How will they rule ??!

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And thousands of the unaccompanied ones he released, his administration placed in the care of human traffickers.
Can't remember if it was here or another site that I read about the use of "unaccompanied minor" tag. That is the liberal go to now. At any rate, in 2004 it became policy that any child under 18 whose parents are detained and not with them shall be referred to guessed it....unaccompanied minor. So, we really don't know how many were separated from family under Obama because they were all unaccompanied minors. @cardkilla
Not really. First, Fonda wasn't joking. He was literally unhinged and seething. Second, go back and read the thread during the Roseanne joke event. The outrage, condemnation and hyperbole from them was over the top and insufferable.

Does Peter Fonda have a hit show that we could fire him from? If he did, I'd be all for it.
Does Peter Fonda have a hit show that we could fire him from? If he did, I'd be all for it.

Fair enough. Also, when I first replied, I didn't see the edit in you previous comment correcting that it wasn't a joke.

Anyways, I couldn't care less, really. If you notice, I haven't made a single comment on Fonda nor do I care if he is fired. I don't need to virtue signal, feign outrage and demand that others condemn him, then accuse them of supporting him if they don't condemn him in a satisfactory manner. His words stand on their own. They speak for themselves.

I was merely pointing out that every time something like that happens involving a conservative, they flock to this thread like flies on shit, trying to hold us all accountable for the actions of others, then demand that we condemn them and accuse us of supporting what they said/did if our condemnation doesn't satisfy them.
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Fair enough. Also, when I first replied, I didn't see the edit in you previous comment correcting that it wasn't a joke.

Anyways, I couldn't care less, really. If you notice, I haven't made a single comment on Fonda nor do I care if he is fired. I don't need to virtue signal, feign outrage and demand that others condemn him, then accuse them of supporting him if they don't condemn him in a satisfactory manner. His words stand on their own. They speak for themselves.

I was merely pointing out that every time something like that happens involving a conservative, they flock to this thread like flies on shit, trying to hold us all accountable for the actions of others, then demand that we condemn them and accuse us of supporting what they said/did if our condemnation doesn't satisfy them.

The only issue with that is this: this board almost unanimously defended Roseanne. Most agreed that she didn't even say anything racist, ignoring hundreds of years of context. Big difference.

If people had just said, "Yeah. What she said was inexcusable and racist", the topic would have ended rather quickly.

That’s a reply under that tweet. Accurate.

What happened to all of the left’s predictions? Thought gays were getting snatched up and blacks were going to be put in chains and Trump was going to be a dictator and slaughter everyone and that the stock market would crash and we’d be in World War 3?
ignoring hundreds of years of context.

Spare me, please. You're proving my over the top, hyperbolic, insufferable point.

If people had just said, "Yeah. What she said was inexcusable and racist", the topic would have ended rather quickly.

Most everyone agreed it was tacky, classless and inexcusable. Not everyone is a race-baiter that sees racism in everything. That doesn't make them racists or supporters of racism. Sorry.
Spare me, please. You're proving my over the top, hyperbolic, insufferable point.

Most everyone agreed it was tacky, classless and inexcusable. Not everyone is a race-baiter that sees racism in everything. That doesn't make them racists or supporters of racism. Sorry.

Calling out/recognizing a racist statement is not race-baiting. But ok.

You're also proving my point.

Good day, sir.
Calling out/recognizing a racist statement is not race-baiting. But ok.

You're also proving my point.

Good day, sir.

Yeah, not really. And I'm definitely not going to sit here and rehash the Roseanne debate it with you.

Although, just so you know, when I see an ape, I don't automatically make the connection to black people because of irrelevant historical context. This is 2018, my dude. Get you head out of the racism is everywhere gutter. In my opinion, those who automatically make that connection are the real racists.
Yeah, not really. And I'm definitely not going to sit here and rehash the Roseanne debate it with you.

