optics. Cities aren't culturally diverse because they're liberal; they're liberal because their populations contain a high percentage of groups most easily manipulated by liberal promises - the poor, the uneducated, immigrants, minorities, low-information voters, etc. The offsetting middle to upper classes? They've moved to the suburbs and surrounding counties. They didn't become more "enlightened" and accepting and inclusive; they fled. The wealth doesn't tend to stay in the metropolitan areas. Louisville's wealth tends to flee to Oldham County or the suburbs - Anchorage, Prospect, Middletown, Mockingbird Valley, Glenview, etc. Nashville? It fled to Brentwood/Williamson Co. Memphis? It fled to the suburbs of Shelby Co. Same scenario with the other cities you mentioned. You can see the same effect on a smaller scale in Jefferson County public schools with the whole busing mess. "We need to be more diverse, so we'll take whites from here and bus them over there, and blacks from there and bus them over here." And it's been a disaster. It's allowed the Board to pat itself on the back and say "look how culturally diverse our schools are," but it's done very little to integrate whites and blacks or increase performance.
Hope you are prepared for some made up personal stories that disproves all of this and 8-12 rambling questions back.
It's not that simple. "Cultural diversity" doesn't automatically mean "cultural integration." That's the thing about liberals - it's all about optics. Cities aren't culturally diverse because they're liberal; they're liberal because their populations contain a high percentage of groups most easily manipulated by liberal promises - the poor, the uneducated, immigrants, minorities, low-information voters, etc. The offsetting middle to upper classes? They've moved to the suburbs and surrounding counties. They didn't become more "enlightened" and accepting and inclusive; they fled. The wealth doesn't tend to stay in the metropolitan areas. Louisville's wealth tends to flee to Oldham County or the suburbs - Anchorage, Prospect, Middletown, Mockingbird Valley, Glenview, etc. Nashville? It fled to Brentwood/Williamson Co. Memphis? It fled to the suburbs of Shelby Co. Same scenario with the other cities you mentioned. You can see the same effect on a smaller scale in Jefferson County public schools with the whole busing mess. "We need to be more diverse, so we'll take whites from here and bus them over there, and blacks from there and bus them over here." And it's been a disaster. It's allowed the Board to pat itself on the back and say "look how culturally diverse our schools are," but it's done very little to integrate whites and blacks or increase performance.

Yep. Dead on.

Leftists think things magically get better if you take someone from a shitty culture, environment and values and then drop them into a place of normalcy and then reverse it with someone who came from a family who made good choices and then drop them off in a bunch of shit and expect it to be okay.
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Good post. Fuzz has his head so far up is brainwashed ideological ass that he can't see reality. Liberal social engineering is the biggest crock of shit ever and it must be stopped.

Edit: as has been said of liberals: "Means well, destroys everything". Although many don't GAF about anything except power.
I would disagree on the "Means well..." part.

I don't think they "mean well": I think they act strictly for the benefit of ideology.
So, now I'm more concerned about that woman not being arrested and separated from her daughter more than I am the fake news. She was an illegal reentry. That's a felony. She was also making false asylum claims. That's a felony. Economic migrants aren't genuine asylum seekers. Never have been.

If any should have been arrested, detained and prosecuted, it's her. She's a prime example, the poster child, for the abuse of the system and disregard for the law that takes place on the border.
I'm not political and I'm immediately leaving this thread after this post because I know where it's headed but one photo is not what's causing this, it's pretty shitty to seperate little kids from there parents.

I'm much more concerned that half of society finds it perfectly acceptable to:
  • Attempt to get an NBA coach fired because he attended a Trump Rally.
  • Willing use a falsified photo to incite rage and skew the truth.
  • Have a major "unbiased" news network falsely report that Manafort being charged with 5 counts of manslaughter.

    (All happened in like a 24 hour span)
These should be infinitely more alarming to society than temporarily holding 2,000 non-american kids. And I absolutely would feel that way if it were 2,000 conservative children while the conservative media tried to silence the liberals. I just don't see holding kids, even if they cry, as some sort of heinous crime.
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