Although, just so you know, when I see an ape, I don't automatically make the connection to black people because of irrelevant historical context. This is 2018, my dude. Get you head out of the racism is everywhere gutter. In my opinion, those who automatically make that connection are the real racists.

Ok, man. I wasn't interested in it either cause it's not worth my time. Especially considering that ludicrous statement.

Once again, good day, sir.
[laughing] (Yes, I realize it's satire)

MTV Apologizes For Briefly Airing Something Other Than Mindless Trash

A spokesperson for MTV has finally apologized after the cable channel aired Chris Pratt’s brief acceptance speech at the MTV Movie & TV Awards earlier this week, stating that the content of his address was not totally vapid, mindless trash, and as such wasn’t in line with the network’s usual programming standards and core values.

The spokesperson told MTV viewers that Pratt’s message of hope, faith, and responsibility is “totally at odds” with the values of the channel that airs an almost constant barrage of “Jersey Shore” and “Teen Mom” spin-offs. According to the spokesperson, Pratt’s speech wasn’t vetted in advance for positive, Judeo-Christian values. Censors scrambled to bleep out words like “God,” “love,” and “pray,” but “the damage was done.” The network claims it is putting new standards into place for future awards shows, and will train its censors to prevent the channel’s international audience from hearing anything remotely helpful and encouraging.

“We regret if any of our viewers were exposed to a positive, faith-affirming message, and would like to offer a weekend marathon of ‘Teen Mom 2’ as a way to make amends,” the spokesperson said in the heartfelt apology video. “While we made a mistake here, we’d like to remind our viewers that we are the number-one source of vapid, cynical entertainment for teens and young adults, and we’re committed to making up for airing Pratt’s speech by absolutely burying you with new episodes of ‘Ex on the Beach’ and ‘MTV Floribama Shore.'”
Pratt is lucky that immigration took attention, he was going to get dragged.
As far as I can tell, mdl has never been POTUS and has never claimed the US has 57 states.
As far as I can tell, he made fun of someone's speech while having multiple errors in a 2 sentence post. That's irony, I know you guys only see things through your tribal polititard glasses, but that's irony for normal people.
Because you were playing the grammar police. How do you still not get it?
I responded to a jameslee32 post,

“Do you or Trump ever complete a paragraph without mentioning Obama???”

I said obummer did the same with Bush and FOX.

You poked your nose in as the grammar police. Not sure how that was grammar related.

How are you not getting that?
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Someone gets it. How the black community has allowed themselves to continued to be used by Democrats is so insane.

Have you, by any chance, ever said the words "but what about Chicago?"

Just curious. You seem like one of those "personal responsibility" losers...maybe you've even said something along the lines of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps." LOL you need to get out more, bro.
Anybody know why in the hell this orange cuck held a rally last night in Duluth, MN?

I'll watch the video later, but I was wondering....

How was the crowd size?
I responded to a jameslee32 post,

“Do you or Trump ever complete a paragraph without mentioning Obama???”

I said obummer did the same with Bush and FOX.

You poked your nose in as the grammar police. Not sure how that was grammar related.

How are you not getting that?
You said he couldn't complete a speech without a teleprompter in a short post riddled with errors. That's irony, stop being so sensitive. Don't you call those type of people snowflakes?
Especially considering that ludicrous statement.

What ludicrous is your so caught up on race that you automatically make the connection of ape = black people.

You can't fathom how a person can easily tell a joke about someone looking like an ape, without any racist intentions behind it, because of that someone's ugly face, and not the color of their skin. Being ugly isn't a race.
Nothing I said was incorrect, was it? Made a couple errors typing on a phone. You can’t refute the post, just resort to being childish.
Yes it was incorrect, Obama and every other president we've had can complete a speech without using a teleprompter, modern politicians, hell even Coach Cal use the teleprompter because it's a great tool to utilize. I wasn't trying to refute your incorrect post, I was just pointing out the irony.